769 research outputs found

    The image of the Primer Ensanche of Teruel through historical cartography

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    The city of Teruel was in the 1920s without an extension plan that would allow it to grow beyond the limits of the hill that occupied the medieval city. The town’s architect, Luis González Gutiérrez, was commissioned to carry out the project of the Primer Ensanche of Teruel in 1930, where a new urban concept for the city was materialized, far from the medieval streets of the urban area. The importance of this neighbourhood meant the inclusion of it in the delimitation of the Historic Site of Teruel, declared as an Asset of Cultural Interest in 2010. The lack of a specific protection plan, along with its uniqueness, which endow it with its own identity within the whole set, it determined the need to elaborate a study that would allow to identify, revalue and preserve its historical, cultural, architectural, urban and landscape values, and for this purpose this research was carried out. The analysis of the different sources, mainly archival and hemerographic, has allowed to elaborate a discourse that gathers the formative process of the neighbourhood, recovering the evolution of its image, essential to be able to understand the main values of the historical consolidated image. In this process, the study of aerial photography and historical cartography, part of which remains unpublished, has been fundamental to establish its morphological and landscape development. Fortunately, the Primer Ensanche of Teruel meaningfully conserves the values of its original arrangement, as well as those that the development of the history has printed on it, which endows it with a high degree of authenticity, by which it deserves and it must be conserved

    El legado de Hogwarts: la escuela de magia como recurso de identificación en la literatura y el cine juvenil

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    El aprendizaje del héroe es un camino clave en la literatura fantástica, pero el mentor, como Merlín o Quirón, ha dado paso a instituciones educativas mágicas donde enseñar a los jóvenes aprendices. Desde su publicación en 1997, la saga Harry Potter ha hecho célebre la escuela de magia Hogwarts. La obra de J. K. Rowling ha supuesto un fenómeno literario sin precedentes que, a través de su serie, ha convertido a numerosos jóvenes en lectores. Siguiendo el esquema de los mecanismos de identificación propuestos por Gemma Lluch, este trabajo aborda cómo la propia escuela de magia Hogwarts es un recurso más para que el lector se sienta identificado con los estudiantes, profesores y lugares del mundo mágico, estableciendo así una estrategia de adicción que hace que los jóvenes quieran leer la serie

    El Primer Ensanche de Teruel: Innovaciones e inercias constructivas de un patrimonio del siglo XX

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    The concern for the conservation of the architectural and urban heritage of the twentieth century is relatively recent, and it presents important singularities that make it necessary to establish new valid criteria. The importance and uniqueness of the Primer Ensanche of Teruel, included within the delimitation of the Historical Site, declared as place of Cultural Interest in 2010, necessitated a detailed study that allowed to elaborate a Special Protection Plan that preserves its historical image, with sufficient rigor. One of the essential questions for its correct conservation is the knowledge of the constructive characteristics of the buildings that form it, which has been possible thanks to the documentary study of the projects, and which has revealed the innovations of some of its constructions, but, above all, certain inertia in the evolution of the way to build the “minor heritage”, which characterizes the landscape of the city.  La preocupación por la conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano construido en el siglo XX es relativamente reciente, y presenta importantes singularidades que hacen necesarios establecer nuevos criterios válidos. La importancia y singularidad del Primer Ensanche de Teruel, incluido en la delimitación del Conjunto Histórico, declarado como Bien de Interés Cultural en 2010, hacía necesario un estudio pormenorizado que permitiera elaborar con el suficiente rigor un Plan Especial de Protección que preserve su imagen histórica. Una de las cuestiones esenciales para su correcta conservación es el conocimiento de las características constructivas de las edificaciones que lo forman, lo que ha podido realizarse gracias al estudio documental de los proyectos, y que ha revelado innovaciones en algunas de sus construcciones, pero, sobre todo, ciertas inercias en la evolución del modo de construir el “patrimonio menor”, que caracteriza el paisaje de la ciudad

    La fortificación de Teruel durante el siglo XIX: un paisaje efímero

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    The strong military character of the Christian foundation of Teruel was materialized in the impregnable aspect of the settlement, located at the top of a plateau and with a complex defensive system. However, the development of the defensive system didn’t take place exclusively during the Middle Ages; rather, it was an ongoing process that even continued until the nineteenth century. This research seeks to recover the fortified urban landscape of this last period. A period that, due to a tumultuous nineteenth century, saw the city transform and adapt for its own defence with a complex system, that hardly survived its own century and of which there are just a few vestiges nowadays. The analysis of these, as well as of several documents, such as some of the first photos of the city, engravings or historical mapping, has made it possible to rebuild a forgotten image.El marcado carácter militar de la fundación cristiana de Teruel se materializó en el aspecto inexpugnable del asentamiento, ubicado en lo alto de una muela y provisto de un complejo sistema defensivo. Sin embargo, la formación y transformación de este sistema no fue un hecho exclusivo de la Edad Media, sino que se trata de un proceso continuo que duró hasta el mismo siglo XIX. El presente artículo pretende recuperar el paisaje urbano fortificado de este último periodo, ya que, como consecuencia del convulso siglo XIX, la ciudad se transformó, adaptándose para su defensa, con un complejo sistema, que en su mayor parte no sobreviviría a su propia centuria, y del que quedan contados vestigios. El análisis de estos, así como de diversos documentos, entre los que se encuentran grabados, algunas de las primeras fotografías de la ciudad o cartografías históricas, han permitido recomponer una imagen que parece haber caído en el olvido

    Decreased circulating Fas ligand in patients with familial combined hyperlipidemia or carotid atherosclerosis Normalization by atorvastatin

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    AbstractObjectivesWe sought to study whether patients with familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCH) or carotid atherosclerosis have modified circulating solubilized Fas ligand (sFasL) levels, as well as the potential modifications by atorvastatin. We also examined the effect of atorvastatin on FasL expression and sFasL release in cytokine-stimulated cultured human endothelial cells (ECs).BackgroundIn normal situations, FasL is expressed in most cells, including ECs. Proinflammatory stimuli can downregulate its expression in ECs and facilitate the vascular infiltration of inflammatory cells.MethodsWe have measured sFasL plasma levels (by ELISA) in 58 patients with FCH, 14 normocholesterolemic patients with carotid atherosclerosis, and 15 healthy volunteers. We analyzed FasL expression (by Western blot analysis) and sFasL release in cultured ECs stimulated with tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha.ResultsSolubilized FasL levels were decreased in hyperlipidemic patients (49 pg/ml), as compared with healthy volunteers (123 pg/ml, p < 0.0001). Patients were randomized to atorvastatin (n = 28) or bezafibrate (n = 30) during 12 months. Atorvastatin treatment increased sFasL concentrations (111 pg/ml, p < 0.0001), reaching normal values. However, treatment with bezafibrate only marginally affected sFasL (85 pg/ml, p < 0.05). Solubilized FasL was also diminished in patients with carotid atherosclerosis (39 pg/ml), and intensive treatment with atorvastatin normalized sFasL levels (90 pg/ml, p = 0.02). Finally, atorvastatin prevented the diminution of FasL expression and sFasL release elicited by TNF-alpha in cultured ECs.ConclusionsPatients with FCH or carotid atherosclerosis have decreased circulating sFasL levels, probably indicating endothelial dysfunction, but treatment with atorvastatin restored normal blood levels. These data provide a novel effect of atorvastatin and add support for the well-known anti-inflammatory properties of statins

    Effects of new "Torulaspora delbrueckii killer" yeasts on the must fermentation kinetics and aroma compounds of white table wine

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    La Torulaspora delbruecki es cada vez más ampliamente recomendado para mejorar algunas características específicas de los vinos. Sin embargo, su impacto en la calidad del vino está todavía lejos de ser satisfactorio en bodega, principalmente porque es fácilmente debe ser reemplazada por levaduras como Saccharomyces cerevisiae durante la fermentación. Aquí se ha aislado una cepa asesina nueva de T. delbrueckii y han sido seleccionadas para la elaboración de vino. Éstas eliminaron las levaduras S. cerevisiae y fueron capaces de dominar y completar la fermentación del mosto esteril de uva. La inoculación de levadura secuencial de mosto estéril no-blanco con T. delbrueckii, seguida de S. cerevisiae, no asegura el dominio de la T. delbrueckii, o la mejora de la calidad del vino. Una única inoculación inicial en concentraciones altas de células permitió que las cepas asesinas de T. delbrueckii deben alcanzar por encima de 11% de etanol para dominar y completar la fermentación, pero no las cepas no-asesino. Ninguno de los vinos sometidos a una fermentación maloláctica tan larga ha generado tan poca turbiedad y pH. Los vinos dominados por S. cerevisiae eran los preferidos a los dominados por T. delbrueckii porque los primeros tenían aromas de fruta fresca de alta intensidad, mientras que los segundos tenían una intensidad más baja, pero no obstante agradables e inusuales aromas de frutos secos y pastelería.. Excepto ethylpropanoate y 3-ethoxy-1-propanol, que eran más abundantes en el vino con T. delbrueckii, dominado por la mayoría de los compuestos con descriptores de olor de fruta fresca, incluyendo aquellos con los mayores valores de actividad de olor (isoamyl, acetato de etilo y etil hexanoate octanoate, eran más abundantes en los vinos dominados por la S. cerevisiae. Las bajas concentraciones relativas de estos compuestos afrutados hizo posible detectar vinos dominados por T. delbrueckii con una baja concentración relativa de compuestos con olores de pastelería y frutos secos. Un ejemplo fue la γ-butyrolactona ethoxy- que fue significativamente más abundante en estos vinos que en los dominados por S. cerevisiae.Torulaspora delbruecki is becoming widely recommended for improving some specific characteristics of wines. However, its impact on wine quality is still far from satisfactory at the winery level, mostly because it is easily replaced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae-like yeasts during must fermentation. New T. delbrueckii killer strains were here isolated and selected for wine making. They killed S. cerevisiae yeasts and were able to dominate and complete the fermentation of sterile grape must. Sequential yeast inoculation of non-sterile white must with T. delbrueckii followed by S. cerevisiae did not ensure T. delbrueckii dominance or wine quality improvement. Only a single initial must inoculation at high cell concentrations allowed the T. delbrueckii killer strains to dominate and complete the must fermentation to reach above 11% ethanol, but not the non-killer strains. None of the wines underwent malolactic fermentation as long as the must had low turbidity and pH. Although no statistically significant differences were found in the wine quality score, the S. cerevisiae-dominated wines were preferred dover the T. delbrueckii-dominated ones because the former had high-intensity fresh fruit aromas while the latter had lower intensity, but nevertheless nice and unusual dried fruit/pastry aromas. Except for ethylpropanoate and 3-ethoxy-1-propanol, which were more abundant in the T. delbrueckii–dominated wines, most of the compounds with fresh fruit odor descriptors, including those with the greatest odor activity values (isoamyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, and ethyl octanoate), were more abundantin the S. cerevisiae–dominated wines. The low relative concentrations of these fruity compounds made it possible to detectin the T. delbrueckii–dominated wines the low-relative-concentration compounds with dried fruit and pastry odors. An example was γ-ethoxy-butyrolactone which was significantly more abundantin these wines than in those dominated by S. cerevisiae.Trabajo financiado por: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Proyecto AGL2011-25711 (I+D+i) Junta de Extremadura. Ayuda GR10088peerReviewe

    Use of Tablet Pcs in Higher Education: A new Strategy for Training Engineers in European Bachelors and Masters Programmes

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    The use of technology in classrooms in Spanish universities has been following an upward path, and in many cases technological devices are substituting other materials that until now have been used, such as books, notebooks and so on. Step by step in higher education, more of these latest generationdevices are being used, and are providing significant improvements in training. Nowadays, there are Spanish universities that use tablets, a device with multiple applications for teaching as well as for students to study differently. They are definitely a notable innovation that will gradually become incorporated into university life. Tablet PCs make teaching more dynamic and available to students through the use of up to date digital materials, something which is key in training engineers. This paper presents their different functions employed in three Spanish universities to support teachingin engineering degrees and masters using the tablet PC, and their impact on the training process. Possible uses in specific programs like the Erasmus Masters Programmes are also assessed. The main objective of using tabletsis to improve the academic performance of students through the use of technology.This work has been developed in the framework of the RECLAND Project. It has been funded by the European Union under Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus Programme: Erasmus Multilateral Projects, 526746-LLP-1-2012-1-ES-ERASMUS-EMCR, MSc Programme in Climate Change and Restoration of Degraded Land

    Seasonal and sex-related variations in serum steroid hormone levels in wild and farmed brown trout Salmo trutta L. in the north-west of Spain

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    P. 720-728Serum steroid profiles were investigated in order to evaluate the potential use of circulating sex steroid levels as a tool for sex identification in brown trout. Changes in the serum concentrations of testosterone (T), progesterone (P), 17-β-estradiol (E2), and cortisol (F) in wild and farmed mature female and male brown trout, Salmo trutta L., were measured in each season (January, May, July, and October) in six rivers and four hatcheries located in the north-west of Spain. Serum cortisol levels in farmed brown trout were significantly higher and showed a seasonal pattern opposite to that found in wild trout. Because levels of the hormones under study can be affected by disruptive factors such as exposure to phytoestrogens (which alters the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis) and infection with Saprolegnia (which alters the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis), both factors are taken into account.S

    A protocol for data exchange with free samples using smart contracts

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    Distrust between data providers and data consumers is one of the main obstacles hampering digitaldata commerce to take off. Data providers want to get paid for what they offer, while data consumers want to know exactly what are they paying for before actually paying for it. In this paper, we summarize a protocol that overcomes this obstacle by building trust based on two main ideas. First, a probabilistic verification protocol, where some random samples of the real dataset are shown to buyers in order to allow them to make an assessment before committing any payment; and second a guaranteed, protected payment process, enforced with smart contracts on a public blockchain, that guarantees the payment of the data if and only if the data provided meets the agreed terms, and that refunds honest players otherwise.This research has been funded by i3Market (H2020- ICT-2019-2 grant number 871754). This work is also supported by the TCO-RISEBLOCK (PID2019-110224RBI00), ARPASAT (TEC2015-70197-R), Project RTI2018- 102112-B-I00 (AEI/FEDER,UE) and by the Generalitat de Catalunya grant 2014-SGR-1504Postprint (author's final draft

    Cómo actuar de manera eficiente en la comercialización online del sector hotelero andaluz

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    A pesar de encontrarnos en tiempos de profunda crisis económica, el sector turístico está contribuyendo notablemente a paliar los efectos de la misma en nuestra comunidad, ya que se trata de un sector tractor de otros sectores. El entorno globalizado en el que estas empresas se desenvuelven, hace especialmente importante que las mismas, no sólo las grandes sino también las pymes, despierten a la llamada de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICs) y estén presentes en los mercados virtuales. La investigación que aquí se plantea pretende conocer las herramientas de comercialización online que están siendo empleadas por las empresas del sector hotelero andaluz y cómo están siendo gestionadas. Asimismo, dada la gran potencialidad del comercio online en las estrategias de venta y captación de mercado, intentamos proponer un decálogo de recomendaciones de forma que estas TICs se empleen de manera eficiente desde su concepción. El trabajo que se presenta forma parte de una investigación mucho más amplia, pero tras los primeros resultados recogidos hemos considerado conveniente presentar algunos avances.In spite of going through times of deep economic crisis, the tourism sector is significantly contributing to mitigate its effects on our community, because tourism is an influential industry in Spain. The global environment in which companies of the sector operate, makes it especially important for them (not only large ones but also SMEs) to take advantage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and to be on virtual marketplaces. The research proposed here, aims to identify online marketing tools which are being employed by hospitality companies in Andalusia and how they are being managed. Due to the potential of e-commerce in sales strategies and in gaining market share, a set of recommendations are proposed so that these ICTS are efficiently employed from their conception. The paper is part of a much broader research, but after collecting the first results, it has been considered appropriate to submit some progress