61 research outputs found

    Tawuran antar pelajar: penelitian di SMK Diponegoro Kecamatan Ploso dan SMK Dwijaya Bhakti Jombang

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    Ada dua persoalan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) Faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan terjadinya aksi tawuran antar pelajar di SMK Diponegoro Kecamatan Ploso dan SMK Dwijaya Bhakti Jombang; (2) Faktor apa yang paling dominan yang meyebabkan terjadinya tawuran antar pelajar. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya tawuran antar pelajar dan faktor yang paing dominan penyebab terjadinya tawuran antar pelajar. Untuk mengungkap persoalan tersebut secara menyeluruh dan mendalam maka dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif yang bersifat kualitatif dalam menganalisis data-data yang diperoleh dilapangan melalui observasi, interview dan dokumentasi. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisis dengan dasar teori Konflik Lewis A. Coser tentang adanya konflik yang dapat menimbulkan dampak positif terhadap kelompok dalam. Hal ini dimaksudkan adanya konflik yang dapat meningkatkan rasa solidaritas clan kebersamaan antara satu dengan yang lain karena faktor lingkungan keseharian mereka yang mengharuskan untuk ikut terlibat kedalam aksi tawuran antar pelajar, mereka bersatu untuk melindungi kelompok mereka dari siapapun yang mengganggu dan menyakiti anggota dalam kelompok yang sudah mereka bentuk. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa (I) Faktor penyebab terjadinya tawuran antar pelajar adalah faktor lingkungan dan pergaulan, faktor membela teman, faktor balas dendam, faktor keluarga serta pengaruh perubahan zaman (2) Dari beberapa faktor yang telah dikemukakan faktor lingkungan merupakan faktor yang paling dominan dan paling berpangaruh terhadap terjadinya tawuran antar pelajar, karena baik dan buruknya tingkah laku remaja semua itu tidak akan lepas dari lingkungan tempat mereka beradaptasi dan menghabiskan waktu kesehariannya dengan teman-teman mereka

    Recovering local structure information from highā€pressure total scattering experiments

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    High pressure is a powerful thermodynamic tool for exploring the structure and the phase behaviour of the crystalline state, and is now widely used in conventional crystallographic measurements. Highā€pressure local structure measurements using neutron diffraction have, thus far, been limited by the presence of a strongly scattering, perdeuterated, pressureā€transmitting medium (PTM), the signal from which contaminates the resulting pair distribution functions (PDFs). Here, a method is reported for subtracting the pairwise correlations of the commonly used 4:1 methanol:ethanol PTM from neutron PDFs obtained under hydrostatic compression. The method applies a molecularā€dynamicsā€informed empirical correction and a nonā€negative matrix factorization algorithm to recover the PDF of the pure sample. Proof of principle is demonstrated, producing corrected highā€pressure PDFs of simple crystalline materials, Ni and MgO, and benchmarking these against simulated data from the average structure. Finally, the first local structure determination of Ī±ā€quartz under hydrostatic pressure is presented, extracting compression behaviour of the realā€space structure

    Snapshots and software transactional memory

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    One way that software transactional memory implementations attempt to reduce synchronization conflicts among transactions is by supporting different kinds of access modes. One such implementation, Dynamic Software Transactional Memory (DSTM), supports three kinds of memory access: WRITE access, which allows an object to be observed and modified, READ access, which allows an object to be observed but not modified, and RELEASE access, which allows an object to be observed for a limited duration. In this paper, we examine the relative performance of these modes for simple benchmarks on a small-scale multiprocessor. We find that on this platform and for these benchmarks, the READ and RELEASE access benchmarks do not substantially increase transaction throughput (and sometimes reduce it). We blame the extra bookkeeping inherent in these access modes. In response, we propose a new SNAP access mode. This mode provides almost the same behavior as RELEASE mode, but admits much more efficient implementations

    Data from: Costs of selfing prevent the spread of a self-compatibility mutation that causes reproductive assurance

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    In flowering plants, shifts from outcrossing to partial or complete self-fertilization have occurred independently thousands of times, yet the underlying adaptive processes are difficult to discern. Selfingā€™s ability to provide reproductive assurance when pollination is uncertain is an oft-cited ecological explanation for its evolution, but this benefit may be outweighed by genetic costs diminishing its selective advantage over outcrossing. We directly studied the fitness effects of a self-compatibility (SC) mutation that was backcrossed into a self-incompatible (SI) population of Leavenworthia alabamica, illuminating the direction and magnitude of selection on the mating-system modifier. In array experiments conducted in two years, SC plants produced 17-26% more seed, but this advantage was counteracted by extensive seed discounting -- the replacement of high-quality outcrossed seeds by selfed seeds. Using a simple model and simulations, we demonstrate that SC mutations with these attributes rarely spread to high frequency in natural populations, unless inbreeding depression falls below a threshold value (0.57 ā‰¤ threshold ā‰¤ 0.70) in SI populations. A combination of heavy seed discounting and moderate inbreeding depression likely explains why outcrossing adaptations such as self-incompatibility are maintained generally, despite persistent input of selfing mutations and frequent limits on outcross seed production in nature

    Data from: Sexual, fecundity, and viability selection on flower size and number in a sexually dimorphic plant

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    The evolution of sexual dimorphism will depend on how sexual, fecundity and viability selection act within each sex, with the different forms of selection potentially operating in opposing directions. We examined selection in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia using planted arrays of selection lines that differed in flower size (small vs. large). In this species a flower size/number tradeoff exists within each sex, and males produce smaller and more numerous flowers than females. Moreover, floral traits are genetically correlated with leaf physiology. Sexual selection favoring males in the small-flower line occurred via greater overlap in the timing of flower output between males from this line and females. Fecundity selection favored males with high flower production, as siring success was proportionate to pollen production. Viability selection opposed sexual selection, favoring males from the large-flower line. In females, fecundity and viability selection operated in the same direction, favoring those from the large-flower line via greater seed production and survival. These results concur with the pattern of floral sexual dimorphism. Together with previous results they suggest that the outcome of the different forms of selection will be environmentally dependent, and therefore help to explain variation among populations in sexually dimorphic traits

    Methods to Encrypt and Authenticate Digital Files in Distributed Networks and Zero-Trust Environments

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    The methods proposed in this paper are leveraging Challengeā€“Responseā€“Pair (CRP) mechanisms that are directly using each digital file as a source of randomness. Two use cases are considered: the protection and verification of authenticity of the information distributed in storage nodes and the protection of the files kept in terminal devices operating in contested zero-trust environments comprised of weak signals in the presence of obfuscating electromagnetic noise. With the use of nonces, the message digests of hashed digital files can be unique and unclonable; they can act as Physical Unclonable Functions (PUF)s in challengeā€“response mechanisms. During enrollment, randomly selected ā€œchallengesā€ result in unique output data known as the ā€œresponsesā€ which enable the generation and distribution of cryptographic keys. During verification cycles, the CRP mechanisms are repeated for proof of authenticity and deciphering. One of the main contributions of the paper is the development of mechanisms accommodating the injection of obfuscating noises to mitigate several vectors of attacks, disturbing the side channel analysis of the terminal devices. The method can distribute error-free cryptographic keys in noisy networks with light computing elements without relying on heavy Error Correcting Codes (ECC), fuzzy extractors, or data helpers

    Flower counts 2004

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    Flower counts taken in the field during the reproductive period of 2004
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