548 research outputs found

    Achieving New Upper Bounds for the Hypergraph Duality Problem through Logic

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    The hypergraph duality problem DUAL is defined as follows: given two simple hypergraphs G\mathcal{G} and H\mathcal{H}, decide whether H\mathcal{H} consists precisely of all minimal transversals of G\mathcal{G} (in which case we say that G\mathcal{G} is the dual of H\mathcal{H}). This problem is equivalent to deciding whether two given non-redundant monotone DNFs are dual. It is known that non-DUAL, the complementary problem to DUAL, is in GC(log⁡2n,PTIME)\mathrm{GC}(\log^2 n,\mathrm{PTIME}), where GC(f(n),C)\mathrm{GC}(f(n),\mathcal{C}) denotes the complexity class of all problems that after a nondeterministic guess of O(f(n))O(f(n)) bits can be decided (checked) within complexity class C\mathcal{C}. It was conjectured that non-DUAL is in GC(log⁡2n,LOGSPACE)\mathrm{GC}(\log^2 n,\mathrm{LOGSPACE}). In this paper we prove this conjecture and actually place the non-DUAL problem into the complexity class GC(log⁡2n,TC0)\mathrm{GC}(\log^2 n,\mathrm{TC}^0) which is a subclass of GC(log⁡2n,LOGSPACE)\mathrm{GC}(\log^2 n,\mathrm{LOGSPACE}). We here refer to the logtime-uniform version of TC0\mathrm{TC}^0, which corresponds to FO(COUNT)\mathrm{FO(COUNT)}, i.e., first order logic augmented by counting quantifiers. We achieve the latter bound in two steps. First, based on existing problem decomposition methods, we develop a new nondeterministic algorithm for non-DUAL that requires to guess O(log⁡2n)O(\log^2 n) bits. We then proceed by a logical analysis of this algorithm, allowing us to formulate its deterministic part in FO(COUNT)\mathrm{FO(COUNT)}. From this result, by the well known inclusion TC0⊆LOGSPACE\mathrm{TC}^0\subseteq\mathrm{LOGSPACE}, it follows that DUAL belongs also to DSPACE[log⁡2n]\mathrm{DSPACE}[\log^2 n]. Finally, by exploiting the principles on which the proposed nondeterministic algorithm is based, we devise a deterministic algorithm that, given two hypergraphs G\mathcal{G} and H\mathcal{H}, computes in quadratic logspace a transversal of G\mathcal{G} missing in H\mathcal{H}.Comment: Restructured the presentation in order to be the extended version of a paper that will shortly appear in SIAM Journal on Computin

    Transient Memory in Gene Regulation

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    The expression of a gene is characterised by its transcription factors and the function processing them. If the transcription factors are not affected by gene products, the regulating function is often represented as a combinational logic circuit, where the outputs (product) are determined by current input values (transcription factors) only, and are hence independent on their relative arrival times. However, the simultaneous arrival of transcription factors (TFs) in genetic circuits is a strong assumption, given that the processes of transcription and translation of a gene into a protein introduce intrinsic time delays and that there is no global synchronisation among the arrival times of different molecular species at molecular targets. In this paper, we construct an experimentally implementable genetic circuit with two inputs and a single output, such that, in presence of small delays in input arrival, the circuit exhibits qualitatively distinct observable phenotypes. In particular, these phenotypes are long lived transients: they all converge to a single value, but so slowly, that they seem stable for an extended time period, longer than typical experiment duration. We used rule-based language to prototype our circuit, and we implemented a search for finding the parameter combinations raising the phenotypes of interest. The behaviour of our prototype circuit has wide implications. First, it suggests that GRNs can exploit event timing to create phenotypes. Second, it opens the possibility that GRNs are using event timing to react to stimuli and memorise events, without explicit feedback in regulation. From the modelling perspective, our prototype circuit demonstrates the critical importance of analysing the transient dynamics at the promoter binding sites of the DNA, before applying rapid equilibrium assumptions

    Verification and Optimization of a PLC Control Schedule

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    We report on the use of the SPIN model checker for both the verification of a process control program and the derivation of optimal control schedules. This work was carried out as part of a case study for the EC VHS project (Verification of Hybrid Systems), in which the program for a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) of an experimental chemical plant had to be designed and verified. The intention of our approach was to see how much could be achieved here using the standard model checking environment of SPIN/Promela. As the symbolic calculations of real-time model checkers can be quite expensive it is interesting to try and exploit the efficiency of established non-real-time model checkers like SPIN in those cases where promising work-arounds seem to exist. In our case we handled the relevant real-time properties of the PLC controller using a time-abstraction technique; for the scheduling we implemented in Promela a so-called variable time advance procedure. For this case study these techniques proved sufficient to verify the design of the controller and derive (time-)optimal schedules with reasonable time and space requirements

    Perturbed Timed Automata

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    We consider timed automata whose clocks are imperfect. For a given perturbation error 0 \u3c Δ \u3c 1, the perturbed language of a timed automaton is obtained by letting its clocks change at a rate within the interval [1 - Δ, 1 + Δ]. We show that the perturbed language of a timed automaton with a single clock can be captured by a deterministic timed automaton. This leads to a decision procedure for the language inclusion problem for systems modeled as products of 1-clock automata with imperfect clocks. We also prove that determinization and decidability of language inclusion are not possible for multi-clock automata, even with perturbation

    Long lived transients in gene regulation

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    Gene expression is regulated by the set of transcription factors (TFs) that bind to the promoter. The ensuing regulating function is often represented as a combinational logic circuit, where output (gene expression) is determined by current input values (promoter bound TFs) only. However, the simultaneous arrival of TFs is a strong assumption, since transcription and translation of genes introduce intrinsic time delays and there is no global synchronisation among the arrival times of different molecular species at their targets. We present an experimentally implementable genetic circuit with two inputs and one output, which in the presence of small delays in input arrival, exhibits qualitatively distinct population-level phenotypes, over timescales that are longer than typical cell doubling times. From a dynamical systems point of view, these phenotypes represent long-lived transients: although they converge to the same value eventually, they do so after a very long time span. The key feature of this toy model genetic circuit is that, despite having only two inputs and one output, it is regulated by twenty-three distinct DNA-TF configurations, two of which are more stable than others (DNA looped states), one promoting and another blocking the expression of the output gene. Small delays in input arrival time result in a majority of cells in the population quickly reaching the stable state associated with the first input, while exiting of this stable state occurs at a slow timescale. In order to mechanistically model the behaviour of this genetic circuit, we used a rule-based modelling language, and implemented a grid-search to find parameter combinations giving rise to long-lived transients. Our analysis shows that in the absence of feedback, there exist path-dependent gene regulatory mechanisms based on the long timescale of transients. The behaviour of this toy model circuit suggests that gene regulatory networks can exploit event timing to create phenotypes, and it opens the possibility that they could use event timing to memorise events, without regulatory feedback. The model reveals the importance of (i) mechanistically modelling the transitions between the different DNA-TF states, and (ii) employing transient analysis thereof

    The discipline of embedded systems design

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    The wall between computer science and electrical engineering has kept the potential of embedded systems at bay. It is time to build a new scientific foundation with embedded systems design as the cornerstone, which will ensure a systematic and even-handed integration of the two fields. The embedded systems design problem certainly raises technology questions, but more important, it requires building a new scientific foundation that will systematically and even-handedly integrate computation and physicality from the bottom up. Support for this foundation will require enriching computer science paradigms to encompass models and methods traditionally found in electrical engineering

    The embedded systems design challenge

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    We summarize some current trends in embedded systems design and point out some of their characteristics, such as the chasm between analytical and computational models, and the gap between safety-critical and best-effort engineering practices. We call for a coherent scientific foundation for embedded systems design, and we discuss a few key demands on such a foundation: the need for encompassing several manifestations of heterogeneity, and the need for constructivity in design. We believe that the development of a satisfactory embedded systems design science provides a timely challenge and opportunity for reinvigorating computer scienc

    Is lazy abstraction a decision procedure for broadcast protocols?

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    Lazy abstraction builds up an abstract reachability tree by locally refining abstractions in order to eliminate spurious counterexamples in smaller and smaller subtrees. The method has proven useful to verify systems code. It is still open how good the method is as a decision procedure, i.e., whether the method terminates for already known decidable verification problems. In this paper, we answer the question positively for broadcast protocols and other infinite-state models in the class of so-called well-structured systems. This extends an existing result on systems with a finite bisimulation quotient

    Fluent temporal logic for discrete-time event-based models

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    Fluent model checking is an automated technique for verifying that an event-based operational model satisfies some state-based declarative properties. The link between the event-based and state-based formalisms is defined through fluents which are state predicates whose value are determined by the occurrences of initiating and terminating events that make the fluents values become true or false, respectively. The existing fluent temporal logic is convenient for reasoning about untimed event-based models but difficult to use for timed models. The paper extends fluent temporal logic with temporal operators for modelling timed properties of discrete-time event-based models. It presents two approaches that differ on whether the properties model the system state after the occurrence of each event or at a fixed time rate. Model checking of timed properties is made possible by translating them into the existing untimed framework. Copyright 2005 ACM

    Automatic Abstraction in SMT-Based Unbounded Software Model Checking

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    Software model checkers based on under-approximations and SMT solvers are very successful at verifying safety (i.e. reachability) properties. They combine two key ideas -- (a) "concreteness": a counterexample in an under-approximation is a counterexample in the original program as well, and (b) "generalization": a proof of safety of an under-approximation, produced by an SMT solver, are generalizable to proofs of safety of the original program. In this paper, we present a combination of "automatic abstraction" with the under-approximation-driven framework. We explore two iterative approaches for obtaining and refining abstractions -- "proof based" and "counterexample based" -- and show how they can be combined into a unified algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of Proof-Based Abstraction, primarily used to verify hardware, to Software Verification. We have implemented a prototype of the framework using Z3, and evaluate it on many benchmarks from the Software Verification Competition. We show experimentally that our combination is quite effective on hard instances.Comment: Extended version of a paper in the proceedings of CAV 201
