63 research outputs found

    Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships: Towards a More Decentralised Policy

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    Public-private partnerships are a recent instrument for social and economic development policies. A more decentralised policy is supposed to increase focus and effectiveness and to involve agencies that are closer to firms and that have a more narrow range of objectives. In this contribution, we analyse the pattern of the so-called PIP (Partnerships and Public Initiatives) projects, approved between 2000 and the 30th June of 2003 in the framework of the Portuguese Operational Program for the Economy. By using HOMALS and K-means cluster analysis, we were able to characterise the decentralisation pattern and to identify typical clusters for the PIP projects. The results show clearly that a greater decentralisation is linked to partnerships while public initiatives are closer to the conventional pattern of public intervention. The results also show that partnerships are mainly focused in specific sectors and / or in specific regions, being conducted by private agencies that have chiefly a sectoral or regional nature. However, we have observed a trade-off between policy decentralization and structural change goals because decentralization has originated a bias towards the present more representative sectors. Also, decentralization has generated an extremely unequal access of local economies to the PIP instrument, favoring the more developed areas of the country.Public-private partnerships; Competitiveness policy; Decentralization

    Public-Private Partnerships and the Promotion of Collective Entrepreneurship

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    Public-private partnerships (PPP) are a recent instrument for social and economic development policies. Within the framework of competitiveness policy, PPP are an adequate instrument to promote collective entrepreneurship. Through this instrument, some market failures can be overcome and a better provision of strategic services can be afforded to firms. Also, PPP can be able to promote co-ordination between public and private partners and lead to specific innovative networks. PPP correspond to a more decentralised policy and they are supposed to increase focus and effectiveness and to involve agencies that are closer to firms and that have a more narrow range of objectives. In this contribution, we analyse the pattern of the so-called partnerships projects, approved between 2000 and the 30th june of 2003 in the framework of the Portuguese Operational Program for the Economy. By using HOMALS and K-means cluster analysis, we were able to characterise PPP and to identify typical clusters for the PPP projects. On one hand, the results show that policy decentralization brought by partnerships has promoted or reinforced a more specialized institutional framework (mainly national, sectoral or regional entrepreneurial associations). But, on the other hand, PPP had a small impact in the promotion of specific networks and/or in innovation. Collective entrepreneurship induced by PPP instrument has presented a clear bias toward the provision of services that have a public or semi-public nature, by the fact that firms that can use these services are in a large number (all the firms of a sub sector or even larger universes). But technological projects and/or projects addressed to specific networks of firms were very few. In particular, the impact of PPP on structural change seems to have been short.Public-private partnerships; Competitiveness policy; Entrepreneurship; Collective entrepreneurship

    Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships: Towards a More Decentralised Policy

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    In this contribution, we analyse the pattern of the so-called PIP (Partnerships and Public Initiatives) that have been approved between 2000 and mid-2003 in the POE1 framework. In particular, we will evaluate the extent of decentralisation that this new instrument has generated in competitiveness policy. Partnership approaches are a relatively recent phenomenon, but partnerships have received widespread attention and support from economic and political agents, including policy makers at national, regional and local levels. In fact, the term “public-private partnership” covers a wide range of concepts and practices. In our contribution, we will focus on partnerships in a competitiveness policy framework. In a first section, we discuss briefly the meaning and the extent of what we call competitiveness policy. Then, in a second section, we focus our attention in public-private partnerships as a specific instrument for policy. In particular, we make a first assessment on the distinctive principles that differentiate public-private partnerships from more traditional instruments such as direct investment in public agencies or direct subventions to firms. We follow the perspective that these principles, mainly decentralization of policy, may contribute to a greater effectiveness of policy, because a more decentralised policy is supposed to increase focus and accountability and to involve agencies with specialized skills and a more narrow range of objectives. But, also, we will refer that some inefficiencies and some lack of equity may arise from the use of private-public partnerships instrument. Finally, in the main section of this contribution, we will analyse the above-mentioned questions considering the case of the 131 PIP projects approved and financed by the POE between 2000 and mid-2003. As the major part of the variables used are nominal, and in order to define the decentralization pattern induced by this new instrument, we will use multivariate data analysis techniques in order to establish associations between several variables linked to decentralisation criteria and, also, to identify clusters of projects.

    Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships: Towards a More Decentralised Policy

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    In this contribution, we analyse the pattern of the so-called PIP (Partnerships and Public Initiatives) that have been approved between 2000 and mid-2003 in the POE1 framework. In particular, we will evaluate the extent of decentralisation that this new instrument has generated in competitiveness policy. Partnership approaches are a relatively recent phenomenon, but partnerships have received widespread attention and support from economic and political agents, including policy makers at national, regional and local levels. In fact, the term “public-private partnership” covers a wide range of concepts and practices. In our contribution, we will focus on partnerships in a competitiveness policy framework. In a first section, we discuss briefly the meaning and the extent of what we call competitiveness policy. Then, in a second section, we focus our attention in public-private partnerships as a specific instrument for policy. In particular, we make a first assessment on the distinctive principles that differentiate public-private partnerships from more traditional instruments such as direct investment in public agencies or direct subventions to firms. We follow the perspective that these principles, mainly decentralization of policy, may contribute to a greater effectiveness of policy, because a more decentralised policy is supposed to increase focus and accountability and to involve agencies with specialized skills and a more narrow range of objectives. But, also, we will refer that some inefficiencies and some lack of equity may arise from the use of private-public partnerships instrument. Finally, in the main section of this contribution, we will analyse the above-mentioned questions considering the case of the 131 PIP projects approved and financed by the POE between 2000 and mid-2003. As the major part of the variables used are nominal, and in order to define the decentralization pattern induced by this new instrument, we will use multivariate data analysis techniques in order to establish associations between several variables linked to decentralisation criteria and, also, to identify clusters of projects

    “Ao meu querido Hermano, Sucesso!!”

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, 2014.Este texto, que compõe o trabalho do conclusão de curso bacharelado em Artes Plásticas e que se entitula “Ao meu querido Hermano, Sucesso!!” resume o período de estudo e experiência do próprio autor na Universidade de Brasília por nove semestres

    Travessias subjetivas e históricas: o sujeito na linguagem

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    A Linguística Moderna desponta, originalmente, no panorama das Ciências Humanas, extasiada pelos princípios da autonomia e da regularidade. Pelo menos, é a impressão que temos ao sermos introduzidos, sob os efeitos da ingenuidade, em sua gênese e gestação. O seu criador, Ferdinand de Saussure, engendrou uma ciência cujo objeto parece, aos olhos descuidados, ter livre existência e equilíbrio constante. É a língua, no Curso de Linguística Geral (SAUSSURE, 1989), a responsável por estabelecer e manter as relações elementares dentro do sistema. As famosas associações sintagmáticas e paradigmáticas insurgem imunes à intervenção de um sujeito, como se configurassem “casualidades” contínuas, acarretadas pelo próprio fenômeno linguístico. Do mesmo modo, o liame arbitrário entre o significante e o significado, fator que assegura as contingências semânticas do signo é, frequentemente, vislumbrado como um processo de autorregulagem sistêmica, regido pelas leis intrínsecas ao evento. A maneira como tais reflexões insurgem pela escrita do CLG, não de “autoria” do mestre genebrino, mas de seus discípulos-editores, induzem muitos estudiosos a interpretações limitadas, amiúde, equivocadas. Resulta, daí, a crença na rígida separação entre língua e fala, sincronia e diacronia, que perpetraram as “indestrutíveis” e polêmicas dicotomias saussureanas. Nossa pesquisa, de natureza bibliográfica, consiste em discutir a presença e o apagamento, sub-reptícios, da categoria de sujeito nas teorizações que compõem o CLG. Para tanto, recorreremos aos trabalhos de BARBOSA (1996), BARTHES (1984), FIORIN (2002), CÂMARA JR (1975), dentre outros.Palavras-chave: CLG. Sistema. Sujeito


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    O saber popular, sobretudo aquele enraizado no romanceiro iberoamericano, traduz uma concepção de mundo ainda pautada nos direcionamentos conservadores sobre o gênero, o sexo e a sexualidade. Homem e mulher são geralmente delineados como figuras antagônicas, diferentes, com funções específicas e identificadas por uma hierarquia discriminatória e perversa. Reside, nessas reflexões, nossa proposta de estudo: examinar, no romance oral Tens um filho sem marido, as configurações ideológicas de um ordenamento social edificado pelo patriarcado, o qual se afirma e se consolida em seu diálogo afinado (às vezes ruidoso) com o catolicismo popular

    A professora Maria Gonçalves da Rocha Leal (1899-1980) e a educação normal rural no Ceará: : uma pesquisa inicial

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    The subject of this article is the life of Maria Gonçalves da Rocha Leal, a pioneer in rural normal education in Brazil. The research problem revolves around three axes: her living context, her life story and, finally, her professional performance. The general objective is to study the life story of this teacher, in order to find the multiple relationships between aspects of her living context, personal history and professional performance. The theoretical references come from studies on teachers' lives and biographies. The methodology consists of biographical research, both written reports and images and texts written by the teacher. The research has resulted in the finding of varied sources on her life story, especially a full interview and a book published by a relative, demonstrating new avenues of research.El tema de este artículo es la vida de Maria Gonçalves da Rocha Leal, pionera de la educación normal rural en Brasil. El problema de investigación gira en torno a tres ejes: su contexto vital, su historia de vida y, por último, su actuación profesional. El objetivo general es estudiar la historia de vida de esta profesora, con el fin de encontrar las múltiples relaciones entre los aspectos de su contexto de vida, su historia personal y su desempeño profesional. Las referencias teóricas proceden de estudios sobre la vida y la biografía de los profesores. La metodología consiste en la investigación biográfica, tanto de informes escritos como de imágenes y textos escritos por la profesora. La investigación ha dado como resultado el hallazgo de fuentes variadas sobre su historia de vida, especialmente una entrevista completa y un libro publicado por un familiar, lo que demuestra nuevas vías de investigación.Este artigo tem como objeto de estudo a vida da professora Maria Gonçalves da Rocha Leal, pioneira na educação normal rural no Brasil. A problemática de pesquisa gira em torno de três eixos: seu contexto vivencial, sua história de vida e, por fim, sua atuação profissional. O objetivo geral é estudar a história de vida dessa referida professora, no afã de encontrar as múltiplas relações entre aspectos de contexto vivencial, história pessoal e atuação profissional. Os referenciais teóricos advêm de estudos sobre vidas de professores e biografias. A metodologia consiste em pesquisa biográfica, tanto em relatos escritos, como imagens e textos autorais da professora. A pesquisa tem resultado no achado de fontes variadas sobre a sua história de vida, especialmente uma entrevista completa e um livro publicado por um parente, demonstrando novos caminhos de pesquisa

    Presente: um projeto de futuro sobre um passado

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    Mestrado em Criação Artística ContemporâneaPRESENTE é um projecto fotográfico que olha o futuro a partir do instante presente com o objectivo não só de acondicionar um passado, neste caso sobre a Guerra Colonial, mas também com o objectivo de o inocular nas futuras gerações. Nesse sentido considera-se fundamental começar por se reflectir sobre a actual fragilidade da imagem fotográfica, quer enquanto crença quer enquanto construtora de ficções, tanto mais que em qualquer relação que se estabeleça entre objectos animados e objectos não animados, estes se podem inter-relacionar enquanto sistemas simbólicos de representação. Assim esta dissertação propõe a construção de um projecto fotográfico que, através do seu apuro processual, vai explorar a criação de mecanismos de recolha da memória material e imaterial hoje sobrevivente à Guerra Colonial bem como procurar uma forma significativa de a transmitir para o futuro na forma de exposição pública.PRESENTE is a photographic project looking at the future from the present moment in order not only to pack a past, in this case about the Colonial War, but also with the aim of inoculating future generations. In this sense it is fundamental to begin by reflecting on the current fragility of the photographic image, whether as belief, whether as constructions of fictions, more so as in any relationship established between animate objects and not animated objects, these can interrelate as symbolic systems of representation. So this dissertation proposes the construction of a photographic project which, through its procedural predicament, will explore the creation of mechanisms for collecting the material and immaterial memory today surviving the colonial war and seek a meaningful way to transmit it to the future in the form public exposure