1,390 research outputs found

    Unconventional Strong Spin-Fluctuation Effects around the Critical Pressure of the Itinerant Ising-Type Ferromagnet URhAl

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    Resistivity measurements were performed for the itinerant Ising-type ferromagnet URhAl at temperatures down to 40 mK under high pressure up to 7.5 GPa, using single crystals. We found that the critical pressure of the Curie temperature exists at around PcP_c ~ 5.2 GPa. Near PcP_c, the AA-coefficient of the AT2AT^{2} Fermi-liquid resistivity term below TT^* is largely enhanced with a maximum around 5.2-5.5 GPa. Above PcP_c, the exponent of the resistivity ρ(T)\rho(T) deviates from 2. At PcP_c, it is close to n=5/3n = 5/3, which is expected by the theory of three-dimensional ferromagnetic spin fluctuations for a 2nd-order quantum-critical point (QCP). However, TC(P)T_C(P) disappears as a 1st-order phase transition, and the critical behavior of resistivity in URhAl cannot be explained by the theory of a 2nd-order QCP. The 1st-order nature of the phase transition is weak, and the critical behavior is still dominated by the spin fluctuation at low temperature. With increasing pressure, the non-Fermi-liquid behavior is observed in higher fields. Magnetic field studies point out a ferromagnetic wing structure with a tri-critical point (TCP) at ~ 4.8-4.9 GPa in URhAl. One open possibility is that the switch from the ferromagnetic to the paramagnetic states does not occur simply but an intermediate state arises below the TCP as suggested theoretically recently. Quite generally, if a drastic Fermi-surface change occurs through PcP_c, the nature of the interaction itself may change and lead to the observed unconventional behavior.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Inhibition of Trophoblast-Induced Spiral Artery Remodeling Reduces Placental Perfusion in Rat Pregnancy.

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    Rats harboring the human angiotensinogen and human renin genes develop preeclamptic features in pregnancy. The preeclamptic rats exhibit a deeper trophoblast invasion associated with a reduced resistance index by uterine Doppler. Doxycycline inhibits matrix metalloproteinase activity. We tested the hypothesis that matrix metalloproteinase inhibition reduces trophoblast invasion with subsequent changes in placental perfusion. Preeclamptic and pregnant control Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with doxycycline (30 mg/kg of body weight orally) from gestational day 12 until day 18. Placental perfusion was assessed using a micromarker contrast agent. The animals were euthanized on day 18 of pregnancy; biometric data were acquired, and trophoblast invasion was analyzed. Doxycycline resulted in intrauterine growth retardation and lighter placentas in both groups. Maternal body weight was not affected. As shown earlier, preeclamptic rats exhibited a deeper endovascular trophoblast invasion. However, doxycycline treatment reduced trophoblast invasion in the preeclamptic rats. The physiological spiral artery remodeling, as assessed by the deposition of fibrinoid and α-actin in the spiral artery contour, was significantly reduced by doxycycline. The vascularity index, as assessed by perfusion measurement of the placenta, was reduced after doxycycline treatment in preeclamptic rats. Thus, matrix metalloproteinase inhibition with doxycycline leads to reduced trophoblast invasion and associated reduced placental perfusion. These studies are the first to show that reducing trophoblast-induced vascular remodeling decreases subsequent placental perfusion. Our model allows the study of dysregulated trophoblast invasion and vascular remodeling in vivo to gain important insights into preeclampsia-related mechanisms

    Effects of Circulating and Local Uteroplacental Angiotensin II in Rat Pregnancy.

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    The renin-angiotensin (Ang) system is important during placental development. Dysregulation of the renin-Ang system is important in preeclampsia (PE). Female rats transgenic for the human angiotensinogen gene crossed with males transgenic for the human renin gene develop the PE syndrome, whereas those of the opposite cross do not. We used this model to study the role of Ang II in trophoblast invasion, which is shallow in human PE but deeper in this model. We investigated the following groups: PE rats, opposite-cross rats, Ang II–infused rats (1000 ng/kg per day), and control rats. Ang II infusion increased only circulating Ang II levels (267.82 pg/mL), opposite cross influenced only uteroplacental Ang II (13.52 fmol/mg of protein), and PE increased both circulating (251.09 pg/mL) and uteroplacental (19.24 fmol/mg of protein) Ang II. Blood pressure and albuminuria occurred in the models with high circulating Ang II but not in the other models. Trophoblast invasion increased in PE and opposite-cross rats but not in Ang II–infused rats. Correspondingly, uterine artery resistance index increased in Ang II–infused rats but decreased in PE rats. We then studied human trophoblasts and villous explants from first-trimester pregnancies with time-lapse microscopy. Local Ang II dose-dependently increased migration by 75%, invasion by 58%, and motility by 282%. The data suggest that local tissue Ang II stimulates trophoblast invasion in vivo in the rat and in vitro in human cells, a hitherto fore unrecognized function. Conceivably, upregulation of tissue Ang II in the maternal part of the placenta represents an important growth factor for trophoblast invasion and migration

    Mitochondrial cristae remodelling is associated with disrupted OPA1 oligomerisation in the Huntington's disease R6/2 fragment model

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    There is evidence of an imbalance of mitochondrial fission and fusion in patients with Huntington's disease (HD) and HD animal models. Fission and fusion are important for mitochondrial homeostasis including mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance and may be relevant for the selective striatal mtDNA depletion that we observed in the R6/2 fragment HD mouse model. We aimed to investigate the fission/fusion balance and the integrity of the mitochondrial membrane system in cortex and striatum of end-stage R6/2 mice and wild-type animals. Mitochondrial morphology was determined using electron microscopy, and transcript and protein levels of factors that play a key role in fission and fusion, including DRP1, mitofusin 1 and 2, mitofilin and OPA1, and cytochrome c and caspase 3 were assessed by RT-qPCR and immunoblotting. OPA1 oligomerisation was evaluated using blue native gels. In striatum and cortex of R6/2 mice, mitochondrial cristae morphology was abnormal. Mitofilin and the overall levels of the fission and fusion factors were unaffected; however, OPA1 oligomerisation was abnormal in striatum and cortex of R6/2 mice. Mitochondrial and cytoplasmic cytochrome c levels were similar in R6/2 and wild-type mice with no significant increase of activated caspase 3. Our results indicate that the integrity of the mitochondrial cristae is compromised in striatum and cortex of the R6/2 mice and that this is most likely caused by impaired OPA1 oligomerisation

    Classical spiral spin liquids as a possible route to quantum spin liquids

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    Quantum spin liquids are long range entangled phases whose magnetic correlations are determined by strong quantum fluctuations. While an overarching principle specifying the precise microscopic coupling scenarios for which quantum spin liquid behavior arises is unknown, it is well established that they are preferably found in spin systems where the corresponding classical limit of spin magnitudes S exhibits a macroscopic ground state degeneracy, so called classical spin liquids. Spiral spin liquids represent a special family of classical spin liquids where degenerate manifolds of spin spirals form closed contours or surfaces in momentum space. Here, we investigate the potential of spiral spin liquids to evoke quantum spin liquid behavior when the spin magnitude is tuned from the classical S limit to the quantum S 1 2 case. To this end, we first use the Luttinger Tisza method to formulate a general scheme which allows one to construct new spiral spin liquids based on bipartite lattices. We apply this approach to the two dimensional square lattice and the three dimensional hcp lattice to design classical spiral spin liquid phases which have not been previously studied. By employing the pseudofermion functional renormalization group PFFRG technique we investigate the effects of quantum fluctuations when the classical spins are replaced by quantum S 1 2 spins. We indeed find that extended spiral spin liquid regimes change into paramagnetic quantum phases possibly realizing quantum spin liquids. Remnants of the degenerate spiral surfaces are still discernible in the momentum resolved susceptibility, even in the quantum S 1 2 case. In total, this corroborates the potential of classical spiral spin liquids to induce more complex non magnetic quantum phase

    Signature of Electronic Correlations in the Optical Conductivity of the Doped Semiconductor Si:P

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    Electronic transport in highly doped but still insulating silicon at low temperatures is dominated by hopping between localized states; it serves as a model system of a disordered solid for which the electronic interaction can be investigated. We have studied the frequency-dependent conductivity of phosphorus-doped silicon in the THz frequency range (30 GHz to 3 THz) at low temperatures T1.8T\geq 1.8 K. The crossover in the optical conductivity from a linear to a quadratic frequency dependence as predicted by Efros and Shklovskii is observed qualitatively; however, the simple model does not lead to a quantitative agreement. Covering a large range of donor concentration, our temperature- and frequency-dependent investigations reveal that electronic correlation effects between the localized states play an important and complex role at low temperatures. In particular we find a super-linear frequency dependence of the conductivity that highlights the influence of the density of states, i.e. the Coulomb gap, on the optical conductivity. When approaching the metal-to-insulator transition by increasing doping concentration, the dielectric constant and the localization length exhibit critical behavior.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl