207 research outputs found

    Discovery of an ultramassive pulsating white dwarf

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    We announce the discovery of the most massive pulsating hydrogen-atmosphere (DA) white dwarf (WD) ever discovered, GD 518. Model atmosphere fits to the optical spectrum of this star show it is a 12,030 +/- 210 K WD with a log(g) = 9.08 +/- 0.06, which corresponds to a mass of 1.20 +/- 0.03 Msun. Stellar evolution models indicate that the progenitor of such a high-mass WD endured a stable carbon-burning phase, producing an oxygen-neon-core WD. The discovery of pulsations in GD 518 thus offers the first opportunity to probe the interior of a WD with a possible oxygen-neon core. Such a massive WD should also be significantly crystallized at this temperature. The star exhibits multi-periodic luminosity variations at timescales ranging from roughly 425-595 s and amplitudes up to 0.7%, consistent in period and amplitude with the observed variability of typical ZZ Ceti stars, which exhibit non-radial g-mode pulsations driven by a hydrogen partial ionization zone. Successfully unraveling both the total mass and core composition of GD 518 provides a unique opportunity to investigate intermediate-mass stellar evolution, and can possibly place an upper limit to the mass of a carbon-oxygen-core WD, which in turn constrains SNe Ia progenitor systems.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 771, L2 (2013

    Seismology Of A Massive Pulsating Hydrogen Atmosphere White Dwarf

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    We report our observations of the new pulsating hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf SDSS J132350.28+010304.22. We discovered periodic photometric variations in frequency and amplitude that are commensurate with nonradial g-mode pulsations in ZZ Ceti stars. This, along with estimates for the star's temperature and gravity, establishes it as a massive ZZ Ceti star. We used time-series photometric observations with the 4.1 m SOAR Telescope, complemented by contemporary McDonald Observatory 2.1 m data, to discover the photometric variability. The light curve of SDSS J132350.28+010304.22 shows at least nine detectable frequencies. We used these frequencies to make an asteroseismic determination of the total mass and effective temperature of the star: M-star = 0.88 +/- 0.02 M-circle dot and T-eff = 12,100 +/- 140 K. These values are consistent with those derived from the the optical spectra and photometric colors.CNPqFAPERGS/PronexUS National Science Foundation AST-0909107Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program 003658-0252-2009MICINN grant AYA08-1839/ESPESF EUROCORES Program EuroGENESIS (MICINN grant) EUI2009-04170Generalitat de Catalunya 2009SGR315EU-FEDER fundsAGENCIA through the Programa de Modernizacion Tecnologica BID 1728/OC-ARCONICET PIP 112-200801-00940Astronom

    Sharing more than friendship - nasal colonization with coagulase-positive staphylococci (CPS) and co-habitation aspects of dogs and their owners

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    Background Since the relationship between dogs and their owners has changed, and dogs moved from being working dogs to family members in post-industrial countries, we hypothesized that zoonotic transmission of opportunistic pathogens like coagulase positive staphylococci (CPS) is likely between dogs and their owners. Methodology/Principal Findings CPS- nasal carriage, different aspects of human-to-dog relationship as well as potential interspecies transmission risk factors were investigated by offering nasal swabs and a questionnaire to dog owners (108) and their dogs (108) at a dog show in 2009. S. aureus was found in swabs of 20 (18.5%) humans and two dogs (1.8%), and spa types which correspond to well known human S. aureus lineages dominated (e.g. CC45, CC30 and CC22). Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of the two canine strains revealed ST72 and ST2065 (single locus variant of ST34). Fifteen dogs (13.9%) and six owners (5.6%) harboured S. pseudintermedius, including one mecA-positive human isolate (MRSP). Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) revealed that one dog/owner pair harboured indistinguishable S. pseudintermedius- isolates of ST33. Ten (48%) of the 21 S. pseudintermedius-isolates showed resistance towards more than one antimicrobial class. 88.9% of the dog owners reported to allow at least one dog into the house, 68.5% allow the dog(s) to rest on the sofa, 39.8% allow their dogs to come onto the bed, 93.5% let them lick their hands and 52.8% let them lick their face. Bivariate analysis of putative risk factors revealed that dog owners who keep more than two dogs have a significantly higher chance of being colonized with S. pseudintermedius than those who keep 1–2 dogs (p<0.05). Conclusions/Recommendations In conclusion, CPS transmission between dog owners and their dogs is possible. Further investigation regarding interspecies transmission and the diverse adaptive pathways influencing the epidemiology of CPS (including MRSA and MRSP) in different hosts is needed

    Precision asteroseismology of the pulsating white dwarf GD 1212 using a two-wheel-controlled Kepler spacecraft

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    We present a preliminary analysis of the cool pulsating white dwarf GD 1212, enabled by more than 11.5 days of space-based photometry obtained during an engineering test of the two-reaction-wheel-controlled Kepler spacecraft. We detect at least 19 independent pulsation modes, ranging from 828.2-1220.8 s, and at least 17 nonlinear combination frequencies of those independent pulsations. Our longest uninterrupted light curve, 9.0 days in length, evidences coherent difference frequencies at periods inaccessible from the ground, up to 14.5 hr, the longest-period signals ever detected in a pulsating white dwarf. These results mark some of the first science to come from a two-wheel-controlled Kepler spacecraft, proving the capability for unprecedented discoveries afforded by extending Kepler observations to the ecliptic.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Pleasure and meaningful discourse: an overview of research issues

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    The concept of pleasure has emerged as a multi-faceted social and cultural phenomenon in studies of media audiences since the 1980s. In these studies different forms of pleasure have been identified as explaining audience activity and commitment. In the diverse studies pleasure has emerged as a multi-faceted social and cultural concept that needs to be contextualized carefully. Genre and genre variations, class, gender, (sub-)cultural identity and generation all seem to be instrumental in determining the kind and variety of pleasures experienced in the act of viewing. This body of research has undoubtedly contributed to a better understanding of the complexity of audience activities, but it is exactly the diversity of the concept that is puzzling and poses a challenge to its further use. If pleasure is maintained as a key concept in audience analysis that holds much explanatory power, it needs a stronger theoretical foundation. The article maps the ways in which the concept of pleasure has been used by cultural theorists, who have paved the way for its application in reception analysis, and it goes on to explore the ways in which the concept has been used in empirical studies. Central to our discussion is the division between the ‘public knowledge’ and the ‘popular culture’ projects in reception analysis which, we argue, have major implications for the way in which pleasure has come to be understood as divorced from politics, power and ideology. Finally, we suggest ways of bridging the gap between these two projects in an effort to link pleasure to the concepts of hegemony and ideology

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    A dynamic basal complex modulates mammalian sperm movement

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    Centrioles are ancient organelles with a conserved architecture and their rigidity is thought to restrict microtubule sliding. Here authors show that, in mammalian sperm, the atypical distal centriole and its surrounding atypical pericentriolar matrix form a dynamic basal complex that facilitates a cascade of internal sliding deformations, coupling tail beating with asymmetric head kinking

    Технологические решения для строительства разведочной вертикальной скважины глубиной 2900 метров на нефтяном месторождении (Томская область)

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа посвящена практическому решению задачи бурения разведывательной скважины, оптимизации процесса бурения, подбор необходимого инструмента и выбор промывочной жидкости и последующих режимов бурения, также работа включает в семя и рассматривает такую тему как проблем как вынос песка из пласта и способы предотвращения подобных негативных моментов. Так же в работе содержатся результаты расчетов режима бурения, подробное обоснование выбора инструмента и предложены пути оптимизации действующего проекта.The final qualification work is devoted to the practical solution of the problem of drilling an exploration well, optimizing the drilling process, selecting the necessary tools and choosing the washing liquid and subsequent drilling modes, and the work also includes and considers such a topic as problems such as sand removal from the reservoir and ways to prevent such negative moments. The paper also contains the results of calculations of the drilling mode, a detailed justification for the choice of the tool, and offers ways to optimize the current project. This work contains an introduction, sections, conclusion, and a list of references


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    Cada vez mais a administração de materiais está presente no cotidiano das organizações, grande parte das empresas adotam medidas para reduzir custos, tornar as decisões mais assertivas, e ter mais lucratividade. Para isso, é necessária uma logística bem estruturada, e neste processo, a administração de materiais é fundamental, pois propicia o acompanhamento dos processos desde a aquisição da matéria prima até a entrega do produto final. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar como é o processo de gestão dos materiais em uma organização, analisando seus métodos e possíveis falhas, assim, sugerindo mudanças e/ou melhorias que possam contribuir com tal processo. Para a ampliação de conhecimentos na prática, foiu tilizada a metodologia de observação e entrevistas, que trouxe conhecimentos suficientes para comparações entre o fluxo de trabalho desta empresa e um fluxo estruturado, observou-se que a empresa conduz suas atividades corretamente, utilizado um processo estruturado para a gestão do estoque, garantindo um bom controle, e a otimização de todo o espaço de armazenagem.Palavras chaves: compras, estoque, tecnologia e armazenamento