69 research outputs found

    Aqueous Two-Phase Systems: A Correlation Analysis

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    Aqueous two-phase systems involve a limited region of a complicated phase diagram usually containing solid phases. Studies regarding these systems generally focus on the liquid–liquid region because it provides a suitable medium for liquid extraction of biomolecules and metal ions. In this work, the whole phase diagram was determined for ternary mixtures of water, dipotassium tartrate, and ethanol or 1-propanol at several temperatures and atmospheric pressure. In addition, density and refractive index of a diluted region of the mixtures were measured for compositional analysis of samples. Different regions were found involving solid and liquid phases, or the anhydrous and hemihydrated salt. The correlation of equilibrium data within the different regions was carried out with the nonrandom two-liquid model. To that aim, some restrictions were required to ensure the miscibility of the binary subsystem with water and alcohol. Individual correlation at each temperature and simultaneous correlation of data at all temperatures led to adequate phase diagram representation and low deviations. Despite the use of temperature-dependent parameters, results were slightly worse in the latter case (around or below 1%). The liquid–liquid equilibrium (LLE) data alone were also correlated, obtaining similar deviations to those obtained considering all equilibrium data. In all cases deviations found with 1-propanol are higher (in the range of 3–4%) due to the proximity of the LLE region to the miscible water + 1-propanol binary subsystem. The correlation of exclusive LLE data is easier from the point of view of computation but leads to model parameters with limited utility.The authors are grateful to Xunta de Galicia for support through Project ED431B 2017/023 and the Galician Network of Ionic Liquids (ED431D 2017/06) and the CRETUS Strategic Partnership (ED431E 2018/01), cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund

    Correlations of Specific Ionic Effects using Ion Channels and Surface Charge Measurements

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    poster abstractSpecific ionic effects, as captured in the Hofmeister series, have been observed in many biological phenomena including protein folding and aggregation and lipid bilayer interactions. Previously we have shown that the Hofmeister effect is present in the activity of gramicidin A channels. In particular, measurements of channel open lifetime and conductance in potassium salts clearly show the existence of two distinct ionic classes that could be identified as kosmotropic and chaotropic. To further investigate this behavior, we have measured the zeta potential of diphytanoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPhPC) liposomes in salt solutions. We observe that anions alter the surface charge of the liposomes depending on the classification of the anion as kosmotropic or chaotropic. Chaotropic anions (SCN-, ClO4-) decrease the surface charge of the liposomes while kosmotropic anions (Cl-, H2PO4-, SO42-) have the opposite effect. These results correlate with our previous studies of cation conductance through gramicidin A channels adding new insight into ionic interactions at the lipid-water interface

    A prehistoric jade axe from Galicia (Northwestern Iberia): Researching its origin

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    The Vilapedre axe (Lugo, Northwest Iberia) has been traditionally considered by archaeologists as evidence of prehistoric long-distance contacts along the Atlantic Coast of France and Spain. This artefact - as other “Tumiac type” axes (long polished blades, generally butt-perforated) - would have been produced in Brittany during the Neolithic (5th millennium BCE) using jadeitite as raw material, a green-coloured rock for which there are sources in the western Italian Alps. In this paper, we have traced the possible archaeological origin of this artefact back by examining the personal files of one of its first owners, Santiago de la Iglesia. Furthermore, we have conducted a mineralogical (X-Ray Diffraction, XRD) and an elemental analysis (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray Detection, SEM-EDX) of both the Vilapedre axe and geological samples from several places at the Alps where prehistoric quarrying of greenstones has been reported. The aims were physicochemically characterizing the axe to provide information about its possible geological source. During our analyses, we have found significant compositional similarities between the Vilapedre axe and one of the geological samples coming from the Alps (Alp06). The results are therefore consistent with the alleged Alpine origin of this artefact. The presence of this axe in Northwest Spain, together with other evidence, such as the presence of objects of Iberian origin in Breton monuments, strongly suggests the existence of contacts between both regions of the Atlantic façade during the Neolithic onwards in which seafaring would undoubtedly have played an important role.El hacha de Vilapedre (Lugo, Noroeste de la Península Ibérica) ha sido tradicionalmente considerada por los arqueólogos como una evidencia de contactos a lo largo de la costa atlántica de Francia y España durante la Prehistoria Reciente. Esta pieza, al igual que otros ejemplares "tipo Tumiac" (láminas pulidas, generalmente perforadas en el talón), se habría producido en Bretaña durante el Neolítico (5º Milenio aC) utilizando jadeitita como materia prima, una roca de color verde cuyas fuentes se localizan en los Alpes italianos occidentales. En este trabajo, hemos realizado un análisis mineralógico (Difracción de rayos X, DRX) y otro elemental (Microscopía electrónica de barrido con detección de rayos X por dispersión de energía, SEM-EDX), tanto de la pieza mencionada como de muestras geológicas alpinas tomadas en lugares con indicios de extracción en época prehistórica. Los objetivos son caracterizar fisicoquímicamente el hacha a fin de obtener información sobre sus posibles fuentes geológicas. Los resultados son consistentes con un origen alpino de la materia prima empleada en la fabricación del hacha de Vilapedre

    The correlation of two different real-time PCR devices for the analysis of CYP2C19 pharmacogenetic results

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    CYP2C19 is a highly polymorphic gene responsible for the metabolism of commonly used drugs. CYP2C19*1, the wild-type allele, is associated with normal enzyme activity, whereas CYP2C19*2 and CYP2C19*17 lead to null and increased enzyme activity, respectively. The use of different instruments to perform the same pharmacogenetic tests should not affect the reliability of the results reported to clinicians, as required by the ISO 15189 standard. Genotyping assays allowed for the identification of gene variants corresponding to the CYP2C19*2 and CYP2C19*17 haplotypes in 44 selected samples. Each sample was analyzed in duplicate using the Thermo Fisher Taqman Drug Metabolism probes CYP2C19*2: c_25986767_70 (rs4244285) and CYP2C19*17: c_469857_10 (rs12248560). The experiments were performed on two widely used types of real-time PCR analyzers: ABI PRSIM™7500 and QuantStudioTM12KFlex (both from Applied Biosystems, Thermofisher). The data were analyzed in a Thermo Fisher Cloud facility. The analysis was performed independently by two qualified professionals. Both different instruments and analysts’ interpretations were consistent in identifying the native homozygous, heterozygous, and mutant homozygous variants for CYP2C19*2 and CYP2C19*17. The results provided by both the primary and backup analyzers showed a perfect correlation. This would allow for the use of the backup analyzer in case the main one is not available

    U-BeComp: Plataforma de Composición de Servicios para Ambientes de Computación Ubicua

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    La computación ubicua se ha establecido como la siguiente generación de las comunicaciones, ofreciendo a los usuarios las capacidades de la redes en cualquier momento y lugar, con el fin de soportar sus tareas cotidianas. Sin embargo, el despliegue de servicios en ambientes ubicuos requiere afrontar diversos retos, tales como la movilidad, el dinamismo y la heterogeneidad. Con el fin de dar cumplimiento a los requerimientos cada vez más exigentes de los usuarios, es necesario combinar varios servicios, lo cual implica dotar a los ambientes ubicuos de mecanismos eficientes y eficaces de descubrimiento y composición. En el presente trabajo, se propone una plataforma de composición de servicios para ambientes ubicuos, que considera la especificación del comportamiento de los servicios, el perfil y contexto del usuario. De esta forma, es posible obtener un servicio compuesto, que satisfaga la demanda del usuario y se ajuste a sus preferencias y al contexto en el cual se encuentra

    Rendimiento de grano y eficiencia en el uso del agua en maíz bajo riego complementario con agua salina

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    En San Luis, Argentina, el cultivo de maíz es relevante con un rendimiento medio de grano de 1.600 kg ha-1 inferior al potencial con riego complementario (14.000 kg ha-1). No siempre se dispone de agua de calidad para riego pero en la región semiárida con suelos permeables se podrían estabilizar los rendimientos con riego complementario con agua salina. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar el rendimiento en grano y la eficiencia en el uso del agua del cultivo de maíz con distintos niveles de riego con agua salina y ertilización con nitrógeno y fósforo. Durante las campañas agrícolas 2005-06 y 2006-07 se evaluó el rendimiento de maíz con tres niveles de riego, 100% y 50% del requerimiento hídrico y secano; y 9 niveles de fertilización combinando nitrógeno y fósforo. Se regó por aspersión con agua salina con una conductividad de 4,26 dS m-1. El diseño estadístico fue anidado. Las dosis de riego fueron determinadas con datos meteorológicos históricos corregidas quincenalmente a través del contenido hídrico del suelo. El rendimiento se determinó mediante la cosecha de dos metros lineales del surco central de cada parcela, calculándose la producción de grano y la eficiencia de uso del agua. Durante el primer año con precipitaciones menores a la media la producción de los tratamientos de riego fue superior al de secano, mientras que en el segundo año con precipitaciones superiores a la media se observaron mayores rendimientos en tratamientos con 50% de riego. No se encontró respuesta a la fertilización nitrogenada ni fosforada en cuanto a rendimiento y EUA durante la primera campaña, aunque se logró estabilizar los rendimientos regando con agua salina. Durante el segundo año los mayores rendimientos se lograron con niveles de fertilización y riego medios, y los tratamientos de secano también lograron un buen desempeñoIn San Luis Province, Argentina, maize is annually cultivated, with an average grain yield of 1,600 kg ha-1, by far below of the potential yield with complementary irrigation (15,000 kg ha-1). Quality water is not always available for irrigation. However, in semiarid region with permeable soils it is possible to reach stabilize maize yields by using supplementary irrigation with saline water. This work evaluated the yield and water use efficience of maize crop cultivation under different irrigation levels with saline water and fertilization with nitrogen and phosphorus. During two growing seasons (2005-2007) evaluated maize yield with three irrigation levels: 100% and 50% of water crop requirements, and unirrigated land; and nine fertilization treatments which the combination of different levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. The crop was sprinkler irrigated with saline water,conductivity was 4.26 dS m-1. The statistic design for fertilization treatment was nested. Irrigation levels were determined on the basis of the historical data, and corrected biweekly by considering the soil water content. Grain yield was measured along two central lineal meters by plot and water use efficiency (WUE) was also measured. During the first year of the study the pricipitation was below average, the crop yield were statistically (α = 0.05) higher under irrigation than on the un-irrigated treatment. In the second year the precipitation was higher average, crop yield in treatments with 50% of irrigation was significantly higher than in the other ones. This year don’t found response to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization about crop yield and water use efficiency, but saline water irrigation allowed stabilized yields. In second year the higher yields were achieved with average irrigation and fertilization levels, the anirrigated treatment also achieved good performance.EEA San LuisFil: Saenz, Claudio Alejandro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Gomez Hermida, Vanina Fernanda. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar Región Pampeana; ArgentinaFil: Frigerio, Karina Laura. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Morábito, José Antonio. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Terenti, Oscar Antonio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Cortes, Marcela Patricia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Luis; Argentin

    3cixty: Building comprehensive knowledge bases for city exploration

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    International audiencePlanning a visit to Expo Milano 2015 or simply touring in Milan are activities that require a certain amount of a priori knowledge of the city. In this paper, we present the process of building such comprehensive knowledge bases that contain descriptions of events and activities, places and sights, transportation facilities as well as social activities, collected from numerous static, near-and real-time local and global data providers, including hyper local sources such as the Expo Milano 2015 official services and several social media platforms. Entities in the 3cixty KB are deduplicated, interlinked and enriched using semantic technologies. The 3cixty KB is empowering the ExplorMI 360 multi-device application, which has been officially endorsed by the E015 Technical Management Board and has gained the patronage of Expo Milano in 2015, thus has offered a unique testing scenario for the 20 million visitors along the 6 months of the exhibit. In 2016-2017, new knowledge bases have been created for the cities of London, Madeira and Singapore, as well as for the entire French Cote d'Azur area. The 3cixty KB is accessible at https: //kb.3cixty.com/sparql while ExplorMI 360 at https://www.3cixty.com and in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store

    A manera de conclusión

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    El proceso creativo del ilustrador y, por extensión, del diseñador gráfico y, por extensión, de todos los diseñadores (industrial, de modas, de interiores, arquitectos, etc.), no está limitado a los momentos en los que se enfrenta a la solución de un problema de diseño específico. Situación reforzada, tal vez, por la idealización de la imagen del ilustrador-diseñador frente a una mesa de dibujo con múltiples herramientas y materiales (pigmentos, lápices, pinceles, papeles, plantillas, etc.) disponibles a la mano, al lado de un gran ventanal con una vista inspiradora