181 research outputs found

    Business intelligence maturity models: opportunities and recommendations for future investigation - a systematic literature review - part 1

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    La globalización de la economía representa grandes desafíos. Uno de ellos es la explotación de la información y el conocimiento de la empresa. Convertir datos en información y la información en conocimiento se denomina inteligencia de negocios- BI. Se han desarrollado varias herramientas de BI para apoyar el proceso de toma de decisiones. Los modelos de madurez son una de estas herramientas. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo mostrar en dos partes, lagunas y proponer oportunidades para el avance en este campo. En general, se reveló un predominio de características genéricas y descriptivas. Se detectaron algunas lagunas relacionadas con modelos que pueden adaptarse a segmentos industriales específicos. Este campo todavía ofrece amplias posibilidades para nuevos modelos de investigación y madurez.The economy globalization represents significant challenges. One of them is information exploitation and company knowledge. Converting data into information and information into knowledge is called Business Intelligence – BI. Several BI tools have been established to support the decision-making process. Maturity Models is one of these tools. This research aims to show in two parts, breaches and to propose prospects for the progression of this field. In general, the prevalence of generic and descriptive features was revealed. Some gaps related to models that can be modified to specific industrial sectors were detected. This field offers great promises for new investigations and maturity models

    Los hongos liquenizados del género Glyphis en Veracruz, México

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    Background and Aims: The Graphidaceae family is considered one of the most representative of lichenized fungi, both in Mexico and in the world. Approximately 175 of its species have been recorded in Mexico. The objective of this study is to carry out a taxonomic review of Glyphis in Veracruz, through the analysis of literature and material collections from the tropical zone of the elevation gradient on the "Cofre de Perote", Veracruz, Mexico. Methods: Microlichens were collected from localities in tropical ecosystems of the altitudinal gradient of the "Cofre de Perote", Veracruz, Mexico, in cloud forest and tropical dry forest. The material was processed and deposited in the XALU herbarium and analyzed using conventional lichenology techniques for morphology and macrochemistry. Databases and previous works were consulted to know the distribution of Glyphis species in Mexico and the world; moreover, we provide a taxonomic key of the species discussed here. Key results: Glyphis scyphulifera and G. atrofusca are reported for the first time in the state of Veracruz and G. substriatula is cited for the first time in Mexico. A key is included to determine the known Glyphis species for Mexico. Conclusions: According to the collections carried out in the tropical zone of the altitudinal gradient of the "Cofre de Perote", Veracruz, Mexico, it was found that four of the five species of Glyphis accepted in the world inhabit this place, being Glyphis cicatricosa and G. scyphulifera throughout the sampled part of the gradient, while G. atrofusca and G. substriatula are restricted to low elevations.Antecedentes y Objetivos: La familia Graphidaceae es considerada como una de las de mayor representatividad de hongos liquenizados, tanto en México como en el mundo. Aproximadamente 175 de sus especies se han registrado en México. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión taxonómica de Glyphis en Veracruz, mediante el análisis de literatura y colectas de material proveniente de la zona tropical del gradiente altitudinal de “Cofre de Perote”, Veracruz, México. Métodos: Se colectaron microlíquenes de localidades ubicadas en ecosistemas tropicales del gradiente altitudinal de “Cofre de Perote”, Veracruz, México, en bosque mesófilo de montaña y selva baja caducifolia. El material se procesó y depositó en el herbario XALU, y se analizó utilizando técnicas convencionales de liquenología respecto a morfología y macroquímica. Se consultaron bases de datos y trabajos previos para conocer la distribución de las especies de Glyphis en México y el mundo; además, se construyó una clave taxonómica de las especies aquí abordadas. Resultados clave: Glyphis scyphulifera y G. atrofusca se reportan por primera vez en el estado de Veracruz y Glyphis substriatula se cita por primera vez en México. Se incluye una clave para la determinación de las especies de Glyphis conocidas para México. Conclusiones: De acuerdo con las colectas realizadas en la zona tropical del gradiente altitudinal de “Cofre de Perote”, Veracruz, México, se encontró que cuatro de las cinco especies de Glyphis aceptadas en el mundo habitan en este lugar, estando Glyphis cicatricosa y G. scyphulifera en toda la parte muestreada del gradiente, mientras que G. atrofusca y G. substriatula están restringidas a elevaciones bajas

    Enforcing Behavioral Profiles through Software-Defined Networks in the Industrial Internet of Things

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    The fourth industrial revolution is being mainly driven by the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to support the development lifecycle of systems and products. Despite the well-known advantages for the industry, an increasingly pervasive industrial ecosystem could make such devices an attractive target for potential attackers. Recently, the Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) standard enables manufacturers to specify the intended use of their devices, thereby restricting the attack surface of a certain system. In this direction, we propose a mechanism to manage securely the obtaining and enforcement of MUD policies through the use of a Software-Defined Network (SDN) architecture. We analyze the applicability and advantages of the use of MUD in industrial environments based on our proposed solution, and provide an exhaustive performance evaluation of the required processes

    Analysis of a new strain of Euphorbia mosaic virus with distinct replication specificity unveils a lineage of begomoviruses with short Rep sequences in the DNA-B intergenic region

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Euphorbia mosaic virus </it>(EuMV) is a member of the SLCV clade, a lineage of New World begomoviruses that display distinctive features in their replication-associated protein (Rep) and virion-strand replication origin. The first entirely characterized EuMV isolate is native from Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico; subsequently, EuMV was detected in weeds and pepper plants from another region of Mexico, and partial DNA-A sequences revealed significant differences in their putative replication specificity determinants with respect to EuMV-YP. This study was aimed to investigate the replication compatibility between two EuMV isolates from the same country.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A new isolate of EuMV was obtained from pepper plants collected at Jalisco, Mexico. Full-length clones of both genomic components of EuMV-Jal were biolistically inoculated into plants of three different species, which developed symptoms indistinguishable from those induced by EuMV-YP. Pseudorecombination experiments with EuMV-Jal and EuMV-YP genomic components demonstrated that these viruses do not form infectious reassortants in <it>Nicotiana benthamiana</it>, presumably because of Rep-iteron incompatibility. Sequence analysis of the EuMV-Jal DNA-B intergenic region (IR) led to the unexpected discovery of a 35-nt-long sequence that is identical to a segment of the <it>rep </it>gene in the cognate viral DNA-A. Similar short <it>rep </it>sequences ranging from 35- to 51-nt in length were identified in all EuMV isolates and in three distinct viruses from South America related to EuMV. These short <it>rep </it>sequences in the DNA-B IR are positioned downstream to a ~160-nt non-coding domain highly similar to the CP promoter of begomoviruses belonging to the SLCV clade.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>EuMV strains are not compatible in replication, indicating that this begomovirus species probably is not a replicating lineage in nature. The genomic analysis of EuMV-Jal led to the discovery of a subgroup of SLCV clade viruses that contain in the non-coding region of their DNA-B component, short <it>rep </it>gene sequences located downstream to a <it>CP</it>-promoter-like domain. This assemblage of DNA-A-related sequences within the DNA-B IR is reminiscent of polyomavirus microRNAs and could be involved in the posttranscriptional regulation of the cognate viral <it>rep </it>gene, an intriguing possibility that should be experimentally explored</p

    Fragility Curves for Thin-Walled Cold-Formed Steel Wall Frames Affected by Ground Settlements Due to Land Subsidence

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    Land subsidence phenomenon due to ground water withdrawal is a current problem in many places around the world, particularly in the shallows of Mexico. This causes ground differential settlements that affect structures, mainly dwellings and buildings based on reinforced concrete and masonry. Eventually, these structural materials do not exhibit an adequate performance beyond a certain level of angular distortion. This work presents the results about a study regarding the performance of thin-walled cold-formed steel wall frames with different sheathing systems affected by angular distortions simulating ground differential settlements due to land subsidence. The wall frames are composed by vertical (studs) and horizontal elements (tracks), with different sheathing systems: polystyrene, OSB, gypsum and calcium silicate. By means of experimental testing of wall frames subjected to monotonic lateral loads, the rotational stiffness was obtained for the wall frames with polystyrene. Likewise the rotational stiffness of the other wall frame systems was calculated based on the data provided by other author’s publications. On the other hand, by means of numerical simulation, all the wall frame systems were modeled in structural analysis software, calibrating them based on the rotational stiffness. Also, the moment-rotation curves were calculated for the studs and tracks based on the direct strength method. A non-linear static pull down analysis was performed producing several degrees of angular distortion simulating ground settlements for all the wall frames sheathing systems. With the data acquired fragility curves were calculated according three levels of damage for the wall frames with different sheathing system

    The 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm over the South Polar Region studied with MEx/VMC

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    We study the 2018 Martian global dust storm (GDS 2018) over the Southern Polar Region using images obtained by the Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC) on board Mars Express (MEx) during June and July 2018. Dust penetrated into the polar cap region but never covered the cap completely, and its spatial distribution was nonhomogeneous and rapidly changing. However, we detected long but narrow aerosol curved arcs with a length of ~2,000–3,000 km traversing part of the cap and crossing the terminator into the nightside. Tracking discrete dust clouds allowed measurements of their motions that were toward the terminator with velocities up to 100 m/s. The images of the dust projected into the Martian limb show maximum altitudes of ~70 km but with large spatial and temporal variations. We discuss these results in the context of the predictions of a numerical model for dust storm scenario.This work has been supported by the Spanish project AYA2015-65041-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE) and Grupos Gobierno Vasco IT-1366-19. J. H. B. was supported by ESA Contract 4000118461/16/ES/JD, Scientific Support for Mars Express Visual Monitoring Camera. We acknowledge support from the Faculty of the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC). VMC raw images used in this study can be accessed through VMC raw file gallery http://blogs.esa.int/ftp/. VMC raw and calibrated images will be available in ESA PSA in the near future. A list of observations used in this paper is provided in the supporting information. MCD database files are available in http://www-mars.lmd.jussieu.fr/mars.html

    Quantum tunneling and level crossings in the squeeze-driven Kerr oscillator

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    The quasi-energy spectrum recently measured in experiments with a squeeze-driven superconducting Kerr oscillator showed good agreement with the energy spectrum of its corresponding static effective Hamiltonian. The experiments also demonstrated that the dynamics of low-energy states can be explained with the same emergent static effective model. The spectrum exhibits real (avoided) level crossings for specific values of the Hamiltonian parameters, which can then be chosen to suppress (enhance) quantum tunneling. Here, we analyze the spectrum and the dynamics of the effective model up to high energies, which should soon be within experimental reach. We show that the parameters values for the crossings, which can be obtained from a semiclassical approach, can also be identified directly from the dynamics. Our analysis of quantum tunneling is done with the effective flux of the Husimi volume of the evolved states between different regions of the phase space. Both initial coherent states and quench dynamics are considered. We argue that the level crossings and their consequences to the dynamics are typical to any quantum system with one degree of freedom, whose density of states presents a local logarithmic divergence and a local step discontinuity.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    100 Mujeres: Una Iniciativa De Educación Ambiental Con Perspectiva De Género

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    En la mayoría de países, las mujeres son discriminadas y no son tenidas en cuenta para llevar a cabo procesos y tomar decisiones en cualquier ámbito, incluidos los procesos ambientales, a pesar de ser las principales administradoras de los recursos ambientales desde las actividades domésticas y de otros múltiples roles que ellas juegan en el hogar. Debido a esto, el objetivo del trabajo fue disminuir la presión que ejercen las labores domésticas sobre el río Orotoy, mediante el fortalecimiento del papel de la mujer como eje social para el mejoramiento de la calidad y estilos de vida ambientalmente sanos. El trabajo se desarrolló utilizando diferentes técnicas de la investigación acción participativa como son las entrevistas, los grupos de encuentros o talleres (ambiental, producción, salud y social), y las encuestas. Como resultado se encontró que la mayoría de las asistentes al proyecto no conocían sus derechos como mujer, su importancia en lo que respecta a lo ambiental y su importancia como administradoras de su hogar. Finalmente se logró un empoderamiento de la mujer como líder de su familia y de su comunidad con nuevos conocimientos sobre potabilización, producción de alimentos en el hogar y manejo de residuos sólidos que fomentan relaciones amigables con el medio ambiente.AbstractIn most countries, women are discriminated against and are not taken into account in carrying out processes and decisions in any sphere, including environmental processes, despite of being the main administrators of the environmental resources from the domestic activities among the other multiple roles that they play at home. Due to this, the main objective of this work was to diminish the pressure of domestic labors over the Orotoy Luna Azul ISSN 1909-2474 No. 36, enero - junio 2013 ©Universidad de Caldas revista.luna.azúl. 2013; 36: 26-39 River, through the strengthening of the role of women as a social hub for the improvement of quality and environmentally healthy lifestyles. This work was developed by using different participatory action research techniques such as interviews, group meetings or workshops (environmental, production, health and social), and surveys. As a result it was found that the majority of the project participants did not know their rights as a woman, their importance into the environmental debate and their role as home administrators. Finally it was accomplished a woman empowerment as a leader into their family and community, with a new knowledge about potabilization, food production at home and solid waste management that foster a more friendly relationship with the environment.En la mayoría de países, las mujeres son discriminadas y no son tenidas en cuenta para llevar a cabo procesos y tomar decisiones en cualquier ámbito, incluidos los procesos ambientales, a pesar de ser las principales administradoras de los recursos ambientales desde las actividades domésticas y de otros múltiples roles que ellas juegan en el hogar. Debido a esto, el objetivo del trabajo fue disminuir la presión que ejercen las labores domésticas sobre el río Orotoy, mediante el fortalecimiento del papel de la mujer como eje social para el mejoramiento de la calidad y estilos de vida ambientalmente sanos. El trabajo se desarrolló utilizando diferentes técnicas de la investigación acción participativa como son las entrevistas, los grupos de encuentros o talleres (ambiental, producción, salud y social), y las encuestas. Como resultado se encontró que la mayoría de las asistentes al proyecto no conocían sus derechos como mujer, su importancia en lo que respecta a lo ambiental y su importancia como administradoras de su hogar. Finalmente se logró un empoderamiento de la mujer como líder de su familia y de su comunidad con nuevos conocimientos sobre potabilización, producción de alimentos en el hogar y manejo de residuos sólidos que fomentan relaciones amigables con el medio ambiente.AbstractIn most countries, women are discriminated against and are not taken into account in carrying out processes and decisions in any sphere, including environmental processes, despite of being the main administrators of the environmental resources from the domestic activities among the other multiple roles that they play at home. Due to this, the main objective of this work was to diminish the pressure of domestic labors over the Orotoy Luna Azul ISSN 1909-2474 No. 36, enero - junio 2013 ©Universidad de Caldas revista.luna.azúl. 2013; 36: 26-39 River, through the strengthening of the role of women as a social hub for the improvement of quality and environmentally healthy lifestyles. This work was developed by using different participatory action research techniques such as interviews, group meetings or workshops (environmental, production, health and social), and surveys. As a result it was found that the majority of the project participants did not know their rights as a woman, their importance into the environmental debate and their role as home administrators. Finally it was accomplished a woman empowerment as a leader into their family and community, with a new knowledge about potabilization, food production at home and solid waste management that foster a more friendly relationship with the environment