467 research outputs found
Com ensenyar a investigar. Avaluació a traves de mini-articles en un màster de ciències de l'esport. How to teach research evaluation through articles in a mini-master of science of sport
En aquest treball presentem un projecte innovador que planteja l’aprenentatge de la investigació científica de manera molt pragmàtica. Descrivim els objectius que es persegueixenamb els seus continguts, els fonament didàctics en què es basa i les fases en les què es desenvolupa.El projecte, que està dirigit a alumnes d’Educació Física del Màster de Formació del Professorat d’Educació Secundària Obligatòria, Batxillerat, Formació Professional de la Universitat de Lleida, sorgeix de la inquietud docent d’aconseguir convertir l’aprenentatge de la investigació en una activitat suggerent i atractiva
Creació d’un prototip gamificat per potenciar la lectura a primària. Harry Potter a l’escola: projecte literari a cicle mitjà i cicle superior
Treballs Finals de Grau de Mestre d'Educació Primària, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2021-2022, Tutora: Ilaria Bellatti[cat] En aquest Treball Final del Grau de Mestre d’Educació Primària es dissenya i s’avalua una seqüenciació didàctica destinada als cursos de Cicle Mitjà i Cicle Superior. Hi ha una proposta per cada un dels cursos, de 3r a 6è de Primària, i una final conjunta pels quatre cursos participants. La proposta està fonamentada en la recerca dels hàbits lectors actuals dels alumnes d’Educació Primària i el seu rendiment lector. A més, es destaquenç metodologies de millora dins de l’àrea de llengua catalana, llengua castellana i literatura, de les quals es ressalta la gamificació dins de la lectura, destacant la seva importància i funcionalitat. Les seqüències didàctiques es basen en els quatre primers llibres, respectivament un per cada curs, de la saga Harry Potter de J K. Rowling. En cada una de les sessions, de les 19 que s’estableixen, els alumnes hauran de llegir un capítol o dos per setmana i completar per equips una prova o joc en finalitzar i respondre a una pregunta de comprensió lectora. Totes les seqüències comencen i acaben alhora, i tenen una durada de cinc mesos. A l’avaluació s’observaran tant les seves habilitats lectores com les seves habilitats de socialització i participació en el grup de treball i en el grup-classe. Aquestes seqüenciacions són un prototip, per tant, encara no s’han pogut portar a la pràctica. Tanmateix, el projecte s’ha avaluat de forma objectiva i critica per dos mestres que actualment exerceixen en dos centres escolars de diferent zona i tipologia.[eng] In this Final Project of the Degree of Teacher of Primary Education, a didactic sequence is designed and evaluated for the Intermediate and Upper Cycle courses. There is a proposal for each of the courses, from 3rd to 6th Primary, and a final one for the four courses participating together. The proposal is based on research into the current reading habits of primary school students and their reading performance. In addition, improvement methodologies stand out inside the area of catalan language, castilian language and literature, which gamification within reading is highlighted, empasizing its importance and functionality. The teaching sequences are based on the first four books, respectively one for each course, of the Harry Potter saga by J K. Rowling. In each of the 19 established sessions, students will be required to read one or two chapters per week and complete a test or game in teams at the end and answer a reading comprehension question. All sequences begin and end at the same time, and last for five months. The assessment will look at both, your reading skills and your socialization and participation skills in the work group and in the class group. These sequences are a prototype, so they have not yet been put into practice. However, the project has been evaluated objectively and critically by two teachers who currently work in two different types of schools
Estudio del efecto de la temperatura de cocción en la calidad nutricional y la textura en un producto de V gama esterilizado a partir de judía verde (Phaseolus vulgaris var. perona)
El crecimiento en el mercado de los platos preparados y la comida rápida a la vez que
sana, inocua y de alta calidad nutricional hace necesario un estudio sobre posibilidades
de ampliar la actual oferta de este tipo de alimentos. Los productos de V gama presentan
estas características.
El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar los efectos en la calidad nutricional y en la
textura de las judias verdes (Phaseolus vulgaris var. perona) envasadas al vacío y
esterilizadas en autoclave a diferentes temperaturas a fin de obtener el tratamiento
térmico mas adecuado para la elaboración de un producto de V gama esterilizado. Se
trataron térmicamente judías verdes a distintas temperaturas: 100, 105, 110, 115 y
121ºC, y se analizo el contenido en vitamina C, como indicador de la perdida
nutricional, la textura, como indicador de la calidad sensorial, la perdida de peso debida
al tratamiento y la concentración de 5- Hidroxymetilfurfural (HMF) como indicador de
browning debido a la temperatura por su implicación en las reacciones de Maillard
(pardeamiento no enzimático). Los mismos análisis se llevaron a cabo 7 días después
del tratamiento térmico a fin de asegurar las cualidades nutricionales y sensoriales del
producto a lo largo del tiempo de almacenaje. Así mismo, los valores obtenidos se
compararon con los mismos análisis obtenidos en conservas comerciales de judías
verdes y otros platos precocinados.
Se determino, como resultado de los distintos parámetros analizados, que el
tratamiento a 110ºC era el mas adecuado, puesto que la textura final entraba dentro de
los parámetros aceptables, la perdida de peso y de acido ascórbico fue la menor y el
tratamiento térmico fue el mas corto necesario para obtener la cocción del producto
The foreign language effect on motivational quotes
According to the 'reduced emotionality hypothesis', we are less emotionally driven when reasoning in a foreign language (FL) than in a native language (NL). We examined whether this foreign language effect (FLe) extends to the way we perceive motivational quotes (i.e., encouraging slogans conveying a profound and inspirational message): we expected FL participants to rate motivational quotes as less profound than NL participants. Strikingly, we observed the opposite: FL participants found motivational quotes more profound than NL participants, even after controlling for potential confounders (e.g., IQ, reasoning style). Both FL and NL participants gave similarly low profundity ratings to pseudo-profound bullshit sentences (i.e., meaningless sentences sounding profound), indicating that the message must be meaningful for the FLe to arise. We propose that, like space or time, language could promote psychological distance. This favours a focus on the background of a message to indicate profoundness
Working Memory Deficits After Lesions Involving the Supplementary Motor Area.
Published: 23 May 2018The Supplementary Motor Area (SMA)—located in the superior and medial aspects of
the superior frontal gyrus—is a preferential site of certain brain tumors and arteriovenous
malformations, which often provoke the so-called SMA syndrome. The bulk of the
literature studying this syndrome has focused on two of its most apparent symptoms:
contralateral motor and speech deficits. Surprisingly, little attention has been given to
working memory (WM) even though neuroimaging studies have implicated the SMA in
this cognitive process. Given its relevance for higher-order functions, our main goal was
to examine whether WM is compromised in SMA lesions. We also asked whether WM
deficits might be reducible to processing speed (PS) difficulties. Given the connectivity
of the SMA with prefrontal regions related to executive control (EC), as a secondary
goal we examined whether SMA lesions also hampered EC. To this end, we tested
12 patients with lesions involving the left (i.e., the dominant) SMA. We also tested 12
healthy controls matched with patients for socio-demographic variables. To ensure that
the results of this study can be easily transferred and implemented in clinical practice,
we used widely-known clinical neuropsychological tests: WM and PS were measured
with their respective Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale indexes, and EC was tested
with phonemic and semantic verbal fluency tasks. Non-parametric statistical methods
revealed that patients showed deficits in the executive component of WM: they were
able to sustain information temporarily but not to mentally manipulate this information.
Such WM deficits were not subject to patients’ marginal PS impairment. Patients also
showed reduced phonemic fluency, which disappeared after controlling for the influence
of WM. This observation suggests that SMA damage does not seem to affect cognitive
processes engaged by verbal fluency other than WM. In conclusion, WM impairment
needs to be considered as part of the SMA syndrome. These findings represent the
first evidence about the cognitive consequences (other than language) of damage to the
SMA. Further research is needed to establish a more specific profile of WM impairment
in SMA patients and determine the consequences of SMA damage for other cognitive
functions.MH was supported by the Ramón y Cajal (RYC-2016-19477)
research program (Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and
Competitiveness). MH also acknowledges financial support from
the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa/Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
(Programa FellowsGipuzkoa de atracción y retención de talento)
Creencias y actitudes de los estudiantes del último curso de magisterio hacia la atención a la diversidad
Onzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2005-2006)Considerando la importancia que tiene en la actualidad la atención a la diversidad dentro del entorno
educativo, y el riesgo de determinados alumnos de ser excluidos, creemos que es de vital importancia
conocer la preparación de los futuros docentes en este campo o más exactamente las creencias y actitudes
que presentan hacia la atención a la diversidad, ya que serán los indicadores de su posterior conducta. Para
ello hemos centrado nuestra investigación en los estudiantes de 3º curso de todas las especialidades de la
titulación de maestro de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón evaluando sus actitudes a través de un cuestionario
elaborado para tal fin. Así, a partir de los datos obtenidos se concluye la no existencia de diferencias entre
las cuatro especialidades, entre ambos sexos y entre las personas con experiencia previa con alumnos con
necesidades educativas especiales y los que no la poseen. Asimismo se comparan los resultados obtenidos en
esta investigación con los obtenidos en una similar en 2001 y se concluye que los estudiantes de la promoción
actual parecen mostrar una actitud sensiblemente más positiva que en promociones anteriores
Impact of laser attacks on the switching behavior of RRAM devices
The ubiquitous use of critical and private data in electronic format requires reliable and secure embedded systems for IoT devices. In this context, RRAMs (Resistive Random Access
Memories) arises as a promising alternative to replace current memory technologies. However,
their suitability for this kind of application, where the integrity of the data is crucial, is still under
study. Among the different typology of attacks to recover information of secret data, laser attack
is one of the most common due to its simplicity. Some preliminary works have already addressed
the influence of laser tests on RRAM devices. Nevertheless, the results are not conclusive since
different responses have been reported depending on the circuit under testing and the features of
the test. In this paper, we have conducted laser tests on individual RRAM devices. For the set of
experiments conducted, the devices did not show faulty behaviors. These results contribute to the
characterization of RRAMs and, together with the rest of related works, are expected to pave the way for the development of suitable countermeasures against external attacks.Postprint (published version
Brain networks involved in accented speech processing
We investigated the neural correlates of accented speech processing (ASP) with an fMRI study that overcame prior limitations in this line of research: we preserved intelligibility by using two regional accents that differ in prosody but only mildly in phonetics (Latin American and Castilian Spanish), and we used independent component analysis to identify brain networks as opposed to isolated regions. ASP engaged a speech perception network composed primarily of structures related with the processing of prosody (cerebellum, putamen, and thalamus). This network also included anterior fronto-temporal areas associated with lexical-semantic processing and a portion of the inferior frontal gyrus linked to executive control. ASP also recruited domain-general executive control networks related with cognitive demands (dorsal attentional and default mode networks) and the processing of salient events (salience network). Finally, the reward network showed a preference for the native accent, presumably revealing people's sense of social belonging
Student teachers' positioning with regard to their key learning experiences in the first practicum
This exploratory study consists of a description of which kind of key learning experiences student teachers' have to face during their first practicum in schools and how they positioned their selves in these situations. Twenty-seven second-year student teachers were interviewed. Five key learning experiences were identified: classroom instruction, socialization, conflicting between pre-existing conceptions and the reality, classroom management, and diversity. Two kinds of positions were adopted by them when they faced these experiences: I as a student and I as a teacher. They posi-tioned as students when they focused their attention on observing educational practices and fully and unreservedly accepting their mentors' strategies and they positioned as teachers when they acted and made decisions with autonomy and applied the theoretical knowledge acquired. The difficulties students face in positioning themselves as teachers were found to relate to all the key learning ex-periences except for those connected to do with classroom instruction.Este estudio exploratorio describe el tipo de experiencias clave de aprendizaje a las que se en-frentan los estudiantes docentes durante su primera práctica en las escuelas y cómo se posiciona-ron en estas situaciones. Veintisiete estudiantes de segundo año fueron entrevistados. Se identifi-caron cinco experiencias clave de aprendizaje: instrucción en el aula, socialización, conflicto en-tre las concepciones preexistentes y la realidad, gestión del aula e diversidad. Adoptaron dos tipos de posiciones ante las experiencias: yo como estudiante y yo como maestro/a. Se posicionaron como estudiantes cuando enfocaron su atención en observar las prácticas educativas, aceptando sin reservas las estrategias de sus mentores, y se posicionaron como maestros cuando actuaron y tomaron decisiones con autonomía y aplicaron el conocimiento teórico adquirido en los contextos universitarios. Los resultados muestran que las dificultades que enfrentan los estudiantes para po-sicionarse como maestros se relacionan con todas las experiencias clave de aprendizaje, excepto las relacionadas con la instrucción en el aula
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