19 research outputs found

    Socioscientific Issues-based Textbook on the Topic of Sustainable Development Goals to Develop Prospective Teachers’ 21st Century Thinking Skills

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    The emergence of the 4.0 industrial revolution requires university graduates to have 21st-century thinking skills that can support them to compete globally. However, the low 21st-century thinking skills of prospective teachers in the group of ways of thinking (critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision making) make the learning process should be able to train and develop these thinking skills. One way to train prospective teachers' 21st-century thinking skills is through the textbooks used in lectures. This study aims to develop textbooks based on socioscientific issues on the topic of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study used the RD research method with ADDIE design which is composed of 5 stages: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. textbooks were applied at the implementation stage by involving second-semester prospective teachers who contract Environmental Knowledge courses. The instruments used in this study included textbook validation sheets and essay tests. The validation results were analyzed using descriptive analysis, while the essay test results were analyzed using SPSS. The results of the study showed that the socioscientific issues-based textbooks on the SDGs topic received a very good expert assessment and had met the standards of the appropriateness of the content, language, graphics, presentation, and socioscientific issues. Prospective teachers' 21st-century thinking skills in the group of the way of thinking  also improved significantly after using socioscientific issues-based textbooks. These indicated that the textbooks which have been developed were effective in practicing the 21st-century thinking skills of prospective teachers


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    Penelitian deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap penalaran ilmiah siswa SMP tentang masalah lingkungan. Sebanyak 115 siswa kelas 7, 8, dan 9 dari sekolah berorientasi lingkungan dan sekolah multinasional mengikuti tes penalaran ilmiah dan wawancara. Angket siswa, hasil wawancara guru, dan observasi pembelajaran juga dikumpulkan lalu dianalisis. Penalaran ilmiah dalam penelitian ini diidentifikasi melalui argumen siswa mengunakan Pola Argumentasi Toulmin (TAP) yang membagi komponen argumen menjadi claim, data, warrant, backing, dan rebuttal. Analisis argumen siswa meliputi dua aspek, yaitu kelengkapan komponen argumen dan kekuatan argumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada aspek kelengkapan komponen, sebagian besar argumen siswa di sekolah berorientasi lingkungan (80%) dan sekolah multinasional (74%) dari semua tingkat kelas hanya tersusun atas claim, data, dan warrant (level 2) tanpa adanya backing, qualifier, dan rebuttal. Sementara itu, pada aspek kekuatan argumen, sebagian besar argumen siswa di sekolah berorientasi lingkungan (48%) dan sekolah multinasional (40%) merupakan argumen yang lemah, yang berarti grounds argumennya (data, warrant, backing) tidak valid secara konsep ilmiah dan tidak relevan terhadap claim. Faktor yang berperan dalam penalaran ilmiah siswa diantaranya pertanyaan guru, kegiatan diskusi, kegiatan praktikum, pengelolaan kelas, pemahaman konsep siswa, dan program kegiatan sekolah.---------- This descriptive study aims to explore scientific reasoning of junior high school students about environmental problems. A total of 115 grade 7, 8, and 9 students from environment-oriented school and multinational school were administered scientific reasoning test and interview. In addition, students’ questionnaire, teacher’s interview, and class observation was also collected and analysed. Scientific reasoning was analysed through students’ arguments about environmental problems. Toulmin Argumentation Pattern (TAP) was used to identify the component of argumentation, which consist of claim, data, warrant, backing, qualifier, and rebuttal. Then, the analysis of students’ arguments involved two aspects: the complexity of argumentation components and the strength of argument. The result showed that in the complexity of argumentation components, most students’ arguments in environment-oriented school (80%) and multinational school (74%) from all grades were consist of claim, data, and warrant only (level 2) without backing, qualifier, and rebuttal to support their claim. Whereas in the strength of argument aspect, most students’ arguments in environment-oriented school (48%) and multinasional school (40%) were weak, which means that the ground of argument (data, warrant, backing) were not scientifically valid and support their claim. Some factors which affect to the students’ scientific reasoning were teacher’s question, discussion, experiment, class management, students’ conceptual knowledge, and school’s activity

    Argumentation real-world inquiry to improve students' argumentation skill

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    Student teachers’ poor argumentation skill is one of the problems that should be solved. This research aims to develop an Argumentation Real-World Inquiry learning model that incorporates argumentation session on environmental, socio-scientific issues at each stage. The research subjects were the biology student teachers taking the Environmental Knowledge course. The research method used was Research and Development (R&D) which comprised 3 stages: Phase 1 (Development), Phase II (Pre-Experiment), and Phase III (Implementation and Evaluation). The data on argumentation skill were obtained from an essay that addressed the environmental, sociocultural issue about environmental pollution. The pre-experiment phase was conducted using weak experiment method and one group pretest-posttest design, while in the implementation phase, quasi experiment method and pretest-posttest control group design were used. The results of the pre-experiment stage showed that the learning model was able to increase the student teachers' argumentation skill, indicated by an increase in level 3 argumentation from 16% (pretest) to 68% (posttest) and a decrease in level 2 argumentation from 74% (pretest) to 21 % (posttest). The results of the implementation phase showed that the student teachers' argumentation skill improved, with N-Gain score of 0.307 (medium category). The results of this research indicate that the Argumentation Real-World Inquiry learning model is able to train student teachers to develop their argumentation skill on environmental, socio-scientific issues

    IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MBKM PROGRAM ON 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCE AND UNDERSTANDING OF SDGs (Tracer Study on Biology Education Study Program Students, Pakuan University)

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    This study aims to analyze the implementation of the MBKM program on 21st century students' skills and the relevance of the MBKM program to the SDGs. The research was conducted on students of the Biology Education Study Program, FKIP Pakuan University, carried out in November-December 2021. The methods used were surveys, interviews and video analysis. The data collected were 109 respondents (96% of the total population). The instruments used are: the 2021 MBKM Implementation Survey Instrument through SPADA DIKTI and a closed 21st century skills questionnaire, a closed SDGs questionnaire, and a student perspective questionnaire related to MBKM. The data was processed through descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that 96% of students were involved in filling out the questionnaire and 82.6% had implemented the MBKM program. The MBKM program has an impact on the 21st century competence of Biology Education Study Program students, with an average score for critical thinking skills of 3.82, collaboration skills of 4.11, communication skills of 3.86, and creative thinking skills of 3.77. The MBKM program also has a positive impact on students in achieving the SDGs, which has the greatest impact on the topic of Reducing Inequality and Protecting Land Ecosystems by 3.47

    meningkatkan kreativitas menggambar anak dengan menggunakan media finger painting Kelompok B di PAUD Sinar Serunting Desa Rantau Panjang Kecamatan Semidang Alas Kabupaten Seluma

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    This study aims to determine the creativity of  children’s drawing using finger painting media of Group B in Paud Sinar Serunting of Rantau Panjang Village of Semidang Alas Sub-District in Seluma Regency, to find out the increase in creativity children’s drawing activity using finger painting media of group B in Paud Sinar Serunting of Rantau Panjang Village of Semidang Alas Sub-District in Seluma Regency. Classroom Action Research (CAR), which focuses on classroom situations, or commonly known as classroom action research, the procedure used is in the form of a cycle. The main subjects in this study were the children in Paud Sinar Serunting of Rantau Panjang Village of Semidang Alas Sub-District in Seluma Regency, group B numbered 15 people. Data collection techniques were done by using observation and documentation methods. The data analysis was carried out in a descriptive qualitative-quantitative manner with the emphasis being used to determine the improvement in the process expressed in a predicate, while quantitative data analysis was used to determine the increase in results using a percentage. The conclusion of the research is that the children’s drawing creativity through finger painting media in Paud Sinar Serunting of Rantau Panjang Village of Semidang Alas Sub-District in Seluma Regency is well developed

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Spiritual terhadap Tingkat Kesepian pada Lanjut Usia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Warga Tama Kelurahan Timbangan Kecamatan Indralaya Utara

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    Kesepian merupakan masalah psikologis yang sering terjadi pada lansia, terutama yang tinggal di Panti Werdha. Salah satu penyebab kesepian adalah akibat kekosongan spiritual. Untuk mengatasi kesepian diperlukan suatu upaya pendekatan spiritual. Pendekatan spiritual merupakan pendekatan yang cenderung menyentuh satu sisi spiritualitas manusia, mengembalikan manusia pada sebuah kesadaran darimana dia berasal, alasan mengapa manusia diciptakan, dan tugas-tugas yang harus dilakukan manusia di dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendekatan spiritual terhadap tingkat kesepian lanjut usia sebelum dan setelah diberikan pendekatan spiritual. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pre-eksperimental dengan menggunakan desain one group pre test-post test, yang dilakukan selama 3 minggu mulai tanggal 4-25 juni 2012. Populasi penelitian adalah lanjut usia yang tinggal di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Warga Tama Indralaya. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu non-probability sampling dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel penelitian adalah lanjut usia yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi berjumlah 19 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan kuesioner baku UCLA loneliness scale. Berdasarkan analisis menggunakan uji Marginal Homogeneity dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05 diperoleh nilai p sebesar 0,000. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa p value probabilitas ≤ 0,05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan tingkat kesepian sebelum dan setelah pendekatan spiritual dan ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh pendekatan spiritual terhadap tingkat kesepian. Dengan demikian, perawat dapat menggunakan pendekatan spiritual dalam bentuk asuhan keperawatan spiritual yang bermanfaat dalam mendukung dan membantu lansia menjalani hidup yang lebih berkualitas

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Spiritual Terhadap Tingkat Kesepian Pada Lanjut Usia Di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Warga Tama Kelurahan Timbangan Kecamatan Indralaya Utara

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    Tujuan: Pendekatan spiritual merupakan pendekatan yang cenderung menyentuh satu sisi spiritualitas manusia, mengembalikan manusia pada sebuah kesadaran darimana dia berasal, alasan mengapa manusia diciptakan, dan tugas-tugas yang harus dilakukan manusia di dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendekatan spiritual terhadap tingkat kesepian lanjut usia sebelum dan setelah diberikan pendekatan spiritual. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pre-eksperimental dengan menggunakan desain one group pre test-post test, yang dilakukan selama 3 minggu mulai tanggal 4-25 juni 2012. Populasi penelitian adalah lanjut usia yang tinggal di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Warga Tama Indralaya. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu non-probability sampling dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel penelitian adalah lanjut usia yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi berjumlah 19 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan kuesioner baku UCLA loneliness scale.   Hasil: Berdasarkan analisis menggunakan uji Marginal Homogeneity dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05 diperoleh nilai p sebesar 0,000. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa p value (probabilitas) ≤ 0,05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan tingkat kesepian sebelum dan setelah pendekatan spiritual dan ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh pendekatan spiritual terhadap tingkat kesepian.   Simpulan: Perawat dapat menggunakan pendekatan spiritual dalam bentuk asuhan keperawatan spiritual yang bermanfaat dalam mendukung dan membantu lansia menjalani hidup yang lebih berkualitas.   Kata Kunci: Kesepian, spiritual, lansia

    STEM Learning to Improve Problem Solving Ability on the Topic of Environmental Education

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    STEM learning is a new innovation in 21st century education. The ability to solve problems is important for students to learn to be able to solve environmental problems. The purpose of this study is to measure the effect of STEM on the ability to solve problems on the topic of environmental change. The method used in this research is Quasi Experiment. The sample used in this study was students at high school (SMAN) 4 Cibinong, Bogor Regency. The results of this study indicate that the instrument is valid and reliable. The results of the hypothesis test show that t-count > t-table which can be interpreted that the score there is an effect of lesson study-based Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) learning on students' problem-solving abilities on Environmental Change topic. Environmental Education plays an important role in shaping students' problem-solving skills. STEM-based learning in this case must prioritize solving environmental problems that are integrated with environmental education. The conclusion from this study is that STEM learning has an impact on students' problem-solving abilitie


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    Salah satu bentuk dari pengembangan profesi guru adalah pengembangan kemampuan guru untuk membuat artikel ilmiah. Kemampuan ini dapat dilihat dengan mudah dari publikasi para guru yang dimuat dalam berbagai media, khususnya jurnal ilmiah. Penulisan artikel ilmiah semacam ini diyakini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan profesionalisme guru sekaligus memperbaiki kualitas pembelajaran yang disampaikannya. Beranjak dari kondisi tersebut, perlu untuk dilakukan pelatihan dan bimbingan bagi para guru untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis artikel ilmiah. Hanya saja proses Pelatihan yang dilakukan secara tatap muka tidak memungkinkan untuk dilakukan di masa pandemi ini. Maka pada kesempatan ini tim penelitian akan mengadakan kegiatan Pelatihan dan bimbingan Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah dengan blended learning bagi para guru, khususnya guru-guru Biologi se-Kabupaten Bogor dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis artikel ilmiah guru. Pelatihan dan bimbingan penulisan artikel ilmiah dengan blended learning ternyata dapat membantu peserta mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, hal ini dibuktikan dengan peningkatan pemahaman mengenai penulisan artikel ilmiah peserta sebelum dan setelah dilakukan pelatihan dan pembimbingan. Terdapat peningkatan pemahaman penulisan artikel ilmiah pada semua indikator. Tertinggi yaitu pemahaman mengenai membuat pendahuluan (76,67%), menyusun daftar pustaka (66,67%), menyusun pembahasan (55,56%), menentukan judul dan metode (50%) dan yang terendah yaitu menyusun kesimpulan (27,76%)