Estabilización de un suelo de subrasante de carretera con el sistema Consolid


A soil stabilization was carried out for a subgrade with the Consolid system, proceeding to carry out a pit in the sector of the Colón parish, province of Manabí, where unaltered samples were extracted to develop the pertinent tests based on the regulations of the tests of soil mechanics laboratory such as AASHTO -T.88_ ASTM D 422, AASHTO-T.89_ASTM D4318, AASHTO T-180 _ ASTM D-1557, AASHTO T-193_ ASTM D-1883. These data obtained established a CBR value for the natural soil of 2.12% and with a swelling of 8.36%. To later elaborate 9 cylinders of which additives were added in their different percentages, the additive Consolid 444 (CD444) with a percentage of 0.032% of the weight of the soil and the additive Solidry with a percentage of 1.5% of the weight of the soil, these Values were established by the Additive Technical Specifications Manual. The first cylinders were added the percentages and submerged directly as indicated by the AASHTO T-193_ ASTM D-1883 standard, once the compaction is done, it must be submerged for 72 hours and then subjected to the bearing capacity test (CBR ) giving us an approximate value of 8.3% and an overrun of 2.08%. The CBR molds had a dry curing time of 72 hours, obtaining 20% CBR, the last cylinders were subjected to the worst conditions, they were subjected to dry curing time for 72 hours and proceeded to be placed in immersion. for 72 hours, later the cylinders were tested giving us a 12.4% CBR with a swelling of 1.15%. Keywords: Soil stabilization, Subgrade, Consolid System, Resistant capacity, Swelling.Se efectuó una estabilización de suelo para una subrasante con el sistema Consolid, procediendo a realizar una calicata en el sector de la parroquia Colón, provincia de Manabí, en donde se extrajo muestras inalteradas para desarrollar los ensayos pertinentes basándose en las normativas de los ensayos de laboratorio de mecánica de suelos como son la AASHTO -T.88_ ASTM D 422, AASHTO-T.89_ASTM D4318, AASHTO T-180 _ ASTM D-1557, AASHTO T-193_ ASTM D-1883. Estos datos obtenidos establecieron un valor de CBR para el suelo natural de 2.12% y con un esponjamiento de 8.36%. Para posteriormente elaborar 9 cilindros de los cuales se les añadió aditivos en sus diferentes porcentajes, el aditivo Consolid 444 (CD444) con un porcentaje de 0.032% del peso del suelo y el aditivo Solidry con un porcentaje del 1.5% del peso del suelo, estos valores fueron establecidos por el Manual de especificaciones técnicas del aditivo. Los primeros cilindros se les añadió los porcentajes y se lo sumergió de manera directa como lo indica la norma AASHTO T-193_ ASTM D-1883, una vez realizada la compactación deberá ser sumergido por 72 horas y luego sometido al ensayo de capacidad portante (CBR) dándonos un valor aproximado de 8.3% y un esponjamiento de 2.08%. Los moldes de CBR tuvieron un tiempo de curado en seco de 72 horas, obteniendo un 20% de CBR, los últimos cilindros fueron sometidos a las peores condiciones, se sometió a tiempo de curado en seco por 72 horas y se procedió a colocarlo en inmersión por 72 horas, posteriormente se ensayaron los cilindros dándonos un 12.4% de CBR con un esponjamiento de 1.15%. Palabras clave: Estabilización de suelo, Subrasante, Sistema Consolid, Capacidad de resistente, Esponjamiento. Abstract A soil stabilization was carried out for a subgrade with the Consolid system, proceeding to carry out a pit in the sector of the Colón parish, province of Manabí, where unaltered samples were extracted to develop the pertinent tests based on the regulations of the tests of soil mechanics laboratory such as AASHTO -T.88_ ASTM D 422, AASHTO-T.89_ASTM D4318, AASHTO T-180 _ ASTM D-1557, AASHTO T-193_ ASTM D-1883. These data obtained established a CBR value for the natural soil of 2.12% and with a swelling of 8.36%. To later elaborate 9 cylinders of which additives were added in their different percentages, the additive Consolid 444 (CD444) with a percentage of 0.032% of the weight of the soil and the additive Solidry with a percentage of 1.5% of the weight of the soil, these Values were established by the Additive Technical Specifications Manual. The first cylinders were added the percentages and submerged directly as indicated by the AASHTO T-193_ ASTM D-1883 standard, once the compaction is done, it must be submerged for 72 hours and then subjected to the bearing capacity test (CBR ) giving us an approximate value of 8.3% and an overrun of 2.08%. The CBR molds had a dry curing time of 72 hours, obtaining 20% CBR, the last cylinders were subjected to the worst conditions, they were subjected to dry curing time for 72 hours and proceeded to be placed in immersion. for 72 hours, later the cylinders were tested giving us a 12.4% CBR with a swelling of 1.15%. Keywords: Soil stabilization, Subgrade, Consolid System, Resistant capacity, Swelling. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 06 de junio de 2022.Fecha de aceptación: 10 de agosto de 2022.Fecha de publicación: 11 de agosto de 2022

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