625 research outputs found

    Collaboration: A tool for increasing productive skills in students

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    La colaboración representa un factor importante en el proceso de aprensión de un idioma extranjero en estudiantes jóvenes. El objetivo de éste estudio es identificar y analizar la relación directa entre el trabajo colaborativo y el desarrollo de las habilidades productivas en una clase de idioma extranjero. El proceso que se llevó a cabo fue una comparación del nivel de las habilidades productivas de los estudiantes antes y después de la aplicación de las actividades que promueven el trabajo colaborativo; además, su proceso durante el desarrollo de las nuevas actividades fue profundamente observado y analizado. La investigación mostró que el trabajo colaborativo mejora notablemente la producción de lenguaje en los estudiantes con variaciones entre la producción oral y escrita.Collaboration represents a relevant factor in the process of learning a foreign language in young students. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the direct relationship between collaborative work and the development of productive skills in a foreign language class. The process carried out was a comparison of student’s productive skills level before and after the application of the activities that promote collaborative work. Furthermore, their progress during the development of the new activities was deeply observed and analyzed. The study showed that collaborative work significantly improves language production in students with some variations between oral production and written production.Colegio Santa Teresita de Soach

    Inteligencia de fuentes abierta (OSINT) para operaciones de ciberseguridad. “Aplicación de OSINT en un contexto colombiano y análisis de sentimientos”

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    La Inteligencia de fuentes abiertas (OSINT) es una rama de la ciber inteligencia usada para obtener y analizar información relacionada a posibles adversarios, para que esta pueda apoyar evaluaciones de riesgo y ayudar a prevenir afectaciones contra activos críticos. Este ar-tículo presenta una investigación acerca de diferentes tecnologías OSINT y como estas pueden ser usadas para desarrollar tareas de ciber inteligencia de una nación. Un conjunto de transformadas apropiadas para un contexto colombiano son presentadas y contribuidas a la comunidad, permitiendo a organismos de seguridad adelantar procesos de recolección de información de fuentes abiertas colombianas. Sin embargo, el verda-dero aprovechamiento de la información recolectada se da mediante la implementación de tres modelos de aprendizaje automático usados para desarrollar análisis de sentimientos sobre dicha información, con el fin de saber la posición del adversario respecto a determi-nados temas y así entender la motivación que puede tener, lo cual permite definir estrategias de ciberdefensa apropiadas. Finalmente, algunos desafíos relacionados a la aplicación de técnicas OSINT también son iden-tificados y descritos al respecto de su aplicación por agencias de seguridad del estado.Open source intelligence (OSINT) is a cyber-intelli-gence branch used to obtain and analyze information related to potential adversaries, so it can support risk assessments and help to prevent damages against cri-tical assets. This paper presents a research about diffe-rent OSINT technologies and how these can be used to perform cyber intelligence tasks of a nation. A set of transforms addressed to the Colombian context are pre-sented, which were implemented and contributed to the community allowing to the law enforcement agencies to develop information gathering process from Colombian open sources. However, the real use of the information is given by the implementation of three machine learning models used to perform sentiment analysis over this in-formation, in order to know the opinion of the adversary about certain topic and understand his motivation and, in this way, define proper cyber defense strategies. Fina-lly, some challenges related to the application of OSINT techniques are identified and described regarding its use by state security agencie

    The current status of the sustainable development goals in the world

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    Sustainable development goals (SDG) incorporate multiple dimensions to measure the progress made by nations in consolidating their economic and human development. Consequently, the main objective of this study is to explore the structures of variation and covariation between the SDGs indicators interpreting and describing their current status by countries and regions of the world. This study assessed 40 SDG indicators reported by 125 countries in the 2021 Sustainable Development Report, using the HJ-Biplot multivariate technique, through which it is possible to analyze the existing relationships between indicators and countries in a multidimensional way. The results indicate that the global North countries currently display solid sustainability characteristics that favor economic growth, though more work is required to protect the environment and promote responsible production and consumption. On the other hand, the countries of the global South with less purchasing power must still work on policies and strategies to promote the health and well-being of their populations, enable access to essential household services (water, sanitation, electricity, and internet, among others), and promote equality


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    Introduction: Alcoholism in the school environment is a negative factor in physical, mental and social development, an investigation was developed based on the search for conditioning aspects of alcohol consumption in students of the School of Medical Sciences, municipality “10 de Octubre” Havana, Cuba in order to support teachers in the daily work which their students. Methodology: To made the characterization of the Nursing students in technical training at The School of Medical Sciences “10 de Octubre”, a documentary analysis and a survey were carried out as empirical methods, which allowed us to solve the Objective: to specify the aspects conditioning factors over alcohol consumption in students of the Nursing technical training of the School of Medical Sciences "10 de Octubre". Results: The student survey made it possible, achieve the characterization of the psychosocial, economic, and educational situation, as well as the consumption, knowledge and self-care related to alcohol consumption. Conclusions: The results allowed to specify the conditioning factors to alcohol consumption and to work from the health promotion to strengthen their self-care when facing alcohol consumption

    Adsorption of azo-dye Orange II from aqueous solutions using a metal-organic framework material: Iron- benzenetricarboxylate

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    A Metal-Organic Framework (MOF), iron-benzenetricarboxylate (Fe(BTC)), has been studied for the adsorptive removal of azo-dye Orange II from aqueous solutions, where the effect of various parameters was tested and isotherm and kinetic models were suggested. The adsorption capacities of Fe(BTC) were much higher than those of an activated carbon. The experimental data can be best described by the Langmuir isotherm model (R2 > 0.997) and revealed the ability of Fe(BTC) to adsorb 435 mg of Orange II per gram of adsorbent at the optimal conditions. The kinetics of Orange II adsorption followed a pseudo-second-order kinetic model, indicating the coexistence of physisorption and chemisorption, with intra-particle diffusion being the rate controlling step. The thermodynamic study revealed that the adsorption of Orange II was feasible, spontaneous and exothermic process (-25.53 kJ·mol-1). The high recovery of the dye showed that Fe(BTC) can be employed as an effective and reusable adsorbent for the removal of Orange II from aqueous solutions and showed the economic interest of this adsorbent material for environmental purposes. © 2014 by the authors.The authors thank Autonomous Metropolitan University for its financial support to the project “Synthesis, modification and application of porous solid materials to sorption phenomena and catalysis”. Elizabeth Rojas-Garcia and Ricardo López-Medina thank CONACYT for their repatriation program fellowships. We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)Peer Reviewe

    Comprehensive teaching aids system for learning Medical Bacteriology

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    Fundamento: el programa de la asignatura Microbiología y Parasitología Médica en el tema Bacteriología Médica, aborda contenidos que deben adquirir los estudiantes para la mejor comprensión de procesos mórbidos que se estudian en las asignaturas que conforman la disciplina principal integradora.Objetivo: diseñar un sistema integrado de medios de enseñanza para el aprendizaje de la Bacteriología Médica de la asignatura Microbiología y Parasitologia Médica para estudiantes de segundo año de la carrera de Medicina, de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna de Pinar del Río.Métodos: se realizó una investigación educativa, con un universo de 455 estudiantes de segundo año de Medicina durante el curso 2019-2020, en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas “Ernesto Ché Guevara de la Serna” de Pinar del Río y 118 profesores que conforman el claustro. La muestra quedó conformada por 171 estudiantes y 16 profesores seleccionados de manera intencional. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos.Resultados: se evidenció que los medios de enseñanza de que disponen los estudiantes y profesores no son lo suficientemente eficaces para la enseñanza aprendizaje del tema Bacteriología Médica. Se constató la necesidad de estudiantes y profesores de contar con un Sistema integrado de medios de enseñanza para el aprendizaje de la Bacteriología Médica. Se elaboró un Sistema integrado de medios de enseñanza para el aprendizaje de la Bacteriología Médica. Conclusiones: el sistema integrado de medios de enseñanza confeccionado fue valorado por los especialistas como útil y pertinente, por la actualización de sus contenidos y tratamiento metodológico.Rationale: the syllabus of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology in the subject Medical Bacteriology, addresses contents that students should acquire for a better understanding of the morbid processes studied in the subjects that make up the main integrating discipline.Objective: to design a comprehensive system of teaching aids for the learning of Medical Bacteriology of the subject Medical Microbiology and Parasitology for second-academic-year students of medicine major at Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna School of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Río.Methods: an educational research was carried out, with a target group of 455 second-academic-year students of medicine major during 2019-2020 at Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna School of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Río, along with 118 professors comprising the teaching staff. The sample included 171 students and 16 professors intentionally chosen. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were applied.Results: it was evidenced that the available teaching aids to students and professors are not effective enough for the teaching-learning process of the subject Medical Bacteriology. The need of students and professors for a comprehensive system of teaching aids for the learning of Medical Bacteriology was confirmed. A comprehensive system of teaching aids for the learning of Medical Bacteriology was devised.Conclusions: the comprehensive system of teaching aids was considered useful and pertinent by the specialists, due to the updating of its contents and methodological treatment

    Folleto complementario de Parasitología Médica para estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina

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    Rationale: the subject Medical Microbiology and Parasitology provides the necessary tools for the approach of health problems of the population, in which biological agents are involved.Objective: to design a complementary booklet on the topic Medical Parasitology of the subject Medical Microbiology and Parasitology for second academic-year students of medicine major at Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna School of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Río.Methods: an educational research was carried out with a target group of 455 students from second academic-year students of medicine major during the course 2019-2020 at Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna School of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Río and 118 professors comprising the teaching staff of this academic year in medicine major. The sample included 171 students and 16 professors who were intentionally selected. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were applied.Results: there was evidence of a certain degree of lack of updating on the contents of Medical Parasitology in the Microbiology and Medical Parasitology course. The need of students and professors to have a complementary booklet on Medical Parasitology was noted. A Complementary Booklet on Medical Parasitology was devised for students of medicine major.Conclusions: the booklet was considered useful and pertinent by the specialists, due to its updated contents and methodological treatment.Fundamento: La asignatura Microbiología y Parasitología Médica, aporta las herramientas necesarias para el abordaje de los problemas de salud de la población, en los que intervienen agentes biológicos. Objetivo: diseñar un folleto complementario sobre el tema Parasitología Médica de la asignatura Microbiología y Parasitología Médica para estudiantes de segundo año de la carrera de Medicina de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna de Pinar del Río. Métodos: se realizó una investigación educativa, con un universo de 455 estudiantes de segundo año de Medicina  durante el curso 2019-2020, en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas “Ernesto Ché Guevara de la Serna” de Pinar del Río y 118 profesores que conforman el claustro que imparte docencia a este año de la carrera.La muestra quedó conformada por 171  estudiantes y 16  profesores seleccionados de manera intencional. Se  utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos. Resultados: se evidenció cierto grado de desactualización sobre los contenidos de Parasitología Médica en la asigantura Microbiología y Parasitología Médica. Se constató la necesidad de estudiantes y profesores de contar con un folleto complementario de Parasitología Médica. Se elaboró un Folleto Complementario de Parasitología Médica para estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina.Conclusiones: el folleto confeccionado fue valorado por los especialistas como útil y pertinente, por la actualización de sus contenidos y tratamiento metodológico

    Planeamiento estratégico para la provincia de Churcampa

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    La provincia de Churcampa cuenta con potencialidades que hasta la actualidad no han sido explotadas en su totalidad: suelos fértiles, recursos hídricos, capacidad para generar ingresos desde la agricultura, sitios turísticos y otros. Además, es una comunidad hospitalaria que mantiene sus costumbres, con deseos de crecer personal y profesionalmente. No obstante, existe una realidad que se debe contrarrestar para capitalizar los recursos de la comunidad, pues sus niveles de pobreza, educación, vivienda, salud y acceso a servicios básicos son preocupantes. En este sentido, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el plan estratégico para los siguientes 10 años que deberían seguir las autoridades de la Municipalidad Provincial de Churcampa para cumplir con su visión de mejorar las condiciones de vida de los habitantes de la provincia. Este plan estratégico está guiado y alineado a un código de ética y valores que garantizan un desarrollo sostenible de los pobladores. El instrumento que se utiliza es el Modelo Secuencial del Proceso Estratégico propuesto por D’Alessio (2015), mediante el cual se realizó un análisis del entorno, de las potencialidades de la provincia y de la situación de la municipalidad. Lo anterior permite establecer cinco objetivos de largo de plazo, con sus respectivos objetivos de corto plazo, y la asignación de los recursos necesarios para su ejecución. Estos puntos están guiados por 13 estrategias. El plan estratégico permitirá convertir a la provincia de Churcampa en un nuevo lugar, con mayor prosperidad para la comunidadChurcampa province has potentialities that until now have not been fully exploited, as their fertile soils, water resources, ability to generate income from agriculture, tourist sites, among others. Just as a hospital community that maintains its customs, with desire to grow personally and professionally. However, there is a reality that must be offset to capitalize on the resources of the community, since the date the levels of poverty, education, housing, health and access to basic services are worrisome. In this regard, the present investigation has as objective to determine the strategic plan for the following ten years that should follow the authorities of the municipality of the province of Churcampa to fulfill its vision to improve the living conditions of the community of the province. This strategic plan is guided and aligned to a code of ethics and values that guarantee a sustainable development of the settlers. The instrument that is used is the Sequential Model of Strategic Process proposed by D’Alessio (2015), through which an analysis was made of the environment, the potentialities of the province as well as the situation of the municipality. The foregoing, allows to set five goals in the long term, with their respective short-term goals, and the allocation of the necessary resources for its implementation, these points guided by 13 strategies. This strategic plan will convert to the province of Churcampa in a new place with greater prosperity for the communityTesi

    Síntesis y caracterización de Cu-TiO₂: fotodegradación del Orange II

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    Se prepararon sólidos a base de TiO2 Degussa P25 impregnado con 5 y 30% de Cobre. El TiO₂ Degussa fue impregnado con sulfato de Cobre y calcinado a 350 °C. Se determinó sus fases cristalográficas por difracción de rayos X. El área específica fue medida mediante el método BET (Adsorción de nitrógeno) (N₂ adsorción). Se le realizaron estudios de microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB), análisis de EDS y FTIR. Además, se realizaron estudios de degradación del colorante Orange II. Los materiales son porosos con fases cristalográficas anatasa y rutilo. Sus aglomerados son partículas de forma aproximada a una esfera y con rugosidad superficial. Los estudios de EDS y FTIR demostraron la presencia de Cobre y azufre en el TiO₂ Degussa P25. La mejor actividad fotocatalítica se obtuvo con el fotocatalizador con mayor cantidad de Cobre, y en las reacciones donde se usó luz ultravioleta.The solids were prepared with TiO₂ Degussa P25 impregnated with 5 to 30% copper. TiO₂ Degussa was impregnated with copper sulphate and calcined at 350 °C. Crystallographic phases were determined by X-ray diffraction. The specific area was measured by BET method (nitrogen adsorption) (N₂ adsorption). Studies were performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), EDS and FTIR analysis. Furthermore, degradation studies Orange II dye were performed. The solids are porous with crystallographic phases anatase and rutile. Its particles are irregularly agglomerated and surface roughness. The EDS and FTIR studies demonstrated the presence of copper and sulfur on TiO₂ Degussa P25. The best photocatalytic activity was obtained with the photocatalyst with more copper and also in reactions where ultraviolet light was used