16 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de plan maestro del parque tecnológico Ingeniero Julio Padilla Méndez

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    Presenta el desarrollo del plan maestro del parque tecnológico Ingeniero Julio Padilla Méndez ubicado en el Recinto Universitario Pedro Arauz Palacios, el cual presenta un diagnóstico del estado físico en el que se encuentra la infraestructura física y servicios tecnológicos y vinculación para la transferencia tecnológica está orientada a impulsar el desarrollo y crecimiento de las empresas, organizaciones, instituciones y gobierno a través del acceso al conocimiento y experiencia de los grupos de investigación, innovación y desarrollo tecnológico

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Hepatits C Virus Coinfection in Spain: Elimination Is Feasible, but the Burden of Residual Cirrhosis Will Be Significant

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    Background: We assessed the prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis C virus (HCV-Abs) and active HCV infection in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Spain in 2016 and compared the results with those of similar studies performed in 2002, 2009, and 2015. Methods: The study was performed in 43 centers during October-November 2016. The sample was estimated for an accuracy of 2% and selected by proportional allocation and simple random sampling. During 2016, criteria for therapy based on direct-acting antiviral agents (DAA) were at least significant liver fibrosis, severe extrahepatic manifestations of HCV, and high risk of HCV transmissibility. Results: The reference population and the sample size were 38904 and 1588 patients, respectively. The prevalence of HCV-Abs in 2002, 2009, 2015, and 2016 was 60.8%, 50.2%, 37.7%, and 34.6%, respectively (P trend <.001, from 2002 to 2015). The prevalence of active HCV in 2002, 2009, 2015, and 2016 was 54.0%, 34.0%, 22.1%, and 11.7%, respectively (P trend <.001). The anti-HCV treatment uptake in 2002, 2009, 2015, and 2016 was 23.0%, 48.0%, 59.3%, and 74.7%, respectively (P trend <.001). In 2016, HCV-related cirrhosis was present in 7.6% of all HIV-infected individuals, 15.0% of patients with active HCV, and 31.5% of patients who cleared HCV after anti-HCV therapy. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that with universal access to DAA-based therapy and continued efforts in prevention and screening, it will be possible to eliminate active HCV among HIV-infected individuals in Spain in the short term. However, the burden of HCV-related cirrhosis will continue to be significant among HIV-infected individuals.This work was funded by grant Ref. no. GLD14-00279 from the GILEAD Fellowship Programme (Spain) and by the Spanish AIDS Research Network (RD16/0025/0017, RD16/0025/0018) that is included in the Spanish I+D+I Plan and is co-financed by ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluacion and European Funding for Regional Development (FEDER).S

    Epidemiological trends of HIV/HCV coinfection in Spain, 2015-2019

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    Altres ajuts: Spanish AIDS Research Network; European Funding for Regional Development (FEDER).Objectives: We assessed the prevalence of anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies and active HCV infection (HCV-RNA-positive) in people living with HIV (PLWH) in Spain in 2019 and compared the results with those of four similar studies performed during 2015-2018. Methods: The study was performed in 41 centres. Sample size was estimated for an accuracy of 1%. Patients were selected by random sampling with proportional allocation. Results: The reference population comprised 41 973 PLWH, and the sample size was 1325. HCV serostatus was known in 1316 PLWH (99.3%), of whom 376 (28.6%) were HCV antibody (Ab)-positive (78.7% were prior injection drug users); 29 were HCV-RNA-positive (2.2%). Of the 29 HCV-RNA-positive PLWH, infection was chronic in 24, it was acute/recent in one, and it was of unknown duration in four. Cirrhosis was present in 71 (5.4%) PLWH overall, three (10.3%) HCV-RNA-positive patients and 68 (23.4%) of those who cleared HCV after anti-HCV therapy (p = 0.04). The prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies decreased steadily from 37.7% in 2015 to 28.6% in 2019 (p < 0.001); the prevalence of active HCV infection decreased from 22.1% in 2015 to 2.2% in 2019 (p < 0.001). Uptake of anti-HCV treatment increased from 53.9% in 2015 to 95.0% in 2019 (p < 0.001). Conclusions: In Spain, the prevalence of active HCV infection among PLWH at the end of 2019 was 2.2%, i.e. 90.0% lower than in 2015. Increased exposure to DAAs was probably the main reason for this sharp reduction. Despite the high coverage of treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents, HCV-related cirrhosis remains significant in this population

    Vocabulario de la sociedad civil, la ruralidad y los movimientos sociales en América Latina

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    El Vocabulario de la Sociedad Civil, la Ruralidad y los Movimientos Sociales en América Latina tiene como objetivo desarrollar vocablos relacionados con temas de gran trascendencia para la vida colectiva de la población Latinoamericana; pretende introducir a estudiantes, personas del ámbito académico y activistas en la comprensión de estas categorías de análisis. A través de la mirada de 70 especialistas que participaron en este vocabulario, es posible comprender muchos de los términos que se utilizan dentro de la investigación social y áreas relacionadas con las ciencias políticas, ambientales y rurales, a partir de una mayor explicación y detalle. Es por ello que se inserta este trabajo desde una mirada colectiva y amplia de los conceptos que se exponen. En este libro podrá encontrar las ideas de varios autores y autoras de distintas universidades, con una visión multi, inter y transdisciplinaria. El esfuerzo que se realizó para conjuntar varios términos y analizar su compleja red de interpretaciones, permitirá que este manuscrito pueda ser consultado por estudiantes, personas del ámbito científico-académico, y ciudadanía; porque contiene el estado del arte, la historia del paulatino avance de múltiples conceptos y su vigencia en el contexto actual

    Hábitos alimenticios y su impacto en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Farmacia

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    Introduction. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), human food is defined as a consistent and educatable voluntary process. Objective. To identify the impact of eating habits on the academic performance of students of the ICSa Pharmacy degree. Methodology. A cross-sectional, observational and prospective study was carried out. The MAPFRE Foundation's Healthy Eating survey was adapted and the sampling was non-probabilistic. Results. We  applied 102 surveys, predominated the female sex, with an average age of 20 (± 1) years. About 50%, he  mentioned bringing food from his home and having the habit of having breakfast, however, less than half  of the sample consumes at least one fruit and/or vegetable a day. A 76% believe their food if it impacts  their academic performance. Conclusions. It is important to make students aware of the correct way to eat and the impact on their academic performance, as well as to promote healthy lifestyles and provide them with necessary and correct information to properly select their food and drinks, otherwise that food selection will not be positive, that is, negative.  Introducción. De acuerdo a la organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), la alimentación humana se define como un proceso voluntario consistente y educable. Objetivo. Determinar hábitos alimenticios y su impacto en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Farmacia del ICSa. Metodología. Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal. Se adaptó la encuesta sobre alimentación saludable de la fundación MAPFRE y el muestreo fue no probabilístico. Resultados. Se aplicaron 102 encuestas, predomino el sexo femenino, con un promedio de edad de 20(±1)  años. Cerca del 50%, mencionó traer alimentos de su casa y tener el hábito de desayunar, sin embargo,  menos de la mitad de la muestra consume al menos una fruta y/o verdura al día. Un 76% considera que su  alimentación si impacta en su rendimiento académico. Conclusiones. Es importante concienciar a los estudiantes sobre la manera correcta de alimentarse y el impacto en su rendimiento académico, así como fomentar estilos de vida saludables y brindarles información necesaria y correcta para seleccionar adecuadamente sus alimentos y bebidas, de lo contrario  esa selección de alimentos será no positiva, es decir, negativa.

    Water Conservation Education in Elementary Schools: The Case of the Nenetzingo River Catchment, Mexico

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    Water is one of the primary resources for humans; however, clean water available for consumption is a constant problem worldwide. Nonetheless, environmental education is fundamental to promote social consciousness and orientate people to improve water management, and children are the main target as they are prone to adopt long-lasting habits. Therefore, this study aimed to implement an environmental education program on water conservation in 10-year-old students from two rural communities within the Nenetzingo River catchment in Mexico. The study was a three-step methodology that included diagnostics, education, and evaluation. It was found that the students that participated in the educational program enriched their knowledge, attitudes, and perception towards water. Therefore, implementing environmental education programs in young students can improve water use and conservation in Mexico. Additionally, the design used in this research allows identifying the target groups for immediate intervention

    Addition of Different Levels of Humic Substances Extracted from Worm Compost in Broiler Feeds

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    Different sources and inclusion levels of humic substances (HS) have been tested in broiler rations as an alternative to the addition of growth promoter antibiotics (GPA) with promising results. The current study was carried out to assess the influence of HS extracted from worm compost on broiler production parameters, carcass yield, tibia characteristics, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) counts, excretion of Eimeria oocysts, and antioxidant status of breast meat. A total of 1200 broilers were used, housed in groups of 30 per pen, and assigned to five treatments: 1 = basal diet with GPA (positive control), 2 = basal diet without GPA (negative control), 3–5 = basal diet with 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45% HS, respectively. The data was subjected to a variance analysis and orthogonal contrasts. The FI decreased linearly (p &lt; 0.05) from 1–14, 29–42, and 1–42 days as the inclusion of HS in the feed increased. The FCR had quadratic responses (p &lt; 0.01) from 29–42 and 1–42 days concerning the HS inclusion levels. Lactic acid bacteria was higher (p ˂ 0.05) in ten-day-old chicks with 0.45% HS in the diet. The 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity antioxidant potential decreased linearly (p &lt; 0.05) concerning increasing HS in the feed. The results indicate that HS can be used as growth promoters in broiler feeds

    Effect of the Addition of Humic Substances as Growth Promoter in Broiler Chickens Under Two Feeding Regimens

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    Humic substances (HS) from different sources have been evaluated to replace or reduce the use of growth promoter antibiotics (GPA) in the feeds of broiler chickens. The objective was to evaluate the growth performance, tibia measurements, nutrient balance, meat quality, and microbiological status of broiler fed with an HS extract (EHS) under ad libitum (ADLIB) or feed restriction (REST). Individually caged broilers (n = 180, 14&ndash;35 day of age) were assigned to a factorial arrangement of three dietary treatments: (1) positive control with bacitracin methylene disalicylate (BMD) and salinomycin; (2) negative control without BMD nor salinomycin, and (3) same as negative control with 0.25% EHS, and two feeding regimens 1) ADLIB or REST for 24 h on d 1, 7, and 14. Results were subjected to ANOVA. Positive control and EHS-fed broilers showed higher carcass yield (p &lt; 0.05) and lower oocyst excretion (p &lt; 0.01) compared to negative control birds. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens) were higher in negative control and EHS-broilers compared to positive control (p &lt; 0.01). In conclusion, higher carcass yield, lower C. perfringens and oocyst excretion were found in positive control and higher carcass yield, higher LAB and lower oocyst excretion were found in EHS-fed broilers. Broilers subjected to REST had reduced growth performance and meat quality. In conclusion, EHS could be used to increase the carcass yield and beneficial LAB in broilers

    Humic Acids Preparation, Characterization, and Their Potential Adsorption Capacity for Aflatoxin B1 in an In Vitro Poultry Digestive Model

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    Vermicompost was used for humic acid (HA) preparation, and the adsorption of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) was investigated. Two forms of HA were evaluated, natural HA and sodium-free HA (SFHA). As a reference, a non-commercial zeolitic material was employed. The adsorbents were characterized by attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), zeta potential (&zeta;-potential), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and point of zero charge (pHpzc). The adsorbent capacity of the materials when added to an AFB1-contaminated diet (100 &micro;g AFB1/kg) was evaluated using an in vitro model that simulates the digestive tract of chickens. Characterization results revealed the primary functional groups in HA and SFHA were carboxyl and phenol. Furthermore, adsorbents have a highly negative &zeta;-potential at the three simulated pH values. Therefore, it appears the main influencing factors for AFB1 adsorption are electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonding. Moreover, the bioavailability of AFB1 in the intestinal section was dramatically decreased when sorbents were added to the diet (0.2%, w/w). The highest AFB1 adsorption percentages using HA and SFHA were 97.6% and 99.7%, respectively. The zeolitic material had a considerable adsorption (81.5%). From these results, it can be concluded that HA and SFHA from vermicompost could be used as potential adsorbents to remove AFB1 from contaminated feeds

    Seminario para el Desarrollo Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial del Istmo de Tehuantepec - No. 12

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    Participantes: Carlos Enrique Morales Bautista, moderador. Rodolfo Esteban Ibarra Orozco, moderador. Francisco Javier Calderón, Director en Jefe del SENASICA. José Luis Valencia Montero, Director General del Consejo Mexicano de Comercio Exterior del Estado de Veracruz. Leandro David Soriano García, Director de Inocuidad Alimentaria. Carlos Alfonso Espinosa Armida, Director de Calidad de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico y Portuario de Veracruz. Luis Manuel Cuevas Padilla, Director de Comercio Exterior de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico y Portuario de Veracruz. Marco Antonio Caballero García, Director de Certificación de semillas. Lourdes De Cosio González, Directora General de NORMEX. Abelino Cohetero Villegas, Presidente del Consejo Mexicano Regulador dela Calidad del Mezcal. José Luis Lara de la Cruz, Director de Inocuidad Agroalimentaria y Control Orgánico. Jesús Gutiérrez García, SENASICA. Ana Lilia Cruz Salinas, moderadora. Juan Antonio Villanueva Jiménez, Director General del Colegio de Postgraduados. Efraín Cruz Cruz, Director de Vinculación de Investigación Institucional e Interinstitucional del Instuto Nacional de Investigaciones, Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. Leogibildo Córdova Téllez, Titular del Servicio Nacional de Inspección y Certificación de Semillas. Alberto Julián Escamilla Nava, Gerente de Plantaciones Forestales Comerciales de la Comisión Nacional Forestal. Julio César Sandría Reynoso, Rector de la Universidad Tecnológica del Sureste de Veracruz. María de los Angeles Peralta Arias, Rectora del Sistema de Universidades Estatales de Oxaca. Nayib Bechara Acar Martínez, Director de la Facultad de Ingeniería en Sistemas de Producción Agropecuaria. Jorge Santos Valencia, Secretario de Planeación, Evaluación y Desarrollo Institucional del Tecnológico Nacional de México. Jelle Van Loon, Representante Regional de CIMMYT para Amércia Latina. María Josefina Hernández Santiago, Subsecretaria de Desarrollo Rural, Agronegocios e Infraestructura SEDARPA. Mario Robles González, Subsecretario de Agronegocios. María José Elizarrás, Representante del IICA.Inocuidad, certificaciones y denominaciones de origen como valor agregado. Un espacio de diálogo para identificar iniciativas y experiencias de desarrollo para integración de las cadenas productivas estratégicas agroalimentarias y agroindustriales del Istmo de Tehuantepec