9 research outputs found

    Rodney Dean, L’Assemblée Constituante et la réforme ecclésiastique, 1790. La Constitution civile du clergé du 12 juillet et le serment ecclésiastique du 27 novembre

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    L’histoire religieuse des premières années de la Révolution est marquée par l’étude du schisme provoqué par l’obligation faite aux ecclésiastiques fonctionnaires publics de jurer fidélité à la nation, à la loi et au roi. On pense, bien évidemment, aux travaux de Timothy Tackett qui avait établi une carte du serment en 1791. Or le serment constitutionnel est requis dès le mois de juillet 1790, c’est-à-dire bien avant le décret du 27 novembre qui enjoint aux clercs concernés de s’y soumettre so..

    Religion in city : religious history of Provins during the French Revolution and the Empire (1789-1815)

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    La ville de Provins (Seine-et-Marne) est marquée par une Révolution tranquille, où les manifestations de violence se distinguent par leur rareté. En matière religieuse, la ville connaît les divisions et les inquiétudes suscitées par la politique des assemblées successives. Les habitants s’élèvent contre la nouvelle division paroissiale, tandis que les curés et les vicaires se divisent au sujet du serment constitutionnel (1790-1792). Les biens du clergé sont nationalisés. Plusieurs églises, abbayes et couvents se vident de leurs chanoines et de leurs moines, pour être ensuite vendus, réutilisés à des fins profanes, et même démolis. À mesure que la situation politique se radicalise après la chute de la monarchie et la proclamation de la République, le clergé fait l’objet de mesures de plus en plus coercitives. Une grande partie des ecclésiastiques est alors placée en réclusion en 1793-1794. Des restrictions limitent également la pratique du culte, en l’interdisant notamment dans l’espace public et en fermant momentanément toutes les églises. Comment les Provinois réagissent-ils à ces bouleversements ? La modération des comportements et la recherche de conciliation semblent qualifier les habitants. Au lendemain de la Terreur, les ecclésiastiques, de toutes tendances, unissent leurs forces pour assurer à nouveau la desserte du culte dans les églises, au-delà des querelles théologiques. C’est sur cette situation apaisée que peuvent s’appuyer les évêques concordataires, à partir de 1802, pour réorganiser officiellement l’Église provinoise et redonner à la religion catholique et à l’autorité spirituelle la place dominante qu’elles occupaient auparavant dans les esprits et dans la cité.Provins (Seine-et-Marne) was marked by a quiet Revolution. The city was almost completely free of any manifestation of violence. In religious matters, the successive policies of the assemblies generated divisions and concerns. People rose against the new parishes, while priests and vicars were divided about the constitutional oath (1790-1792). Canons, monks and nuns left the churches. Abbeys and convents, which were subsequently sold, were reused for secular purpose and even destroyed. As the political situation became radicalized, after the fall of the monarchy in August 1792 and the proclamation of the Republic in september, State and deputies voted coercive measures against the clergy. Much of clergymen were sent to prison in 1793-1794. Restrictions also limited religious practice. Indeed, worship were prohibited in public spaces and all churches were momentarily closed. How the people of Provins reacted to these changes? Moderation and reconciliation seem define behaviours. After Terror, all parts of the Provins’ clergy joined their forces to ensure worship in churches again, beyond the theological and political disputes. Thanks to this soothed situation, the first bishops of XIXth century led a successful policy in order to reorganize local Church and give back to the Catholic religion and spiritual authority the dominant position they previously occupied in minds and in society

    Chacun prĂŞche pour sa paroisse

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    Outre la réorganisation du « ci-devant » premier ordre et la nouvelle répartition départementale des diocèses, la Constitution civile du clergé (12 juillet 1790) prévoit la redéfinition du paysage paroissial. L’article 16 du titre premier de la loi stipule que « dans toutes les Villes & Bourgs qui ne comprennent pas plus de 6 000 âmes, il n’y aura qu’une seule paroisse ; les autres paroisses seront supprimées et réunies à l’Église principale ». Le suivant indique que, dans les villes compren..

    In vivo efficacy proof of concept of a large-size bioprinted dermo-epidermal substitute for permanent wound coverage

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    International audienceIntroduction: An autologous split-thickness skin graft (STSG) is a standard treatment for coverage of full-thickness skin defects. However, this technique has two major drawbacks: the use of general anesthesia for skin harvesting and scar sequelae on the donor site. In order to reduce morbidity associated with STSG harvesting, researchers have developed autologous dermo-epidermal substitutes (DESs) using cell culture, tissue engineering, and, more recently, bioprinting approaches. This study assessed the manufacturing reliability and in vivo efficacy of a large-size good manufacturing practice (GMP)-compatible bio-printed human DES, named Poieskin ® , for acute wound healing treatment. Methods: Two batches (40 cm 2 each) of Poieskin ® were produced, and their reliability and homogeneity were assessed using histological scoring. Immunosuppressed mice received either samples of Poieskin ® ( n = 8) or human STSG ( n = 8) immediately after longitudinal acute full-thickness excision of size 1 × 1.5 cm, applied on the skeletal muscle plane. The engraftment rate was assessed through standardized photographs on day 16 of the follow-up. Moreover, wound contraction, superficial vascularization, and local inflammation were evaluated via standardized photographs, laser Doppler imaging, and PET imaging, respectively. Histological analysis was finally performed after euthanasia. Results: Histological scoring reached 75% ± 8% and 73% ± 12%, respectively, displaying a robust and homogeneous construct. Engraftment was comparable for both groups: 91.8% (SD = 0.1152) for the Poieskin ® group versus 100% (SD = 0) for the human STSG group. We did not record differences in either graft perfusion, PET imaging, or histological scoring on day 16. Conclusion: Poieskin ® presents consistent bioengineering manufacturing characteristics to treat full-thickness cutaneous defects as an alternative to STSG in clinical applications. Manufacturing of Poieskin ® is reliable and homogeneous, leading to a clinically satisfying rate of graft take compared to the reference human STSG in a mouse model. These results encourage the use of Poieskin ® in phase I clinical trials as its manufacturing procedure is compatible with pharmaceutical guidelines

    Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica: clinical, bronchoscopic, and comorbid features in a case series

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    International audienceBackground Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica (TO) is a rare condition of unknown etiology. TO is characterized by submucosal nodules, with or without calcifications, protruding in the anterolateral walls of the trachea and proximal bronchi. The objective of this study was to describe TO features and associated comorbidities in a series of patients. Methods Patients suffering from TO were retrospectively included by investigators from the Groupe d’Endoscopie Thoracique et Interventionnelle Francophone (GETIF). Demographic, clinical, comorbidities, bronchoscopic, functional, and radiological characteristics, and outcomes were recorded and analyzed. Results Thirty-six patients were included (69% male with a mean of 65 ± 12 years). Chronic symptoms were described by 81% of patients including cough (74%) and dyspnea on exertion (74%). TO was associated with COPD in 19% of the cases and gastroesophageal reflux disease in 6%. A mild to severe airflow obstruction was present in 55% of the cases. CT scan showed tracheal submucosal nodules in 93% of patients and tracheal stenosis in 17%. Bronchoscopy identified TO lesions in the trachea in 65% of the cases, and 66% of them were scattered. A bronchoscopic reevaluation was performed in 7 cases, 9 ± 14 months [1–56] after initial diagnosis, and showed the stability of lesions in all cases. Three patients underwent interventional bronchoscopic treatment. Conclusion The diagnosis of TO relies on typical bronchoscopic findings and can be evoked on a CT scan. Histologic diagnosis can be useful in atypical cases for differential diagnosis. Given its low consequences in terms of symptoms, lung functions, and evolution, no treatment is usually required

    Catalytic site inhibition of insulin-degrading enzyme by a small molecule induces glucose intolerance in mice

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    International audienceInsulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) is a protease that cleaves insulin and other bioactive peptides such as amyloid-β. Knockout and genetic studies have linked IDE to Alzheimer's disease and type-2 diabetes. As the major insulin-degrading protease, IDE is a candidate drug target in diabetes. Here we have used kinetic target-guided synthesis to design the first catalytic site inhibitor of IDE suitable for in vivo studies (BDM44768). Crystallographic and small angle X-ray scattering analyses show that it locks IDE in a closed conformation. Among a panel of metalloproteases, BDM44768 selectively inhibits IDE. Acute treatment of mice with BDM44768 increases insulin signalling and surprisingly impairs glucose tolerance in an IDE-dependent manner. These results confirm that IDE is involved in pathways that modulate short-term glucose homeostasis, but casts doubt on the general usefulness of the inhibition of IDE catalytic activity to treat diabetes