1,857 research outputs found

    Pràctica d'obra: nova construcció d'edifici aïllat d'onze habitatges a Les Presses (La Garrotxa)

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    El treball s’ha estructurat segons la normativa d’elaboració de projecte de fi de carrera dels estudis de 1er cicle. Les tres parts principals són la introducció, el nucli de la memòria amb els seus annexes corresponents i les conclusions. La introducció explica els motius de la realització del treball, així com el període en el que es va realitzar la pràctica i les fases que va contemplar. El nucli de la memòria conté els següents apartats: - Documentació prèvia al començament de l’obra: Es fa una breu explicació del projecte executiu, l’estudi de seguretat i salut i el programa de control de qualitat. - Anàlisi del projecte executiu: Conté els errors i incongruències detectades a la memòria, la documentació gràfica i el pressupost del projecte executiu. - Estat de l’obra al iniciar la pràctica: És una breu explicació de l’estat de l’obra en el moment de l’inici de la pràctica (25-08-2008), per situar al lector del context de l’obra, donat que aquesta va començar 4 mesos abans de la pràctica. - Execució: És el document que contempla els fets més destacables que s’han donat durant els 6 mesos de la pràctica. Es divideix en varis subapartats que corresponen a les diferents fases d’obra estudiades. - Estudi econòmic de l’obra: Es fa una relació dels desviaments econòmics i els motius pels quals han aparegut. - Estat de l’obra al finalitzar la pràctica: És una breu explicació de l’estat en que es trobava l’obra en el moment de finalitzar la pràctica (21-02-2009). Els annexes contenen documents relacionats amb els temes desenvolupats a la memòria. És on s’han inclòs, entre d’altres, els informes realitzats amb caràcter setmanal, que recullen tots els aspectes de l’obra que poden ser d’interès per a entendre la seva evolució. Per últim, a les conclusions es citen les idees principals extretes durant el procés de realització del treball

    Danio Rerio as Model Organism for Adenoviral Vector Evaluation

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    Viral vector use is wide-spread in the field of gene therapy, with new clinical trials starting every year for different human pathologies and a growing number of agents being approved by regulatory agencies. However, preclinical testing is long and expensive, especially during the early stages of development. Nowadays, the model organism par excellence is the mouse (Mus musculus), and there are few investigations in which alternative models are used. Here, we assess the possibility of using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as an in vivo model for adenoviral vectors. We describe how E1/E3-deleted adenoviral vectors achieve efficient transduction when they are administered to zebrafish embryos via intracranial injection. In addition, helper-dependent (high-capacity) adenoviral vectors allow sustained transgene expression in this organism. Taking into account the wide repertoire of genetically modified zebrafish lines, the ethical aspects, and the affordability of this model, we conclude that zebrafish could be an efficient alternative for the early-stage preclinical evaluation of adenoviral vectorsThis research was funded by Xunta de Galicia, Local Government, grant number ED431C 2018/28, and Gobierno de Navarra, Local Government, grant numbers 0011-1383-2018-000011 PT038 and 0011-1383-2019-000006 PT013 (XANTOGEN)S

    Reengagement of HIV-infected children lost to follow-up after active mobile phone tracing in a rural area of Mozambique

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    Introduction: Retention in care and reengagement of lost to follow-up (LTFU) patients are priority challenges in pediatric HIV care. We aimed to assess whether a telephone-call active tracing program facilitated reengagement in care (RIC) in the Manhiça District Hospital, Mozambique. Methods: Telephone tracing of LTFU children was performed from July 2016 to March 2017. Both ART (antiretroviral treatment) and preART patients were included in this study. LTFU was defined as not attending the clinic for ≥120 days after last attended visit. Reengagement was determined 3 months after an attempt to contact. Results: A total of 144 children initially identified as LTFU entered the active tracing program and 37 were reached by means of telephone tracing. RIC was 57% (95% CI, 39–72%) among children who could be reached versus 18% (95% CI, 11–26%) of those who could not be reached (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Telephone tracing could be an effective tool for facilitating reengagement in pediatric HIV care. However, the difficulty of reaching patients is an obstacle that can undermine the program

    Análisis comparativo de veinte programas de maestrías en educación en Colombia

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    La educación es uno de los pilares principales para alcanzar los objetivos sociales, como la reducción de la pobreza y la mejora de la calidad de vida. En este sentido, los docentes se convierten en uno de los engranajes más importantes del sistema educativo y por tanto es preciso que evalúen diversas variables cualitativas y cuantitativas que les permitan elegir un programa de maestría que cumpla con sus expectativas. Este trabajo de investigación pretende ser una guía que permita comparar los aspectos logísticos (como ubicación, modalidad y precio) y aspectos académicos (como enfoques de investigación y profundización, planes de estudios y requisitos de grado) entre veinte universidades colombianas, tanto públicas como privadas, que ofrecen maestrías en educación

    Sample dilution and bacterial community composition influence empirical leucine-to-carbon conversion factors in surface waters of the world's oceans

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    Research articleThe transformation of leucine incorporation into prokaryotic carbon production rates requires the use of either theoretical or empirically determined conversion factors. Empirical leucine-to-carbon conversion factors (eCFs) vary widely across environments, and little is known about their potential controlling factors. We conducted 10 surface seawater manipulation experiments across the world’s oceans, where the growth of the natural prokaryotic assemblages was promoted by filtration (i.e. removal of grazers; F treatment) or filtration combined with dilution (i.e. relieving also resource competition; FD treatment). The impact of sunlight exposure was also evaluated in the FD treatments, and we did not find a significant effect on the eCFs. The eCFs varied from 0.09 to 1.47 kg C mol Leu-1 and were significantly lower in the filtered and diluted (FD) than in the filtered (F) treatments. Also, changes in bacterial community composition during the incubations, as assessed by Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA), were stronger in the FD than in the F treatments, as compared to unmanipulated controls. Thus, we discourage the common procedure of diluting samples (in addition to filtration) for eCFs determination. The eCFs in the filtered treatment were negatively correlated with the initial chlorophyll a concentration, picocyanobacterial abundance (mostly Prochlorococcus) and the percentage of heterotrophic prokaryotes with high nucleic acid content (%HNA). The latter two variables explained 80% of the eCFs variability in the F treatment, supporting the view that both Prochlorococcus and HNA prokaryotes incorporate leucine in substantial amounts although resulting into relatively low carbon production rates in the oligotrophic ocean.En prensa3,829

    Burden of Respiratory Failure in Pediatric Patients: Analysis of a Prospective Multicenter Cohort in Bogotá, Colombia

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The approach to the burden of disease is a demographic, economic, and a health problem, which requires the design and application of specific measures of cost of the disease, such as disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), to establish better public health policies in the pediatric population. The aim of this study is to approach the burden of disease in children with acute respiratory failure (ARF) through the calculation of DALYs. METHODS: This study was conducted in the framework of a prospective, multicenter cohort in Bogotá, Colombia. Inclusion criteria were all pediatric patients admitted to the emergency department, hospitalization, and intensive care unit with respiratory distress; eligible patients were all those who developed ARF between April 2020 and December 2021. They were followed-up during hospitalization, at 30 and 60 days after admission. The Infant/Toddler Quality of Life Questionnaire and KIDSCREEN quality of life scales were applied for follow-up according to the age group. The results were used to calculate DALYs. RESULTS: Six hundred and eighty-five eligible patients, 296 (43.08%) developed ARF, of these 22 (6.08%) patients died (mortality rate = 7.43%). The total DALYs was 277.164 years. For younger than 9 years, the DALYs were 302.64 years, while for older than 10 years were 40.49 years. CONCLUSION: ARF is one of the main causes of preventable mortality in pediatrics, its progression to respiratory failure is a highly prevalent condition in pediatric age, a condition that has a great impact on mortality, morbidity, and disability in our patients

    Usual Dietary Intake, Nutritional Adequacy and Food Sources of Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Vitamin D of Spanish Children Aged One to <10 Years. Findings from the EsNuPI Study

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    Bone problems in the population begin to be establish in childhood. The present study aims to assess the usual calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D intakes, along with the food sources of these nutrients, in Spanish children participating in the EsNuPI (Estudio Nutricional en Población Infantil Española) study. Two 24 h dietary recalls were applied to 1448 children (1 to <10 years) divided into two sub-samples: one reference sample (RS) of the general population [n = 707] and another sample which exclusively included children consuming enriched or fortified milks, here called “adapted milks” (AMS) [n = 741]. Estimation of the usual intake shows that nutrient intake increased with age for all nutrients except vitamin D. Using as reference the Dietary Reference Values from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), calcium and magnesium intakes were found to be below the average requirement (AR) and adequate intake (AI), respectively, in a considerable percentage of children. Furthermore, phosphorus exceeded the AI in 100% of individuals and vitamin D was lower than the AI in almost all children studied. The results were very similar when considering only plausible reporters. When analyzing the food sources of the nutrients studied, milk and dairy products contributed the most to calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D. Other sources of calcium were cereals and vegetables; for phosphorus: meat, meat products, and cereals; for magnesium: cereals and fruits; and, for vitamin D: fish and eggs. These results highlight the desirability of improving the intake concerning these nutrients, which are involved in bone and metabolic health in children. The AMS group appeared to contribute better to the adequacy of those nutrients than the RS group, but both still need further improvement. Of special interest are the results of vitamin D intakes, which were significantly higher in the AMS group (although still below the AI), independent of ageThis research was funded by Instituto Puleva de Nutrición (IPN)S

    Rotura iatrogénica de electrodos de marcapasos permanente en la realización de esternotomía media: presentación de un caso

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    La esternotomía media continúa siendo el gold-standart de abordaje quirúrgico en cirugía cardiaca. Aún realizada correctamente, laapertura media del esternón presenta complicaciones en el 1-5% de los casos que varían en su gravedad desde la infección de la heridaquirúrgica a la lesión de estructuras intratorácicas. En el presente estudio se describe un caso de rotura de electrodos de marcapasostras esternotomía media por retracción y fibrosis del tronco venoso braquiocefálico. Debido a la ausencia de artículos semejantes enla literatura y al extendido empleo de la esternotomía en pacientes portadores de marcapasos permanente, se pretende disminuirlas lesiones asociadas mediante la publicación de un infrecuente caso de lesión iatrogénica durante la apertura esternal, con escasosprecedentes en la literatura publicada hasta la fecha. MÉD.UIS. 2016;29(3):95-9.Palabras clave: Procedimientos quirúrgicos cardiacos. Marcapasos artificial. Esternotomía. Enfermedad iatrogénica

    Usual dietary intake, nutritional adequacy and food sources of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D of spanish children aged one to dagger

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    Bone problems in the population begin to be establish in childhood. The present study aims to assess the usual calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D intakes, along with the food sources of these nutrients, in Spanish children participating in the EsNuPI (Estudio Nutricional en Población Infantil Española) study. Two 24 h dietary recalls were applied to 1448 children (1 to <10 years) divided into two sub-samples: one reference sample (RS) of the general population [n = 707] and another sample which exclusively included children consuming enriched or fortified milks, here called “adapted milks” (AMS) [n = 741]. Estimation of the usual intake shows that nutrient intake increased with age for all nutrients except vitamin D. Using as reference the Dietary Reference Values from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), calcium and magnesium intakes were found to be below the average requirement (AR) and adequate intake (AI), respectively, in a considerable percentage of children. Furthermore, phosphorus exceeded the AI in 100% of individuals and vitamin D was lower than the AI in almost all children studied. The results were very similar when considering only plausible reporters. When analyzing the food sources of the nutrients studied, milk and dairy products contributed the most to calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D. Other sources of calcium were cereals and vegetables; for phosphorus: meat, meat products, and cereals; for magnesium: cereals and fruits; and, for vitamin D: fish and eggs. These results highlight the desirability of improving the intake concerning these nutrients, which are involved in bone and metabolic health in children. The AMS group appeared to contribute better to the adequacy of those nutrients than the RS group, but both still need further improvement. Of special interest are the results of vitamin D intakes, which were significantly higher in the AMS group (although still below the AI), independent of age