17 research outputs found

    Graph-based problem explorer : a software tool to support algorithm design learning while solving the salesperson problem

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    In this article, we present a sequence of activities in the form of a project in order to promote learning on design and analysis of algorithms. The project is based on the resolution of a real problem, the salesperson problem, and it is theoretically grounded on the fundamentals of mathematical modelling. In order to support the students' work, a multimedia tool, called Graph-based Problem Explorer (GbPExplorer), has been designed and refined to promote the development of computer literacy in engineering and science university students. This tool incorporates several modules to allow coding different algorithmic techniques solving the salesman problem. Based on an educational design research along five years, we observe that working with GbPExplorer during the project provides students with the possibility of representing the situation to be studied in the form of graphs and analyze them from a computational point of vie

    Mathematics learning opportunities when playing a Tower Defense Game

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    A qualitative research study is presented herein with the purpose of identifying mathematics learning opportunities in a commercial version of a Tower Defense game. These learning opportunities are understood as mathematicisable moments of the game and involve the establishment of relationships between the game and mathematical problem solving. Based on the analysis of the nature of these mathematicisable moments, we present several design options that are being implemented in a didactic version of a Tower Defense gam

    Videojocs educatius : creació d'una plataforma per a l'anàlisi de les estratègies utilitzades a un joc de tipus Tower Defense

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    Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia

    Controlador horari d'esdeveniments en dispositius amb Android

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    Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia

    Exploring Arterial Dynamics and Structures in IntraVascular UltraSound Sequences

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    Les malalties cardiovasculars són una de les principals causes de mortalitat als països desenvolupats. La majoria d'elles són degudes a malalties arterials (especialment les coron ries), que vénen causades per l'acumulació de placa. Aquesta patologia estreny el flux sanguini (estenosi) i afecta les propietats elàstiques i bio-mecàniques (arteriosclerosi) de les artèries. En les últimes dècades, l'Ecografia Intra-Coronària (EIC) ha esdevingut una tècnica usual de diagnòstic per la imatge i seguiment de les malalties coronàries. L'EIC està basada en un cateterisme que mostra una seqüència d'imatges corresponents a seccions de l'artèria sota estudi. La inspecció visual de cadascuna d'aquestes imatges proporciona informació sobre el percentatge d'estenosi, mentre que la inspecció de les vistes longitudinals propociona informació sobre les propietats bio-mecàniques, que pot prevenir un desenllaç fatal de la malaltia cardiovascular. Per una banda, la dinàmica arterial (deguda al batec del cor, entre d'altres) és un dels principals artefactes per poder explorar les propietats biomecàniques. Al mateix temps, les mesures manuals d'estenosi requereixen un traçat manual de les vores del vas, tasca feixuga que consumeix molt de temps i que pot patir variabilitat entre observadors.Aquesta tesi proposa vàries eines de processament d'imatge per explorar la dinàmica de les artèries i les seves estructures. Presentem un model físic per extreure, analitzar i corregir la dinàmica rígida transversal dels vasos i per recuperar la fase cardíaca. A més, introduïm un mètode estadístic-determinista per a la detecció automàtica de les vores del vas. En particular, l'enfoquem a segmentar l'adventícia. Un protocol de validació acurat per assegurar una aplicació clínica fiable dels mètodes és un pas crucial en qualsevol proposta d'algorisme. En aquesta tesi tenim especial cura de dissenyar protocols de validació per a cadascuna de les tècniques proposades i contribuïmm a la validació de la dinàmica in vivo amb un indicador objectiu i quantitatiu per mesurar la quantitat de moviment suprimida.Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death in developed countries. Most of them are caused by arterial (specially coronary) diseases, mainly caused by plaque accumulation. Such pathology narrows blood flow (stenosis) and affects artery bio-mechanical elastic properties (atherosclerosis). In the last decades, IntraVascular UltraSound (IVUS) has become a usual imaging technique for the diagnosis and follow up of arterial diseases. IVUS is a catheter-based imaging technique which shows a sequence of cross sections of the artery under study. Inspection of a single image gives information about the percentage of stenosis. Meanwhile, inspection of longitudinal views provides information about artery bio-mechanical properties, which can prevent a fatal outcome of the cardiovascular disease. On one hand, dynamics of arteries (due to heart pumping among others) is a major artifact for exploring tissue bio-mechanical properties. On the other one, manual stenosis measurements require a manual tracing of vessel borders, which is a time-consuming task and might suffer from inter-observer variations.This PhD thesis proposes several image processing tools for exploring vessel dynamics and structures. We present a physics-based model to extract, analyze and correct vessel in-plane rigid dynamics and to retrieve cardiac phase. Furthermore, we introduce a deterministic-statistical method for automatic vessel borders detection. In particular, we address adventitia layer segmentation. An accurate validation protocol to ensure reliable clinical applicability of the methods is a crucial step in any proposal of an algorithm. In this thesis we take special care in designing a validation protocol for each approach proposed and we contribute to the in vivo dynamics validation with a quantitative and objective score to measure the amount of motion suppressed

    Graph-based problem explorer : a software tool to support algorithm design learning while solving the salesperson problem

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    In this article, we present a sequence of activities in the form of a project in order to promote learning on design and analysis of algorithms. The project is based on the resolution of a real problem, the salesperson problem, and it is theoretically grounded on the fundamentals of mathematical modelling. In order to support the students' work, a multimedia tool, called Graph-based Problem Explorer (GbPExplorer), has been designed and refined to promote the development of computer literacy in engineering and science university students. This tool incorporates several modules to allow coding different algorithmic techniques solving the salesman problem. Based on an educational design research along five years, we observe that working with GbPExplorer during the project provides students with the possibility of representing the situation to be studied in the form of graphs and analyze them from a computational point of vie

    Mathematics learning opportunities when playing a Tower Defense Game

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    A qualitative research study is presented herein with the purpose of identifying mathematics learning opportunities in a commercial version of a Tower Defense game. These learning opportunities are understood as mathematicisable moments of the game and involve the establishment of relationships between the game and mathematical problem solving. Based on the analysis of the nature of these mathematicisable moments, we present several design options that are being implemented in a didactic version of a Tower Defense gam