3,894 research outputs found

    Phase diagram and influence of defects in the double perovskites

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    The phase diagram of the double perovskites of the type Sr_{2-x} La_x Fe Mo O_6 is analyzed, with and without disorder due to antisites. In addition to an homogeneous half metallic ferrimagnetic phase in the absence of doping and disorder, we find antiferromagnetic phases at large dopings, and other ferrimagnetic phases with lower saturation magnetization, in the presence of disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures, some errata correcte

    Resultados a largo plazo del tratamiento de las fracturas de rótula mediante hemipatelectomia

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    Han sido revisadas retrospectivamente 48 fracturas de rótula tratadas mediante hemipatelectomía, con un seguimiento medio de 14,6 años. Para la valoración se han seguido criterios clínicos, radiológicos, subjetivos y de potencia del aparato extensor. El rango de movilidad de la extremidad intervenida es del 89%, la potencia del aparato extensor de 83% y la medición de la circunferencia del muslo del 97%, tomando como referencia la extremidad no intervenida. Encontramos un 45% de resultados excelentes, 39,58% de buenos resultados, 10,41% de resultados regulares y 4,16% de malos resultados. Existe una relación estadísticamente significativa entre el tipo de fractura, la edad de los pacientes, la existencia de patología previa en la rodilla, las lesiones asociadas a la fractura rotuliana por el traumatismo y el resultado final obtenido. A la vista de estos resultados podemos concluir que la hemipatelectomía es una técnica eficaz y segura para el tratamiento de algunos tipos de fracturas de rótula.A retrospective stydy was made of 48 patellar fractures who were threated with a hemipatellectomy. The mean time of follow-up was 14,6 years. The results were assessed with use of clinical, radiological, subjective and isokinetic quadriceps strength-testing criteria. The mean active range of motion was 89%, the strength of quadriceps was 83% and the circumference of the thigh was 97% of these measurements in the contralateral extremity. The over-all results was rated as excellent in 45,83%, dood in 39,58%, fair in 10,41% and poor in 4,16%. There was a significant statistical correlation between the type of fracture, the previous patology in the knee, the associated lesions caused by trauma and the outcome. The results of this study indicate that hemipatellectomy can be an effective and secure treatment for selected patellar fractures

    Estudio prospectivo de profilaxis ambulatoria con sulodexida después de una artroplastia total de cadera o rodilla

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    La falta de continuidad en el tratamiento profiláctico ambulatorio se muestra como una de las causas determinantes en la aparición de complicaciones tromboembólicas en el primer mes tras el alta hospitalaria. La dificultad de administración por parte del paciente de las heparinas de bajo peso molecular y la diferencia de preocupación entre los médicos de Atención Primaria y los Servicios especializados por el problema tromboembólico son algunas de las causas de esta discontinuidad. Se realiza un estudio prospectivo sobre 221 pacientes intervenidos de prótesis total de cadera y rodilla con la finalidad de estudiar los resultados obtenidos con el tratamiento profiláctico mediante Sulodexida, un fármaco que une a sus propiedades antitrombóticas la comodidad de la administración vía oral. Se encontró una respuesta satisfactoria sin aparición de complicaciones tromboembólicas en el 98,8% del grupo que completó el tratamiento (n=164), frente al 21% de complicaciones que presentó el grupo que no completó el estudio.The discontinous thromboprophylaxis is a determinant cause in the presence of thromboembolic complications in the first month after hospital discharge. The difficult administration of the low -molecular- weight heparin by the patient and the different preoccupation for this problem between the Primary Care and the orthopedics specialists are the causes that incite to discontinous thromboprophylaxis. A prospective study was made of 221 patients who undergoing a total hip arthroplasty or a total knee arthroplasty and the objective was to investigate the incidence of venous thrombosis in the patients who were treated with oral sulodexide in the first month after hospital discharge. We analized the efficacy and the secondary effects of sulodexide. There were satisfactory results in 98,8% of patients who were treated with sulodexide (1,2% of venous complications), and 21% of venous complications in the group of patients who did not continue the thromboprophylactic treatment

    Growth of Low-Density Vertical Quantum Dot Molecules with Control in Energy Emission

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    In this work, we present results on the formation of vertical molecule structures formed by two vertically aligned InAs quantum dots (QD) in which a deliberate control of energy emission is achieved. The emission energy of the first layer of QD forming the molecule can be tuned by the deposition of controlled amounts of InAs at a nanohole template formed by GaAs droplet epitaxy. The QD of the second layer are formed directly on top of the buried ones by a strain-driven process. In this way, either symmetric or asymmetric vertically coupled structures can be obtained. As a characteristic when using a droplet epitaxy patterning process, the density of quantum dot molecules finally obtained is low enough (2 × 108 cm−2) to permit their integration as active elements in advanced photonic devices where spectroscopic studies at the single nanostructure level are required

    A multi-wavelength view of the central kiloparsec region in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC1614

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    The Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC1614 hosts a prominent circumnuclear ring of star formation. However, the nature of the dominant emitting mechanism in its central ~100 pc is still under debate. We present sub-arcsecond angular resolution radio, mid-infrared, Pa-alpha, optical, and X-ray observations of NGC1614, aimed at studying in detail both the circumnuclear ring and the nuclear region. The 8.4 GHz continuum emission traced by the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Gemini/T-ReCS 8.7 micron emission, as well as the Pa-alpha line emission, show remarkable morphological similarities within the star-forming ring, suggesting that the underlying emission mechanisms are tightly related. We used an HST/NICMOS Pa-alpha map of similar resolution to our radio maps to disentangle the thermal free-free and non-thermal synchrotron radio emission, from which we obtained the intrinsic synchrotron power-law for each individual region within the central kpc of NGC1614. The radio ring surrounds a relatively faint, steep-spectrum source at the very center of the galaxy, suggesting that the central source is not powered by an AGN, but rather by a compact (r < 90 pc) starburst. Chandra X-ray data also show that the central kpc region is dominated by starburst activity, without requiring the existence of an AGN. We also used publicly available infrared data to model-fit the spectral energy distribution of both the starburst ring and a putative AGN in NGC1614. In summary, we conclude that there is no need to invoke an AGN to explain the observed bolometric properties of the galaxy.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Compositional mapping by Z-contrast imaging

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    This research was sponsored by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division, U.S. Department of Energy (SJP, MV), by the Spanish MCI (projects CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 CSD2009-00013 andTEC2008-06756-C03-02/TEC,) and the Junta de Andalucía (PAI research’s groups TEP-120 and TIC-145; project P08-TEP-03516).Peer Reviewe

    Повседневность первобытного человека

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    Seven samples of Siluro-Devonian sedimentary rocks from the Cantabrian and Central Iberian zones of the Iberian Variscan belt have been investigated for provenance and contain four main age populations in variable relative proportion: Ediacaran–Cryogenian (c. 0.55–0.8Ga), Tonian–Stenian (0.85–1.2Ga), Palaeoproterozoic (c. 1.8–2.2Ga) and Archaean (c. 2.5–3.3Ga). Five samples contain very minor Palaeozoic (Cambrian) zircons and six samples contain minor but significant zircons of Middle and Early Mesoproterozoic (Ectasian–Calymmian, 1.6–1.8) age. These data highlight the transition from an arc environment to a stable platform following the opening of the Rheic Ocean. Variations in detrital zircon populations in Middle–Late Devonian times reflect the onset of Variscan convergence between Laurussia and Gondwana. The presence of a high proportion of zircons of Tonian–Stenian age in Devonian sedimentary rocks may be interpreted as (1) the existence of a large Tonian–Stenian arc terrane exposed in the NE African realm (in or around the Arabian–Nubian Shield), (2) the participation, from the Ordovician time, of a more easterly alongshore provenance of Tonian–Stenian zircons, and (3) an increase in the relative proportion of Tonian–Stenian zircons with respect to the Ediacaran–Cryogenian population owing to the drift of the Avalonian–Cadomian ribbon continent, or the progressive burial of Ediacaran–Cryogenian rocks coeval with the denudation of older source rocks from the craton interior

    Whence come detrital zircons in Siluro-Devonian rocks from Iberia?

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    Seven Silurian and Devonian samples from the Cantabrian and Central Iberian zones of the Variscan belt have been investigated for paleogeographic purposes using detrital zircon U-Pb ages. A total of 764 analyses were performed. All samples contain four main age populations in variable relative proportions: Ediacaran–Cryogenian (ca. 0.55–0.8 Ga), Tonian–Stenian (0.85–1.2 Ga), Paleoproterozoic (ca. 1.8–2.2 Ga) and Archean (ca. 2.5–3.3 Ga). The two first groups constitute ca. 60–80% of the total population in all samples. In addition, 5 samples contain very minor Paleozoic (Cambrian) zircons and 6 samples contain minor but significant zircons of Middle and Early Mesoproterozoic age (Ectasian–Calymmian). These data, used in conjunction with detrital zircon U-Pb data of underlying Ordovician and Ediacaran strata constrain the evolution of the northern margin of west Gondwana, highlighting the transition from an arc environment (Cadomian-Avalonian arc orogeny) to a stable platform following the opening of the Rheic Ocean and the drift of Avalonian terranes. Variations in detrital zircon populations in Middle–Late Devonian times reflect the onset of Variscan convergence between Laurussia and Gondwana. The abundance (up to ca. 50%) of zircons of Tonian–Stenian age in Devonian sedimentary rocks, that could not have been recycled from the underlying strata, may be interpreted in different ways: a) the existence of a large Tonian–Stenian arc terrane exposed in the NE African realm (in or around the Arabian-Nubian shield) that was progressively exhumed throughout the Paleozoic, b) the participation from Ordovician times onwards of a more easterly alongshore provenance of Tonian–Stenian zircons. In this scenario, the South China block could have furnished Tonian– Stenian zircons to the Ordovician and Siluro-Devonian basins of Iberia, c) increase in the relative proportion of Tonian–Stenian zircons with respect to the Ediacaran– Cryogenian population (arc-derived zircons) due to the drift of the Avalonian-Cadomian ribbon continent following the opening of the Rheic Ocean.Peer Reviewe

    Desarrollo de un servicio experimental de teledetección en los riegos del Porma (León) para el cálculo ajustado de necesidades hídricas y mejora en la gestión del regadío

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    El proyecto de innovación tecnológica OPTIREG Eficiencia Hídrica, impulsado por el Grupo Tragsa, tiene entre sus objetivos principales introducir el uso de la teledetección, como tecnología de apoyo a la gestión hídrica. Para ello se está desarrollando un servicio web gis experimental que servirá de repositorio único de imágenes y de sus productos derivados y que facilitará, tanto a los regantes, como a los gestores del riego, el seguimiento de los cultivos y de sus necesidades hídricas. Diversos estudios científicos han demostrado la buena relación lineal existente entre el índice de vegetación normalizado (NDVI), derivado de las imágenes de satélite, y el coeficiente de cultivo, Kc (Torres, 2010), utilizado en el cálculo de la evapotranspiración y las necesidades hídricas. Una primera evaluación de los resultados obtenidos en la campaña 2015 para los principales cultivos en regadío en la zona de estudio del Porma (León), indica que el Kc calculado a partir del NDVI, se ajusta mejor que el de FAO. Por ello, se considera un sistema muy válido como referencia para ajustar no sólo la cantidad de agua, sino también para determinar el momento más adecuado de riego, que redundará en una mayor eficiencia hídrica