47 research outputs found

    Estabilización de un suelo de subrasante de carretera con el sistema Consolid

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    A soil stabilization was carried out for a subgrade with the Consolid system, proceeding to carry out a pit in the sector of the Colón parish, province of Manabí, where unaltered samples were extracted to develop the pertinent tests based on the regulations of the tests of soil mechanics laboratory such as AASHTO -T.88_ ASTM D 422, AASHTO-T.89_ASTM D4318, AASHTO T-180 _ ASTM D-1557, AASHTO T-193_ ASTM D-1883. These data obtained established a CBR value for the natural soil of 2.12% and with a swelling of 8.36%. To later elaborate 9 cylinders of which additives were added in their different percentages, the additive Consolid 444 (CD444) with a percentage of 0.032% of the weight of the soil and the additive Solidry with a percentage of 1.5% of the weight of the soil, these Values were established by the Additive Technical Specifications Manual. The first cylinders were added the percentages and submerged directly as indicated by the AASHTO T-193_ ASTM D-1883 standard, once the compaction is done, it must be submerged for 72 hours and then subjected to the bearing capacity test (CBR ) giving us an approximate value of 8.3% and an overrun of 2.08%. The CBR molds had a dry curing time of 72 hours, obtaining 20% CBR, the last cylinders were subjected to the worst conditions, they were subjected to dry curing time for 72 hours and proceeded to be placed in immersion. for 72 hours, later the cylinders were tested giving us a 12.4% CBR with a swelling of 1.15%. Keywords: Soil stabilization, Subgrade, Consolid System, Resistant capacity, Swelling.Se efectuó una estabilización de suelo para una subrasante con el sistema Consolid, procediendo a realizar una calicata en el sector de la parroquia Colón, provincia de Manabí, en donde se extrajo muestras inalteradas para desarrollar los ensayos pertinentes basándose en las normativas de los ensayos de laboratorio de mecánica de suelos como son la AASHTO -T.88_ ASTM D 422, AASHTO-T.89_ASTM D4318, AASHTO T-180 _ ASTM D-1557, AASHTO T-193_ ASTM D-1883. Estos datos obtenidos establecieron un valor de CBR para el suelo natural de 2.12% y con un esponjamiento de 8.36%. Para posteriormente elaborar 9 cilindros de los cuales se les añadió aditivos en sus diferentes porcentajes, el aditivo Consolid 444 (CD444) con un porcentaje de 0.032% del peso del suelo y el aditivo Solidry con un porcentaje del 1.5% del peso del suelo, estos valores fueron establecidos por el Manual de especificaciones técnicas del aditivo. Los primeros cilindros se les añadió los porcentajes y se lo sumergió de manera directa como lo indica la norma AASHTO T-193_ ASTM D-1883, una vez realizada la compactación deberá ser sumergido por 72 horas y luego sometido al ensayo de capacidad portante (CBR) dándonos un valor aproximado de 8.3% y un esponjamiento de 2.08%. Los moldes de CBR tuvieron un tiempo de curado en seco de 72 horas, obteniendo un 20% de CBR, los últimos cilindros fueron sometidos a las peores condiciones, se sometió a tiempo de curado en seco por 72 horas y se procedió a colocarlo en inmersión por 72 horas, posteriormente se ensayaron los cilindros dándonos un 12.4% de CBR con un esponjamiento de 1.15%. Palabras clave: Estabilización de suelo, Subrasante, Sistema Consolid, Capacidad de resistente, Esponjamiento. Abstract A soil stabilization was carried out for a subgrade with the Consolid system, proceeding to carry out a pit in the sector of the Colón parish, province of Manabí, where unaltered samples were extracted to develop the pertinent tests based on the regulations of the tests of soil mechanics laboratory such as AASHTO -T.88_ ASTM D 422, AASHTO-T.89_ASTM D4318, AASHTO T-180 _ ASTM D-1557, AASHTO T-193_ ASTM D-1883. These data obtained established a CBR value for the natural soil of 2.12% and with a swelling of 8.36%. To later elaborate 9 cylinders of which additives were added in their different percentages, the additive Consolid 444 (CD444) with a percentage of 0.032% of the weight of the soil and the additive Solidry with a percentage of 1.5% of the weight of the soil, these Values were established by the Additive Technical Specifications Manual. The first cylinders were added the percentages and submerged directly as indicated by the AASHTO T-193_ ASTM D-1883 standard, once the compaction is done, it must be submerged for 72 hours and then subjected to the bearing capacity test (CBR ) giving us an approximate value of 8.3% and an overrun of 2.08%. The CBR molds had a dry curing time of 72 hours, obtaining 20% CBR, the last cylinders were subjected to the worst conditions, they were subjected to dry curing time for 72 hours and proceeded to be placed in immersion. for 72 hours, later the cylinders were tested giving us a 12.4% CBR with a swelling of 1.15%. Keywords: Soil stabilization, Subgrade, Consolid System, Resistant capacity, Swelling. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 06 de junio de 2022.Fecha de aceptación: 10 de agosto de 2022.Fecha de publicación: 11 de agosto de 2022

    Mechanical properties of artisanal bricks

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    One of the problems facing construction now is obtaining materials that meet certain conditions of durability and resistance, before weathering or natural phenomena, this work shows the study of the mechanical properties of clay bricks that have were made by hand, between three different brickyards near the Portoviejo canton, here a comparison is made by applying the Ecuadorian standards. The tests allowed performing the comparisons of moisture absorption, compression resistance, and flexural strength test. Field visits, interviews, laboratory tests and tabulation of results have were used as a methodology. The software has was used to make the graphs and statistical tables for its interpretation. As a result of the research, it was found that of the three artisan brick kilns studied. They only meet one of the three criteria established by the INEN. The test that showed the best results was the resistance to bending, while the absorption moisture and resistance to compression results that are below the parameters established in the standard, a situation that is of interest to the community, because a large percentage of the population close to these artisan brick kilns, build their homes with this material

    Mejoramiento de material granular con cemento tipo MH y agregados finos de arena de playa proveniente de la costa en la provincia Manabí

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    The present investigation was developed with the purpose of characterizing the sea sands of the beaches located in the coastal profile of the province of Manabí, to determine if it is feasible to combine it with sub-base type granular material, fulfilling the specification of INEN standards for civil works projects. The sea sand studied underwent granulometry, natural humidity and specific gravity tests to later combine it granulometrically with the sub-base type granular material from a quarry located in the canton of Montecristi. The dosage to stabilize the sub-base was developed using 10% sea sand from Puerto Cayo adding 3, 4 and 5% Holcim Base Vial Type MH cement. To analyze the mechanical behavior of this type of mixtures, Modified Proctor and CBR (California Bearing Ratio) tests were carried out, which allowed us to show favorable results regarding the resistant capacity of the sub-base type granular material, since by adding 10% of sea sand from Puerto Cayo and 5% MH type cement, the CBR of the quarry granular material, significantly increased reaching values from 33.2% to 150%. Keywords: Sea sand, Granular sub-base, Granulometry, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Type MH Cement.La presente investigación se desarrolló con el propósito de caracterizar las arenas de mar de las playas ubicadas en el perfil costero de la provincia de Manabí, para determinar si es factible su uso en la combinación con material granular tipo sub-base cumpliendo con las especificaciones de las normas del INEN para proyectos de obras civiles. A la arena de mar estudiada se le realizaron ensayos de granulometría, humedad natural y gravedad específica para posteriormente combinarla granulométricamente con el material granular tipo sub-base proveniente de una cantera ubicada en el cantón de Montecristi. La dosificación para estabilizar la sub-base se desarrolló empleando 10% de arena de mar de Puerto Cayo añadiendo 3, 4 y 5% de cemento Holcim Base Vial Tipo MH. Para analizar el comportamiento mecánico de este tipo de mezclas, se realizaron ensayos de Proctor Modificado y CBR (California Bearing Ratio) que permitieron evidenciar resultados favorables con respecto a la capacidad resistente del material granular tipo sub-base ya que al añadirle un 10% de arena de mar de Puerto Cayo y 5% de cemento tipo MH, aumentó significativamente el CBR del material granular de cantera, alcanzando valores de 33.2% al 150%. Palabras clave: Arena de mar, Sub-base granular, Granulometría, Capacidad Portante de Suelo (CBR), Cemento Tipo MH. Abstract The present investigation was developed with the purpose of characterizing the sea sands of the beaches located in the coastal profile of the province of Manabí, to determine if it is feasible to combine it with sub-base type granular material, fulfilling the specification of INEN standards for civil works projects. The sea sand studied underwent granulometry, natural humidity and specific gravity tests to later combine it granulometrically with the sub-base type granular material from a quarry located in the canton of Montecristi. The dosage to stabilize the sub-base was developed using 10% sea sand from Puerto Cayo adding 3, 4 and 5% Holcim Base Vial Type MH cement. To analyze the mechanical behavior of this type of mixtures, Modified Proctor and CBR (California Bearing Ratio) tests were carried out, which allowed us to show favorable results regarding the resistant capacity of the sub-base type granular material, since by adding 10% of sea sand from Puerto Cayo and 5% MH type cement, the CBR of the quarry granular material, significantly increased reaching values from 33.2% to 150%. Keywords: Sea sand, Granular sub-base, Granulometry, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Type MH Cement. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 09 de diciembre de 2022.Fecha de aceptación: 03 de febrero de 2023.Fecha de publicación: 27 de febrero de 2023

    Impacto socio ambiental de la calidad del agua del río Portoviejo en el período 2014-2017

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    The present paper evaluates the environmental partner impacts negative caused by the pollution of the Portoviejo river water in the province of Manabí, Ecuador. Several studies developed on this problem indicate that the dumping of wastewater on its channel, the unplanned human settlements on its banks and the dumping of solid waste have caused the gradual deterioration of this important natural effluent. The results obtained show that having a poor quality water has high costs for the treatment of water used for human consumption, which is assumed by the population in the consumption payments for this service, to this is added the agricultural production in the area and the need to implement an environmental management plan for the collection and final disposal of solid waste generated by the population, as well as to evaluate the operation of the wastewater treatment plant of the city of Portoviejo.El presente trabajo evalúa los impactos socio ambientales negativos causados por la contaminación del agua del río Portoviejo en la provincia de Manabí, Ecuador. Varios estudios desarrollados sobre esta problemática indican que el vertimiento de aguas residuales sobre su cauce, los asentamientos humanos no planificados en sus riveras y el vertimiento de desechos sólidos, han provocado el deterioro paulatino de este importante efluente natural. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el tener un agua de mala calidad incide en elevados costos para el tratamiento del agua utilizada para consumo humano, el mismo que es asumido por la población en los pagos de consumo por este servicio, a esto se adiciona la no producción agrícola en la zona y la necesidad de poder implementar un plan de manejo ambiental para la recolección y disposición final de los desechos sólidos generados por la población, así como de evaluar el funcionamiento de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de la ciudad de Portoviejo

    Análisis del tránsito vehicular, alternativas y soluciones a congestionamientos en la Avenida América, entre avenida Manabí y calle Ramón Fernández-Portoviejo-Manabí

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      La ciudad de Portoviejo experimenta uno de los problemas más frecuentes de las ciudades cuyo parque automotor va en crecimiento, que tienen una alta actividad comercial y gran concentración de actividad burocrática, el congestionamiento vehicular. El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar la composición del tránsito vehicular y proponer soluciones y alternativas a este problema en uno de los focos de congestionamiento de la ciudad, ubicado a lo largo de la Avenida América, desde su intersección con la Avenida Manabí hasta su intersección con la calle Ramón Fernández, zona a la que se ha denominado “Sector Bancario”. Para dicho efecto la metodología se respaldó en la aplicación de un aforo vehicular, la práctica de una encuesta dirigida a los conductores y la observación de los investigadores. Los resultados permitieron identificar tres causas frecuentes del problema: las denominadas “horas pico”, el tipo de vehículo y, principalmente, el conductor.   PALABRAS CLAVE: tránsito; tránsito vehicular; congestionamiento vehicular; soluciones y alternativas   ABSTRACT The city of Portoviejo experiences one of the most frequent problems of the cities where the car park is growing, which have a high commercial activity and a high concentration of bureaucratic activity, vehicle congestion. The objective of this research work was to analyze the composition of vehicular traffic and propose solutions and alternatives to this problem in one of the congestion points of the city, located along Avenida América, from its intersection with Avenida Manabí to its intersection with Ramón Fernández street, an area called “Banking Sector”. For this purpose, the methodology was supported by the application of a vehicle count, the practice of a survey directed at drivers, and the observation of researchers. The results allowed identifying three frequent causes of the problem: the so-called "rush hours", the type of vehicle and, mainly, the driver.   KEYWORDS: transit; vehicular traffic; traffic congestion; solutions and alternative

    Combinación de mezclas de agregados gruesos y finos pertenecientes a la Cantera Uruzca para diferentes resistencias de hormigón

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    This research focused on designing a mixture of stone aggregates to be used in the design of concrete of 210 kg/cm2 and 240 kg/cm2. For this mix, materials were collected from the Uruzca quarry and granulometric tests were carried out on them. To make the aggregate mix, a trial and error method was used; complementary tests of specific weight, compacted and loose unit weight and percentage of moisture required by the ACI 211.1 Method were carried out. The proportions of fine materials that were selected correspond to a percentage of 80/20 (80% cisco and 20% bench sand) which improved its grading and the fineness modulus was adjusted to the range of 2.3 to 3.1, the compressive strengths were exceeded but the electrical resistivity showed high penetration of chlorides, leaving a deficient durability in high contamination environments. The proportions of materials required to design a 210 kg/cm2 concrete are 1 of cement with 4.36 of coarse and fine aggregate, while for a 240 kg/cm2 mix they are 1 of cement and 3.85 of coarse and fine aggregate. Keywords: Concrete, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, electrical resistivity, strength.Esta investigación se enfocó en diseñar una mezcla de agregados pétreos para posterior ser utilizados en diseño de hormigones de 210 kg/cm2 y 240 kg/cm2. Para esta mezcla se recopilaron materiales de la cantera Uruzca a los que se les realizaron ensayos granulométricos, para realizar la mezcla de agregados se empleó un método de tanteo; se realizaron ensayos complementarios de peso específico, peso unitario compactado y suelto y porcentaje de humedad necesarios para el Método ACI 211.1. Las proporciones de materiales finos que fueron seleccionadas corresponden a un porcentaje de 80/20 (80% cisco y 20% arena de banco) con lo que se mejoró su graduación y el módulo de finura se ajustó al rango de 2.3 a 3.1, las resistencias a la compresión fueron superadas pero la resistividad eléctrica demostró alta penetración de cloruros, dejando marcado una durabilidad deficiente en ambientes de alta contaminación. Las proporciones de materiales que se requieren para diseñar un hormigón de 210 kg/cm2 son de 1 de cemento con 4.36 de agregado grueso y fino, mientras que para una mezcla de 240 kg/cm2 son 1 de cemento y 3.85 de agregado grueso y fino. Palabras clave: Hormigón, agregados grueso, agregado fino, resistividad eléctrica, resistencia. Abstract This research focused on designing a mixture of stone aggregates to be used in the design of concrete of 210 kg/cm2 and 240 kg/cm2. For this mix, materials were collected from the Uruzca quarry and granulometric tests were carried out on them. To make the aggregate mix, a trial and error method was used; complementary tests of specific weight, compacted and loose unit weight and percentage of moisture required by the ACI 211.1 Method were carried out. The proportions of fine materials that were selected correspond to a percentage of 80/20 (80% cisco and 20% bench sand) which improved its grading and the fineness modulus was adjusted to the range of 2.3 to 3.1, the compressive strengths were exceeded but the electrical resistivity showed high penetration of chlorides, leaving a deficient durability in high contamination environments. The proportions of materials required to design a 210 kg/cm2 concrete are 1 of cement with 4.36 of coarse and fine aggregate, while for a 240 kg/cm2 mix they are 1 of cement and 3.85 of coarse and fine aggregate. Keywords: Concrete, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, electrical resistivity, strength. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 21 de diciembre de 2021.Fecha de aceptación: 01 de febrero de 2022.Fecha de publicación: 07 de febrero de 2022

    Caracterización de la movilidad vehicular y peatonal en la Universidad Técnica de Manabí

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      El congestionamiento vehicular y peatonal es una problemática frecuente en muchas ciudades del mundo, que se agrava por la distribución inadecuada de espacios y por el irrespeto a las normas vigentes de tránsito. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue caracterizar la movilidad vehicular y peatonal dentro del campus principal de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí, para identificar problemas y proponer posibles soluciones que mejoren la movilidad en la institución y sus alrededores. La metodología se basó en la implementación de aforos para vehículos y peatones en los 5 puntos de ingreso/salida de la institución durante una semana, conteo de espacios disponibles en las áreas de estacionamiento y la implementación de una encuesta virtual dirigida a una muestra considerable de usuarios en la institución. Los resultados indicaron que la movilización peatonal, proveniente en gran porcentaje del transporte público, es el principal medio ingreso/salida a la Universidad, seguida del vehículo liviano.   Palabras clave— Problemática, Movilidad, implementación, aforos vehiculares, aforos peatonales, congestión vehicular.   Abstract— Vehicular and pedestrian congestion is a frequent problem in many cities around the world, aggravated by the inadequate distribution of spaces and disrespect for current traffic regulations. The objective of this research was to characterize vehicular and pedestrian mobility within the main campus of the Technical University of Manabí, to identify problems and propose possible solutions that improve mobility in the institution and its surroundings. The methodology was based on the implementation of counting points for vehicles and pedestrians in the 5 places of entry/exit of the institution during a week, counting of available spaces in the parking areas and the implementation of a virtual survey directed to a sample considerable number of users in the institution. The results indicated that pedestrian mobilization that comes in a large percentage of public transport is the main means of entry/exit to the University, followed by the light vehicle.   Keywords— Sustainability, mobility, effects, vehicle counts, pedestrian counts, traffic congestio

    Fuentes de arena de río de la Provincia de Manabí a utilizar en hormigones en la construcción de obras civiles

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      Con el fin Establecer fuentes de arena de río de buena calidad de la provincia de Manabí para abaratar costos de transporte de este agregado a utilizar en los hormigones de las construcciones civiles se realizó un análisis comparativo de diseños   de   hormigones   con   resistencia   de 240kg/cm2, utilizando arenas de los cauces de los rio con agregados gruesos de diferente cantera de la Provincia de Manabí. Se empleó arenas de los cauces de diversos ríos como:   Pajan,   Quiroga,   Portoviejo,   Chone, Olmedo. Para los agregados gruesos se tomaron muestras de las canteras Picoazá: San Agustín, Megarok, Grano de Oro, San José y La Chicha del cantón Sucre.  Las combinación de  materiales planteadas para los diseños respectivos son: Cantera San Agustín con arenas del Rio Pajan y Rio Portoviejo, Cantera Megarok con arenas del Rio Quiroga y Rio Portoviejo, Cantera Grano de Oro con arenas del Rio Santa Ana, Cantera San José con arenas del Rio Puca del Cantón Olmedo, además se utilizó Cantera la Chicha con arenas del Rio Chone. Al analizar los resultados se concluyó que las arenas de los ríos de la Provincias de Manabí presentan impureza orgánicas, afectando las resistencias superiores a F’c 240 kg/cm2 a comprensión y mostrando resistividad superficial desfavorables para tener hormigones con durabilidad aceptable.    Palabras claves.- Resistencia de Compresión, Resistividad Superficial, Agregados, Arenas Hormigones, Meandros.   SUMARY In order to  establish good quality sources of sand from rivers in Manabí province to reduce transportation costs of this aggregate  used in concretes for civil constructions, a comparative analysis of concrete designs with a resistance of 240kg / cm2 was performed, using sands from the riverbed with coarse aggregates from different quarries in the Province of Manabí. Sands from various riverbeds such as: Pajan, Quiroga, Portoviejo, Chone, Olmedo were used. For the coarse aggregates, samples were taken from Picoazá’s quarries: San Agustín, Megarok, Grano de Oro, San José, and La Chicha in the canton of Sucre.  The   dose   of   materials   proposed   for   the respective  designs  are:  Cantera  San  Agustín with   sand   from   the   Rio   Pajan   and   Rio Portoviejo, Cantera Megarok with sand from the Rio Quiroga and Rio Portoviejo, Cantera Grano de  Oro  with  sand  from  the  Rio  Santa  Ana, Cantera San José with sand from the Puca River of the Olmedo Canton, Cantera la Chicha was also used with sands from the Chone River. When analyzing the results, it was concluded that the sands of the rivers of the Provinces of Manabí present organic impurity affecting the resistances  superior  to  F’c  240  kg  /  cm2  at compression and this shows unfavorable surface resistivity,  this  has  a  negative  impact  in  the acceptable durability of concretes   Index   Terms.   -   Compression   Resistance, Surface Resistivity, Aggregates Sands, Concrete, Meander

    Análisis comparativo de suelo de campo y laboratorio para la medición de su capacidad portante con ensayos de Valor de Soporte de California (CBR) y Cono Dinámico de Penetración (DCP) en la Universidad Técnica de Manabí.

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      The purpose of this investigation is to determine direct correlations by means of laboratory tests for the index of resistance to the cut of the Dynamic Cone of Penetration (DCP), with the resistance to cut California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of the soil, where it presents an alternative to establish Design criteria for pavement structures, based on physical and mechanical tests,  taking samples by means of soil exploration, they were subsequently processed in the laboratory demonstrating their properties where silts and clays with a high degree of plasticity predominate. Correlations proposed by (Van Vuuren, 1969) were taken, which experimentally mentions an equation suitable for all types of soils and the most accurate according to its reliability, the Dynamic Cone developed by (Scala, 1956), which, experimentally presents the following results in the field: The N°1 poll a 4.7% CBR, the N°2 poll a 3.61% CBR and the N°3 poll a 3.37% CBR, these mentioned parameters were obtained in a corresponding way from the DCP index of 40 mm/stroke, 50 mm/stroke, and 54 mm/stroke, in addition to laboratory tests that a more conservative parameter results were obtained for the poll N°1 a CBR of 3.98% the Poll, N°2 a CBR of 3.40% and the Poll N°3 a CBR of 3.20%.   Index Terms— Dynamic Cone of Penetration (DCP), California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Poll, Correlations, Test