1,308 research outputs found


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    Making Room for Post-Authentic Domesticity

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    This creative response interrogates the persona that seems to inhabit sex webcam platforms, online services where people can stream and monetize amateur sexual performances (Henry & Farvid 2017; Jones 2020). If the perception of authenticity has been a crucial feature of camming since its inception (Senft 2008), this impression is no longer conveyed only through amateur signifiers (Hernández 2019). Domesticity on the sexcam platform oscillates between two poles. One of them is incarnated by the professional webcam studio, where uninhabited rooms are presented as private yet generic spaces (Korody 2019). The other pole is the personal space, staged for its transmission through the platform. Decorative trends and habits crossover between these extremes, creating a new type of domesticity with no other purpose than the sexual spectacle. The product of this mutual influence is referred to as ‘post-authentic domesticity’ in this article. Drawing upon literary studies, post-authenticity implies a fiction that engages with an ‘authentic’ referent but does not aim to replicate it (Gefter Wondrich 2020). As such, domesticity in the sexcam platform is both a second-hand reference and a space where its online persona unfolds.The exploration of this post-authentic domesticity is conveyed by means of a website that replicates some of the graphic conventions of sexcam performers’ profiles. The website is divided into different pages that address distinct aspects in the form of short poems. The images accompanying the texts, created by the author, were made using ASCII characters and they reference empty webcam rooms observed in the sexcam platform Chaturbate during 2022. The abstract character of the images aims to emphasize the role of the audience in the construction of online intimacy and meaning

    Importancia de los cuidados en situaciones complejas. Un caso clínico y su evolución

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    Los cuidados de Enfermería en las unidades de agudos de Nefrología, presentan una elevada complejidad que requiere destrezas y habilidades especializadas. En el caso del control y seguimiento de pacientes con insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA) complicada, la práctica basada en la evidencia adquiere especial importancia por la toma de decisiones que determinan el pronóstico del paciente. Se presenta un caso clínico de un paciente que, en el transcurso de una Insuficiencia Renal Aguda (IRA: N.T.A. –N.TI.A.)*, Se diagnostica un mieloma múltiple, donde la actuación del equipo multidisciplinar adquiere especial relevancia por las características del paciente. Se trata de un caso clínico de interés para su estudio y análisis

    Information and digital literacy challenges: a guide to bridge the gap between natives and digital immigrants

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    La alfabetización mediática y la alfabetización informacional se han convertido en un problema socioeconómico que excede el alcance de las bibliotecas. Las estructuras educativas formales, universidades y escuelas están seriamente involucradas en este tipo de alfabetización. Algunas instituciones privadas también están asumiendo parte de la alfabetización tecnológica de los trabajadores. Los organismos internacionales, OCDE, Unión Europea, Unesco y otros están redefiniendo las nuevas competencias básicas del siglo XXI. Las bibliotecas universitarias tienen experiencia en programas de alfabetización informacional. Falta definir el papel de las bibliotecas públicas como agentes formadores que ayuden a las distintas comunidades a superar la brecha entre nativos e inmigrantes digitales.Media and informational literacy has become a socioeconomic problem beyond the scope of the libraries. Formal education structures, universities and schools, are seriously involved in this kind of literacy. Some private institutions are also taking part in the Information Technology (IT) literacy of workers. International agencies, OECD, European Union, UNESCO and others are redefining the new basic skills for the 21st century. University libraries have experience in information literacy programs but it’s necessary to define the role of public libraries as forming agents that help different communities to bridge the gap between natives and digital immigrantsPublicad

    Intranets y preservación digital, algo más que tecnología

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    Análisis sobre la evolución de las intranets, sus actores y servicios. Se reflexiona sobre el cambio que se ha producido en las ntranets desde una perspectiva tecnológica a una perspectiva funcional, la importancia en el diseño de las intranets más allá de los criterios puramente estéticos y la urgencia en abordar cuestiones relacionadas con la preservación digital a medida que las intranets crecen

    Программа вмешательства в детское воспитание для физкультурно- оздоровительной работы

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    One of the main causes of coronary, respiratory and metabolic diseases among others, in today’s society, is sedentary life. Sedentarism comes from the high rate of abandonment of physical-sport practice in the period of adolescence. The consolidation of healthy habits from an early age, including the daily practice of physical activity, is essential to improve adherence over time. The main objective of this study was to carry out a motor intervention program in an infant education class in order to improve their physical condition-health. Nineteen infants (10 boys, 9 girls) aged 3 years participated in this study. The intervention was conducted over a period of 6 weeks. Families were also made aware about the importance of physical activity. Anthropometric variables of height and weight were measured, as well as physical condition variables such as speed and long jump, before and after the intervention. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test revealed the normality of the sample which allowed a comparison of means with Student’s t-test. The results obtained in the physical tests reveal that the physical condition of the participants improved ostensibly, although this improvement was only statistically significant in the case of the 4x10 test. Nevertheless, the work in this line shows a positive tendency towards the improvement of the physical condition-health, thus education professionals are expected to continue working in this direction.One of the main causes of coronary, respiratory and metabolic diseases among others, in today’s society, is sedentary life. Sedentarism comes from the high rate of abandonment of physical-sport practice in the period of adolescence. The consolidation of healthy habits from an early age, including the daily practice of physical activity, is essential to improve adherence over time. The main objective of this study was to carry out a motor intervention program in an infant education class in order to improve their physical condition-health. Nineteen infants (10 boys, 9 girls) aged 3 years participated in this study. The intervention was conducted over a period of 6 weeks. Families were also made aware about the importance of physical activity. Anthropometric variables of height and weight were measured, as well as physical condition variables such as speed and long jump, before and after the intervention. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test revealed the normality of the sample which allowed a comparison of means with Student’s t-test. The results obtained in the physical tests reveal that the physical condition of the participants improved ostensibly, although this improvement was only statistically significant in the case of the 4x10 test. Nevertheless, the work in this line shows a positive tendency towards the improvement of the physical condition-health, thus education professionals are expected to continue working in this direction.久坐的生活方式是当今社会冠心病,呼吸道疾病和新陈代谢疾病的主要原因之一。在青春期,久坐的生活方式与体育和体育锻炼的高放弃率紧密相关。从小养成健康的习惯,包括每天进行体育锻炼,对于降低随时间推进的上述相关率至关重要。这项研究的主要目的是在儿童早期教育班中实施一项运动干预计划,以改善他们的身体健康状况。 其中19名三岁幼儿(男10名,女9名)参加了这项研究。在为期6周的干预期间,我们还开展了提高家庭对体育锻炼重要性认识的工作。在干预前后,分别测量身高和体重等人体测量学变量以及速度和跳远等身体状况变量。 Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验揭示了样本的正态性,从而可以用Student’s t检验对均值进行比较。在体育测试中获得的结果表明,参与者的身体状况改善显著,虽然这种改善仅在4x10检验中表现出统计学意义。关于这方面的工作显示出面对身体健康状况改善方面的积极趋势,因此教育专业人员应继续朝这个方向努力。Одной из основных причин ишемической болезни, болезней дыхательных путей и обмена веществ, среди прочих, в современном обществе является сидячий образ жизни. Седентаризм обусловлен высоким уровнем отказов от физкультурно-спортивной практики в подростковом возрасте. Закрепление здоровых привычек с раннего возраста, включая ежедневную физическую активность, имеет большое значение для улучшения их соблюдения с течением времени. Основной целью данного исследования было проведение программы моторного вмешательства в дошкольной группе с целью улучшения физического состояния - здоровья детей. В этом исследовании приняли участие 19 детей (10 мальчиков, 9 девочек) в возрасте 3 лет. Программа проводилась в течение 6 недель, в течение которых также проводилась работа по повышению осведомленности семей о важности физической активности. Антропометрические переменные высоты и веса, а также переменные физического состояния, такие как скорость и прыжок в длину, измерялись до и после вмешательства. Критерий Колмогорова-Смирнова выявил нормальность распределения выборки, что позволило сравнить средние значения с помощью t-критерия Стьюдента. Результаты, полученные в физических тестах показывают, что физическое состояние участников значительно улучшилось, хотя это улучшение было только статистически значимым для теста 4x10. Однако работа в этом направлении показывает положительную тенденцию в плане улучшения физического состояния - здоровья, поэтому специалисты в области образования должны продолжать работать в этом направлении

    El tratamiento de imágenes en el diario regional Hoy en Extremadura

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    Actas de las Terceras Jornadas Imagen, Cultura y Tecnología celebradas del 28 al 30 de julio de 2004 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    Affective relationship between women with an alcoholic husband: a learned social behavior that affects your health

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    Se realiza una revisión sobre el tema de la codependencia y su relación con comportamientos socialmente aprendidos sobre la base de una división de género. La codependencia en mujeres de adictos a alcohol y sus consecuencias individuales, familiares y comunitarias también se mencionan. En este contexto se realiza una breve síntesis de los patrones de comportamiento derivados del rol social asignado a la mujer en México en relación con esta temática. Finalmente se establecen algunas posturas teóricas para el análisis de la codependencia a partir del análisis socio-histórico de los significados que tiene para la población el consumo abusivo de alcohol y la relación patológica establecida que establece la mujer con el marido. En este sentido, diferentes autores mencionan la importancia de considerar a la familia y no sólo al individuo para la atención, ya que las consecuencias físicas y mentales están presentes tanto en hombres como mujeres.Trata-se de uma revisão sobre o tema codependência e sua relação com comportamentos socialmente aprendidos fundamentada na divisão de gênero. A codependência em mulheres com companheiros dependentes de álcool e suas conseqüências para o indivíduo, família e comunidade também são abordadas. Nesse contexto, realiza-se uma breve síntese dos padrões de comportamento derivados do papel social atribuído à mulher no México em relação ao tema. Por fim, são estabelecidos alguns posicionamentos teóricos na análise da codependência a partir da análise sócio-histórica dos significados que a população atribui ao consumo abusivo de álcool e da relação patológica que a mulher estabelece com seu marido. Diferentes autores referem a importância de considerar a família, e não somente o usuário, no seu cuidado, já que as conseqüências físicas e mentais estão presentes tanto no homem quanto na mulher.This is a review about codependence and its relation with socially learned behaviors based on a gender division. Codependence in women of alcohol addicts and its individual, family and Community consequences are also mentioned. In this context, a short synthesis is presented of the behavioral standards derived from the social role assigned to women in Mexico with respect to this theme. Finally, some theoretical positions are established to analyze codependence based on the socio-historical analysis of the meanings the population attributes to alcohol abuse and the pathological relation women establish with their husband. In this sense, different authors mention the importance of considering the family and not only the individual for care, as the physical and mental consequences are present in women as well as men