558 research outputs found

    Speakable in Quantum Mechanics

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    At the 1927 Como conference Bohr spoke the now famous words "It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature." However, if the Copenhagen interpretation really holds on to this motto, why then is there this feeling of conflict when comparing it with realist interpretations? Surely what one can say about nature should in a certain sense be interpretation independent. In this paper I take Bohr's motto seriously and develop a quantum logic that avoids assuming any form of realism as much as possible. To illustrate the non-triviality of this motto a similar result is first derived for classical mechanics. It turns out that the logic for classical mechanics is a special case of the derived quantum logic. Finally, some hints are provided in how these logics are to be used in practical situations and I discuss how some realist interpretations relate to these logics

    Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Treatment of Pleuropericardial Cysts

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    Question of the Study In this study, safety and feasibility of thoracoscopic fenestration of pleuropericardial cysts under local and general anaesthesia is evaluated. Besides, a rare case of a pleural cyst, causing a superior vena cava syndrome, is described

    Neurophysiological correlates of excitement in men with recent-onset psychosis

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    Objective: Right frontal function, as indicated by the N200 component of the event-related potential during target detection, has previously been associated with excitement (excitement, impulsivity, hostility, uncooperativeness) in men with a long-term diagnosis of schizophrenia. The current study investigated excitement in relation to N200 in men who had recently experienced their first episode of psychosis. Subjects and methods: Twenty men who had recently suffered their first psychotic episode underwent a clinical interview and auditory oddball task. Results: Multiple linear regression analysis showed that 58% of the variance in the excitement symptom cluster was explained by a positive association with frontal midline N200 amplitude and an inverse association with right frontal N200 amplitude. The latter was not apparent in the initial correlation, suggesting suppression by the midline activity. These associations were not explained by drug use, medication or negative symptoms. However, the correlation between excitement and midline N200 was stronger in drug users, and that between right frontal N200 and excitement was stronger in nonusers. Conclusion: Findings support the independent contributions to excitement of mechanisms reflected in midline and right frontal N200 amplitude respectively during the early stages of psychosis

    Design, development and deployment of a hand/wrist exoskeleton for home-based rehabilitation after stroke - SCRIPT project

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    YesChanges in world-wide population trends have provided new demands for new technologies in areas such as care and rehabilitation. Recent developments in the the field of robotics for neurorehabilitation have shown a range of evidence regarding usefulness of these technologies as a tool to augment traditional physiotherapy. Part of the appeal for these technologies is the possibility to place a rehabilitative tool in one’s home, providing a chance for more frequent and accessible technologies for empowering individuals to be in charge of their therapy. Objective: this manuscript introduces the Supervised Care and Rehabilitation Involving Personal Tele-robotics (SCRIPT) project. The main goal is to demonstrate design and development steps involved in a complex intervention, while examining feasibility of using an instrumented orthotic device for home-based rehabilitation after stroke. Methods: the project uses a user-centred design methodology to develop a hand/wrist rehabilitation device for home-based therapy after stroke. The patient benefits from a dedicated user interface that allows them to receive feedback on exercise as well as communicating with the health-care professional. The health-care professional is able to use a dedicated interface to send/receive communications and remote-manage patient’s exercise routine using provided performance benchmarks. Patients were involved in a feasibility study (n=23) and were instructed to use the device and its interactive games for 180 min per week, around 30 min per day, for a period of 6 weeks, with a 2-months follow up. At the time of this study, only 12 of these patients have finished their 6 weeks trial plus 2 months follow up evaluation. Results: with the “use feasibility” as objective, our results indicate 2 patients dropping out due to technical difficulty or lack of personal interests to continue. Our frequency of use results indicate that on average, patients used the SCRIPT1 device around 14 min of self-administered therapy a day. The group average for the system usability scale was around 69% supporting system usability. Conclusions: based on the preliminary results, it is evident that stroke patients were able to use the system in their homes. An average of 14 min a day engagement mediated via three interactive games is promising, given the chronic stage of stroke. During the 2nd year of the project, 6 additional games with more functional relevance in their interaction have been designed to allow for a more variant context for interaction with the system, thus hoping to positively influence the exercise duration. The system usability was tested and provided supporting evidence for this parameter. Additional improvements to the system are planned based on formative feedback throughout the project and during the evaluations. These include a new orthosis that allows a more active control of the amount of assistance and resistance provided, thus aiming to provide a more challenging interaction.This work has been partially funded under Grant FP7-ICT-288698(SCRIPT) of the European Community Seventh Framework Programme

    Party system closure and openness: conceptualization, operationalization and validation

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    The degree of closure of the governmental arena is a central aspect of the stabilization of party systems, and yet little systematic effort has been devoted to its operationalization. The article proposes a new index, examines its reliability and validity, and reports the ranking of 60 party systems. By redefining the units of measurement we suggest new indicators that are uniform and transparent in their logic of construction, can be applied both to specific government-changes and to time periods, and are sensitive to the degree of change. The article finds a hierarchy among the components of party system closure, dominated by coalition formula. While new and established democracies can both produced closed patterns, the analysis of inter-war European party systems shows that closed systems are less prone to authoritarian takeover. The article demonstrates the power of inertia: the completely closed configurations stand out as the most durable ones

    Nationwide implementation of a decision aid on vaginal birth after cesarean:a before and after cohort study

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    Woman with a history of a previous cesarean section (CS) can choose between an elective repeat CS (ERCS) and a trial of labor (TOL), which can end in a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) or an unplanned CS. Guidelines describe women's rights to make an informed decision between an ERCS or a TOL. However, the rates of TOL and vaginal birth after CS varies greatly between and within countries. The objective of this study is to asses nation-wide implementation of counselling with a decision aid (DA) including a prediction model, on intended delivery compared to care as usual. We hypothesize that this may result in a reduction in practice variation without an increase in cesarean rates or complications. In a multicenter controlled before and after cohort study we evaluate the effect of nation-wide implementation of a DA. Practice variation was defined as the standard deviation (SD) of TOL percentages. A total of 27 hospitals and 1,364 women were included. A significant decrease was found in practice variation (SD TOL rates: 0.17 control group vs. 0.10 intervention group following decision aid implementation, p=0.011). There was no significant difference in the ERCS rate or overall CS rates. A 21% reduction in the combined maternal and perinatal adverse outcomes was seen. Nationwide implementation of the DA showed a significant reduction in practice variation without an increase in the rate of cesarean section or complications, suggesting an improvement in equality of care

    Frontal lobe changes occur early in the course of affective disorders in young people

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>More severe and persistent forms of affective disorders are accompanied by grey matter loss in key frontal and temporal structures. It is unclear whether such changes precede the onset of illness, occur early in the course or develop gradually with persistence or recurrence of illness. A total of 47 young people presenting with admixtures of depressive and psychotic symptoms were recruited from specialist early intervention services along with 33 age matched healthy control subjects. All participants underwent magnetic resonance imaging and patients were rated clinically as to current stage of illness. Twenty-three patients were identified as being at an early 'attenuated syndrome' stage, while the remaining were rated as having already reached the 'discrete disorder' or 'persistent or recurrent illness' stage. Contrasts were carried out between controls subjects and patients cohorts with attenuated syndromes and discrete disorders, separately.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The patients that were identified as having a discrete or persisting disorder demonstrated decreased grey matter volumes within distributed frontal brain regions when contrasted to both the control subjects as well as those patients in the attenuated syndrome stage. Overall, patients who were diagnosed as more advanced in terms of the clinical stage of their illness, exhibited the greatest grey matter volume loss of all groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study suggests that, in terms of frontal grey matter changes, a major transition point may occur in the course of affective illness between early attenuated syndromes and later discrete illness stages.</p

    Effects of early intracoronary streptokinase on infarct size estimated from cumulative enzyme release and on enzyme release rate: A randomized trial of 533 patients with acute myocardial infarction

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    The effects of early intracoronary streptokinase (SK) on enzymatic infarct size and rate of enzyme release were studied in a randomized multicenter trial. A total of 533 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were allocated to either the SK treatment group (n = 269) or the conventional (control) treatment group (n = 264). Enzymatic infarct size was represented by the cumulative quantity of alpha-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (HBDH) released by the heart per liter of plasma in the first 72 hours. Rate of enzyme release was represented by the ratio of HBDH quantities released in 24 hours and 72 hours. On an "intention to treat" basis, the SK group had a smaller (by 30%; p = 0.0001) median enzymatic infarct size and a higher (by 35%; p = 0.0001) median rate of enzyme release than the control group. Limitation of infarct size was less apparent in patients tre

    Ranking of Fuzzy Similar Faces Using Relevance Matrix and Aggregation Operators

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    AbstractIn perception based imaging, Sketching With Words (SWW) is a well-established methodology in which the objects of computation are fuzzy geometric objects (f-objects).The problem of facial imaging of criminal on the basis of onlooker statement is not lack of method and measures but the modeling of onlooker(s) mind set. Because the onlooker has to give statements about different human face parts like forehead, eyes, nose, and chin etc.The concept of fuzzy similarity (f-similarity) and proper aggregation of components of face may provide more flexibility to onlooker(s). In proposed work onlooker(s) statement is recorded. Thereafter it is compared with existing statements. The f-similarity with different faces in database is estimated by using ‘as many as possible’ linguistic quantifier. Three types of constraints over size of parts of face ‘small’, ‘medium’, and ‘large’ are considered. Possibilistic constraints with linguistic hedges and negation operator like ‘very long’, ‘not long’, ‘not very long’ etc. are used. Moreover we have generated ranking of alike faces in decreasing order by using the concepts of f-similarity and relevance matrix