1,373 research outputs found

    Effect of CO2, H2O and SO2 in the ceria-catalyzed combustion of soot under simulated diesel exhaust conditions

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    The effect of CO2, H2O and SO2 in the Ce0.73Zr0.27O2 and Ce0.64Zr0.27Nd0.09O2 catalyzed combustion of soot with NOx + O2 has been studied. Combustion experiments performed in a fix-bed reactor with soot-catalyst mixtures prepared in loose contact mode showed that CO2, H2O and SO2 lower the activity of both catalysts, and the inhibiting effect follows the trend SO2 > H2O > CO2. Regardless the gas mixture composition, the catalytic activity for soot combustion of Ce0.64Zr0.27Nd0.09O2 is equal or higher to that of Ce0.73Zr0.27O2 because Nd3+ doping seems to promote the participation of the active oxygen mechanism together with the NO2-assisted mechanism in the catalytic combustion of soot. The maximum soot combustion rate achieved during a Ce0.64Zr0.27Nd0.09O2-catalyzed reaction in NOx/O2/CO2/H2O/N2 is about three times higher than that of the uncatalyzed combustion, and this catalyst also improves the CO2 selectivity. In situ DRIFTS experiments showed that CO2, H2O and SO2 compete with NOx for the adsorption sites on the catalysts’ surface. CO2 partially impedes the catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2, affecting much more to the Nd3+-containing catalyst; however, the contribution of the active oxygen mechanism seems to remain relevant in this case. H2O also hinders the catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2 on both catalysts, and therefore the catalytic combustion of soot, because delays the formation of nitrogen reaction intermediates on the catalysts’ surface and favors the formation of more stable nitrogen surface species than in a H2O-free gas stream. For both catalysts, SO2 chemisorption (with sulfate formation) is even able to remove nitrogen surface groups previously formed by NOx chemisorption, which significantly inhibits the catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2 and the catalytic combustion of soot.Financial support of Generalitat Valenciana (Project Prometeo 2009/047), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project CTQ2012-30703), and the UE (FEDER funding)

    Diesel soot combustion catalysts: review of active phases

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    The most relevant information about the different active phases that have been studied for the catalytic combustion of soot is reviewed and discussed in this article. Many catalysts have been reported to accelerate soot combustion, including formulations with noble metals, alkaline metals and alkaline earth metals, transition metals that can accomplish redox cycles (V, Mn, Co, Cu, Fe, etc.), and internal transition metals. Platinum catalysts are among those of most interest for practical applications, and an important feature of these catalysts is that sulphur-resistant platinum formulations have been prepared. Some metal oxide-based catalysts also appear to be promising candidates for soot combustion in practical applications, including ceria-based formulations and mixed oxides with perovskite and spinel structures. Some of these metal oxide catalysts produce highly reactive active oxygen species that promote efficient soot combustion. Thermal stability is an important requirement for a soot combustion catalyst, which precludes the practical utilisation of several potential catalysts such as most alkaline metal catalysts, molten salts, and metal chlorides. Some noble metal catalysts are also unstable due to the formation of volatile oxides (ruthenium, iridium, and osmium).The authors are grateful for the financial support received from Generalitat Valenciana (Project Prometeo 2009/047), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project no. CTQ2012-30703), and the EU (FEDER)

    Determinación de selénio por su efecto catalítico en la reducción del azul de toluidina por el ion sulfuro

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    The reduction of toluidine blue by sulphide is catalysed by small amounts of selenium. As a consequence a new kinetic method for the selenium determination is developed. The experimental conditions have been optimized and the variable time method appears to be the most suitable for the determination of selenium. The new method is very sensitive (10 ng/ml) showing good accuracy. Most of the interferences from diverse metallic ions are eliminated by the addition of an excess of Ba(II)-EDTA.La reducción del azul de toluidina por el sidfuro es catalizada cuando se encuentran presentes pequeñas cantidades de selenio. Como consecuencia de esto aportamos un nuevo método cinético para la determinación de selenio. Las condiciones experimentales han sido optimizadas y el método cinético de tiempo variable se seleccionó como más conveniente para las determinaciones analíticas de selenio. El nuevo procedimiento es muy sensible (10 ng/ml) y presenta buena exactitud y precisión. La mayoría de las interferencias producidas por 'los iones metálicos se eliminan mediante la adición de un exceso de AEDT-Ba2

    Oxidaciones de leucocolorantes derivados del trifenil metano con cloramina T, catalizadas por el ioduro. Determinaciones de ioduro, plata, mercurio y paladio

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    The oxidation of leuco crystal violet and of leuco malachite green by chloramine T is catalysed by iodide. Two sensitive, accurate, selective and rapid methods for the determination of iodide are proposed. Ag(I), Hg(II) and Pd(II) ions under suitable conditions inhibit the catalytic effect of iodide on oxidation of reduced form of both dyes by chloramine T. The kinetic determination of these metallic ions is useful at the trace range.La oxidación del leucovioleta cristal y leucoverde malaquita por la cloramina T es catalizada por el ioduro. Basados en este efecto se proponen dos métodos para la determinación de ioduro sensibles, exactos, selectivos y rápidos. En condiciones adecuadas los iones Ag(I), Hg(II) y Pd(II) inhiben la acción catalítica del ioduro sobre la oxidación de las formas reducidas de ambos colorantes por la cloramina T. Las determinaciones cinéticas de estos iones metálicos son aplicables en rangos de concentración a niveles de trazas

    Comparative analysis and design of a solar-based parabolic trough–orc cogeneration plant for a commercial center

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    This paper performs technical, economic and environmental feasibility analyses of two different solar cogeneration plants, consisting of a solar system (a parabolic trough collector field coupled with thermal energy storage), an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), and mechanical chillers, that should cover the electrical and cooling demands of a commercial center located in Zaragoza (Spain). System A is hybridized with an auxiliary biomass boiler that complements the solar system’s thermal production, providing a constant heat supply to the ORC, which operates at full load during the operating hours of the solar system. In contrast, system B is not hybridized with biomass, so the ORC is fully driven by the solar system, operating at partial load according to the solar resource availability. Both systems are connected to the electrical grid, allowing electricity purchases and sales when needed. The design procedure involves the sizing of the equipment as well as the modelling of the hourly behavior of each system throughout the year. The physical analysis is complemented by an economic assessment, which considers investment and variable costs, as well as an estimate of the significant environmental benefits of the proposed plants. The solar plants are compared to a conventional system in which all the electrical consumption is covered with electricity purchased from the grid. The costs of the electricity produced by systems A and B are estimated at 0.2030 EUR/kWh and 0.1458 EUR/kWh, which are about 49% and 7% higher than the electricity purchase price in Spain (0.1363 EUR/kWh). These results indicate that while none of the solar plants are presently competitive with the conventional system, system B (without biomass hybridization) is actually closer to economic feasibility in the short and medium term than system A (with biomass hybridization)

    Doubly heavy quark baryon spectroscopy and semileptonic decay

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    Working in the framework of a nonrelativistic quark model we evaluate the spectra and semileptonic decay widths for the ground state of doubly heavy Ξ\Xi and Ω\Omega baryons. We solve the three-body problem using a variational ansatz made possible by the constraints imposed by heavy quark spin symmetry. In order to check the dependence of our resultson the inter-quark interaction we have used five different quarkquark potentials which include Coulomb and hyperfine terms coming fromone-gluon exchange, plus a confining term. Our results for the spectra are in good agreement with a previous calculation done using a Faddeev approach. For the semileptonic decay our results for the total decay widths are in a good agreement with the ones obtained within a relativistic quark model in the quark-diquark approximation.Comment: Talk given at the IVth International Conference on Quarks an Nuclear Physics (QNP06), Madrid, June 5th-10th 200

    Soil macroinvertebrates community and its temporal variation in a well-drained savannah of the Venezuelan Llanos

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    Morales-Márquez, Jimmy A., Hernández-Hernández, Rosa M., Sánchez, Gloria K., Lozano, Zenaida, Castro, Ignacio, Bravo, Carlos, Ramírez, Elizabeth and Jiménez Ballesta, Raimundo: "Soil macroinvertebrates community and its temporal variation in a well-drained savannah of the Venezuelan Llanos" published at European Journal of Soil Biology 84.2 (2018): 19-26; DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejsobi.2017.11.002In the well-drained savannahs of Venezuelan Llanos, intensive agricultural activities could be causing damage to the soil, with negative consequences for the ecosystem. In order to avoid this problem, some agroecological alternatives are needed. Consequently, it is necessary to know the biologic dimension in this ecosystem, and within this, the soil macroinvertebrate community. The purpose of this work was to characterize this community in the natural savannah: its structure and diversity, its time variation and its relationship with the physical-chemical properties of the soil. A total of 72 samples were taken in different season along a period of time of 1405 days. The results revealed that the soil macrofauna had an average density of 243.5 ± 183.6 ind·m −2 , distributed in 32 families of 11 orders, with a diversity of N 1 = 4.5 ± 2.8 families. Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Isoptera was the most dominants orders. The density, richness and diversity of families showed a temporal variation (r ≥ −0.5; p < 0,05). Additionally, the structure of the soil macroinvertebrate community showed a vertical variation. The relationship with soil properties differed according families: Lampyridae, Aphodiidae and Formicidae had a positive correlation with soil macro-porosity (radius of the pores > 15 μm); Tenthredinidae and Tenebrionidae had a positive correlation with the micro-porosity (pores ≤ 15 μm). The community in general, correlated positively with soil porosity and negatively with bulk density. This suggests that these soil properties need to be considered when designing agroecological technics in this area.We want to express our gratitude to the "Fondo Nacional para la Ciencia Innovación y Tecnología del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria, Ciencia y Tecnología", of the Boliviarian Republic of Venezuela, for the financial support of the project “Manejo Agroecológico de Suelos de Sabanas Bien Drenadas con Unidades de Producción Cereal-Ganado”, Nº G-2002000398, of which this study is part

    PSM-DMO: power save mode and discontinuous BLE mesh operation

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    The Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mesh profile, standardized by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), has an increasing interest in IoT solutions. However, the standard assumes that relay and friend nodes should be continuously scanning the channel awaiting any incoming transmissions. This could be very inefficient in terms of energy consumption, particularly in application scenarios where the backbone of the mesh network cannot be powered and traffic is infrequent. Hence, we present a novel strategy, named PSM-DMO, that minimizes the scan periods and thus, significantly reduces the overall energy consumption of the mesh network. PSM-DMO is defined as a new and optional feature for the currently published BLE mesh specifications, coexists with the standard operation, and is implemented without modifying the core of the specification. The proposal, that ensures the reliability of the mesh operation, can be used in BLE sensor networks that can tolerate a certain transmission delay. PSM-DMO replaces the continuous scan by a periodic but asynchronous polling process whereby the relay and sink nodes interrogate their neighbors about the existence of data to receive or to retransmit through the network. Nodes only go into scan mode during the period of time the mesh network will be involved in the transmission and dissemination. This period is estimated by the node which is the source of data, it is announced to its neighbors and it is propagated consecutively by all the relay nodes until the destination. PSM-DMO allows a theoretical reduction in the energy consumption of relay nodes up to 99.24 %

    Simultaneous catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and soot with Ce–Zr–Nd mixed oxides in simulated diesel exhaust conditions

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    Ce0.73−xZr0.27NdxO2 mixed oxides (x ≤ 0.3) were prepared, characterized by XRD, Raman spectroscopy, N2 adsorption isotherms and H2-TPR, and tested for simultaneous CO, propylene, benzene and soot oxidation in a gas mixture containing O2, NOx, H2O, CO2, CO, propylene (model aliphatic hydrocarbon) and benzene (model aromatic hydrocarbon) that simulates a diesel exhaust. Ce–Zr mixed oxide doping with a low atomic fraction of neodymium (0.01 ≤ x ≤ 0.09) promotes the creation of oxygen vacancies, has a minor effect in the BET specific surface areas of the oxides, increases the surface ceria reducibility and has a positive effect in the catalytic activity. On the contrary, higher neodymium atomic fractions (x = 0.2 and 0.3) promote sintering, with a drastic decrease of the BET specific surface area, surface reducibility and catalytic activity. The Ce0.73−xZr0.27NdxO2 catalysts with x ≤ 0.09 are able to accelerate simultaneously soot, propylene and benzene combustion, and as a general trend, the catalytic behavior of Ce0.73Zr0.27O2 is improved by low atomic fraction neodymium doping (0.01 ≤ x ≤ 0.09). These Ce0.73−xZr0.27NdxO2 mixed oxides with 0.01 ≤ x ≤ 0.09 are also able to accelerate CO oxidation in a certain extent, but there is a net production of CO during soot combustion because the oxidation capacity of these oxides is not high enough to oxidize all CO released as soot combustion product.The authors thank the financial support of CNPq – National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (Brazil), of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (ProjectCTQ2012-30703) and of the UE (FEDER funding)