1,351 research outputs found

    Pregnancy Rates in Repeat-breeder Heifers Following Multiple Artificial Inseminations during Spontaneous Oestrus

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    Hormonal asynchronies during oestrus, related to the presence of suprabasal plasma-progesterone (P4) concentrations and a delayed ovulation, interfere with the fertility of repeat-breeder heifers (RBH). Since tubal dysfunction can occur in connection with hormonal asynchronies and constrained availability of fertile spermatozoa at the time of ovulation, the present study tested the hypothesis that frequent sperm deposition from onset of oestrus to ovulation may improve pregnancy rates in RBH. Five RBH and five virgin heifers (VH; controls) were repeatedly artificially inseminated (AI) at 6 h intervals from onset of oestrus to spontaneous ovulation. Hormone analyses revealed suprabasal P4 concentrations and a delay in the occurrence of the luteinising hormone (LH) surge, but a normal cortisol profile in RBH. Compared with controls, RBH presented longer interval from onset of oestrus to ovulation, and therefore, received more AIs. Pregnancy rates in RBH reached control levels (60%; NS), indicating that the hypothesis might be correct. Pregnancy rates in VH were below the expected range, presumably attributed to a deleterious influence of the frequent handling. The study suggests that pregnancy rates can be improved in RBH by frequent AI in relation to spontaneous ovulation. However, this practice of repeated manipulations, while seeming not to show adverse effects, lacks practicality for routine use

    Mating modifies the expression of crucial oxidative-reductive transcripts in the pig oviductal sperm reservoir: is the female ensuring sperm survival?

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    BackgroundMating induces large changes in the female genital tract, warranting female homeostasis and immune preparation for pregnancy, including the preservation of crucial oxidative status among its pathways. Being highly susceptible to oxidative stress, sperm survival and preserved function depend on the seminal plasma, a protection that is removed during sperm handling but also after mating when spermatozoa enter the oviduct. Therefore, it is pertinent to consider that the female sperm reservoir takes up this protection, providing a suitable environment for sperm viability. These aspects have not been explored despite the increasing strategies in modulating the female status through diet control and nutritional supplementation.AimsTo test the hypothesis that mating modifies the expression of crucial oxidative-reductive transcripts across the entire pig female genital tract (cervix to infundibulum) and, particularly in the sperm reservoir at the utero-tubal junction, before ovulation, a period dominated by estrogen stimulation of ovarian as well as of seminal origin.MethodsThe differential expression of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors and of 59 oxidative-reductive transcripts were studied using a species-specific microarray platform, in specific segments of the peri-ovulatory sow reproductive tract in response to mating.ResultsMating induced changes along the entire tract, with a conspicuous downregulation of both ER and PR and an upregulation of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), glutaredoxin (GLRX3), and peroxiredoxin 1 and 3 (PRDX1, PRDX3), among other NADH Dehydrogenase Ubiquinone Flavoproteins, in the distal uterus segment. These changes perhaps helped prevent oxidative stress in the area adjacent to the sperm reservoir at the utero-tubal junction. Concomitantly, there were a downregulation of catalase (CAT) and NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) oxidoreductases 1 beta subcomplex, subunit 1 (NDUFB1) in the utero-tubal junction alongside an overall downregulation of CAT, SOD1, and PRDX3 in the ampullar and infundibulum segments.ConclusionsNatural mating is an inducer of changes in the expression of female genes commanding antioxidant enzymes relevant for sperm survival during sperm transport, under predominant estrogen influence through the bloodstream and semen. The findings could contribute to the design of new therapeutics for the female to improve oxidative-reductive balance

    Estimación de la función de demanda por telefonía local para Monterrey y su área metropolitana

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    Key words: Demand estimation, pool series, Monterrey, telecommunicationResumen. In this study we estimate a model to explain the consumption demand for local telephone service in Monterrey. In this paper we provide a theoretical framework of the variables that affect the demand function. The main problem for the estimation is that we have different telephone services from the same supplier. We consider data of one year from 2006 to 2007, and we estimate a multivariate linear model. We also estimate the variable “income level” using 12 socioeconomic variables. The results indicate that it is not necessaryto include in the model the seasonality factor. The variables of the model are statistically significant, and we also find that the expected signs of the variable are based on the economic theory. The income level was the variable with more impact in the demand.Palabras clave: Estimación de demanda, datos panel, Monterrey, telecomunicacionesAbstract. . En este estudio buscamos encontrar un modelo de estimación de la demanda de telefonía local para Monterrey con variables que expliquen mejor el consumo de los usuarios. La dificultad de esta estimación se debe a que existen muchos servicios telefónicos diferentes de un mismo proveedor y por consecuencia muchas tarifas. En el artículo se hace una revisión de la literatura sobre las principales variables que afectan la demanda. En nuestro estudio consideramos los datos de un año entre 2006-2007. El modelo queestimamos es multivariante con una estructura lineal ya que era el que mejor se ajustaba. La variable “nivel de vida” se estimó a partir de 12 variables socioeconómicas de las características de la población. Los resultados indican que no es necesario incluir la estacionalidad. Otro resultado indica que todas las variables son estadísticamente significativas y se cumple con los signos esperados en base a la teoría económica, siendo la variable de nivel de vida la que mayor efecto tiene sobre las llamadas salientes

    Disquinesia ciliar primaria en un bichon Frisé macho de un año de edad

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    Se describe el caso clínico de un Bichon Frisé macho de un año de edad, con signos respiratorios desde los dos meses de vida. El motivo de la consulta fue la presentación de un cuadro de tos crónica productiva de dos meses de duración y posibles episodios recurrentes de rinosinusitis. El perro había sido tratado anteriormente con antibióticos obteniéndose una respuesta parcial. La historia clínica, el examen radiográfico, ecocardiográfico y de ECG ayudaron a destacar otros problemas respiratorios y cardíacos para llegar a la sospecha de una disquinesia ciliar primaria. Se procedió al examen ultraestructural con el microscopio electrónico de trasmisión de cilios de la mucosa nasal y de los flagelos de los espermatozoides. La muestra de la mucosa nasal quedó invalidada por la presencia de eritrocitos pero se pudo llegar al diagnóstico a través de las alteraciones características encontradas en los brazos de dineína y en los microtúbulos de los flagelos de los espermatozoides. El tratamiento de esta enfermedad hereditaria es de por vida se basa en el control de las infecciones respiratorias recidivantes con una antibioterapia específica mediante cultivos previos del exudado nasal o lavado traqueal. El pronóstico es reservado y depende del control de estas infecciones secundarias. Aunque esta enfermedad suele conllevar una infertilidad o subfertilidad del macho, el animal debe retirarse de la reproducción. Palabras clave: Disquinesia ciliar primaria; Examen ultraestrctural; Espermatozoides

    Estimación de la función de demanda por telefonía local para Monterrey y su área metropolitana (Demand function estimation for local telephone service in Monterrey)

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    Resumen. In this study we estimate a model to explain the consumption demand for local telephone service in Monterrey. In this paper we provide a theoretical framework of the variables that affect the demand function. The main problem for the estimation is that we have different telephone services from the same supplier. We consider data of one year from 2006 to 2007, and we estimate a multivariate linear model. We also estimate the variable “income level” using 12 socioeconomic variables. The results indicate that it is not necessary to include in the model the seasonality factor. The variables of the model are statistically significant, and we also find that the expected signs of the variable are based on the economic theory. The income level was the variable with more impact in the demand. Abstract. . En este estudio buscamos encontrar un modelo de estimación de la demanda de telefonía local para Monterrey con variables que expliquen mejor el consumo de los usuarios. La dificultad de esta estimación se debe a que existen muchos servicios telefónicos diferentes de un mismo proveedor y por consecuencia muchas tarifas. En el artículo se hace una revisión de la literatura sobre las principales variables que afectan la demanda. En nuestro estudio consideramos los datos de un año entre 2006-2007. El modelo que estimamos es multivariante con una estructura lineal ya que era el que mejor se ajustaba. La variable “nivel de vida” se estimó a partir de 12 variables socioeconómicas de las características de la población. Los resultados indican que no es necesario incluir la estacionalidad. Otro resultado indica que todas las variables son estadísticamente significativas y se cumple con los signos esperados en base a la teoría económica, siendo la variable de nivel de vida la que mayor efecto tiene sobre las llamadas salientes

    Metallic elements in foliar material and fruits of three tree species as bioindicators

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    This study aimed to determine the presence of metal elements in fruits and leaves of three tree species as bioindicators in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Ninety fruit and 90 leaf samples (30 per tree species) were collected at five sites (agricultural, suburban, commercial and services, urban, and mining), using the site and the presence of P. laevigata, S. molle, and A. farnesiana as references. Total concentrations of 13 metal elements were determined using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The species were significantly affected by Co, As, and Pb (ANOVA, p≤0.05). Considering the land use and the species, the contents determined in the leaves and fruits of the three species had sufficient and phytotoxic contents of Al, Cd, Co, Ni, Mn, Ti, and Cr, and excessive ranges with the possible phytotoxic effect of As, Cu, Pb, Zn, V, and Fe. The A. farnesiana had the highest concentrations of 12 heavy metals analyzed (HM). The variation in total metal concentrations between leaves and fruits ranged from 84.70 to 99.06%, with V, As, and Cr being prominent. The functionality of these tree species as phytoremediators and bioindicators is reviewed to evaluate environmental impacts on land use. Highlights Tree species represent a potential bioindicator for studying environmental pollutants due to their ability to accumulate heavy metals. The variation in total metal concentrations between leaves and fruits ranged from 84.70 to 99.06% The contents determined in the leaves and fruits of the three species trees had sufficient and phytotoxic HM contents. The tree species have phytoremediators capacity to evaluate environmental impacts and environmental contamination of land use.This study aimed to determine the presence of metal elements in fruits and leaves of three tree species as bioindicators in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Ninety fruit and 90 leaf samples (30 per tree species) were collected at five sites (agricultural, suburban, commercial and services, urban, and mining), using the site and the presence of P. laevigata, S. molle, and A. farnesiana as references. Total concentrations of 13 metal elements were determined using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The species were significantly affected by Co, As, and Pb (ANOVA, p≤0.05). Considering the land use and the species, the contents determined in the leaves and fruits of the three species had sufficient and phytotoxic contents of Al, Cd, Co, Ni, Mn, Ti, and Cr, and excessive ranges with the possible phytotoxic effect of As, Cu, Pb, Zn, V, and Fe. The A. farnesiana had the highest concentrations of 12 heavy metals analyzed (HM). The variation in total metal concentrations between leaves and fruits ranged from 84.70 to 99.06%, with V, As, and Cr being prominent. The functionality of these tree species as phytoremediators and bioindicators is reviewed to evaluate environmental impacts on land use. Highlights Tree species represent a potential bioindicator for studying environmental pollutants due to their ability to accumulate heavy metals. The variation in total metal concentrations between leaves and fruits ranged from 84.70 to 99.06% The contents determined in the leaves and fruits of the three species trees had sufficient and phytotoxic HM contents. The tree species have phytoremediators capacity to evaluate environmental impacts and environmental contamination of land use

    Nueva información del perfil de compuestos bioactivos, potencial antioxidante y antiproliferativo de Parkinsonia praecox (Fabaceae)

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    Background and Aims: Parkinsonia praecox,“palo brea”, is a medicinal plant distributed in the Mexican Sonoran Desert. However, there is little information about the chemical composition and biological potential of this plant. As a consequence, the objective of the present study was to determine the chemical composition, as well as the antioxidant and antiproliferative activity, of P. praecox. Methods: Methanolic extracts of stems (PPS), berries (PPB) and flowers (PPF) were performed. Chemical composition was determined by phytochemical screening, Folin Ciocalteu and UPLC-DAD methods. Antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH, ABTS, ORAC and FRAP methods. Antiproliferative activity was evaluated by MTT against A549 (non-small-cell lung cancer cells), MDA-MB-231 (triple negative breast cancer), PC-3 (adenocarcinoma prostate cancer grade IV), HeLa (human cervical cancer) and L929 (non-cancerous subcutaneous connective tissue) cell lines. Results: Phytochemical screening showed the presence of terpenes, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, tannins and sugars in the extracts. PPS showed the highest (p<0.05) concentration of phenolic compounds (65.5 mg GAE/g), identifying and quantifying quercetin (218.86 µg/g). Additionally, PPS exhibited the highest capacity (p<0.05) to stabilize the DPPH (IC50: 137 µg/ml), ABTS (39.56 µM TE/g), hydroxyl radicals (ORAC: 1777.78 µM TE/g), and to reduce metals (FRAP: 935.6 µM Fe(II)/g). Similar behavior was observed in antiproliferative activity, since PPS presented the highest cytotoxicity (p<0.05): A549 (IC50: 341.3 µg/ml), MDA-MB-231 (IC50: 147.3 µg/ml), PC-3 (IC50: 78.8 µg/ml), HeLa (IC50: 121.6 µg/ml) and L929 (IC50: 93.29 µg/ml). Conclusion: This is the first research where the bioactive compound profile and the biological potential of P. praecox are reported. The results show the strong association between the antioxidant and the antiproliferative activities with the presence of phenolic compounds. This represents a potential support for the development of pharmacological therapies.Antecedentes y Objetivos: Parkinsonia praecox,“palo brea”, es una planta medicinal distribuida en el Desierto de Sonora en México. Sin embargo, existe poca información acerca de la composición química y del potencial biológico de esta planta. Basado en lo anterior, el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la composición química y el potencial antioxidante y antiproliferativo de P. praecox. Métodos: Se prepararon extractos metanólicos de tallos (PPS), frutos (PPB) y flores (PPF). La composición química se determinó a través de los métodos de perfil fitoquímico, Folin-Ciocalteu y UPLC-DAD. La actividad antioxidante se evaluó por los métodos DPPH, ABTS, ORAC y FRAP. La actividad antiproliferativa se determinó por el ensayo MTT contra las líneas celulares A549 (cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas), MDA-MB-231 (cáncer de mama triple negativo), PC-3 (cáncer de próstata grado IV), HeLa (cáncer de cervix) y L929 (tejido conectivo subcutáneo no canceroso). Resultados: El perfil fitoquímico mostró la presencia de terpenos, compuestos fenólicos, flavonoides, taninos y azúcares en los extractos. PPS presentó la concentración más elevada (p<0.05) de compuestos fenólicos (65.5 mg GAE/g), identificando y cuantificando quercetina (218.86 µg/g). Además, PPS mostró la capacidad más elevada (p<0.05) para estabilizar a los radicales DPPH (IC50: 137 µg/ml), ABTS (39.56 µM TE/g), hidroxilo (ORAC: 1777.78 µM TE/g), y reducir metales (FRAP: 935.6 µM Fe(II)/g). Un comportamiento similar se observó en la actividad antiproliferativa, ya que PPS mostró la citotoxicidad más elevada (p<0.05): A549 (IC50: 341.3 µg/ml), MDA-MB-231 (IC50: 147.3 µg/ml), PC-3 (IC50: 78.8 µg/ml), HeLa (IC50: 121.6 µg/ml) y L929 (IC50: 93.29 µg/ml).Conclusión: Este es el primer estudio donde se reporta el perfil de compuestos bioactivos y el potencial biológico de P. praecox. Los resultados muestran una fuerte asociación entre la actividad antioxidante y antiproliferativa con la presencia de compuestos fenólicos. Esto representa un potencial soporte para el desarrollo de terapias farmacológicas