1,018 research outputs found

    Rockfall Hazard Assessment in Volcanic Regions Based on ISVS and IRVS Geomechanical Indices

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    In volcanic regions, rockfalls represent a major hazard strongly conditioned by the geomechanical behaviour of volcanic materials, the geomorphological characteristics of the relief and the climatic conditions. Volcanic rocks possess very different properties to those of other lithological groups, presenting highly heterogeneous geomechanical behaviours. Nevertheless, they have received little research attention in the field of geological and geotechnical engineering. To date, the application of geomechanical classifications to characterise and estimate volcanic slope stability has not yielded reliable results, indicating the need to establish specific criteria for these rocks. Consequently, we developed indices to estimate rockfall susceptibility, hazard and risk in volcanic slopes. The index of susceptibility for volcanic slopes (ISVS) is designed to estimate slope susceptibility to instability, which is related to the level of hazard, while the index of risk for volcanic slopes (IRVS) is designed to estimate the level of risk as a function of the potential damage or economic loss caused as a result of rockfalls on slopes. Both indices were developed in order to provide an easily applied procedure that facilitates the adoption of short-term preventive measures against rockfalls. The indices were applied in Tenerife (Canary Islands), which presents exceptional conditions for analysing slope stability in volcanic rocks because of its mountainous orography with very steep slopes and a wide variety of materials. These conditions have frequently precipitated slope instability, causing significant damage to housing, beaches, roads and other infrastructures. After applying these indices to a number of slopes representative of the island’s wide variety of geological, geomorphological and climatic conditions, the results obtained were compared with the actual behaviour of the slopes, determined from extensive rockfall inventory data and in situ geomechanical survey

    New Approaches for Teaching Soil and Rock Mechanics Using Information and Communication Technologies

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    Soil and rock mechanics are disciplines with a strong conceptual and methodological basis. Initially, when engineering students study these subjects, they have to understand new theoretical phenomena, which are explained through mathematical and/or physical laws (e.g. consolidation process, water flow through a porous media). In addition to the study of these phenomena, students have to learn how to carry out estimations of soil and rock parameters in laboratories according to standard tests. Nowadays, information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide a unique opportunity to improve the learning process of students studying the aforementioned subjects. In this paper, we describe our experience of the incorporation of ICTs into the classical teaching-learning process of soil and rock mechanics and explain in detail how we have successfully developed various initiatives which, in summary, are: (a) implementation of an online social networking and microblogging service (using Twitter) for gradually sending key concepts to students throughout the semester (gradual learning); (b) detailed online virtual laboratory tests for a delocalized development of lab practices (self-learning); (c) integration of different complementary learning resources (e.g. videos, free software, technical regulations, etc.) using an open webpage. The complementary use to the classical teaching-learning process of these ICT resources has been highly satisfactory for students, who have positively evaluated this new approach.This work has been developed in the framework of the RECLAND Project. It has been funded by the European Union under Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus Programme: Erasmus Multilateral Projects, 526746-LLP-1-2012-1-ES-ERASMUS-EMCR, MSc Programme in Climate Change and Restoration of Degraded Land

    Propiedades de las rocas volcánicas de Canarias (España) utilizadas como material de escollera

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    In the Canary Islands, there is a wide spectrum of volcanic rocks with different properties to be used in public works. The aim of this study is to analyse the physical-mechanical properties of all the volcanic rocks present in the Canary Island archipelago in order to determine their suitability for use in maritime construction works. The great variety of volcanic rocks present on the islands have been grouped into lithotypes based on similar geo-mechanical behaviour. The laboratory test results obtained for these lithotypes establish their suitability or not to be used as breakwater material in accordance with Spanish regulations.En el archipiélago canario existe un amplio espectro de rocas volcánicas con diferentes propiedades para ser utilizadas en obras públicas. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las propiedades físico-mecánicas de todas las rocas volcánicas presentes en el archipiélago canario con el fin de determinar su idoneidad para ser utilizadas en obras de construcción marítima. La gran variedad de rocas volcánicas presentes en las islas, se han agrupado en litotipos basados en un comportamiento geomecánico similar. Los resultados de los ensayos de laboratorio obtenidos para estos litotipos establecen su idoneidad o no para ser utilizados como material de escollera de acuerdo con la normativa española

    Strategies for Effective Trainning for Engineers about Geotechnical and Hydrologic Techniques in Volcanic Regions

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    Numerosos planes de estudio de las escuelas de Ingeniería Civil y Minera de Europa en general y de España en particular adolecen de contenidos formativos relacionados con la ingeniería singular realizada en las islas y terrenos volcánicos. En un mundo profesional y científico totalmente globalizado como en el que vivimos, conocer y saber manejar estas singularidades complementan la formación técnica de los egresados. Por otro lado, supone una ventaja, ya que preparan al alumno para ejercer su profesión en otros territorios volcánicos de economías emergentes, como por ejemplo los latinoamericanos, donde se dan frecuen - temente este tipo de terrenos. Las singularidades técnicas de los terrenos e islas volcánicas respecto a su hidrología y geotecnia son bastante complejas; en este sentido, los medios y estrategias docentes para su formación deben ser todo lo eficaces posible e innovadores.Several sylabuses from schools of Civil and Mining Engineering around Europe in general, and particularly in Spain, do not have related training content regarding engineering conducted in volcanic terrains, such as oceanic islands. In a world completely globalized by professional and scientific issues, learning and knowing how to handle these unique contexts, complement the technical training necessary to develop projects in all kinds of territories, including volcanic. Furthermore, these special subjects prepare students to practice engineering techniques in other regions, such as Latin America where there is often this kind of terrain. The technical peculiarities of volcanic and oceanic island terrains, their hydrology and geotechnical engineering are quite complex, in this sense, teachers methods and strategies for training should be as efficient and innovative as possible

    Reflexiones sobre la integración de programas bilingües en los estudios de ingeniería

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    Un 80 % de las ofertas de trabajo en el sector de la ingeniería requieren un amplio conocimiento de una lengua extranjera, principalmente el inglés. En ocasiones este requisito se valora más que el expediente académico. Un grado bilingüe es aquel que se ha estudiado, totalmente o en parte, en otro idioma. Cada vez son más los estudios de ingeniería que integran, gradualmente, la impartición de asignaturas en el formato bilingüe, adoptando como segundo idioma, el inglés. Las ventajas que ofrece esta opción a los futuros egresados son notables. A esto se suma, que cada vez un número mayor de estudiantes, realiza programas de intercambio con otras universidades europeas, esto ha sido potenciado por la creación de convenios y dobles titulaciones. No obstante, en todo este proceso se detectan unas carencias e impedimentos para poder integrar masivamente los programas bilingües y sus ventajas. El presente artículo estudia algunas iniciativas de implantación de estos programas, problemas detectados y las lecciones aprendidas

    Desarrollo de metodologías interactivas basadas en las nuevas tecnologías

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    El Grado de Ingeniería Civil tiene una componente marcadamente práctica en sus asignaturas, siendo este aspecto fundamental para la adquisición de las competencias esperadas en los futuros ingenieros. Precisamente, éste es el caso de las asignaturas que se imparten desde el área de conocimiento de Ingeniería del Terreno. Sin embargo, a pesar de que los estudiantes desarrollan las prácticas de forma presencial, no disponen de un soporte físico que desarrolle los conceptos tratados. Durante los últimos tres años se han desarrollado e implementando una serie de mejoras en la metodología docente relacionadas con las nuevas tecnologías, permitiendo el uso de dispositivos electrónicos por parte del alumnado y estimulando su uso en el proceso de aprendizaje. Estas tecnologías permiten que el alumnado pueda reproducir y ejercitar los conocimientos prácticos tanto durante las sesiones presenciales como fuera de ellas. Igualmente, han permitido que los estudiantes desarrollen el autoaprendizaje interactivo a la vez que guiado. La metodología expuesta se ha aplicado a las prácticas de reconocimiento de rocas, y es fácilmente exportable a otros ámbitos tales como las prácticas de campo y otras prácticas de laboratorio. Dicha metodología está basada en el los códigos QR, Quick Response Code, recurriéndose a ella tras la constatación de que el alumnado actual es un usuario asiduo de los dispositivos móviles

    Assessment of quality of life in oral cancer

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    Quality of life (QL) in oral cancer patients has become one of the most important parameters to consider in the diagnosis and post-treatment follow-up. The purpose of this article has been to review the papers published that study the QL in oral cancer patients, the different QL questionnaires used, the clinical results obtained, and the systematic revisions available in the indexed literature for the last 10 years. The term QL appears as a keyword in an increasing number of articles throughout the past 10 years; however, few studies focus on oral cancer. Most of them assess all head and neck cancers, which conform to a heterogeneous group with several different features depending on location (oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, hypopharynx, nasopharynx and salivary glands). Most studies evaluate QL in short periods of time, normally within the first year after the diagnosis. Series do not discern between different therapeutic options, and they generally center on Northern European or Northern American populations. There are few instruments translated and validated into Spanish that measure QL, a fundamental characteristic to link QL to own patients? socio-cultural parameters. Data related with QL are mostly related to patient (age, sex, co-morbidity), tumour (location, size), and treatment (surgical treatment, radiotherapy association, reconstruction, cervical dissection, and/or feeding tube). Nowadays QL?s assessment is considered an essential component of an oral cancer patient as well as the survival, morbidity and years free of disease. Although many aspects related to QL in oral cancer patients have been published throughout the past 10 years, more systematic research is needed to be able to apply it on a daily basis

    Implementación de metodologías docentes interactivas basadas en las nuevas tecnologías en Ingeniería del Terreno

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    Las asignaturas que se imparten desde el área de conocimiento de Ingeniería del Terreno del Departamento de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de Alicante tienen una componente práctica muy importante. Sin embargo, los alumnos, tras finalizar la práctica presencial no disponen de un soporte físico que les permita reproducir lo realmente plasmado durante su desarrollo. Con el fin de subsanar esta deficiencia, durante los últimos tres años, desde nuestro ámbito de conocimiento, hemos venido implementando una serie de mejoras en la metodología docente relacionadas con las nuevas tecnologías. Ello ha permitido que el alumnado pueda reproducir algunas prácticas de laboratorio de forma deslocalizada (tanto en el tiempo como en el espacio), a través de la conexión a los sitios web implementados a tal efecto. Sin embargo, algunas prácticas, tales como las de reconocimiento de materiales pétreos o incluso las de campo, no se adaptan bien a la metodología anteriormente citada. Es por ello, que en este trabajo se plantea implementar una nueva propuesta metodológica, más interactiva, exportable fácilmente incluso a las prácticas de campo. La tecnología elegida está basada en los códigos QR, Quick response Code, recurriéndose a ella tras la constatación de que el alumnado actual es un usuario asiduo de los dispositivos móviles

    Use of Tablet Pcs in Higher Education: A new Strategy for Training Engineers in European Bachelors and Masters Programmes

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    The use of technology in classrooms in Spanish universities has been following an upward path, and in many cases technological devices are substituting other materials that until now have been used, such as books, notebooks and so on. Step by step in higher education, more of these latest generationdevices are being used, and are providing significant improvements in training. Nowadays, there are Spanish universities that use tablets, a device with multiple applications for teaching as well as for students to study differently. They are definitely a notable innovation that will gradually become incorporated into university life. Tablet PCs make teaching more dynamic and available to students through the use of up to date digital materials, something which is key in training engineers. This paper presents their different functions employed in three Spanish universities to support teachingin engineering degrees and masters using the tablet PC, and their impact on the training process. Possible uses in specific programs like the Erasmus Masters Programmes are also assessed. The main objective of using tabletsis to improve the academic performance of students through the use of technology.This work has been developed in the framework of the RECLAND Project. It has been funded by the European Union under Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus Programme: Erasmus Multilateral Projects, 526746-LLP-1-2012-1-ES-ERASMUS-EMCR, MSc Programme in Climate Change and Restoration of Degraded Land

    A brief review of the effect of wildfires on rockfall occurrence

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    Wildfires and rockfalls are among the major hazards in forested mountainous regions across Europe. Understanding processes and conditions that lead to rockfalls during and after a wildfire in different geological contexts is, therefore, of great relevance. The increase of rockfalls associated with the occurrence of wildfires is connected to several factors, not only in the detached area but also in the propagation and affected area. Wildfires cause changes in the mechanical properties of rocks and discontinuities as well as the loss of protective capacity from vegetation, complemented by the effect induced by firefighting activities and by extreme temperatures that may deteriorate the installed protective measures. After the occurrence of a wildfire, there is an increase in the frequency and intensity of rockfalls in the burned area, causing a major impact of rockfalls on road networks and inhabited areas. Additionally, the rockfall risk perception is usually increased due to the removal of vegetation by wildfires, exposing both rock blocks and the rock mass. In this review, the main factors that influence the occurrence of rockfalls after a wildfire are briefly reviewed