49 research outputs found

    Knowledge from Chaos : A presentation of Chaos-Gnosticism and its branches

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    Chaos-Gnosticism is a branch of the occult tree which through an eclectic approach tries togather all the dark, antagonistic aspects and forces from certain religions and mythologies ofthe world in order to reach back to the primeval Chaos, the stage that existed before theCreation. With a fundamental gnostic worldview the cosmos is seen as a prison, created byDemiurges, and in Chaos a total freedom rules.The philosophy (or Chaosophy to use a term used by the Chaosgnostics) has spread all over theworld during the past ten years or so. It is vital, in connection to this fact, to give the importanceto the music scene, especially the genre called black metal, for the spreading of theChaosgnostic ideas. Some of the leading bands in this genre, for instance Dissection, Watainand Arckanum, have adopted the Chaosgnostic tenets into their music and thus making theseideas more known all around the world than they otherwise would have been. That being said,it is not clear how many actual practioners of Chaos-Gnostcism there are since it is mainly anindividual religion and the handfull of orders that exist display no sorts of missionary ambitionsand are, additionaly, quite closed for outsiders.Although the first ideas of Chaos-Gnosticism emerged in Sweden in the middle of the 1990ÂŽs,an in-depth academic survey has not yet been made on the movement itself. This essay aims tochange that by putting Chaos-Gnosticism in its correct historical and occult context and also byshedding some light on the fundamental tenets and beliefsystem aswell as the importance ofnumerology and central symbols. The essay also presents the three different Chaosgnosticbranches that has emerged to date: Temple of the Black Light, with its Qabbalistic approach,Templum Falcis Cruentis, inspired by folktraditions of Central America and the biblical figureof Cain and finally ThursatrĂș in which the Chaosgnostic worldview is adopted on Old Norsemythology

    FiLDB : An Architecture for Securely Connecting Databases to the Internet

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    Today more and more Information systems exist and they contain more and more information. Many information systems contain information about people that is secret or sensitive. Such information should not be allowed to leak from a database. This problem grows more and more as databases are made available via the Internet. There have been a number of publicised occasions where hackers have passed security barriers and got information that is not intended to be publicly available. There have also been cases where the administrators of systems have made mistakes, so that classified information was published on the Internet. The FiLDB architecture uses existing technology together with new components to provide an environment in which databases can be connected to the Internet without losing security. Two databases, with physical separation between them, are used as a security measure. Secret information is stored only in an internal database, which is separated from the Internet. An external database contains information which is to be used from the Internet, and hence sensitive information is not stored in this database

    DjÀvulska diskurser : Hur The Satanic Temple Äterupplivar satanistiska mot-diskurser och utmanar det vÀsterlÀndska religionsbegreppet

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    When The Satanic Temple was formed in 2013 they immediately sparked a debate in American media through their political activism. With a Satanic discourse they both confused and angered many people, especially persons from the Christian Right-Wing and other Conservatives. With themselves in focus, they also initiated a debate of what a religion is or should be, after starting to demand religious rights through their activism. The idea of using a Satanic discourse in order to emphasize Left-Wing politics is not a new idea though. Already the Romantic Satanists used a similiar strategy some 200 years ago, and The Satanic Temple is quite vocal about the fact that they see them as forerunners. But traces could also be found in the Anarchistic Satanists of the middle 1800’s and the Feminist Satanists around 1900. This essay shows the inheritence of the political Satanism of the 18- and 1900’s through a discourse analysis of these movements compared with The Satanic Temple. The essay also discusses what defines a religion, viewed through The Satanic Temple’s fight for the status of one and compared to academic research on the subject, mainly the idea of viewing religion as a discourse

    Knowledge from Chaos : A presentation of Chaos-Gnosticism and its branches

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    Chaos-Gnosticism is a branch of the occult tree which through an eclectic approach tries togather all the dark, antagonistic aspects and forces from certain religions and mythologies ofthe world in order to reach back to the primeval Chaos, the stage that existed before theCreation. With a fundamental gnostic worldview the cosmos is seen as a prison, created byDemiurges, and in Chaos a total freedom rules.The philosophy (or Chaosophy to use a term used by the Chaosgnostics) has spread all over theworld during the past ten years or so. It is vital, in connection to this fact, to give the importanceto the music scene, especially the genre called black metal, for the spreading of theChaosgnostic ideas. Some of the leading bands in this genre, for instance Dissection, Watainand Arckanum, have adopted the Chaosgnostic tenets into their music and thus making theseideas more known all around the world than they otherwise would have been. That being said,it is not clear how many actual practioners of Chaos-Gnostcism there are since it is mainly anindividual religion and the handfull of orders that exist display no sorts of missionary ambitionsand are, additionaly, quite closed for outsiders.Although the first ideas of Chaos-Gnosticism emerged in Sweden in the middle of the 1990ÂŽs,an in-depth academic survey has not yet been made on the movement itself. This essay aims tochange that by putting Chaos-Gnosticism in its correct historical and occult context and also byshedding some light on the fundamental tenets and beliefsystem aswell as the importance ofnumerology and central symbols. The essay also presents the three different Chaosgnosticbranches that has emerged to date: Temple of the Black Light, with its Qabbalistic approach,Templum Falcis Cruentis, inspired by folktraditions of Central America and the biblical figureof Cain and finally ThursatrĂș in which the Chaosgnostic worldview is adopted on Old Norsemythology

    The tectonic evolution of the western part of the Svecofennian orogen, central Sweden : Insight from U/Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology at Forsmark

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    The Forsmark area, in the western part of the Svecofennian orogen, central Sweden, is situated between two major Palaeoproterozoic tectonic domains that show contrasting histories with respect to timing of igneous activity, ductile deformation and metamorphism. At Forsmark, WNW to NW trending, ductile deformation belts anastomose around tectonic lenses with an inferred lower degree of ductile strain. Geological features common to both of the adjacent tectonic domains are found in the area, which, consequently, is of key importance for the understanding of the tectonic evolution of the Svecofennian orogen in this region. U/Pb zircon dating (6 ages), in combination with detailed field work, have revealed the existence of two calc-alkaline igneous suites at Forsmark. The older and most voluminous plutonic suite intruded at 1.89-1.87 Ga. It is affected by penetrative ductile deformation under amphibolite-facies metamorphic conditions. The younger, less voluminous and hypabyssal suite intruded at 1.86-1.85 Ga, during the waning stages of penetrative deformation and, thus, constrains the main phase of penetrative ductile amphibolite-facies deformation to between 1.87 and 1.86 Ga. Cross-cutting granite dykes, belonging to the younger suite, place an absolute minimum age for this deformational event to c. 1.85 Ga. U/Pb titanite data (4 ages) support the constraints on the penetrative deformation. However, the data also suggest that the Forsmark area has been affected by one or more tectonothermal events after the intrusion of the 1.85 Ga granite dykes. This is confirmed by 40Ar/39Ar hornblende data (16 ages), which demonstrate the existence of two age generations, 1.83-1.82 Ga and 1.81-1.80 Ga, that are suggested to represent resetting of the argon isotope system in response to retrogressive, lower amphibolite- to upper greenschist-facies deformation restricted to discrete high-strain zones within the broader deformation belts. Furthermore, the data suggest that cooling to c. 500 °C took place at around 1.85 Ga and that the area then remained at similar temperatures until the 1.81-1.80 Ga tectonothermal event, during which it was uplifted to higher crustal levels. In addition, 40Ar/39Ar muscovite (5 ages) and biotite (29 ages) data suggest that cooling to 350 °C occurred around 1.75-1.70 Ga, whereas cooling to 300 °C took place at 1.73-1.66 Ga. The estimated uplift rate was at this time c. 22 m/m.y. The Forsmark data, in combination with a compilation of available geochronological data for the time interval 1.91-1.84 Ga in central Sweden, point to the existence of at least two major tectonic cycles. Each cycle is characterised by igneous activity associated with extension, a short interval of compression (c. 10 m.y.), and migration of the tectonic activity. In this thesis, two contrasting conceptual tectonic models, which may explain the cyclic tectonic evolution of the western Svecofennian orogen in central Sweden, are discussed. The favoured model involves continuous subduction beneath a single active continental margin, combined with alternating subduction hinge retreat and advance. This model includes migration of what has been described as tectonic switching in some younger orogenic belts

    DjÀvulska diskurser : Hur The Satanic Temple Äterupplivar satanistiska mot-diskurser och utmanar det vÀsterlÀndska religionsbegreppet

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    When The Satanic Temple was formed in 2013 they immediately sparked a debate in American media through their political activism. With a Satanic discourse they both confused and angered many people, especially persons from the Christian Right-Wing and other Conservatives. With themselves in focus, they also initiated a debate of what a religion is or should be, after starting to demand religious rights through their activism. The idea of using a Satanic discourse in order to emphasize Left-Wing politics is not a new idea though. Already the Romantic Satanists used a similiar strategy some 200 years ago, and The Satanic Temple is quite vocal about the fact that they see them as forerunners. But traces could also be found in the Anarchistic Satanists of the middle 1800’s and the Feminist Satanists around 1900. This essay shows the inheritence of the political Satanism of the 18- and 1900’s through a discourse analysis of these movements compared with The Satanic Temple. The essay also discusses what defines a religion, viewed through The Satanic Temple’s fight for the status of one and compared to academic research on the subject, mainly the idea of viewing religion as a discourse

    Topology Optimization in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing : Applied on a Linking arm for Track Systems

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    Examensarbetet har genomförts inom omrĂ„det produktutveckling pĂ„ institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap. Delar av arbetet utfördes pĂ„ produktionstekniskt centrum (PTC).Examensarbetet innefattar undersökning av den kombinerande anvĂ€ndningen av topologioptimering och svetsbaserad additiv tillverkning (WAAM) mot en pendelarm frĂ„n ett bandsystem. UtifrĂ„n arbetets syfte skulle följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar besvaras: Hur fungerar topologioptimering och WAAM? Hur genomförs topologioptimering med Autodesk Inventor? GĂ„r det kombinera topologioptimering och WAAM pĂ„ ett effektivt sĂ€tt? MĂ„ste optimerade objekt justeras manuellt för att kunna produceras i den givna WAAM processen? Vidare sattes ett teoretiskt ramverk pĂ„ WAAM processen, topologioptimering och FEM-analys för att kunna besvara de frĂ„gestĂ€llningar som angivits. Detta gjordes med mĂ„let att fĂ„ en djupare förstĂ„else för de olika koncepten och hur de anvĂ€nds i praktiken. Tillsammans med uppdragsgivaren studerades den produktionsrigg som anvĂ€ndes i arbetet samt sattes hĂ„llfasthetskrav, verkande krafter och mĂ„tt pĂ„ pendelarmen. NĂ€r dessa punkter var faststĂ€llda pĂ„börjades optimeringsprocessen pĂ„ pendelarmen vilket gjordes med Autodesk Inventor.Optimeringsprocessen bestod av FEM-analys, topologioptimering samt slutgiltig bearbetning mot WAAM processen. Även en kort genomgĂ„ng av tillverkningsprocessens beredningsparametrar presenteras. FrĂ„n arbetets syfte formulerades Ă€ven tre punkter som beskriver att arbetet skulle resultera i En topologioptimerad och tillverkningsmöjlig pendelarm. Analysering mellan den icke optimerade och den optimerade pendelarmen. En analysering av hur topologioptimeringen och WAAM kombineras med hĂ€nsyn till angivna begrĂ€nsningar och krav. I resultatet analyseras den digitala och fysiska modellen utifrĂ„nde angivna punkterna, Ă€ven optimeringsmetodiken analyseras ocksĂ„ utifrĂ„n implementeringsförmĂ„gan och anvĂ€ndarvĂ€nligheten. Metoden som anvĂ€nds i arbetet visar sig vara mycket anvĂ€ndbar vid denna form av optimeringsproblem som innefattar enstaka komponenter av lĂ€gre geometrisk komplexitet. Slutligen diskuterades olika aspekter frĂ„n arbetet och hur eventuell förbĂ€ttring eller utveckling kan implementeras. En reflekterande slutsats ges ocksĂ„ utifrĂ„n de frĂ„gestĂ€llningar som presenterades i arbetets början och hur vĂ€l de har besvaratsThis Bachelor thesis has been carried out in the field of product development in the Department of Engineering. Parts of the thesis was carried out at the Production Technology Centre (PTC). The thesis includes investigation of the combined use of topology optimization and Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) applied on a linking arm for a track system. Based on the purpose of the work, the following questions will be answered: How do topology optimization and WAAM work? How is topology optimization carried out with AutodeskInventor? Is it possible to combine topology optimization and WAAM effectively? Do optimized objects need to be adjusted manually to be produced in the given WAAM process? Furthermore, a theoretical framework was set for the WAAM process, topology optimization and FEM analysis to be able to answer the questions that have been stated previously. This was done with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of the different concepts and how they are used in practice. Together with the client, the production rig used in the work was studied and strength requirements, acting forces and dimensions of the linking arm were established. Once these points were established, the optimization process on the linking arm begun, which was done in Autodesk Inventor. The optimization process consisted of FEM analysis, topology optimization and final processing towards the WAAM process. A brief review of the manufacturing process's preparation parameters is also presented. From the purpose of the work, three points were also formulated that describe that the work should result in a topology-optimized and manufacturing-possible linking arm. Analysis between the non optimized and the optimized linking arm. An analysis of how the topology optimization and WAAM are combined with regards to specified limitations and requirements. In the results section, the digital and physical model is analysed based on the specified points, the optimization methodology is also analysed based on the implementation ability and user-friendliness. The method used in the work proves to be very useful in this form of optimization problems which include individual components of lower geometric complexity. Finally, various aspects of the work were discussed and how any improvement or developments can be implemented. A reflective conclusion is given based on the questions presented at the beginning of the work and how well they have been answered


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    Game immersion is an important aspect of gaming and is a term used by players and critics alike. It is one of the aspects that keeps a player “hooked” and is often seen as critical for a good game session. A Heads-up Display (HUD) is a common element of most games. It is used to communicate vital information to the player, such as health and ammunition. While these two things are important for gaming, there is not a lot of research on how these two correlate. An experiment with 12 participants was set up to investigate how different HUD designs affect game immersion and whether there is a difference between experienced players and novice players regarding immersion. The experiment, set in the game Fortnite, used eye tracking tounderstand how the participants used the HUD, and a questionnaire to evaluate to what extent a participant was immersed by said HUD. The results show no significant effect of HUD choice on game immersion. Moreover, the results did not show any significant effect of expertise. Although not significant, novice players were more immersed than experts. While also not significant, the results show a trend suggesting that a HUD design with larger elements promptsmore eye fixations over all elements in the HUD. When asking what the participants thought about the HUDs, we could see a significant effect of HUD design on subjective rating.Spelinlevelse Ă€r en viktig aspekt inom gaming och Ă€r en term som anvĂ€nds av bĂ„de spelare och kritiker. Det Ă€r den aspekt som fĂ„r en spelare att vilja fortsĂ€tta spela och ses ofta som en kritisk aspekt för en bra spelsession. En head-up display (HUD) Ă€r ett vanligt element i de flesta spel. Den kommunicerar kritisk information till spelaren som liv och ammunition. Medan bĂ„da dessa tvĂ„ aspekter Ă€r viktiga för gaming sĂ„ finns det inte sĂ„ mycket forskning om hur de korrelerar. Ett experiment, med 12 deltagare, utfördes för att undersöka hur olika HUDs har en effekt pÄ spelinlevelse och om det finns nĂ„gon skillnad mellan erfarna spelare och nybörjare. Experimentet, som utfördes i spelet Fortnite, anvĂ€nde sig av eye-tracking för att förstĂ„ hur deltagarna anvĂ€nde sig av HUDsen och en enkĂ€t för att evaluera till vilken grad av inlevelsedeltagarna upplevde vid varje HUD. Resultatet visade inte pĂ„ nĂ„gon signifikant effekt av inlevelse vid val av HUD. Resultaten visade utöver detta inte pĂ„ nĂ„gon signifikant skillnad avexpertis. Trots att dessa resultat inte var signifikanta, sĂ„ hittades en trend som antyder att en större HUD framkallar flera ögonfixeringar pĂ„ alla element i HUDen. NĂ€r deltagarna blev tillfrĂ„gade om vad de tyckte om HUDsen, kunde vi se en signifikant skillnad vid val av HUD design pĂ„ subjektiv vĂ€rdering

    Topology Optimization in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing : Applied on a Linking arm for Track Systems

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    Examensarbetet har genomförts inom omrĂ„det produktutveckling pĂ„ institutionen för ingenjörsvetenskap. Delar av arbetet utfördes pĂ„ produktionstekniskt centrum (PTC).Examensarbetet innefattar undersökning av den kombinerande anvĂ€ndningen av topologioptimering och svetsbaserad additiv tillverkning (WAAM) mot en pendelarm frĂ„n ett bandsystem. UtifrĂ„n arbetets syfte skulle följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar besvaras: Hur fungerar topologioptimering och WAAM? Hur genomförs topologioptimering med Autodesk Inventor? GĂ„r det kombinera topologioptimering och WAAM pĂ„ ett effektivt sĂ€tt? MĂ„ste optimerade objekt justeras manuellt för att kunna produceras i den givna WAAM processen? Vidare sattes ett teoretiskt ramverk pĂ„ WAAM processen, topologioptimering och FEM-analys för att kunna besvara de frĂ„gestĂ€llningar som angivits. Detta gjordes med mĂ„let att fĂ„ en djupare förstĂ„else för de olika koncepten och hur de anvĂ€nds i praktiken. Tillsammans med uppdragsgivaren studerades den produktionsrigg som anvĂ€ndes i arbetet samt sattes hĂ„llfasthetskrav, verkande krafter och mĂ„tt pĂ„ pendelarmen. NĂ€r dessa punkter var faststĂ€llda pĂ„börjades optimeringsprocessen pĂ„ pendelarmen vilket gjordes med Autodesk Inventor.Optimeringsprocessen bestod av FEM-analys, topologioptimering samt slutgiltig bearbetning mot WAAM processen. Även en kort genomgĂ„ng av tillverkningsprocessens beredningsparametrar presenteras. FrĂ„n arbetets syfte formulerades Ă€ven tre punkter som beskriver att arbetet skulle resultera i En topologioptimerad och tillverkningsmöjlig pendelarm. Analysering mellan den icke optimerade och den optimerade pendelarmen. En analysering av hur topologioptimeringen och WAAM kombineras med hĂ€nsyn till angivna begrĂ€nsningar och krav. I resultatet analyseras den digitala och fysiska modellen utifrĂ„nde angivna punkterna, Ă€ven optimeringsmetodiken analyseras ocksĂ„ utifrĂ„n implementeringsförmĂ„gan och anvĂ€ndarvĂ€nligheten. Metoden som anvĂ€nds i arbetet visar sig vara mycket anvĂ€ndbar vid denna form av optimeringsproblem som innefattar enstaka komponenter av lĂ€gre geometrisk komplexitet. Slutligen diskuterades olika aspekter frĂ„n arbetet och hur eventuell förbĂ€ttring eller utveckling kan implementeras. En reflekterande slutsats ges ocksĂ„ utifrĂ„n de frĂ„gestĂ€llningar som presenterades i arbetets början och hur vĂ€l de har besvaratsThis Bachelor thesis has been carried out in the field of product development in the Department of Engineering. Parts of the thesis was carried out at the Production Technology Centre (PTC). The thesis includes investigation of the combined use of topology optimization and Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) applied on a linking arm for a track system. Based on the purpose of the work, the following questions will be answered: How do topology optimization and WAAM work? How is topology optimization carried out with AutodeskInventor? Is it possible to combine topology optimization and WAAM effectively? Do optimized objects need to be adjusted manually to be produced in the given WAAM process? Furthermore, a theoretical framework was set for the WAAM process, topology optimization and FEM analysis to be able to answer the questions that have been stated previously. This was done with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of the different concepts and how they are used in practice. Together with the client, the production rig used in the work was studied and strength requirements, acting forces and dimensions of the linking arm were established. Once these points were established, the optimization process on the linking arm begun, which was done in Autodesk Inventor. The optimization process consisted of FEM analysis, topology optimization and final processing towards the WAAM process. A brief review of the manufacturing process's preparation parameters is also presented. From the purpose of the work, three points were also formulated that describe that the work should result in a topology-optimized and manufacturing-possible linking arm. Analysis between the non optimized and the optimized linking arm. An analysis of how the topology optimization and WAAM are combined with regards to specified limitations and requirements. In the results section, the digital and physical model is analysed based on the specified points, the optimization methodology is also analysed based on the implementation ability and user-friendliness. The method used in the work proves to be very useful in this form of optimization problems which include individual components of lower geometric complexity. Finally, various aspects of the work were discussed and how any improvement or developments can be implemented. A reflective conclusion is given based on the questions presented at the beginning of the work and how well they have been answered