Influence of different zinc-enriched substrates on zinc translocation in spinach seedlings


Špinat je jednogodišnja zeljasta biljka, korijen mu je vretenast i u površinskom dijelu razgranat. Listovi mogu biti uspravni ili položeni, a sastoje se od kraćih i dužih peteljki na kojima je lisna plojka različitih oblika ovisno o kultivaru. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj porijekla supstrata na mogućnost uzgoja presadnica špinata te njihov utjecaj na sadržaj cinka u presadnicama špinata. Nadalje, dopunski cilj je bio kako unošenje otopine cinka u različite supstrate utječe na translokaciju cinka u presadnice špinata. Tako su najveću akumulaciju cinka imale presadnice uzgajane u Klasman Potgrond H supstratu, i to 8,6 puta veću u odnosu na ostale tretmane. Kod netretiranih supstrata najveći koeficijent akumulacije imale su presadnice uzgojene u supstratu Organska zemlja – kontrola 0,95, a kod obogaćenih supstrata najveći koeficijent akumulacije imale su presadnice uzgajane u Klasman Potgrond H supstratu sa iznosom 3,27. Iako je u Konjskom peletiranom stajnjaku utvrđena najveća koncentracija cinka koeficijent akumulacije u tom supstratu bio je najniži i iznosio je 0,47.Spinach is a one-year-old herbaceous plant and its root is spindle and branched in the surface. The leaves can be upright or laid, consisting of shorter and longer petioles with a leaf plank of various shapes depending on the cultivar. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of substrate origin on the possibility of cultivating spinach seedlings and their influence on zinc content in spinach young leaves. Furthermore, the additional aim was to introduce zinc solution ZnSO4 into different substrates affecting the translocation of zinc in spinach leaves. The highest accumulation of zinc had seedlings grown in Klasman Potgrond H substrate, which was 8.6 times higher compare to other treatments. In the case of untreated substrates, the largest coefficient of accumulation had spinach leaves grown in the substrate Organic Control 0.95, and in the substrates with ZnSO4 solution the largest accumulation coefficient had spinach leaves grown in Klasman Potgrond H substrate with the 3.27. Although the highest zinc concentrations were found in the Pellet horse substrate, the coefficient of accumulation on that substrate was the lowest 0.47

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