5,070 research outputs found

    Efficacy of different recovery strategies in elite soccer players

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    Una correcta estrategia de recuperación (ER) tras la competición o el entrenamiento de alta intensidad en fútbol ayudará a no disminuir el rendimiento y a prevenir lesiones. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la eficacia de diferentes estrategias de recuperación combinadas en comparación con una simple, tras una sesión de entrenamiento específico de fútbol. Participaron 20 jugadores de fútbol de élite y se utilizaron cuatro estrategias de recuperación de forma aleatoria y contrabalanceada a lo largo de 4 semanas de entrenamiento. Se midió temperatura timpánica y las escalas subjetiva Total Quality Recovery (TQR) y Category Ratio Scale (CR10). Los resultados exponen que ninguna de las ER estudiadas muestra ser más eficaz que las demás. No obstante, la realización de protocolos de recuperación combinados llevados a cabo tras la sesión de entrenamiento de fútbol, tiende a una mayor eficacia respecto al protocolo que incluía únicamente estiramientosAfter a soccer match or high intensity training, suitable recovery will help not to decrease performance and to prevent injuries. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of different combined recovery strategies in comparison with a simple one, after a specific soccer training session. Twenty elite players participated in the study. A randomized crossover design was used to determine the effect of 4 post-training session recovery strategies. Tympanic temperature was measured, as well as Total Quality Recovery (TQR) and Category Ratio Scale (CR10) subjective scales. Results show that none of the recovery strategies proved more effective than others. However, the use of combined strategies tended to be more effective than a simple strategy after a high intensity training session in socce

    Natural coastal risks and the Coastal Zone Integrated Management

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    An analysis of the main natural risk factors of the Peninsula of Hicacos, on the coast center-west of Cuba is submitted. From an exhaustive bibliographic review, first it is presented a physical-geographical and socio-economic characterization of the peninsula of Hicacos, and on this basis are identified geological, geomorphological and hydrometeorological factors that determine natural hazards in the area under study. In particular an analysis of probabilities of extreme winds in the past 200 years associated with hurricanes, and the heights and periods of waves on the coast of the peninsula to different periods of return is materialize. Also it´s includes a brief analysis of the endogenous risks, and conclude that the hurricanes, the severe local storms and the frontal systems are the main natural dangers that affect the Peninsula. Finally the value of the MIZC for the study, prevision and confrontation of the natural risk is argued, and the positive experience of the application of that approach in the beach of Varadero.Se presenta un análisis de los principales factores de riesgos naturales de la Península de Hicacos, en la costa centro-occidental de Cuba. A partir de una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva, se presenta primero una caracterización físico-geográfica y socio-económica de la península de Hicacos y sobre esta base se identifican los factores geológicos, geomorfológicos e hidrometeorológicos que condicionan los riesgos naturales en la zona objeto de estudio. En particular se realiza un análisis de probabilidades de los vientos extremos en los últimos 200 años asociados a los huracanes, y de las alturas y periodos del oleaje en el litoral de la península para diferentes periodos de retorno. Se incluye un breve análisis de los riesgos endógenos, y se concluye que son los huracanes, las tormentas locales severas y los frentes fríos los principales peligros naturales que afectan la a Península. Finalmente, se argumenta el valor del enfoque de MIZC para el estudio, previsión y enfrentamiento de los riesgos naturales, y se expone la positiva experiencia de aplicación de tal enfoque en la playa de Varadero.Ciencias Experimentale

    Natural coastal risks and the Coastal Zone Integrated Management

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    An analysis of the main natural risk factors of the Peninsula of Hicacos, on the coast center-west of Cuba is submitted. From an exhaustive bibliographic review, first it is presented a physical-geographical and socio-economic characterization of the peninsula of Hicacos, and on this basis are identified geological, geomorphological and hydrometeorological factors that determine natural hazards in the area under study. In particular an analysis of probabilities of extreme winds in the past 200 years associated with hurricanes, and the heights and periods of waves on the coast of the peninsula to different periods of return is materialize. Also it´s includes a brief analysis of the endogenous risks, and conclude that the hurricanes, the severe local storms and the frontal systems are the main natural dangers that affect the Peninsula. Finally the value of the MIZC for the study, prevision and confrontation of the natural risk is argued, and the positive experience of the application of that approach in the beach of Varadero.Se presenta un análisis de los principales factores de riesgos naturales de la Península de Hicacos, en la costa centro-occidental de Cuba. A partir de una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva, se presenta primero una caracterización físico-geográfica y socio-económica de la península de Hicacos y sobre esta base se identifican los factores geológicos, geomorfológicos e hidrometeorológicos que condicionan los riesgos naturales en la zona objeto de estudio. En particular se realiza un análisis de probabilidades de los vientos extremos en los últimos 200 años asociados a los huracanes, y de las alturas y periodos del oleaje en el litoral de la península para diferentes periodos de retorno. Se incluye un breve análisis de los riesgos endógenos, y se concluye que son los huracanes, las tormentas locales severas y los frentes fríos los principales peligros naturales que afectan la a Península. Finalmente, se argumenta el valor del enfoque de MIZC para el estudio, previsión y enfrentamiento de los riesgos naturales, y se expone la positiva experiencia de aplicación de tal enfoque en la playa de Varadero.Ciencias Experimentale

    Natural coastal risks and the Coastal Zone Integrated Management

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    An analysis of the main natural risk factors of the Peninsula of Hicacos, on the coast center-west of Cuba is submitted. From an exhaustive bibliographic review, first it is presented a physical-geographical and socio-economic characterization of the peninsula of Hicacos, and on this basis are identified geological, geomorphological and hydrometeorological factors that determine natural hazards in the area under study. In particular an analysis of probabilities of extreme winds in the past 200 years associated with hurricanes, and the heights and periods of waves on the coast of the peninsula to different periods of return is materialize. Also it´s includes a brief analysis of the endogenous risks, and conclude that the hurricanes, the severe local storms and the frontal systems are the main natural dangers that affect the Peninsula. Finally the value of the MIZC for the study, prevision and confrontation of the natural risk is argued, and the positive experience of the application of that approach in the beach of Varadero.Se presenta un análisis de los principales factores de riesgos naturales de la Península de Hicacos, en la costa centro-occidental de Cuba. A partir de una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva, se presenta primero una caracterización físico-geográfica y socio-económica de la península de Hicacos y sobre esta base se identifican los factores geológicos, geomorfológicos e hidrometeorológicos que condicionan los riesgos naturales en la zona objeto de estudio. En particular se realiza un análisis de probabilidades de los vientos extremos en los últimos 200 años asociados a los huracanes, y de las alturas y periodos del oleaje en el litoral de la península para diferentes periodos de retorno. Se incluye un breve análisis de los riesgos endógenos, y se concluye que son los huracanes, las tormentas locales severas y los frentes fríos los principales peligros naturales que afectan la a Península. Finalmente, se argumenta el valor del enfoque de MIZC para el estudio, previsión y enfrentamiento de los riesgos naturales, y se expone la positiva experiencia de aplicación de tal enfoque en la playa de Varadero.Ciencias Experimentale

    Natural coastal risks and the Coastal Zone Integrated Management

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    An analysis of the main natural risk factors of the Peninsula of Hicacos, on the coast center-west of Cuba is submitted. From an exhaustive bibliographic review, first it is presented a physical-geographical and socio-economic characterization of the peninsula of Hicacos, and on this basis are identified geological, geomorphological and hydrometeorological factors that determine natural hazards in the area under study. In particular an analysis of probabilities of extreme winds in the past 200 years associated with hurricanes, and the heights and periods of waves on the coast of the peninsula to different periods of return is materialize. Also it´s includes a brief analysis of the endogenous risks, and conclude that the hurricanes, the severe local storms and the frontal systems are the main natural dangers that affect the Peninsula. Finally the value of the MIZC for the study, prevision and confrontation of the natural risk is argued, and the positive experience of the application of that approach in the beach of Varadero.Se presenta un análisis de los principales factores de riesgos naturales de la Península de Hicacos, en la costa centro-occidental de Cuba. A partir de una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva, se presenta primero una caracterización físico-geográfica y socio-económica de la península de Hicacos y sobre esta base se identifican los factores geológicos, geomorfológicos e hidrometeorológicos que condicionan los riesgos naturales en la zona objeto de estudio. En particular se realiza un análisis de probabilidades de los vientos extremos en los últimos 200 años asociados a los huracanes, y de las alturas y periodos del oleaje en el litoral de la península para diferentes periodos de retorno. Se incluye un breve análisis de los riesgos endógenos, y se concluye que son los huracanes, las tormentas locales severas y los frentes fríos los principales peligros naturales que afectan la a Península. Finalmente, se argumenta el valor del enfoque de MIZC para el estudio, previsión y enfrentamiento de los riesgos naturales, y se expone la positiva experiencia de aplicación de tal enfoque en la playa de Varadero.Ciencias Experimentale

    Monitoring and environmental risk assessment of pesticide residues and some of their degradation products in natural waters of the Spanish vineyard region included in the Denomination of Origin Jumilla

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    [EN] Water pollution by pesticides used in agriculture is currently a major concern both in Spain and in Europe as a whole, prompting the need to evaluate water quality and ecological risk in areas of intensive agriculture. This study involved monitoring pesticide residues and certain degradation products in surface and ground waters of the Denomination of Origin (DO) Jumilla vineyard area in Spain. Sixty-nine pesticides were selected and evaluated at twenty-one sampling points using a multi-residue analytical method, based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) and analysis by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS), providing reliable results. Twenty-six compounds from those selected were detected in the samples analyzed (eleven insecticides including one degradation product, nine herbicides, and six fungicides) and fifteen of them were found in concentrations over 0.1 μg L−1 (upper threshold established by the EU for pesticides detected in waters for human consumption). Indoxacarb was present in more than 70% of the samples, being the most frequently detected compound in water samples. Some pesticides were ubiquitous in all the water samples. Ecotoxicological risk indicators, toxic units (TUs) and risk quotients (RQs), for algae, Daphnia magna and fish were calculated to estimate the environmental risk of the presence of pesticides in waters. The compounds with the highest risk were the herbicides pendimethalin, with RQ values > 1 for the three aquatic organisms, and diflufenican, posing a high risk for algae and fish, and the insecticide chlorpyrifos, with a high risk for Daphnia magna and fish. The ∑TUi determined for water at each sampling point posed only a high risk for the three aquatic organisms in a sample. These results are important for considering the selection of pesticides with less environmental risk in intensive agricultural areas

    Cross-cultural adaptation of the Victorian institute of sports assessment - Hamstrings (VISA-H) questionnaire for Spanish speaking athletes with proximal hamstring tendinopathy.

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    OBJECTIVE: To cross-culturally adapt and validate the Victorian Institute of Sports Assessment - Hamstrings (VISA-H) scale into Spanish. DESIGN: Clinical measurement study (psychometric analysis). SETTING: Sports clubs and physiotherapy clinics. PARTICIPANTS: The Spanish version of the VISA-H (VISA-H-Sp) scale was administered to 101 subjects: 50 healthy runners and 51 patients with a clinical diagnosis of PHT. MAIN MEASURES: The Victorian Institute of Sports Assessment - Hamstrings. RESULTS: Cronbach's alpha for the VISA-H-Sp was >0.8. The ICC 2,1 was 0.993 (95%CI 0.991-0.995). In the exploratory factor analysis, a one-factor solution explained 72.1% of the total variance. Athletes with PHT scored significantly lower in the VISA-H-Sp than healthy subjects (P 0.6; P < 0.001), and low or non-significant association with psychological dimensions. The standard error of measurement was 1.45 whereas the minimal detectable change was 4.02 points. The responsiveness indicators included an effect size of 2.75, and a standardised response mean of 3.1 at discharge. CONCLUSION: The VISA-H-Sp shows adequate psychometric properties for assessing the severity of symptoms in Spanish-speaking athletes who suffer from PHT

    Internal consistency of the Regional Brewer Calibration Centre for Europe triad during the period 2005–2016

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    Total ozone column measurements can be made using Brewer spectrophotometers, which are calibrated periodically in intercomparison campaigns with respect to a reference instrument. In 2003, the Regional Brewer Calibration Centre for Europe (RBCC-E) was established at the Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (Canary Islands, Spain), and since 2011 the RBCC-E has transferred its calibration based on the Langley method using travelling standard(s) that are wholly and independently calibrated at Izaña. This work is focused on reporting the consistency of the measurements of the RBCC-E triad (Brewer instruments #157, #183 and #185) made at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory during the period 2005–2016. In order to study the long-term precision of the RBCC-E triad, it must be taken into account that each Brewer takes a large number of measurements every day and, hence, it becomes necessary to calculate a representative value of all of them. This value was calculated from two different methods previously used to study the long-term behaviour of the world reference triad (Toronto triad) and Arosa triad. Applying their procedures to the data from the RBCC-E triad allows the comparison of the three instruments. In daily averages, applying the procedure used for the world reference triad, the RBCC-E triad presents a relative standard deviation equal to σ&thinsp; = &thinsp;0.41&thinsp;%, which is calculated as the mean of the individual values for each Brewer (σ157&thinsp; = &thinsp;0.362&thinsp;%, σ183&thinsp; = &thinsp;0.453&thinsp;% and σ185&thinsp; = &thinsp;0.428&thinsp;%). Alternatively, using the procedure used to analyse the Arosa triad, the RBCC-E presents a relative standard deviation of about σ&thinsp; = &thinsp;0.5&thinsp;%. In monthly averages, the method used for the data from the world reference triad gives a relative standard deviation mean equal to σ&thinsp; = &thinsp;0.3&thinsp;% (σ157&thinsp; = &thinsp;0.33&thinsp;%, σ183&thinsp; = &thinsp;0.34&thinsp;% and σ185&thinsp; = &thinsp;0.23&thinsp;%). However, the procedure of the Arosa triad gives monthly values of σ&thinsp; = &thinsp;0.5&thinsp;%. In this work, two ozone data sets are analysed: the first includes all the ozone measurements available, while the second only includes the simultaneous measurements of all three instruments. Furthermore, this paper also describes the Langley method used to determine the extraterrestrial constant (ETC) for the RBCC-E triad, the necessary first step toward accurate ozone calculation. Finally, the short-term or intraday consistency is also studied to identify the effect of the solar zenith angle on the precision of the RBCC-E triad.</p

    The role of the particle aspect ratio in the discharge of a narrow silo

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    The time evolution of silo discharge is investigated for different granular materials made of spherical or elongated grains in laboratory experiments and with discrete element model (DEM) calculations. For spherical grains, we confirm the widely known typical behavior with constant discharge rate (except for initial and final transients). For elongated particles with aspect ratios between 2 < L/d < 6.1, we find a peculiar flow rate increase for larger orifices before the end of the discharge process. While the flow field is practically homogeneous for spherical grains, it has strong gradients for elongated particles with a fast-flowing region in the middle of the silo surrounded by a stagnant zone. For large enough orifice sizes, the flow rate increase is connected with a suppression of the stagnant zone, resulting in an increase in both the packing fraction and flow velocity near the silo outlet within a certain parameter range