97 research outputs found


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    The title compound, C11H14N2O2S, was synthesized from furoyl isothio­cyanate and piperidine in dry acetone. The thio­urea group is in the thio­amide form. The thio­urea group makes a dihedral angle of 53.9 (1)° with the furan carbonyl group. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are linked by inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming one-dimensional chains along the c axis. An intramolecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bond is also present


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    The title compound, C13H12N2O2S, was synthesized from furoyl isothio­cyanate and o-toluidine in dry acetone. The thio­urea group is in the thio­amide form. The central thio­urea fragment makes dihedral angles of 2.6 (1) and 22.4 (1)° with the ketofuran group and the benzene ring, respectively. The mol­ecular structure is stabilized by N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. In the crystal structure, centrosymmetrically related mol­ecules are linked by a pair of N—H⋯S hydrogen bonds to form a dimer with an R 2 2(6) ring motif

    Spin-orbit coupling and phase-coherence in InAs nanowires

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    We investigated the magnetotransport of InAs nanowires grown by selective area metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. In the temperature range between 0.5 and 30 K reproducible fluctuations in the conductance upon variation of the magnetic field or the back-gate voltage are observed, which are attributed to electron interference effects in small disordered conductors. From the correlation field of the magnetoconductance fluctuations the phase-coherence length l_phi is determined. At the lowest temperatures l_phi is found to be at least 300 nm, while for temperatures exceeding 2 K a monotonous decrease of l_phi with temperature is observed. A direct observation of the weak antilocalization effect indicating the presence of spin-orbit coupling is masked by the strong magnetoconductance fluctuations. However, by averaging the magnetoconductance over a range of gate voltages a clear peak in the magnetoconductance due to the weak antilocalization effect was resolved. By comparison of the experimental data to simulations based on a recursive two-dimensional Green's function approach a spin-orbit scattering length of approximately 70 nm was extracted, indicating the presence of strong spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure


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    In the title compound, C8H10N2S, the o-tolyl group and the thio­urea core are planar. The mean planes of the two groups are almost perpendicular [82.19 (8)°]. The thio­urea group is in the thio­amide form, in which resonance is present. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are linked by inter­molecular N—H⋯S hydrogen bonds, forming two infinite chains parallel to the (110) and (10) planes


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    The title compound, C13H9F3N2O2S, crystallizes with two independent mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit. The central thio­urea core is roughly coplanar with the furan and benzene rings, showing O—C—N—C(S) torsion angles of 2.3 (4) and −11.4 (2)° and (S)C—N—C—C torsion angles of −2.4 (4) and −28.8 (4)°, respectively, in the two independent mol­ecules. The trans–cis geometry of the thio­urea fragment is stabilized by an intra­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bond between the H atom of the cis thio­amide and the carbonyl O atom. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular N—H⋯S hydrogen bonds form centrosymmetric dimers extending along the b axis

    Strong tuning of Rashba spin orbit interaction in single InAs nanowires

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    A key concept in the emerging field of spintronics is the gate voltage or electric field control of spin precession via the effective magnetic field generated by the Rashba spin orbit interaction. Here, we demonstrate the generation and tuning of electric field induced Rashba spin orbit interaction in InAs nanowires where a strong electric field is created either by a double gate or a solid electrolyte surrounding gate. In particular, the electrolyte gating enables six-fold tuning of Rashba coefficient and nearly three orders of magnitude tuning of spin relaxation time within only 1 V of gate bias. Such a dramatic tuning of spin orbit interaction in nanowires may have implications in nanowire based spintronic devices.Comment: Nano Letters, in pres

    Efecto del doble proceso de despolimerizacion-recristalizacio en las propriedades Fisicoquimicas de la faujasita / Efeito do processo de despolimerização-cristalização dupla sobre as propriedades Físico-química do faujasita

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    Las zeolitas HY jerárquicas fueron sintetizadas mediante el método de despolimerización-recristalización (DR) a partir de una zeolita NaY comercial. La adición de (NH4)2SO4 después de la etapa de despolimerización permite la remoción del Na. La zeolita despolimerizada fue parcialmente recristalizada a 25°C obteniendo nanocristales de zeolita HY (D1/R1), soportada en un material amorfo mesoporoso, generado del material no recristalizado. Posteriormente, la zeolita D1/R1 fue sometida a un segundo tratamiento de DR a las mismas condiciones que el primero, material D2/R2. Los patrones de DRX de la zeolitas Y jerárquicas muestran un decrecimiento en la intensidad de sus líneas de difracción, respecto a la zeolita NaY comercial, mostrando la formación de cristales de zeolita HY más pequeños. La curvatura de la línea base del espectro de DRX, evidencia la presencia del material amorfo mesoporoso. Las isotermas de adsorción/desorción y la distribución del tamaño de poro, muestran que el material amorfo de la zeolita jerárquica D2/R2 presentó una distribución de poros más homogénea, centrados en 130 Å, que la zeolita D1/R1. Un doble tratamiento de DR favorece la formación de un material mesoporoso con tamaño de poro más uniforme. La adición de (NH4)2SO4 remueve hasta un 83% del Na

    Comprehensive cross-platform comparison of methods for non-invasive EGFR mutation testing : results of the RING observational trial.

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    Abstract Several platforms for noninvasive EGFR testing are currently used in the clinical setting with sensitivities ranging from 30% to 100%. Prospective studies evaluating agreement and sources for discordant results remain lacking. Herein, seven methodologies including two next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based methods, three high-sensitivity PCR-based platforms, and two FDA-approved methods were compared using 72 plasma samples, from EGFR-mutant non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients progressing on a first-line tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). NGS platforms as well as high-sensitivity PCR-based methodologies showed excellent agreement for EGFR-sensitizing mutations (K = 0.80-0.89) and substantial agreement for T790M testing (K = 0.77 and 0.68, respectively). Mutant allele frequencies (MAFs) obtained by different quantitative methods showed an excellent reproducibility (intraclass correlation coefficients 0.86-0.98). Among other technical factors, discordant calls mostly occurred at mutant allele frequencies (MAFs) ≤ 0.5%. Agreement significantly improved when discarding samples with MAF ≤ 0.5%. EGFR mutations were detected at significantly lower MAFs in patients with brain metastases, suggesting that these patients risk for a false-positive result. Our results support the use of liquid biopsies for noninvasive EGFR testing and highlight the need to systematically report MAFs. Keywords: NGS; circulating free DNA; epidermal growth factor receptor; non-small-cell lung cancer; osimertinib; tyrosine kinase inhibitor

    Enabling the freight traffic controller for collaborative multi-drop urban logistics: practical and theoretical challenges

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    There is increasing interest in how horizontal collaboration between parcel carriers might help alleviate problems associated with last-mile logistics in congested urban centers. Through a detailed review of the literature on parcel logistics pertaining to collaboration, along with practical insights from carriers operating in the United Kingdom, this paper examines the challenges that will be faced in optimizing multicarrier, multidrop collection, and delivery schedules. A “freight traffic controller” (FTC) concept is proposed. The FTC would be a trusted third party, assigned to equitably manage the work allocation between collaborating carriers and the passage of vehicles over the last mile when joint benefits to the parties could be achieved. Creating this FTC concept required a combinatorial optimization approach for evaluation of the many combinations of hub locations, network configuration, and routing options for vehicle or walking to find the true value of each potential collaboration. At the same time, the traffic, social, and environmental impacts of these activities had to be considered. Cooperative game theory is a way to investigate the formation of collaborations (or coalitions), and the analysis used in this study identified a significant shortfall in current applications of this theory to last-mile parcel logistics. Application of theory to urban freight logistics has, thus far, failed to account for critical concerns including (a) the mismatch of vehicle parking locations relative to actual delivery addresses; (b) the combination of deliveries with collections, requests for the latter often being received in real time during the round; and (c) the variability in travel times and route options attributable to traffic and road network conditions