6,221 research outputs found

    Plan piloto de mantenimiento preventivo a aplicar en el Edificio de Oncología del Hospital San Juan de Dios

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura Ingeniero en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2006.En presente estudio consiste en proponer un plan piloto de mantenimiento preventivo para el edificio de Oncología del Hospital San Juan de Dios, específicamente para dos de los cuatro niveles que presentan condiciones similares de hospitalización. A través del análisis de la información disponible de la oficina de mantenimiento del hospital se evidencia que para el periodo de junio a octubre no existió mantenimiento preventivo, únicamente se actuó de forma correctiva y al analizar las causas se determina que aplicando mantenimiento preventivo a un 23% de las causas de mayor incidencia se disminuye un 85,71% la cantidad de solicitudes de trabajos correctivos. Aunado a esto se genera una disminución de un 85,03% de los costos correctivos. Con los registros de los edificios del hospital que tiene el departamento de mantenimiento del hospital y con base en la aplicación de la Ley 80-20 se diseña un software de mantenimiento preventivo que contiene un cronograma y listas de costos de materiales y mano de obra, con el fin de calcular los costos totales de efectuar cada una de las diferentes actividades

    Exploring the Staphylococcus aureus cell wall for invariant immunodominant targets

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    Bovine mastitis is the most common livestock disease affecting the dairy industry. It refers to an infection of the mammary gland or udder. This disease can be caused by different bacteria, with Staphylococcus aureus being one of the most common causative agents. Mastitis is usually treated with antibiotics, but a vaccine to prevent this infection would be preferable, because S. aureus rapidly acquires antibiotic resistance. Unfortunately, no anti-staphylococcal vaccine is currently available. Therefore, the present PhD research was aimed at the characterization of potential targets for the development of anti-staphylococcal vaccines that protect not only livestock, but also humans. The approach involved the identification and genetic typing of S. aureus isolates from milk samples of cows suffering from mastitis. The subsequent identification of surface-exposed or cell wall-located proteins from S. aureus mastitis isolates was achieved by proteomics, using cell surface shaving and cell wall protein extraction. Cell surface-exposed antigens were produced and isolated using a Lactococcus lactis-based expression system. Selected purified antigens were individually used for immunization of mice, which elicited strong but non-protective immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses. Finally, several antigen domains were used to map the epitopes recognized by IgGs from immunized mice, colonized humans and cows suffering from mastitis. The results highlight differential species-specific IgG responses against the investigated staphylococcal antigens and their domains. Altogether, the research described in this thesis presents new leads towards the development of vaccines that protect frail individuals from life-threatening staphylococcal diseases, and dairy farmers from the painful losses caused by bovine mastitis

    Proyecto feedback Frontend Móvil

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    Treball Final de Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica. Codi: EI1054. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021En este documento se incluye la memoria del Trabajo Final de Grado que ha sido desarrollado en el transcurso de la estancia en prácticas en Cuatroochenta. El proyecto que se ha desarrollado durante la estancia ha consistido en una aplicación móvil orientada a la realización de publicaciones por parte de gente que esta aprendiendo sobre un tópico y desean recibir una retroalimentación sobre el trabajo que han realizado. Asimismo, los usuarios de la aplicación también podrán realizar otro tipo de acciones como consultar los rankings o sus datos del perfil. El proyecto es una aplicación Android Nativa. Es por ello que ha sido desarrollado en Kotlin y XML, para la gestión de la lógica y de las vistas respectivamente. Además el desarrollo ha seguido la metodología ágil SCRUM, en la cual se han ordenado las diferentes historias estimadas y ordenadas en una product backlog. En proyecto ha sido realizado conjuntamente con otro compañero encargado de la parte del Backend, con el cual se ha tenido que trabajar para analizar y diseñar el sistema sobre todo durante las primeras fases del desarrollo

    Nimodipino mas Sulfato de Magnesio versus Nimodipino para la prevención del vasoespasmo cerebral post hemorragia Subaracnoidea por aneurisma. Hospital Escuela Antonio Lenin Fonseca de septiembre a Diciembre 2016

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    El presente ensayo clínico busca la comparación de Nimodipino mas Sulfato de Magnesio versus Nimodipino para la prevención del vasoespasmo cerebral post hemorragia Subaracnoidea por aneurisma. Hospital Escuela Antonio Lenin Fonseca de septiembre a Diciembre 2016. El tratamiento indicado para la HSA es principalmente el uso de Nimodipino que está dirigido fundamentalmente a prevenir el resangrado, combatir el vasoespasmo que puede aparecer secundariamente y tratar de evitar los daños neurológicos, pero se han realizado estudios en otros países que han demostrado una tendencia hacia una menor incidencia de vasoespasmo al utilizar Nimodipino mas sulfato de magnesio. Objetivo: Comparar la efectividad de Nimodipino mas sulfato de magnesio versus Nimodipino, para la prevención del vasoespasmo post hemorragia Subaracnoidea por aneurisma. Hospital Escuela Antonio Lenin Fonseca, de Septiembre a Diciembre 2016. Material y métodos: Ensayo clínico controlado. El estudio se realizó en una muestra de 12 pacientes diagnosticados con hemorragia subaracnoidea por aneurisma que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión siendo distribuidos de manera aleatoria, 6 pacientes en cada grupo. Ambos grupos recibieron el Nimodipino a dosis de 60 mg vía oral cada 4 horas desde su ingreso. Al grupo A se le agrego sulfato de magnesio en dosis inicial de 30 mg/kg y dosis de mantenimiento de 1 gr IV cada 8 horas por tres días en los líquidos de mantenimiento. En ambos grupos se compararon según su clasificación de Hunt y Hess, escala de Fisher, el Glasgow inicial. Y posteriormente se le dio seguimiento para evaluar el desarrollo o no del vasoespasmo desde el punto de vista clínico y radiológico. v Resultados: Se incluyeron a 12 pacientes, distribuidos en 6 pacientes para cada grupo, donde el promedio de edad más frecuente fue después de la cuarta década de la vida, predominando el sexo femenino y la presentación de la escala de grado de Hunt y Hess fue más frecuente en grado II y en escala Fisher grado 3. El vasoespasmo se observó en 4 pacientes y uno de ellos sufrió desenlacé de mortalidad. Conclusión: El sulfato de magnesio resulto ser eficaz en la prevención del vasoespasmo cerebral. El pronóstico neurológico de estos pacientes fue mejor en los que recibieron sulfato de magnesio

    Juan Comas Camps: esquema de una vida.

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    Involving Latino Parents in the Middle-Level School: A Study of First-Generation and Second-Generation Mexican and Mexican-American Parents

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    The middle school level years demand critical attention in educational reform. Culturally diverse students in the United States show levels of academic achievement which are lower then those of other students. Children from oppressed minority groups often show high rates of dropping out as well as poor academic achievement. They are often profiled as students who are unmotivated and who have parents that are unresponsive to their growth and development in terms of educational attainment. However, this conception of poor academic achievement and lack of parental involvement is unfounded since research indicates that culturally diverse parents value education and have high standards for academic excellence in student performance. The purpose of this study was to examine factors that promote Hispanic parent involvement at the middle school level. A triangulation analysis was used as a guiding methodology for the development of a conceptual framework for a Hispanic parent involvement model at the middle school level. The triangulation analysis was accomplished through a methodological mix by using strategies that identified the factors that promoted Latino parent involvement at the middle school level. Three goals were achieved in the triangulation analysis: (1) the current review of the literature was studied in order to analyze successful parent involvement models for Latino parents; (2) interviews were conducted with expert panel members in the content area and analyzed to yield themes that emerged from the study; and (3) Mexican and Mexican American parents participated in focus group interviews. Mexican and Mexican American parents were interviewed concerning their needs in the development of a Hispanic parent involvement. A collaborative Hispanic parent involvement model was developed. The results of the study showed that in order to implement a Hispanic parent model at the middle level, there were critical themes which emerged including parent development, communication development, cognitive development, decision making, and social and cultural processes. These critical components used can be applied to culturally diverse parent typologies. The development of a collaborative model for Latino parents engages students, parents, and staff members to become active constituents and become empowered in a democratic participatory process. Mexican and Mexican American parents become change agents in socio-political and cultural contexts for systemic change in order to improve educational reform. Epstein\u27s typology of overlapping spheres of influence of family, school, community on children\u27s learning has major impact in school improvement and in the effectiveness of reaching out to parents in home-school collaboration. The results of the qualitative study indicated that in order to work effectively with culturally diverse parents, educators need to understand and be aware of the socio-political and cultural aspects of culture sensitivity, family values, language, belief system, and traditions. Culturally diverse parents are unique constituents that are powerful stakeholders in their children\u27s education. The basic implications for this study are that the collaborative model may be used as a practical application model at the K-12 grade level, to understand adolescent development, to improve and increase parent participation, and to empower parents to be partners in education. This Hispanic model can be used as a formative evaluation to improve the instructional services to all constituents since the model will have a profound impact on parental participation and a direct influence on student achievement

    Public participation and the role of social networks in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Spain

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    The Water Framework Directive establishes a common framework for EU water policy. One of its guiding principles is the promotion of public participation in water planning and management. In response to this requirement, River Basin Authorities are undertaking public participation and consultation processes as part of the elaboration of the Draft Basin Management Plans. This article describes and analyzes these processes, placing them in the context of wider public discussions and debates over water policy that have taken place in Spain over the past two decades. The paper argues that some of the strengths of Spanish WFD-related public participation processes derive from the significant improvement in the amount of information made available to the public, and from the relationships that are established between different stakeholder groups and between these and the water administration. On the other hand, the lack of credibility and legitimacy of some processes is related to the lack of political leadership and commitment to public participation, to insufficient inter-administrative cooperation, and to the persistence of parallel channels of communication between traditional water users and water managers. The paper also points to some potential areas of improvement such as the methodological design of public participation processes, a clarification of their impact on specific plans and proposals, and a search for tools to adequately inform and incorporate the wider public in water policy debates. Finally, the paper discusses the role that social networks, built around the ideas and goals of the New Water Culture, are playing in water policy debates by demanding more transparent and sustainable water policy decision making.Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua. Universidad de Zaragoza

    Building a New Water Culture in Spain

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    For over 100 years, water policy and man­ agement in Spain have been instruments of economic and social transformation. Sig­ nificant public and private investments in water supply infrastructures have equipped Spain with over 1,200 major dams, 20 major desalination plants ? with more under construction ? and several inter­basin water transfers. The system has been apparently very successful, with an increase in overall water availability, strong associated eco­ nomic development and few urban water supply shortages. This success has been supported by a widespread consensus among a strong and largely closed water policy community made up of water manag­ ers, irrigators, electric (hydropower) utilities and developers

    Embarazo en la adolescencia: cómo ocurre en la sociedad actual

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    ResumenEn México, el 20% de los nacimientos anuales se presenta en madres menores de 20 años. Su importancia radica en el hecho de que el impacto de los embarazos en adolescentes comienza con los riesgos para la salud de la madre y su hijo. Estos riesgos son mayores a medida que la edad de la gestante es menor y en especial cuando, debido a las condiciones sociales y económicas, el cuidado de la salud es inferior a lo ideal, lo cual es determinante en el desarrollo psicosocial materno posterior. Se ha señalado que los jóvenes con baja escolaridad, con menores expectativas académicas y laborales, y con menor autoestima y asertividad tienden a iniciar a más temprana edad su vida sexual activa, a utilizar menos los anticonceptivos y, en el caso de las jóvenes, a quedarse embarazadas, con el riesgo de llegar al aborto por la falta de condiciones y conocimientos que faciliten una decisión mejor. Por ello es imprescindible tener en cuenta el contexto cultural y las características especiales de la familia para entender de forma preventiva la situación de la adolescente con riesgo de embarazo.AbstractIn Mexico, 20% of annual births occur in mothers younger than 20 years old. The importance of this is that the impact of pregnancies in adolescents begins with the risks for the mothers’ health and their children. The younger the age of the woman, the bigger the risk, especially when the social and economic conditions result in healthcare below the ideal, which is decisive in later maternal psychosocial development. It has been pointed out that youngsters with low-level education, with lower academic and work expectations and with lower self-esteem and assertiveness tend to begin their active sexual life at an earlier age, to use contraceptives less and, in the case of young women, to get pregnant. These young pregnant women are at risk of aborting because of the lack of conditions and knowledge that might facilitate a better decision. It is consequently indispensable to take the social context and special family characteristics into account to understand preventatively the situation of an adolescent with pregnancy risk

    Avaliação de nitrato na Zona Úmida Nacional Térraba-Sierpe

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    This research aimed to describe, spatially and temporally, the concentrations of nitrates in correlation with anthropogenic activities surrounding the Sierpe River that crosses the National Térraba-Sierpe Wetland (HNTS). Although territorially protected by Costa Rican legislation, this wetland is surrounded by intense agricultural activity. In 2018, monthly monitoring of pH, nitrates, and dissolved oxygen was carried out in fourteen points of the river. A baseline around 5 mg NO3- / L was obtained in periods without agricultural activities and peaks up to 20 mg NO3- / L after fertilization activities. Correspondingly, a decrease in dissolved oxygen and pH was observed on days of high agricultural activity. In the months following fertilization, accelerated growth of aquatic plants and a general deterioration in mangrove reproduction were observed by collaborators of the HNTS management and surveillance program. Nevertheless, when high nitrates concentration in agricultural areas are observed,  their decline is also observed in the direction of the river's flow until it reaches its mouth.  This facts shows the still active function of the wetland and its importance in the processing of nitrates. To regulate activities not only in the territorial limit but also in the limits of the water system surrounding the HNTS is recommended to protect this ecosystem function.El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir espacial y temporalmente las concentraciones de nitratos en correlación con las actividades antropogénicas que rodean el río Sierpe que atraviesa el Humedal Nacional Térraba-Sierpe (HNTS). Aunque protegido territorialmente por la legislación costarricense, este humedal está rodeado por una intensa actividad agrícola. En el 2018 se realizó un monitoreo mensual de pH, nitratos y oxígeno disuelto (OD) en catorce puntos del río. Se obtuvo una línea base alrededor de 5 mg NO3-/L en períodos sin actividades agrícolas y picos hasta de 20 mg NO3-/L después de las actividades de fertilización. Correspondientemente se observó disminución de OD y pH en los días de alta actividad agrícola. En los meses posteriores a la fertilización, los colaboradores del programa de manejo y vigilancia del HNTS observan un crecimiento acelerado de plantas acuáticas y un deterioro general en la reproducción del manglar. Sin embargo, cuando se observa una alta concentración de nitratos en áreas agrícolas, también se observa su declive en la dirección del flujo del río hasta su desembocadura. Este hecho muestra la función aún activa del humedal y su importancia en el procesamiento de nitratos. Se recomienda regular las actividades no solo en el límite territorial sino también en los límites del sistema hídrico circundante al HNTS para proteger esta función ecosistémica.Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo descrever espacial e temporariamente as concentrações de nitrato em correlação com as atividades antropogênicas que cercam o rio Sierpe. Este rio atravessa a Zona Úmida Nacional Térraba-Sierpe (HNTS) que, embora territorialmente protegida pela legislação costarriquenha, é cercada por intensa atividade agrícola. Em 2018, foi realizado um monitoramento mensal de pH, nitratos e oxigênio dissolvido em catorze pontos do rio, onde foi obtida uma linha de base em torno de 5 mg NO3-/L em períodos sem atividades agrícolas e picos de até 20 mg NO3-/L após eventos de fertilização. Correspondentemente, observou-se a diminuição do oxigênio dissolvido e do pH nos dias de alta atividade agrícola. Nos meses seguintes à fertilização, os colaboradores do programa de gestão e vigilância do HNTS observam um crescimento acelerado de plantas aquáticas e uma deterioração geral na reprodução de manguezais. No entanto, a concentração de nitratos diminui sistematicamente na direção do fluxo do rio até chegar à foz, o que mostra a função ainda ativa da zona úmida e sua importância no processamento de nitratos. A fim de proteger essa função ecossistêmica, recomenda-se a necessidade de regulação das atividades, não apenas dentro do limite territorial, mas também dos limites do sistema de água em torno do HNTS