207 research outputs found

    Influence of different zinc-enriched substrates on zinc translocation in spinach seedlings

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    Špinat je jednogodišnja zeljasta biljka, korijen mu je vretenast i u površinskom dijelu razgranat. Listovi mogu biti uspravni ili položeni, a sastoje se od kraćih i dužih peteljki na kojima je lisna plojka različitih oblika ovisno o kultivaru. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj porijekla supstrata na mogućnost uzgoja presadnica špinata te njihov utjecaj na sadržaj cinka u presadnicama špinata. Nadalje, dopunski cilj je bio kako unošenje otopine cinka u različite supstrate utječe na translokaciju cinka u presadnice špinata. Tako su najveću akumulaciju cinka imale presadnice uzgajane u Klasman Potgrond H supstratu, i to 8,6 puta veću u odnosu na ostale tretmane. Kod netretiranih supstrata najveći koeficijent akumulacije imale su presadnice uzgojene u supstratu Organska zemlja – kontrola 0,95, a kod obogaćenih supstrata najveći koeficijent akumulacije imale su presadnice uzgajane u Klasman Potgrond H supstratu sa iznosom 3,27. Iako je u Konjskom peletiranom stajnjaku utvrđena najveća koncentracija cinka koeficijent akumulacije u tom supstratu bio je najniži i iznosio je 0,47.Spinach is a one-year-old herbaceous plant and its root is spindle and branched in the surface. The leaves can be upright or laid, consisting of shorter and longer petioles with a leaf plank of various shapes depending on the cultivar. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of substrate origin on the possibility of cultivating spinach seedlings and their influence on zinc content in spinach young leaves. Furthermore, the additional aim was to introduce zinc solution ZnSO4 into different substrates affecting the translocation of zinc in spinach leaves. The highest accumulation of zinc had seedlings grown in Klasman Potgrond H substrate, which was 8.6 times higher compare to other treatments. In the case of untreated substrates, the largest coefficient of accumulation had spinach leaves grown in the substrate Organic Control 0.95, and in the substrates with ZnSO4 solution the largest accumulation coefficient had spinach leaves grown in Klasman Potgrond H substrate with the 3.27. Although the highest zinc concentrations were found in the Pellet horse substrate, the coefficient of accumulation on that substrate was the lowest 0.47

    Producer organizations in agriculture

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    Proizvođačke organizacije jedan su od novijih oblika udruživanja u poljoprivredi na području Europske unije, a polako se razvijaju i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Proizvođačke organizacije u poljoprivredi udruženja su više poljoprivrednih proizvođača. A osnivaju se s ciljem: planiranja proizvodnje, povećanja ponude i plasmana proizvoda, smanjenja troškova proizvodnje, stabiliziranja proizvođačke cijene, promicanja okolišno prihvatljive prakse i tehnike, poboljšanja kvalitete proizvoda. Pravni okvir funkcioniranja proizvođačkih organizacija usmjerava Pravilnik o priznavanju i potporama za početak rada proizvođačkih organizacija koji definira temeljne pojmove vezane uz PO, ali propisuje i postupke osnivanja i priznavanja, kao i funkcioniranja PO. U Republici Hrvatskoj do sada je osnovano i priznato samo šest proizvođačkih organizacija, od kojih se se najviše ističe PO Drava-Sava koja broji 189 članova. Priznate PO u Republici Hrvatskoj imaju pravo na financijske potpore, i to Državnog proračuna Republike Hrvatske za početak rada PO i Europskog poljoprivrednog fonda za ruralni razvoj, s tim da se navedene potpore s vremenom smanjuju. Republika Hrvatska bi se, po pitanju proizvođačkih orgnizacija, mogla ugledati na zemlje članice Europske unije, posebice Poljsku i Mađarsku.Producer organizations are one of the newest forms of association in agriculture in the European Union, and they are slowly developing in the Republic of Croatia. Producer organizations in the agriculture associations are mostly formed out of groups of farmers. They are established with the aim of: production planning, increasing the number and placement of products, reduce production costs, stabilizing producer prices, promoting environmentally friendly practices and techniques, improving product quality. The legal framework for the functioning of producer organizations directs Rules of recognition and aid for the launch of producer organizations which defines the basic concepts related to the PO, but prescribes the procedures of establishment and recognition, as well as the functioning of the PO. The Republic of Croatia has so far established and recognized only six producers' organizations, of which the most notable is PO Drava-Sava, which has 189 members. Recognized Pos in the Republic of Croatia are entitled to financial support, such as the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia for the commencement of PO and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, with the support that declines with time. The Republic of Croatia should, in terms of producer organizations, get a hold on the EU countries, in particular Poland and Hungary

    Utjecaj temperature i pH otopine na upijanje sjemena i svojstva klijanaca inkarnatke (Trifolium incarnatum L.)

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    Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L. convar. Inkara) seeds were imbibed with water solution of various pH values (4, 5, 6 and 7) at various ambiental temperatures (10, 15 and 22 °C) with the aim to reveal treatments effects on seed (imbibition, germination energy, germination and electric conductivity) and seedling traits (stem, root and total length). Seeds were imbibed in a laboratory by the standard method for seed germination. When averaged over the inquired pH values, ambient temperature affected all the investigated traits except stem length. The highest seed imbibition (58.8%) and electric conductivity (82 µS/cm per gram) were achieved at 22 °C. The highest values for germination energy (70%), germination (68%), root length (31 mm) and total seedling length (77 mm) were achieved at 10 °C. When averaged over the inquired ambiental temperatures, the highest germination energy (71%), germination (73%), root length (34 mm) and total seedling length (78 mm) were achieved at pH 4.U laboratorijskim uvjetima ispitivan je utjecaj upijanja sjemena inkarnatke (cv. „Inkara“) pri različitim temperaturama (10, 15 i 22 °C) i pH otopina (4, 5, 6 i 7) na svojstva sjemena (upijanje, energiju klijanja i klijavost, električni konduktivitiet) i klijanaca (dužinu stabljike, korjena te ukupnu dužinu klijanaca). Sjeme izloženo upijanju na navedenim temperaturama i pH vrijednostima otopina naklijavano je standardnom metodom. Temperatura upijanja u prosjeku za pH vrijednosti otopine upijanja utjecala je na sva ispitivana svojstva sjemena i klijanaca osim na dužinu stabljike klijanaca. Najveće vrijednosti na 22 °C dobivene su za upijanje sjemena (58,8%) i električni konduktivitet (82 µS/cm per gram). Dobivene vrijednosti za energiju (70%) i klijavost sjemena (68%) kao i dužinu korjena (31 mm) i ukupna dužina klijanaca (77 mm) bile su najveće na 10°C. U prosjeku za temperature, na pH 4 vrijednost otopine za upijanje dobivene su najveće vrijednosti za energiju klijanja (71%) i klijavost sjemena (73%), dužinu korjena (34 mm) i ukupnu dužinu klijanaca (78 mm)


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    Seeds of two perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars (diploid ‘Bartwingo’ and tetraploid ‘Calibra’) were stored in hermetically sealed glass jars at four different temperatures (-80, -20, 10 and 20°C) for five years. After the storage period the seeds were sowed in containers filled with commercial substrate. Initial growth and development occurred under natural sunlight and manual watering to maintain optimum substrate moisture. After 60 days of vegetation plants were taken from the substrate, developed plants were counted, their roots were washed and whole plants were measured for shoot and root dry-weight and total biomass.Stems and leaves per plant were counted too. The research has revealed significant effects (p<0.01) of storage temperature, cultivar and their interaction to all of the investigated traits. When averaged over cultivars the highest values were observed upon storage temperature of -20°C for all the traits except root dry-weight which did not differ between -20 and -80°C. The lowest values of all investigated traits were observed upon storage at 20°C. When averaged over storage temperatures, diploid cultivar had greater number of stems and leaves and the tetraploid one had greater root dry-weight, shoot dry-weight and total biomass.Sjeme dva kultivara (diploidni \u27Bartwingo\u27 i tetraploidni \u27Calibra\u27) engleskog ljulja (Lolium perenne L.) je bilo uskladišteno u hermetički zatvorenim staklenkama na četiri različite temperature (-80, -20, 10 i 20°C) tijekom pet godina. Nakon razdoblja skladištenja sjeme je zasijano u kontejnere s komercijalnim supstratom. Početni rast i razvoj odvijali su se pod prirodnim svjetlom i uz ručno zalijevanje radi održavanja optimalne vlažnosti supstrata. Nakon 60 dana vegetacije razvijene biljke su uzete iz supstrata, prebrojene su, korijenje im je oprano i potom su im izmjerene suhe mase izdanka, korijena i cijelih biljčica. Izbrojan je i broj stabljika i listova po biljci. Istraživanje je pokazalo značajne učinke (p<0.01) temperature skladištenja, kultivara i njihovih interakcija na sva ispitivana svojstva. U prosjeku po kultivarima, najveće vrijednosti svojstava ustanovljene su nakon skladištenja na -20°C, osim za svojstvo suhe mase korijena koja se nije razlikovala između -20 i -80°C. Najniže vrijednosti svih ispitivanih svojstava ustanovljene su nakon skladištenja na 20°C. S obzirom na temperature skladištenja diploidni kultivar je u prosjeku imao veći broj stabljika i listova po biljci, a tetraploidni je imao veću suhu masu korijena, suhu masu izdanka i ukupnu biomasu

    Utjecaj biostimulatora na prinos, hranjivu i senzornu kvalitetu plodova jagoda

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    The study was conducted as open field trial, with irrigation, with the Clery strawberry variety. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of foliar application on berry and seaweed extract on the yield and quality of strawberry fruit (sugar, acid and anthocyanin content). The experiment was set up by random block system in 4 repetitions. The following treatments were applied to the strawberry crop: 1. control, 2. conventional NPK fertilization (10-52-10), 3. 30% reduced conventional NPK fertilization, 4. 30% reduced conventional fertilization + biostimulants. Due to arid growing conditions, NPK fertilizer was applied foliarly. Statistical analysis of the data showed significant differences between treatments in strawberry yield, and anthocyanins content. Compared to the control, the biostimulator had an effect on strawberry yield and total anthocyanin content, but not on the total soluble sugar and acid content of strawberry fruit.Istraživanje je provedeno u poljskim uvjetima, uz navodnjavanje, sa sortom jagode Clery. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj folijarne primjene biostimulatora na bazi ekstrakta bobica i morskih algi na prinos i kvalitetu ploda jagode (sadržaj šećera, kiselina i antocijana). Pokus je postavljen po slučajnom blok sustavu u 4 ponavljanja. Na usjevu jagoda primijenjeni su tretmani: 1. kontrola, 2. konvencionalna gnojidba NPK (10-52-10), 3. 30% reducirana konvencionalna gnojidba NPK, 4. 30% reducirana konvencionalna gnojidba + biostimulator. Zbog sušnih uvjeta uzgoja NPK gnojivo primijenjeno je folijarno. Statističkom analizom podataka dobivene su značajne razlike između tretmana u prinosu ploda jagode i sadržaju ukupnih antocijanina. U usporedbi s kontrolom biostimulator imao je utjecaj na prinos jagode i sadržaj ukupnih antocijanina, ali ne na sadržaj šećera i kiselina u plodu jagode

    Utjecaj magnetnih polova na svojstva sjemena krmnog graška (Pisum sativum L.) različite starosti

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    The study on the influence of magnetic poles on field pea seed of the \u27Bera\u27 variety of different ages was carried out under laboratory conditions in a growing chamber. Field pea seed were exposed to a neodymium magnet\u27s positive and negative magnetic poles with a magnetic flux density of 250 mT for 24 hours. Germination of untreated as well as magnetically poled treated seed was carried out according to ISTA rules. Seed characteristics, germination energy, and germination were determined by counting. The root and stem length of the seedlings were measured, and the total length of the field pea seedlings was added up. The total mass of the seedlings was determined by weighing. On average, seed age and magnetic poles significantly (p<0.05) increased the traits: stem length, total length, and seedling weight. On average, significant differences (p<0.05) were found for untreated and magnetic poles treated seed for all the studied traits except seedling stem length. Significant interaction (p<0.05) between magnetic pole treatment and seed age was found for all the traits studied.Istraživanje utjecaja magnetnih polova na sjeme krmnog graška kultivara „Bera“ različite starosti provedeno je u laboratorijskim uvjetima u klima komori. Sjeme graška izloženo je djelovanju pozitivnog i negativnog magnetnog pola neodimijskog magneta gustoće magnetskog toka 250 mT tijekom 24 sata. Naklijavanje netretiranog kao i magnetnim polovima tretiranog sjemena obavljeno je sukladno pravilima ISTA. Brojanjem su određena svojstva sjemena, energija klijanja i klijavost. Mjerenjem je određena dužina korijena i stabljike klijanaca te zbrajanjem ukupna dužina klijanaca krmnog graška. Vaganjem je izmjerena ukupna masa klijanaca. U prosjeku za starost sjemena, magnetni polovi su značajno (p<0,05) utjecali na: dužinu stabljike, ukupnu dužinu kao i masu klijanaca. U prosjeku za netretirano i sjeme tretirano magnetnim polovima, dobivene su značajne razlike (p<0,05) za sva ispitivana svojstva osim dužine stabljike klijanaca. Značajna interakcija (p<0,05) tretmana magnetnih polova i starosti sjemena dobivena je za sva ispitivana svojstva

    Agronomska performanca i iskoristivost Cameline sative u svrhu proizvodnje biopl

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    This research was set up in 2013 in agroecological conditions of continental Croatia (3 different locations). The extperiment was set as a split-plot design in four replicates, with three levels of the main treatments of soil tillage (CT - plowing; MD - reduced multiple disk harrowing; SD - reduced single disk harrowing) and levels of subtreatment fertilization (F0 - control; F1 - standard KAN fertilization; F2 - fertilization with 5% urea solution; F3 - Profert Mara; F4 - Profert NGT; F5 - Thiofer; F6 - EM Aktiv). The highest camelina grain and biomass yield was achieved in the subtreatment F6 when using microbiological fertilizer EM Aktiv, regardless of the applied agrotechnics. After the harvest experiment, anaerobic batch co-digestion of camelina and cow manure was conducted under thermophilic conditions to determine camelina\u27s potential for biogas production. The biogas potential of camelina was expressed as biogas and methane yields which ranged from 382.00 and 246.04 cm3 g-1 VS, respectively. If compared to maize which is often used as a standard for comparison of methane yields, maize methane yields are higher by 21 to 40%.Istraživanje je postavljeno 2013. godine u agroekološkim uvjetima kontinentalne Hrvatske (3 različite lokacije). Pokus je postavljen po split-plot shemi u četiri ponavljanja, s tri razine glavnih tretmana obrade tla (CT - oranje; MD - reducirano višestruko tanjuranje; SD - reducirano drljanje jednom tanjuračom) i razinama gnojidbe podtretmana (F0 - kontrola; F1 - standardna gnojidba KAN-om; F2 - gnojidba 5% otopinom uree; F3 - Profert Mara; F4 - Profert NGT; F5 - Thiofer; F6 - EM Aktiv). Najveći prinos zrna i biomase kameline ostvaren je u podtretmanu F6 uz korištenje mikrobiološkog gnojiva EM Aktiv, neovisno o primijenjenoj agrotehnici. Nakon eksperimenta žetve, provedena je anaerobna šaržna kodigestija kameline i kravlje gnojovke u termofilnim uvjetima s ciljem određivanja potencijala kameline za proizvodnju bioplina. Bioplinski potencijal kameline izražen je preko prinosa bioplina i metana koji su se kretali od 382.00 odnosno 246.04 cm3 g-1 OT. U usporedbi s kukuruzom koji se često koristi kao standard za usporedbu prinosa metana, prinosi metana proizvedenog iz zrna kukuruza veći su za 21 do 40 %

    Chloasma – The Mask of Pregnancy

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    Chloasma is a required hypermelanosis of sun-exposed areas occurred during pregnancy and it can affect 50–70% of pregnant women. It presents as symmetric hyperpigmented macules, which can confluent or punctuate. The most common locations are the cheeks, the upper lip, the chin and the forehead. The exact mechanism by which pregnancy affects the process of melanogenesis is unknown. Estrogen, progesterone, and melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) levels are normally increased during the third trimester of pregnancy. However, nulliparous patients with chloasma have no increased levels of estrogen or MSH. In addition, the occurrence of melasma with estrogen- and progesterone-containing oral contraceptive pills has been reported. The observation that postmenopausal woman who are given progesterone develop melasma, while those who are given only estrogen do not, implicates progesterone as playing a critical role in the development of melasma. UV-B, UV-A, and visible light are all capable of stimulating melanogenesis. The condition is self-limited; however spontaneous resolution is time-consuming and may take months to resolve normal pigmentation. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prevent the onset of chloasma, by strict photoprotection. Prudent measures to avoid sun exposure include hats and other forms of shade combined with the application of a broad-spectrum sunscreen at least daily. Sunscreens containing physical blockers, such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, are preferred over chemical blockers because of their broader protection. Chloasma can be difficult to treat. Quick fixes with destructive modalities (eg, cryotherapy, medium-depth chemical peels, lasers) yield unpredictable results and are associated with a number of potential adverse effects. The mainstay of treatment remains topical depigmenting agents. Hydroquinone (HQ) is most commonly used

    Bulky DNA adducts, 4-aminobiphenyl-haemoglobin adducts and diet in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) prospective study

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    In contrast to some extensively examined food mutagens, for example, aflatoxins, N-nitrosamines and heterocyclic amines, some other food contaminants, in particular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and other aromatic compounds, have received less attention. Therefore, exploring the relationships between dietary habits and the levels of biomarkers related to exposure to aromatic compounds is highly relevant. We have investigated in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort the association between dietary items (food groups and nutrients) and aromatic DNA adducts and 4-aminobiphenyl-Hb adducts. Both types of adducts are biomarkers of carcinogen exposure and possibly of cancer risk, and were measured, respectively, in leucocytes and erythrocytes of 1086 (DNA adducts) and 190 (Hb adducts) non-smokers. An inverse. statistically significant, association has been found between DNA adduct levels and dietary fibre intake (P=0.02), vitamin E (P =0.04) and alcohol (P=0.03) but not with other nutrients or food groups. Also, an inverse association between fibre and fruit intake, and BMI and 4-aminobiphenyl-Hb adducts (P=0.03, 0.04, and 0.03 respectively) was observed. After multivariate regression analysis these inverse correlations remained statistically significant, except for the correlation adducts v. fruit intake. The present study suggests that fibre intake in the usual range can modify the level of DNA or Hb aromatic adducts, but Such role seems to be quantitatively modest. Fibres could reduce the formation of DNA adducts in different manners, by diluting potential food mutagens and carcinogens in the gastrointestinal tract, by speeding their transit through the colon and by binding carcinogenic substances