2,661 research outputs found

    High-Resolution spectroscopy of the low-mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-67

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    We present initial results from observations of the low-mass X-ray binary EXO 0748-67 with the Reflection Grating Spectrometer on board the XMM-Newton Observatory. The spectra exhibit discrete structure due to absorption and emission from ionized neon, oxygen, and nitrogen. We use the quantitative constraints imposed by the spectral features to develop an empirical model of the circumsource material. This consists of a thickened accretion disk with emission and absorption in the plasma orbiting high above the binary plane. This model presents challenges to current theories of accretion in X-ray binary systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted by A&A letters, XMM special issu

    The interstellar oxygen-K absorption edge as observed by XMM-Newton

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    High resolution X-ray spectra of the Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) on board the XMM satellite are used to resolve the oxygen K absorption edge. By combining spectra of low and high extinction sources, the observed absorption edge can be split in the true interstellar (ISM) extinction and the instrumental absorption. The detailed ISM edge structure closely follows the edge structure of neutral oxygen as derived by theoretical R-matrix calculations. However, the position of the theoretical edge requires a wavelength shift. In addition the detailed instrumental RGS absorption edge structure is presented. All results are verified by comparing to a subset of Chandra LETG-HRC observations.Comment: LaTeX2e A&A style, 10 pages, 12 postscript figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A New Comprehensive 2-D Model of the Point Spread Functions of the XMM-Newton EPIC Telescopes : Spurious Source Suppression and Improved Positional Accuracy

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    We describe here a new full 2-D parameterization of the PSFs of the three XMM-Newton EPIC telescopes as a function of instrument, energy, off-axis angle and azimuthal angle, covering the whole field-of-view of the three EPIC detectors. It models the general PSF envelopes, the primary and secondary spokes, their radial dependencies, and the large-scale azimuthal variations. This PSF model has been constructed via the stacking and centering of a large number of bright, but not significantly piled-up point sources from the full field-of-view of each EPIC detector, and azimuthally filtering the resultant PSF envelopes to form the spoke structures and the gross azimuthal shapes observed. This PSF model is available for use within the XMM-Newton Science Analysis System via the usage of Current Calibration Files XRTi_XPSF_0011.CCF and later versions. Initial source-searching tests showed substantial reductions in the numbers of spurious sources being detected in the wings of bright point sources. Furthermore, we have uncovered a systematic error in the previous PSF system, affecting the entire mission to date, whereby returned source RA and Dec values are seen to vary sinusoidally about the true position (amplitude ~0.8") with source azimuthal position. The new PSF system is now available and is seen as a major improvement with regard to the detection of spurious sources. The new PSF also largely removes the discovered astrometry error and is seen to improve the positional accuracy of EPIC. The modular nature of the PSF system allows for further refinements in the future.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 15 pages, 13 figures (some of reduced quality). A full-resolution version is available at http://www.star.le.ac.uk/~amr30/amr_PSFpaper.pd

    The elemental abundances in the intracluster medium as observed with XMM-Newton

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    XMM-Newton observations of 19 galaxy clusters are used to measure the elemental abundances and their spatial distributions in the intracluster medium. The sample mainly consists of X-ray bright and relaxed clusters with a cD galaxy. Along with detailed Si, S and Fe radial abundance distributions within 300-700 kpc in radius, the O abundances are accurately derived in the central region of the clusters. The Fe abundance maxima towards the cluster center, possibly due to the metals from the cD galaxy,are spatially resolved. The Si and S abundances also exhibit central increases in general, resulting in uniform Fe-Si-S ratios within the cluster. In contrast, the O abundances are in general uniform over the cluster. The mean O to Fe ratio within the cluster core is sub-solar, while that of the cluster scale is larger than the solar ratio. These measurements indicate that most of the Fe-Si-S and O in the intracluster medium have different origins, presumably in supernovae Ia and II, respectively. The obtained Fe and O mass are also used to discuss the past star formation history in clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
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