2,453 research outputs found

    Knowledge for development : enhancing people's capabilities : a case-study of knowledge management and social entrepreneurship based on a Mexican community experience

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    This thesis presents a case-study based on the academic fields of Development Theory, Knowledge Management and Social Entrepreneurship that portrays the development history of a Mexican rural community (Huixcazdhá) that hosts a food processing company (San Miguel). The analysis uses concepts of human centered development and the Capability approach by Amartya Sen to describe the history of improvement of the wellbeing of people from the community thanks to the presence of the amaranth processing company. It also shows how despite the limitation in resources present in the environment where the business operates, San Miguel may be considered a knowledge creating company under the framework of Nonaka. Finally, it presents the personal history of the social entrepreneur in the establishment of a company with a strong social vision that completely integrates its business operations with the dynamics of the community. The research paradigm that provides light to the study is pragmatism; using case-study as research strategy and an inductive research approach, limitations intrinsic to these elements are discussed and tackled in the methodological design. The data collection stage included on-site observations in the company and community for a period of six months, carrying out thirty in-depth interviews to collect personal views of persons from the community who work in the company, and the analysis of different documents produced by the company, social entrepreneur, and external agents such as the media, government and other institutions. A Computer-Aided Qualitative Analysis Software (NVivo) was used to analyze all data obtained and to give shape to the conclusions drawn from the research.The main findings obtained in relationship to each of the fields of knowledge considered in the thesis are: In relation to Social Entrepreneurship, the ethical fiber as a personal characteristic of the entrepreneur is a major element that has not received enough attention; additionally the process to develop a social vision that captures a collective purpose with a transformative effect and a widespread reach to create and sustain social value is stressed. Regarding the field of Knowledge Management, the process of adapting the elements of a knowledge-creating firm in a rural environment with major limitations regarding the human and material resources is shown. In the field of Development Theory, a process view where primary assets of a community are turned into an expanded capability set that changes into a choice process to convert it into achieved functionings is introduced. Furthermore, the elements that connect the three fields based on pragmatism is introduced; particularly the spirits of bricolage, phronesis and distributed agency are analyzed and extracted from the empirical evidence as relevant elements in the construction of a successful experience of development

    Plan de actividades físicas para disminuir la obesidad en adultos de 40-55 años del Consejo Popular Sur Consultorio no.27 del municipio Los Palacios

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    Esta investigación procura proponer un grupo de actividades físicas orientadas a que las personas obesas en edades comprendidas entre 40 y 55 años pertenecientes al consejo popular Sur consultorio # 27 del municipio Los Palacios consigan una disminución ese estado, en un proceso centrado en el ejercicio físico sin abandonar el tratamiento farmacológico cuando el médico lo considere imprescindible Se aspira, además, apoyar el desarrollo de estilos de vida sanos y lograr que la localidad se incorpore a las transformaciones del medio social que habitan y de esta forma se modifiquen ellos mismos y agreguen valores y conductas de vida mucho más sanas que harán viable los cambios futuros que se esperan en el país dentro del campo de la salud asumiendo que el abordaje terapéutico de la obesidad, por su naturaleza multifactorial debe ser objeto de múltiples sectores o miembros de la sociedad y, en correspondencia, toda la comunidad ha de unir sus esfuerzos con vistas a impedir la proliferación de obesos y el acrecentamiento de los riesgos que conlleva esta enfermedad y otras que van asociadas a ell


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    This article describes the importance of technology transfer process (TT) for public research institutions and its necessity to be planned from a research project design. It also presents a comparative analysis of technology transfer process between the Brazilian Agricultural Research Enterprise (Embrapa) and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS). Therefore, a descriptive study was conducted with the use of printed and electronic documents. Interviews were also developed with employees associated to this process in strategic and operational levels for both institutions. Results demonstrate that both institutions rely on a structured TT process. However, this process is more effective in ARS than at Embrapa. One of the most probable causes supports that the research model used in ARS is the reverse linear model (demand pull), which considers market demands in the development of research projects, while Embrapa works with the research linear model, where TT process begins only after obtaining the research result. The papers suggests, in order to make the TT process more effective, Embrapa could consider the demands of its targets audience and planning the TT actions where elaborating its projects conjoint

    On combining wavelets expansion and sparse linear models for Regression on metabolomic data and biomarker selection

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    International audienceWavelet thresholding of spectra has to be handled with care when the spectra are the predictors of a regression problem. Indeed, a blind thresholding of the signal followed by a regression method often leads to deteriorated predictions. The scope of this article is to show that sparse regression methods, applied in the wavelet domain, perform an automatic thresholding: the most relevant wavelet coefficients are selected to optimize the prediction of a given target of interest. This approach can be seen as a joint thresholding designed for a predictive purpose. The method is illustrated on a real world problem where metabolomic data are linked to poison ingestion. This example proves the usefulness of wavelet expansion and the good behavior of sparse and regularized methods. A comparison study is performed between the two-steps approach (wavelet thresholding and regression) and the one-step approach (selection of wavelet coefficients with a sparse regression). The comparison includes two types of wavelet bases, various thresholding methods, and various regression methods and is evaluated by calculating prediction performances. Information about the location of the most important features on the spectra was also obtained and used to identify the most relevant metabolites involved in the mice poisoning

    4th Workshop on Agri-food Research: WiA.15

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    [SPA] Este libro contiene los resúmenes trabajos presentados al IV Workshop en Investigación Agroalimentaria (WiA. 15) organizado por el Programa de doctorado en Técnicas Avanzadas en Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario (TAIDA) de la UPCT y celebrado en Cartagena del 11 al 12 de mayo de 2015.[ENG] The scientific manuscripts presented in the 4th Workshop on Agri-Food Research (WIA.15) are here presented. WiA.15 is an annual Workshop organized by the Doctoral Program in Advanced Techniques for Research and Development in Food and Agriculture (TAIDA) of the Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena - UPCT (Spain) in where PhD candidates present their works. Presentations showed a great scientific interest and reflect the high potential of the Research Groups that belong to the several departments and institutions integrated into our PhD Program (UPCT, CEBAS-CSIC, and IMIDA). We expect that during the celebration of this Workshop, the coexistence and exchange of ideas and experiences among PhD candidates, research groups, researchers, technicians, etc. has been favored. The scientific program is structured into four sessions: Agrifood Biotechnology, Food Technology and Engineering, Plant Production Technology and Engineering and Agroforestry and Economy Engineering, depending on the topics of interest involved in our Program. We also had three general invited lectures to strengthen the knowledge that researchers are gaining in their formation during this stage and we consider very useful for other researchers. The Scientific Organizing Committee consider that it is necessary that PhD candidates undertake this type of formative training activities to acquire the typical skills of a PhD remarking how to summarize their results, highlight the importance of them, presenting and disseminating clearly and concisely to a diverse audience in a limited time, as usually happens in the presentations at worldwide scientific conferences

    Modelación y optimización de biorreactores con membranas para el tratamiento de aguas residuales

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    El uso de los biorreactores con membranas (BRM) ha ganado un espacio importante en el tratamiento de aguas residuales urbanas e industriales en los últimos años, debido fundamentalmente a las ventajas que ofrecen sobre los procesos convencionales tales como: mayor calidad del agua, menor impacto ambiental y un mejor control de los procesos. En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis de la evolución de la modelación de estos sistemas tan complejos, en el que se muestra el gran avance que se ha podido alcanzar en los últimos años en la modelación tanto del sistema biológico como del sistema de filtración. Se destaca, la importancia de la Dinámica Computacional de Fluidos en el estudio del funcionamiento de estos sistemas, específicamente, en el estudio del proceso de colmatación de la membrana. Se explica, además, la tendencia actual al empleo de modelos que integran los procesos de degradación biológic a con la hidrodinámica y los de filtración con membranas, con lo que se logra una descripción más fenomenológica del funcionamiento de los BRM. Por último, se resalta la importancia de los modelos integrados en la optimización de su funcionamiento mediante su implementación a través de herramientas computacionales, lo que permite realizar estudios con un considerable ahorro de recursos y de tiemp

    El bostezo inducido por apomorfina en ratas alcoholizadas en período de abstinencia: Evidencias de un mecanismo dopaminérgico postsináptico

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    Existen dos teorías para explicar el  bostezo inducido por Apomorfina: la presináptica y la postsináptica. La  Abstinencia Alcohólica puede aportar evidencias de la segunda aprovechando la hipersensibilidad dopaminérgica que provoca. Se alcoholizaron ratas wistar 10 y se realizó la prueba de la apomorfina durante la abstinencia. Se procedió igual con ratas no alcohólicas. 10 La mediana de bostezos del grupo en abstinencia con apomorfina, fue superior al resto de los grupos. La de  los grupos de abstinencia y las no alcoholizadas tratadas con placebo resultó  ser similar. Consideramos que la apomorfina actúa sobre receptores postsinápticos hipersensibles por la abstinencia alcohólica y no sobre autoreceptores inhibiendo la liberación de Dopamina, dado que la hipersensibilidad en la abstinencia se debe a la inhibición de la liberación de Dopamina y según la primera teoría el grupo en abstinencia tratado con placebo debió mostrar un número de bostezos superior al resto de los grupos

    Proposta de modelo estrutural para interação universidade-empresa: experiência da Universidade Federal do Tocantins & Empresa Trans Kothe

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    This article presents a new conceptual and practical approach regarding the university-business interaction, based on the evaluation of LogFuture project, which was a program developed by logítica course at the Federal University of Tocantins - UFT, in partnership with the carrier Trans Kothe, for the purpose of training qualified academics to meet the demand of the company for skilled labor. While research method used was the "Case Study" framed within the qualitative approach. As data collection instrument used was a semi-structured interview. The research features all the modeling of the interaction process, from the design of the method, to the program's completion, which resulted in the hiring of more than 70% of the students who participated in the project. The expectation is that the innovative model of interaction is widespread in view of spreading even more collaborative relationships between universities and companies.  En este artículo se presenta el enfoque nuevo y práctico conceptual En cuanto a la interacción universidad-empresa, basado en la evaluación de proyectos LogFuture, que era un programa desarrollado por supuesto logítica de la Universidad Federal de Tocantins - UFT, en asociación con la compañía Trans Kothe, por el propósito de la formación cualificada académicos para satisfacer la demanda de la empresa para la mano de obra especializada. Si bien el método de investigación utilizado fue el "Estudio de Caso" enmarcada dentro del enfoque cualitativo. El instrumento de recolección de datos utilizado fue una entrevista semiestructurada. La investigación cuenta con todo el modelado del proceso de interacción, desde el diseño del método, a la finalización del programa, que dio lugar a la contratación de más del 70% de los estudiantes que participaron en el proyecto. La expectativa es el modelo innovador de interacción Que está muy extendida en vista de la difusión de las relaciones aún más colaboración entre las universidades y las empresas.Esse artigo apresenta uma nova abordagem conceitual e prática a respeito da interação universidade-empresa, a partir da avaliação do projeto LogFuture, que foi um programa desenvolvido pelo curso de logítica da Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT, em parceria com a transportadora Trans Kothe, com o propósito de formar acadêmicos qualificados para atender a demanda da empresa por mão de obra qualificada. Enquanto método de pesquisa foi utilizado o “Estudo de Caso” enquadrado dentro da abordagem qualitativa. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi utilizada a entrevista semi-estruturada. A pesquisa apresenta toda a modelagem do processo de interação, desde a concepção do método, até a finalização do programa, que resultou na contratação de mais de 70% dos acadêmicos que participaram do projeto. A expectativa é que o modelo inovador de interação seja amplamente difundido na perspectiva de se propagar ainda mais as relações de colaboração entre universidades e empresas