36 research outputs found

    Does distillers dried grain with solubles from wheat have positive effects on performance and health in slaughter pig production

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    Drank frĂ„n sprittillverkningen för humankonsumtion har sedan en lĂ€ngre tid anvĂ€nts som foder till grisar men fĂ„ studier har gjorts inom omrĂ„det. Med hĂ„rdare krav pĂ„ djuromsorg och djurhĂ€lsa, bĂ„de frĂ„n staten och för ekonomin i lantbrukarens egen produktion, Ă€r det intressant att se drankens effekt pĂ„ produktionsegenskaper och hĂ€lsa. Syftet med vĂ„rt examensarbete Ă€r att utvĂ€rdera hur drank fungerar i slaktgrisproduktion med hĂ€nsyn till produktionsegenskaper och hĂ€lsa. Studien har genomförts som ett fĂ€ltförsök pĂ„ gĂ„rden Björkhem utanför Kristianstad. Tre omgĂ„ngar grisar med 783 djur i varje omgĂ„ng (totalt 2349 grisar) har ingĂ„tt i försöket, som löpt frĂ„n mars 2012 till januari 2013. I varje omgĂ„ng fanns en kontrollgrupp samt tvĂ„ försöksled, alla i separata avdelningar. Kontrollgruppen har fĂ„tt fĂ€rdigfoder blandat med vatten. I försöksleden har drank ingĂ„tt i blandningen och övriga komponenter korrigerats för att ge ett likvĂ€rdigt nĂ€ringsinnehĂ„ll i alla foder. Försöksled drank tvĂ„ steg inledde med 25 % och övergick efter tio veckor till 45 % drank. Försöksled drank fler steg utfodrades med 25 % drank vid insĂ€ttningen som successivt ökades med 5 % Ă„t gĂ„ngen (varannan vecka) upp till 45% drank. Detta innebar att grisar som fick drank i fler steg fick mest drank under hela uppfödningsperioden. Av 261 insatta grisar per avdelning mĂ€rktes ca 145 djur individuellt. Samtliga grisar vĂ€gdes pĂ„ insĂ€ttningsdagen i grupp pĂ„ lastbilen och de individuellt mĂ€rkta vĂ€gdes manuellt pĂ„ vĂ„g samt eventuella avvikelser, sĂ„som svansbitning, problem i navelregionen och hĂ€lta, noterades. Tio veckor senare vĂ€gdes alla individuellt mĂ€rkta djur igen. Avseende hĂ€lsa har vi kontrollerat sjuka djur under uppfödningen, avlivade och sjĂ€lvdöda samt slaktanmĂ€rkningar. Vid drankutfodring fanns en tendens till fler hjĂ€rnhinneinflammationer och en tendens till fler avlivningar pĂ„ grund av kannibalism vid jĂ€mförelse drank/ ej drank. Även om det fanns en statistisk tendens sĂ„ var förekomsten vĂ€ldigt lĂ„gt i alla försöksled. I vĂ„rt försök har vi anvĂ€nt oss av produktionsuppföljningsprogrammet PigWin Slakt. I detta program registreras antal insatta djur, antal slaktade djur, kasserade djur vid slakt, köttprocent, foderförbrukning, tillvĂ€xt, dödlighet mm. Vid kontroll av PigWin-siffror kunde man se en tendens till högre foderförbrukning men ocksĂ„ högre köttprocent hos försöksledet drank fler steg Ă€n hos försöksledet drank tvĂ„ steg. PigWin-siffrorna visade ocksĂ„ pĂ„ att det var en signifikant högre foderkostnad för kontrollfodret. Om man slĂ„r ihop de bĂ„da drankleden och jĂ€mför dem med kontrolledet fanns det en tendens till högre slaktkroppsvikt hos kontrolledet (93,2 kg vs 91,1 kg) trots att omgĂ„ngstiden var densamma för alla försöksled. InsĂ€ttningsvikten korrigerades till 30 kg och det gav en signifikant högre korrigerad daglig tillvĂ€xt i kontrolledet (988 g vs 963 g). Dock pĂ„visades en signifikant högre foderkostnad för kontrolledet (45 öre per kg tillvĂ€xt som motsvarar omkring 40 kronor per gris). Boxrenligheten skiljde sig inte Ă„t mellan försöksleden. Bland de individuellt utvalda djuren fanns ingen signifikant skillnad i spridning av daglig tillvĂ€xt nĂ€r man jĂ€mförde alla tre leden mot varandra. NĂ€r de bĂ„da drankleden slogs samman och jĂ€mfördes mot kontrolledet kunde man se en tendens till högre daglig tillvĂ€xt med kontrollfodret. Vi tycker att vi har fĂ„tt ett bra och tydligt svar pĂ„ vĂ„r frĂ„gestĂ€llning: Ger drank i slaktgrisproduktion positiva effekter pĂ„ produktionsegenskaper och hĂ€lsa? Vi kan inte se nĂ„gra signifikanta skillnader som visar att drank ger positiva effekter pĂ„ tillvĂ€xt eller hĂ€lsa, enligt vĂ„rt försöksresultat.Distillers dried grain with solubles (shortened DDGS in this paper) from ethanol production for human consumption has been used as an animal feed for a long time, but only a few studies on its effects has been done. Along with stricter rules on animal health from the Swedish government and economical factors that forces farmers to money awareness, it is important to have healthy animals that will be more profitable. Because of this we found it interesting to see how DDGS affects performance and health in our animals. The purpose with our experiment is to evaluate how DDGS works in slaughter pig production with consideration to health and performance. The experiment was held at a farm, Björkhem, outside Kristianstad in the southern part of Sweden. The experiment included 2349 pigs, which were divided into one control diet- group, and two groups with different strategies for DDGS. There were three batches with 783 pigs in each and they were divided into three sections. The duration of the project was February 2012 until January 2013. The two steps strategy started with 25% of DDGS and increased to 45% ten weeks later. The multiple steps strategy also started at 25% of DDGS and increased the level with 5% every second week until it reached 45%. The total amount of DDGS given to the pigs was highest in the multiple steps strategy. Of 261 pigs per section, 145 were marked with individual ear tags. All of the pigs were weighed on the lorry as a group and the marked pigs were weighed individual as well. Any deviation, as lameness, cannibalism, umbilicial hernia etc. was noted. Ten weeks later all the individual marked animals were weighed again. In terms of health we have noted every unhealthy animal during the period, animals which died during the experiment and cases of diseases at slaughter. When pigs are fed with DDGS there was a tendency of more meningitis and a tendency of more pigs that were killed because of cannibalism. Although this statistical tendency was detected, the incidence of these diseases was very low in all treatments. In our experiment we have used a program called PigWin Slakt, where you can follow up your production and can compare to other producers. You noticed numbers like amount of pigs, amount of slaughtered pigs, mortality, meat per cent of the carcass, growth, feed consumption etc. Using the PigWin-numbers we found a tendency of higher feed consumption and a higher percentage of carcass meat among the pigs fed the multiple steps strategy than the pigs that were fed the two steps strategy. The PigWinnumbers also showed a significant higher cost for the control diet. When comparing pigs fed with DDGS to pigs fed the control diet, there is a tendency of higher slaughter weight among the pigs that were fed the control diet (93.2 kg vs 91.1 kg) even though they were raised for the same amount of days. The corrected daily growth was significantly higher with the control diet (988 g vs 963 g), and the cost for this diet was significantly higher than the cost for diets with DDGS (0, 45 SEK per kg gained, which is about 40 SEK per produced pig). The cleanliness of the stalls didn’t differ between the different strategies or the control. Among the individual marked animals there were no differences in standard deviation for weight gain when comparing all of the three treatments. When both DDGS were combined and compared to the control diet there was a tendency of higher daily growth with the control diet. We think that we have got an obvious answer on our question; does DDGS from wheat have positive effects on performance and health in slaughter pig production? We can’t see any significant differences that show that DDGS leads to positive effects neither on growth or health, according to our trial

    Grönt medarbetarskap

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    Tiderna förĂ€ndras, sĂ„ Ă€ven inom jordbrukssektorn. Effektiviseringen av jordbruket har medfört att det pĂ„ senare tid bildats allt större enheter för att bibehĂ„lla god lönsamhet, vilket innebĂ€r vĂ€xande enheter med fler medarbetare. Det innebĂ€r att den enskilde jordbrukarens uppgift förĂ€ndras, frĂ„n att ha ansvarat och arbetat med allt frĂ„n ekonomi och djurskötsel till maskinkörning, till att bli chef och ledare med personalansvar. Behovet av medarbetarskap Ă€r tydligt dĂ„ jordbrukaren inte klarar av att ensam ha full koll och kontroll över verksamheten nĂ€r den vĂ€xer och personalstyrkan likasĂ„. Det medför Ă€ven ett behov av att kunna etablera en god relation mellan chef och medarbetare, samt förmĂ„gan att som chef vĂ„ga delegera ansvar och arbetsuppgifter. Vi har i detta arbete genomfört en kvalitativ studie som syftar till att se hur arbetsgivarna inom jordbrukssektorn ser pĂ„ medarbetarskap samt hur det anvĂ€nds i verksamheten. Genom studien avser vi skapa en förstĂ„else för medarbetarskap, hur man bygger upp medarbetarskap i organisationen och vilken effekt ett myndigt medarbetarskap kan bidra till. MĂ„let med studien gĂ„r ut pĂ„ att besvara tre frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: ‱ Vad Ă€r medarbetarskap för arbetsgivaren? ‱ Hur arbetar arbetsgivaren med medarbetarskap i verksamheten? ‱ Hur avser arbetsgivaren att arbeta med medarbetarskap i verksamhetens fortsatta utveckling? Studien avser verksamheter inom jordbrukssektorn som bedriver verksamhet med tvĂ„ eller fler olika inriktningar. Vi har valt att begrĂ€nsa oss till verksamheter med fem anstĂ€llda eller fler för att det ska bli en tydlig bild hur arbetsgivaren arbetar med medarbetarskap. För att besvara vĂ„ra tre huvudfrĂ„gor har vi intervjuat fem arbetsgivare om medarbetarskap, vi har sedan bearbetat informationen och genom anvĂ€ndning av tvĂ„ modeller sammanstĂ€llt ett resultat. Resultatet vi har fĂ„tt fram av vĂ„r studie Ă€r att alla respondenter pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt anvĂ€nder sig av medarbetarskap, de anser dessutom att det Ă€r tillrĂ€ckligt viktigt för att fortsĂ€tta arbeta med medarbetarskap och dess utveckling inom organisationen Ă€ven framöver. Med det resultatet har vi kommit fram till slutsatsen att medarbetarskap anvĂ€nds inom jordbrukssektorn, det Ă€r en filosofi som bidrar till en vĂ€lmĂ„ende verksamhet och dess organisation. Medarbetarskap bidrar till en god arbetsmiljö, personal som Ă€r sjĂ€lvgĂ„ende och som strĂ€var efter att göra ett gott arbete, samtidigt som verksamheten arbetar för att bemöta medarbetarens behov och vilja till utveckling. Det leder till en mer vĂ€lmĂ„ende organisation som nĂ„r sin mĂ„lbild.Times change, so even in the agricultural sector. The purpose to maintain a high profitability has led to an increased efficiency of the agricultural industry through larger units. A larger business requires more employees, which means that the single farmer who used to manage everything from finances to the farms machinery, will also become manager. A clear need for employeeship is demonstrated when the growing business becomes so extensive that the farmer alone can no longer maintain a total control. The growing business also implies a need for the new manager to have the ability to establish a good relationship between the manager and employees, as well as the ability to delegate responsibility and tasks. With this study we have conducted a qualitative study that seeks to examine what employers of the agricultural sector think about employeeship, and how it is implemented into their businesses. With the study we intend to create an understanding for employeeship, how it is established into the organization and what results a well-­‐functioning employeeship may bring with it. The main goal of the study is to answer three questions: ‱ What is employeeship for the employer? ‱ How does the employer use employeeship in the business? ‱ How does the employer intend to practice employeeship within the continued development of the business? The study focuses on businesses in the agricultural sector with two or more orientations. To be able to create a clear idea of how employers are practicing employeeship, we have chosen businesses with five or more employees. To find answers for our three main questions, we have interviewed five different employers about their view on employeeship. The collected information has been used together with two different models to put together a final result. The results show that all of our respondents practice employeeship of some sort, and that employeeship is so important that they want to continue developing it along with the organization in the future. Our conclusion from the result is that employeeship is practiced in the agricultural sector. It’s because the philosophy improves the work environment as well as motivates the employees to do a good job, at the same time as the employer strives to address his/hers employee’s needs and wills for further development. It leads to a more prosperous organization that reaches its vision

    Plasma concentration of neurofilament light chain protein decreases after switching from tenofovir disoproxil fumarate to tenofovir alafenamide fumarate

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    Background Because tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) leads to significantly lower plasma tenofovir concentrations than tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) and is a stronger substrate for P-glycoprotein (P-gp) than TDF, TAF could lead to decreased central nervous system (CNS) tenofovir exposure than TDF. We aimed to determine if switching from TDF to TAF increases the risk of neuronal injury, by quantifying plasma levels of neurofilament light protein (NfL), a sensitive marker of neuronal injury in HIV CNS infection. Methods Plasma NfL concentration was measured at baseline, week 24, and week 84 in stored plasma samples from 416 participants (272 switching to elvitegravir (E)/cobicistat (C)/emtricitabine (F)/TAF and 144 continuing E/C/F/TDF) enrolled in the randomized, active-controlled, multicenter, open-label, noninferiority Gilead GS-US-292-0109 trial. Results While plasma NfL levels in both groups were within the normal range, we found a small but significant decrease in the E/C/F/TAF arm after 84 weeks from a geometric mean of 9.3 to 8.8 pg/mL (5.4% decline, 95% CI 2.0-8.4, p = 0.002). This change was significantly different (p = 0.001) from that of the E/C/F/TDF arm, in which plasma NfL concentration changed from 9.7 pg/mL at baseline to 10.2 pg/mL at week 84 (5.8% increase, 95% CI -0.8-12.9, p = 0.085). This increase is in line with what could be expected in normal ageing. Plasma NfL concentrations significantly correlated with age. No correlation was found between plasma NfL and serum creatinine. Conclusions We found no biomarker evidence of CNS injury when switching from TDF to TAF. It is unclear whether the small decrease in plasma NfL found after switch to TAF is of any clinical relevance, particularly with plasma NfL levels in both arms remaining within the limits found in HIV-negative controls. These results indicate that switching from TDF to TAF appears safe with regard to neuronal injury

    Cerebrospinal fluid levels of glial marker YKL-40 strongly associated with axonal injury in HIV infection

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    Background: HIV-1 infects the central nervous system (CNS) shortly after transmission. This leads to a chronic intrathecal immune activation. YKL-40, a biomarker that mainly reflects activation of astroglial cells, has not been thoroughly investigated in relation to HIV. The objective of our study was to characterize cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) YKL-40 in chronic HIV infection, with and without antiretroviral treatment (ART). Methods: YKL-40, neopterin, and the axonal marker neurofilament light protein (NFL) were analyzed with ELISA in archived CSF samples from 120 HIV-infected individuals (85 untreated neuroasymptomatic patients, 7 with HIVassociated dementia, and 28 on effective ART) and 39 HIV-negative controls. Results: CSF YKL-40 was significantly higher in patients with HIV-associated dementia compared to all other groups. It was also higher in untreated neuroasymptomatic individuals with CD4 cell count < 350 compared to controls. Significant correlations were found between CSF YKL-40 and age (r = 0.38, p < 0.001), CD4 (r = − 0.36, p < 0. 001), plasma HIV RNA (r = 0.35, p < 0.001), CSF HIV RNA (r = 0.35, p < 0.001), CSF neopterin (r = 0.40, p < 0.001), albumin ratio (r = 0.44, p < 0.001), and CSF NFL (r = 0.71, p < 0.001). Age, CD4 cell count, albumin ratio, and CSF HIV RNA were found as independent predictors of CSF YKL-40 concentrations in multivariable analysis. In addition, CSF YKL-40 was revealed as a strong independent predictor of CSF NFL together with age, CSF neopterin, and CD4 cell count. Conclusions: CSF YKL-40 is a promising biomarker candidate for understanding the pathogenesis of HIV in the CNS. The strong correlation between CSF YKL-40 and NFL suggests a pathogenic association between astroglial activation and axonal injury, and implies its utility in assessing the prognostic value of YKL-40

    Ljudbokens plats i klassrummet : En studie om hur ljudboken kan utveckla literacy hos elever

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     Den empiriska studiens syfte Àr att undersöka ljudbokens plats i klassrummet och om ljudboken kan utveckla elevernas literacy. I studien observeras och intervjuas svensklÀrare i mellanstadiet som anvÀnder sig av ljudböcker i klassrummet. Datainsamlingen frÄn observationerna och intervjuerna har analyserats kvalitativt. I analysen kopplas det insamlade materialet till teorin New Literacy. Studiens resultat pÄvisar att lÀrare framför allt anvÀnder sig av ljudböcker som ett hjÀlpmedel för elever med lÀs- och skrivsvÄrigheter. Tidigare forskning visar att ljudboken kan bidra till utvecklingen av literacy hos elever i allmÀnhet, medan de lÀrare som tillfrÄgats i studien frÀmst anvÀnder ljudbok som ett hjÀlpmedel för elever med lÀs- och skrivsvÄrigheter. Dock menar de intervjuade lÀrarna att ljudboken Àr anvÀndbar i utvecklingen literacy hos elever i allmÀnhet, sÄ lÀnge den anvÀnds i kombination med tryckta böcker

    Cultural heritage of waterways. Influence of public enquieries on the cultural environment with emphasis on hydroelectric power.

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    Waterways within the cultural heritage are the subject of this essay. The aim is to explore how the cultural environments among hydroelectric power stations are affected by environmental objectives with interests in biological diversity, natural assets and conservancy. The starting point of this essay is based on the hypothesis that there is a lack of perspective in how cultural heritage are handled in the “Vattenverksamhetsutredningen”, a governmental enquiry about both new and changed legislation for water activities. The essay is a survey about the cultural environments role in SOU 2013:69 “Ny tid ny prövning – förslag till Ă€ndrade vattenrĂ€ttsliga regler” and SOU 2014:35 “I vĂ„tt och torrt – förslag till Ă€ndrade vattenrĂ€ttsliga regler”, which form the basis for new regulations. To embody the subject of the essay, I have made a case study among hydroelectric power in the county of Halland, with focus on two power stations; Herting in the city of Falkenberg and Rydöbruk in the municipality of Hylte. These two objects was not chosen by the aim of similarity, but in order to indicate how cultural values are, or have been handled. The implication, based on the material I have studied, is that a several of cultural environments among small hydroelectric power stations are being negatively affected by physical and economical changes, as a result of forthcoming new regulations.Uppsats för avlĂ€ggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i KulturvĂ„rd, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program 15 hp Institutionen för kulturvĂ„rd Göteborgs universitet 2015:2

    How is employeeship experienced in an organisation with work flexibility : A qualitative study on how organizations handle work flexibility in harmony with employeeship

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    Genom digitaliseringen har fler och fler arbetsplatser implementerat någon form av arbetsflexibilitet, dels för att till exempel effektivisera verksamheten och dels för att många människor önskar en större flexibilitet i sitt arbete. Men vad händer egentligen med medarbetarskapet, alltså relationen individen har till sig själv, sitt arbete och sina medarbetare, när en arbetsplats har stor flexibilitet och många kollegor till exempel arbetar hemifrån. En individs balans mellan arbete och fritid påverkas även av möjligheterna att arbeta vart som helst, när som helst. Denna kvalitativa studie har undersökt och studerat två olika enheter i samma organisation. För att få en förståelse för hur arbetsflexibiliteten påverkar medarbetarnas upplevelse av medarbetarskapet har en enhet med flexibilitet och en enhet utan flexibilitet studerats. Vidare syftar studien även till att bidra till en större förståelse för hur dessa medarbetare upplever balans mellan arbete och privatliv. Studiens datainsamling bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med två enhetschefer och fem medarbetare. Fortsättningsvis har empirin analyserats och huvudsakligen har tre teman identifierats; engagemang och meningsfullhet, samarbete och gemenskap samt balans mellan arbete och fritid. Några av de främsta slutsatserna som framkommit genom studien var att enheten med mindre flexibilitet har ett betydligt starkare medarbetarskap än den enhet med hög arbetsflexibilitet. Slutsatsen visar även att skapas det en obalans av att ständigt vara tillgänglig för att svara på arbetsrelaterade frågor, vilket i sin tur påverkar privatlivet negativt. Studien framför även de vetenskapliga bidraget som gjorts och förslagen som finns till framtida studier.Through digitization, more and more workplaces have implemented some form of work flexibility, partly to make the organization more efficient and partly because many people want a better flexibility in their work. But what really happens to the employeeship, the relationship the individual has to himself, his work and his employees, when a workplace has great flexibility and many colleagues, for example, work from home. An individual's balance between work and private life is also affected by the opportunities to work anywhere, anytime. This qualitative study has examined and studied two different units in the same organization. In order to gain an understanding of how work flexibility affects the employee’s experience of employeeship, a unit with flexibility and a unit without flexibility has been studied. Furthermore, the study aims to contribute to a greater understanding of these employees experience balance between work and private life. The study’s data collection is based on semi-structured interviews with two unit managers and five employees. The empirics have been analyzed and three themes have been identified; commitment and meaningfulness, cooperation and community and balance between work and private life. Some of the main conclusions that emerged from the study were that the unit with less flexibility has a significantly stronger employeeship than the unit with high work flexibility. The conclusion also shows that creating an imbalance of being constantly available to respond to work-related issues, which in turn negatively affects private life. The study also includes the scientific contributions that have been made and the proposals for future studies

    Let’s Get Physical: Investigating How Social Movements Continuously Enable New Venture Creation &amp; Vice Versa : A Theoretical Contribution to the External Enabler Framework for New Venture Creation in the Context of the Fitness Movement

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    This thesis presents an inductive, qualitative approach to exploring the connection between entrepreneurship and social movement theory in the context of the fitness movement. This was achieved by applying the External Enabler Framework for New Venture Creation which looks at how changes to the macro environment, such as sociocultural shifts, enable entrepreneurial processes by activating mechanisms on the venture level (Davidsson et al., 2020). A loop derived from social movement literature is implemented as a contribution to the framework that presents a perspective in which ventures not only are influenced by the social movement but also contribute to the movement's momentum. The loop was found to occur as ventures enlarge the scope of the social movement and thus change its characteristics. This insight provides two theoretical contributions. Firstly, the loop originating from social movement theory is better defined and explained. Secondly, the External Enabler Framework for New Venture Creation has been connected to the loop, which provides a more nuanced view of how social movements and ventures interrelate. This is deemed important since it helps us understand how social movements can grow with the influence of ventures and how this leads to the continuous enablement of new ventures