234 research outputs found

    Estudio de evaluación y mejora de la sanidad y seguridad alimentaria del ganado porcino ibérico -seguimiento de salmonella en la cadena de producción-

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    Aunque las enfermedades de carácter zoonósico pueden cursar de forma inaparente o subclínica en los animales, éstas tienen una importante repercusión en el ámbito de la salud pública. Este aspecto es de especial interés en sistemas de producción extensivos en los que los animales domésticos están en contacto tanto con otros animales domésticos como con especies silvestres, favoreciendo la circulación de patógenos entre ellos. Entre estos patógenos cabe destacar las infecciones por Brucella spp. y Salmonella spp. y las infestaciones por Toxoplasma gondii y Trichinella spp., todas ellas consideradas de alto riesgo zoonósico por la Agencia Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA). Por esta razón, hemos realizado un estudio serológico que permita conocer de forma indirecta la presencia y difusión de estos agentes en el cerdo Ibérico. Durante el bienio 2008-2009 recopilamos un total de 709 sueros procedentes de 79 explotaciones de cerdo Ibérico. Los sueros obtenidos fueron analizados mediante kits comerciales de ELISA para la detección de anticuerpos específicos frente a los patógenos nombrados con anterioridad. La presencia de larvas enquistadas de Trichinella spp. fue analizada mediante la técnica de digestión artificial a partir de los músculos de los pilares del diafragma. Los resultados obtenidos en nuestro estudio permiten concluir que la infección por Salmonella spp. (73.42%, intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95] 65.6-81.78), y la infestación por Toxoplasma gondii (58.23%, IC95 47.33-69.07) están ampliamente difundidas en las granjas y animales analizados, a diferencia de Brucella spp. y Trichinella spp. que presentaron una escasa prevalencia (3.8%, IC95 0.18-7.42; y 0%, respectivamente). No se observó ninguna larva de Trichinella spp. enquistada. Debido a la elevada seroprevalencia detectada frente a Salmonella spp., se realizó un segundo estudio orientado a determinar la prevalencia de Salmonella spp., y los principales serotipos, fagotipos y patrones de resistencia antimicrobiana en cerdos ibéricos criados en la dehesa. Para ellos, un total de 804 nódulos linfáticos ileocólicos procedentes de tantos animales de 67 explotaciones se analizaron siguiendo el método descrito en la norma ISO 6579:2002. Los resultados mostraron una baja prevalencia individual (5.3% animales positivos), aunque un 33 por ciento de las explotaciones resultaron infectadas (22/67). Los...Zoonotic agents such as Brucella spp., Salmonella spp., Toxoplasma gondii and Trichinella spp., all considered high risk zoonotic pathogens by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA), may cause no symptoms of infection in free-range pigs yet still have a significant public health impact. A serological survey was therefore performed to determine the history of occurrence of these pathogens in such pigs in southern Spain. A total of 709 serum samples were collected at abattoir from pigs from 79 farms, and analysed for specific antibodies against the above pathogens using commercially available ELISA kits. Encysted Trichinella spp. larvae were also sought following the artificial digestion method of diaphragm pillar muscle. The results showed Salmonella spp. to be widely distributed among the sampled herds (73.42%, 95% confidence interval [CI95] 65.6-81.78), and Toxoplasma gondii to be present in over half (58.23%, CI95 47.33-69.07). The seroprevalence of Brucella spp. was very low (3.8%, CI95 0.18-7.42) and antibodies against Trichinella spp. were not detected. No encysted Trichinella spp. larvae were microscopically detected. Due to the high seroprevalence detected against Salmonella spp., an epidemiological study was carried out to determine the prevalence of Salmonella spp. infection, as well as the distribution of serovars, phage types and antimicrobial resistance patterns, in pigs reared in free-range systems in southern Spain. A total of 804 animals belonging to 67 free-range pig herd in southern Spain were sampled. Microbiological assessment was performed on ileocolic lymph nodes collected at slaughter according to ISO 6579:2002 procedures. Overall, 33% of the herds were found to be infected and the prevalence of positive pigs was 5.3%. Salmonella serotypes most frequently detected were S. Anatum and Typhimurium, although uncommon serotypes such as S. Muenchen, S. Hessarek and S. Mikawasima were also isolated. All isolates were tested against 16 antimicrobials and exhibited resistance to streptomycin (46%), tetracycline (30%), sulphonamides (25%) and ampicillin (23%). Multi-drug resistance, defined as resistance to ≥4 antimicrobials, was 36%. The comparison of these results with those previously obtained from pigs reared in intensive..

    Algunos resultados recientes en didáctica pitagórica

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    Se muestran algunos resultados obtenidos con niños entre 9 y 12 años que pertenecen al Proyecto Semicírculo de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda y que estuvieron en el primer semestre de 2007 en el Programa Pre talentos. Se toma como figura principal el cuadrado y se definen algunas reglas para construir figuras a partir de ´este, en donde los niños (as) generan nuevas figuras y se empieza a estudiar algunas características de estas figuras como lo son, las relaciones entre los nodos, los lados y las regiones que hay en cada una de ellas, con el fin de inducirlos hacia el Teorema de Euler. Durante este proceso se generan nuevos resultados, entre ellos el Teorema de Cristian, el cual se muestra a continuación en el desarrollo del presente trabajo

    3D Bioprinting of Functional Skin Substitutes: From Current Achievements to Future Goals

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    The aim of this review is to present 3D bioprinting of skin substitutes as an efficient approach of managing skin injuries. From a clinical point of view, classic treatments only provide physical protection from the environment, and existing engineered scaffolds, albeit acting as a physical support for cells, fail to overcome needs, such as neovascularisation. In the present work, the basic principles of bioprinting, together with the most popular approaches and choices of biomaterials for 3D-printed skin construct production, are explained, as well as the main advantages over other production methods. Moreover, the development of this technology is described in a chronological manner through examples of relevant experimental work in the last two decades: from the pioneers Lee et al. to the latest advances and different innovative strategies carried out lately to overcome the well-known challenges in tissue engineering of skin. In general, this technology has a huge potential to offer, although a multidisciplinary effort is required to optimise designs, biomaterials and production processes.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the “RETOS” Program (NANOGROW project, RTC-2017-6696-1) and by the Basque Government (Grupos Consolidados, IT 907-16) and through the PhD grant conceded to Paula Gabriela Maniţă (PRE_2020_2_0261)

    Combined effects of ultra-high pressure homogenization and short-wave ultraviolet radiation on the properties of cloudy apple juice

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    This work addresses the physicochemical, enzymatic and sensory changes in cloudy apple juice treated by ultra- high pressure homogenization (UHPH) and short-wave ultraviolet radiation (UV–C) applied at 20 ¿C. Those technologies were applied in single and combined treatments at different UHPH pressures (200–300 MPa) and UV-C doses (14.3–27.8 J/mL). UV-C treatments could not effectively inactivate enzymes, but treatments at 300- MPa UHPH reduced pectin methylesterase activity to a 24.6%, and polyphenol oxidase activity was not detected. Those samples presented a higher antioxidant capacity (283% measured by FRAP, and 286.4% by DPPH) than in non-treated juice, and after a combination with 28.7 J/mL of UV-C the polyphenols content augmented to 277.6%. Sensory evaluation revealed that UHPH at 300 MPa and UV-C at 21.5 J/mL significantly changed perceptible odour and overall flavour of cloudy apple juice, while treatments at 200 MPa didn’t produce any significant changes in the different parameters.Postprint (published version

    Short Wave Ultraviolet Light (UV-C) Effectiveness in the Inactivation of Bacterial Spores Inoculated in Turbid Suspensions and in Cloudy Apple Juice

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    Liquid foods might present interferences in their optical properties that can reduce the effectiveness of short-wave ultraviolet radiation (UV-C) treatments used for sterilization purposes. The effect of turbidity as UV-C interference factor against the inactivation of bacterial spores was analysed by using phosphate-buffered saline solutions (PBS) of different turbidity values (2000, 2500, and 3000 NTU) which were adjusted with the addition of apple fibre. These suspensions were inoculated with spores of Bacillus subtilis and Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris. While higher UV-C doses increased the inactivation rates of spores, these were reduced when turbidity values increased; a dose of 28.7 J/mL allowed inactivation rates of B. subtilis spores of 3.96 Log in a 2000-NTU suspension compared with 2.81 Log achieved in the 3000-NTU one. Spores of B. subtilis were more UV-C-resistant than A. acidoterrestris. Cloudy apple juice inoculated with A. acidoterrestris spores was processed by UV-C at different doses in a single pass and with recirculation of the matrix through the reactor. Inactivation increased significantly with recirculation, surpassing 5 Log after 125 J/mL compared with 0.13 Log inactivation after a single-pass treatment at the same UV-C dose. UV-C treatments with recirculation affected the optical properties (absorption coefficient at 254 nm and turbidity) of juice and increased browning as UV-C doses became higher

    La implantación de Planes de Igualdad de Oportunidades entre Mujeres y Hombres en los municipios de la Región de Murcia (España)

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    In 2007, Organic Law 3/2007 for the effective equality of women and men was approved at the national level. That same year, in the Region of Murcia, Law 7/2007 was approved for equality between women and men and protection against gender violence. Both laws establish the obligatory nature of public administrations to prepare and execute Equality Plans. The objective of this research is to analyze the content of the Equal Opportunity Plans between women and men that have been approved by the City Councils of the Region of Murcia until the year 2017. Taking into account the object of study, a qualitative methodology, focused on documentary review. 40 municipalities in the Region of Murcia have participated in the research and it has been possible to work with 28 Equality Plans implemented locally from 1992 to 2017. The results of the analysis indicate that there is no adequate development of Equal Opportunity Plans among women. and men locally in the Region of Murcia. The low institutional progress stands out and there is a lack of specific measures to prevent gender inequalities in all areas of social reality. This research is a starting point towards a new approach to equality policies in the Region of Murcia, aimed at promoting, making visible and achieving real equality by eliminating gender-based social inequalities.En el año 2007 se aprobó, a nivel nacional, la Ley Orgánica 3/2007 para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres. Ese mismo año, en la Región de Murcia, se aprobó la Ley 7/2007 para la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres y la protección contra la violencia de género. Ambas leyes establecen la obligatoriedad a las administraciones públicas de elaborar y ejecutar planes de igualdad. El objetivo del trabajo de investigación que se recoge en este artículo es identificar y analizar los planes de igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres que se han aprobado en los Ayuntamientos de la Región de Murcia hasta el año 2017. Teniendo en cuenta el objeto de estudio, se ha recurrido a una metodología cualitativa, centrada en la revisión documental. En la investigación han participado 40 municipios de la Región de Murcia. Se ha podido trabajar con 28 planes de igualdad implantados a nivel local desde 1992 hasta 2017. Los resultados del análisis indican que no existe un desarrollo adecuado de planes de igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres a nivel local en la Región de Murcia. Destaca el escaso progreso institucional y se aprecia una carencia respecto a medidas específicas para prevenir las desigualdades de género en todos los ámbitos de la realidad social

    Cueva de Benzú (Ceuta). Nuevas aportaciones al estudio de las sociedades tribales en el área norteafricana del Estrecho de Gibraltar.

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    El estudio de las ocupaciones neolíticas en el área del Estrecho de Gibraltar está alcanzando un renovado interés. Nosotros creemos que había contactos entre las sociedades tribales de ambas orillas. La Cueva de Benzú (Ceuta) está siendo excavada desde el año 2002 por un equipo interdisciplinar de investigadores de la Universidad de Cádiz, y otras universidades y centros. Aportamos en este trabajo novedades al estudio funcional de la tecnología lítica y al análisis de los fi tolitos. Los niveles neolíticos de la Cueva de Benzú se relacionan con los interesantes registros de la zona de Tánger y Tetuán y en el ámbito peninsular con los del área atlántica-mediterránea de las Bahías de Cádiz y Málaga, en contextos del VIº milenio a.n.e.. Recent studies about the Neolithic occupations in the area of the Strait of Gibraltar are having a renewed interest. We believe there were contacts between tribal societies of both borders. The Cave of Benzú (Ceuta) is being excavated from year 2002 by an interdisciplinary group of investigators belonging to the University of Cadiz, and others universities and centers. We contributed in this work new features in the use wear analysis of the líthic technology and in the analysis of the phytoliths. The Neolithic levels of the Cave of Benzú are relationed to the interesting registers from the zone of Tánger and Tetuán and in the South of Iberian Peninsula with other documented in the Atlantic-Mediterranean area of the Bays of Cadiz and Malaga, in contexts of the VIº millennium B.C

    Evaluation of Continuous UVC Treatments and its Combination with UHPH on Spores of Bacillus subtilis in Whole and Skim Milk

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different UVC treatments, alone or in combination with ultra-high pressure homogenization (UHPH) on Bacillus subtilis spores in milk. Spores of B. subtilis (CECT4002) were inoculated in whole and skim milk to an initial concentration about 6 log CFU/mL. Milk was subjected to different ultraviolet radiation treatments at 254 nm (UVC) using a concentric tubular reactor in a dose ranging from 10 to 160 J/mL. Different number of passes were used to adjust the final dose received by the matrix. In general, increasing the number of passes (defined as number of entries to the tunnel-NET) increased the inactivation of spores of B. subtilis. The best lethality results (above 4 Log CFU/mL) were obtained by applying doses from 100 J/mL with several NET. When the same doses were achieved with a single pass lethality in most cases did not exceed 1 log CFU/mL. Increasing the NET also increased the likelihood for the spores to remain longer in the effective distance from the UVC source, estimated as 0.02 mm for whole milk and 0.06 mm for skim milk. Combination of UHPH and UVC did not clearly increase the efficiency of a single UVC treatment, and a lower lethality was even observed in some cases. UHPH treatments increased the turbidity and absorption coefficient (254 nm) of both whole and skim milk