44 research outputs found

    Homologous Deformation of the Effelsberg 100-m Telescope Determined with a Total Station

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    Due to gravitation the main reflector of the Effelsberg 100-m telescope of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy is deformed whenever it is tilted from zenith to arbitrary elevation angles. However, the resulting shape always is a paraboloid again, though with different parameters, a phenomenon which is called homologous deformation. In summer 2008, we have carried out measurements with a total station to determine the magnitude of these deformations in order to evaluate existing assumptions provided by the manufacturer from the telescope's design phase. The measurements are based on a newly developed approach with a Leica TCRP 1201 total station mounted head down near the subreflector. Mini-retro-reflectors are placed at various locations on the paraboloid itself and on the subreflector support structure. The results indicate that the measurement setup is suitable for the purpose and provides the information needed for a determination of elevation dependent delay corrections. The focal length changes only by about 8 mm when the telescope is tilted from 90. to 7.5. elevation angle

    Focus: Implementing participation - Advancement of social services in analog and digital spaces

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    Digitale Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien gewinnen als fester Bestandteil zunehmend Bedeutung in den alltĂ€glichen Lebenswelten einer wachsenden Zahl von Menschen. Ihre Entwicklung und selbstverstĂ€ndliche Nutzung schreiten in einem immer rasanteren Tempo voran; die vielfĂ€ltigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten adressieren lĂ€ngst alle Lebensbereiche. WĂ€hrend der Digitalisierung von Kommunikationsprozessen zuweilen demokratisierende KrĂ€fte zugesprochen werden, scheint eine kritische Reflexion möglicher Potentiale und Auswirkungen digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien auf Teilhabedynamiken in unterschiedlichen Lebensbereichen dringend erforderlich. Die Autorinnen und Autoren möchten mit dieser SI:SO-Schwerpunktausgabe einen Beitrag zu einer kritischen Reflexion digitaler Innovationen und ihrer Auswirkungen auf die zukĂŒnftige Gestaltung sozialer Dienste leisten. Mit der zweisprachigen Ausgabe ist zudem die Hoffnung verbunden, diesen Beitrag auch einem europĂ€ischen und weltweiten Publikum zugĂ€nglich zu machen.Digital information and communications technologies are becoming an increasingly important part in everyday life of a growing number of people. Their development and natural use are progressing even faster with a wide range of possible applications addressing all areas of life. While the digitization of communication processes is sometimes said to have democratizing forces, critical reflection on the potential and impact of digital information and communication technologies on participation dynamics in different areas of life seems urgently needed. The Authors would like to contribute to a critical reflection on digital innovations and their impact on the future design of social services. The bilingual edition further aims to make this contribution accessible to a European and global audience

    Evaluating expert-based habitat suitability information of terrestrial mammals with GPS-tracking data

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    Aim Macroecological studies that require habitat suitability data for many species often derive this information from expert opinion. However, expert-based information is inherently subjective and thus prone to errors. The increasing availability of GPS tracking data offers opportunities to evaluate and supplement expert-based information with detailed empirical evidence. Here, we compared expert-based habitat suitability information from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) with habitat suitability information derived from GPS-tracking data of 1,498 individuals from 49 mammal species. Location Worldwide. Time period 1998-2021. Major taxa studied Forty-nine terrestrial mammal species. Methods Using GPS data, we estimated two measures of habitat suitability for each individual animal: proportional habitat use (proportion of GPS locations within a habitat type), and selection ratio (habitat use relative to its availability). For each individual we then evaluated whether the GPS-based habitat suitability measures were in agreement with the IUCN data. To that end, we calculated the probability that the ranking of empirical habitat suitability measures was in agreement with IUCN's classification into suitable, marginal and unsuitable habitat types. Results IUCN habitat suitability data were in accordance with the GPS data (> 95% probability of agreement) for 33 out of 49 species based on proportional habitat use estimates and for 25 out of 49 species based on selection ratios. In addition, 37 and 34 species had a > 50% probability of agreement based on proportional habitat use and selection ratios, respectively. Main conclusions We show how GPS-tracking data can be used to evaluate IUCN habitat suitability data. Our findings indicate that for the majority of species included in this study, it is appropriate to use IUCN habitat suitability data in macroecological studies. Furthermore, we show that GPS-tracking data can be used to identify and prioritize species and habitat types for re-evaluation of IUCN habitat suitability data

    Interventionsmaßnahmen im Sportunterricht

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    Deletion of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Nonreceptor Type 2 in Intestinal Epithelial Cells Results in Upregulation of the Related Phosphatase Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Nonreceptor Type 23

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    Background/Aims Knockdown of protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 2 (PTPN2) exaggerates IFN-Îł-induced intestinal barrier defects, but mice constitutively lacking PTPN2 in epithelial cells (PTPN2xVilCre mice) do not show changes in epithelial function or enhanced susceptibility to experimental colitis. Here, we investigated whether PTPN2 modulates the expression of related tyrosine phosphatases. Methods PTPN2 knockdown in HT-29 cells was induced using siRNA constructs. Acute colitis in PTPN2xVilCre mice was induced by 2% dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) in drinking water for 7 days. Colitis-associated tumors were induced by injection of azoxymethane prior to treatment with DSS for 3 consecutive cycles. Results In HT-29 cells, PTPN2 depletion resulted in enhanced mRNA expression of PTPN11 and PTPN23 and in parallel to upregulation of IL-18 mRNA upon treatment with TNF for 24 h. DSS treatment of PTPN2-deficient mice resulted in a strong induction of Ptpn23 mRNA in colon tissue in vivo. In the tumor model, Ptpn23 mRNA was again clearly upregulated in nontumor tissue from PTPN2-deficient mice; however, this was not observed in tumor tissue. Conclusions Our experiments show that PTPN23 function might, at least partially, compensate lack of PTPN2 in epithelial cells. Upregulation of PTPN23 might therefore crucially contribute to the lack of a colitis phenotype in PTPN2-VilCre mice

    Molecular and functional heterogeneity of early postnatal porcine satellite cell populations is associated with bioenergetic profile

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    During postnatal development, hyperplastic and hypertrophic processes of skeletal muscle growth depend on the activation, proliferation, differentiation, and fusion of satellite cells (SC). Therefore, molecular and functional SC heterogeneity is an important component of muscle plasticity and will greatly affect long-term growth performance and muscle health. However, its regulation by cell intrinsic and extrinsic factors is far from clear. In particular, there is only minor information on the early postnatal period which is critical for muscle maturation and the establishment of adult SC pools. Here, we separated two SC subpopulations (P40/50, P50/70) from muscle of 4-day-old piglets. Our results characterize P40/50 as homogeneous population of committed (high expression of Myf5), fast-proliferating muscle progenitors. P50/70 constituted a slow-proliferating phenotype and contains high numbers of differentiated SC progeny. During culture, P50/70 is transformed to a population with lower differentiation potential that contains 40% Pax7-positive cells. A reversible state of low mitochondrial activity that results from active down-regulation of ATP-synthase is associated with the transition of some of the P50/70 cells to this more primitive fate typical for a reserve cell population. We assume that P40/50 and P50/70 subpopulations contribute unequally in the processes of myofiber growth and maintenance of the SC pool

    Seminar: Frauen Seminar: Sozialisation

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    UuStB Koeln(38)-860106083 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 modulates colitis in a microbiota-dependent manner

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    The gut microbiota is crucial for our health, and well-balanced interactions between the host's immune system and the microbiota are essential to prevent chronic intestinal inflammation, as observed in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). A variant in protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22) is associated with reduced risk of developing IBD, but promotes the onset of autoimmune disorders. While the role of PTPN22 in modulating molecular pathways involved in IBD pathogenesis is well studied, its impact on shaping the intestinal microbiota has not been addressed in depth. Here, we demonstrate that mice carrying the PTPN22 variant (619W mice) were protected from acute dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis, but suffered from pronounced inflammation upon chronic DSS treatment. The basal microbiota composition was distinct between genotypes, and DSS-induced dysbiosis was milder in 619W mice than in WT littermates. Transfer of microbiota from 619W mice after the first DSS cycle into treatment-naive 619W mice promoted colitis, indicating that changes in microbial composition enhanced chronic colitis in those animals. This indicates that presence of the PTPN22 variant affects intestinal inflammation by modulating the host's response to the intestinal microbiota

    Definition of an Normal Tissue Complication Probability Model for the Inner Ear in Definitive Radiochemotherapy of Nasopharynx Carcinoma

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    Background: Definitive radiochemotherapy is the treatment of choice for locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Due to the vicinity of the nasopharynx to the inner ear and the use of ototoxic platinum-based chemotherapy, there is a risk for irreversible damage to the auditory system. To avoid or minimize these critical side effects, radiation exposure to each inner ear must be balanced between target volume coverage and toxicity. However, normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) models of the inner ear validated by clinical data are rare. Patients and Methods: This retrospective study investigates the inner ear toxicity of 46 patients who received radio(chemo-)therapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma at our institution from 2004 to 2021 according to CTCAE 5.0 criteria. For each inner ear, the mean (Dmean) and maximum (Dmax) dose in Gray (Gy) was evaluated and correlated with clinical toxicity data. Based on the data, an NTCP model and a cutoff dose logistic regression model (CDLR) were created. Results: In 11 patients (23.9%) hearing impairment and/or tinnitus was observed as a possible therapy-associated toxicity. Dmean was between 15–60 Gy, whereas Dmax was between 30–75 Gy. There was a dose-dependent, sigmoidal relation between inner ear dose and toxicity. A Dmean of 44 Gy and 65 Gy was associated with inner ear damage in 25% and 50% of patients, respectively. The maximum curve slope (m) was found at 50% and is m=0.013. The Dmax values showed a 25% and 50% complication probability at 58 Gy and 69 Gy, respectively, and a maximum slope of the sigmoid curve at 50% with m=0.025. Conclusion: There is a sigmoidal relation between radiation dose and incidence of inner ear toxicities. Dose constraints for the inner ear of <44 Gy (Dmean) or <58 Gy (Dmax) are suggested to limit the probability of inner ear toxicity <25%