703 research outputs found

    Lane reduction in driven 2d-colloidal systems through microchannels

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    The transport behavior of a system of gravitationally driven colloidal particles is investigated. The particle interactions are determined by the superparamagnetic behavior of the particles. They can thus be arranged in a crystalline order by application of an external magnetic field. Therefore the motion of the particles through a narrow channel occurs in well-defined lanes. The arrangement of the particles is perturbed by diffusion and the motion induced by gravity. Due to these combined influences a density gradient forms along the direction of motion of the particles. A reconfiguration of the crystal is observed leading to a reduction of the number of lanes. In the course of the lane reduction transition a local melting of the quasi-crystalline phase to a disordered phase and a subsequent crystallization along the motion of the particles is observed. This transition is characterized experimentally and using Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Of Genes and Antigens: The Inheritance of Psoriasis

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    Psoriasis is one of a number of autoimmune diseases that display significant HLA associations. In particular, individuals with onset of disease prior to 40 years of age display striking associations with HLA-Cw6 and are much more likely to have a positive family for psoriasis. However, only about 10% of Cw6-positive individuals develop disease, suggesting that other genetic and/or environmental factors must be involved. Several compelling lines of epidemiologic evidence indicate that psoriasis susceptibility is inherited, albeit not in a simple monogenic fashion, and that genetic, rather than environmental, factors are primarily responsible for the variability in inheritance of psoriasis. Taken together, these observations suggest that one or more loci in addition to HLA are necessary for the development of psoriasis. The number of additional loci is likely to be small, because i) the disease is very common ii) substantial excess risk of psoriasis is observed in first degree relatives, and iii) nevoid variants of psoriasis have been reported, suggestive of somatic mutation of a single gene during development. The substantial homogeneity of the psoriatic phenotype and the clear evidence for increased HLA association and heritability in juvenile onset disease indicate that despite its complexity, psoriasis is a common disease whose etiology is amenable to elucidation through the techniques of modern molecular genetics. J Invest Dermatol 103:150S-153S, 199

    Two-dimensional Anderson-Hubbard model in DMFT+Sigma approximation

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    Density of states, dynamic (optical) conductivity and phase diagram of paramagnetic two-dimensional Anderson-Hubbard model with strong correlations and disorder are analyzed within the generalized dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT+Sigma approximation). Strong correlations are accounted by DMFT, while disorder is taken into account via the appropriate generalization of the self-consistent theory of localization. We consider the two-dimensional system with the rectangular "bare" density of states (DOS). The DMFT effective single impurity problem is solved by numerical renormalization group (NRG). Phases of "correlated metal", Mott insulator and correlated Anderson insulator are identified from the evolution of density of states, optical conductivity and localization length, demonstrating both Mott-Hubbard and Anderson metal-insulator transitions in two-dimensional systems of the finite size, allowing us to construct the complete zero-temperature phase diagram of paramagnetic Anderson-Hubbard model. Localization length in our approximation is practically independent of the strength of Hubbard correlations. However, the divergence of localization length in finite size two-dimensional system at small disorder signifies the existence of an effective Anderson transition.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, improve phase diagra

    Small Disks and Semiclassical Resonances

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    We study the effect on quantum spectra of the existence of small circular disks in a billiard system. In the limit where the disk radii vanish there is no effect, however this limit is approached very slowly so that even very small radii have comparatively large effects. We include diffractive orbits which scatter off the small disks in the periodic orbit expansion. This situation is formally similar to edge diffraction except that the disk radii introduce a length scale in the problem such that for wave lengths smaller than the order of the disk radius we recover the usual semi-classical approximation; however, for wave lengths larger than the order of the disk radius there is a qualitatively different behaviour. We test the theory by successfully estimating the positions of scattering resonances in geometries consisting of three and four small disks.Comment: Final published version - some changes in the discussion and the labels on one figure are correcte

    Floquet Formalism of Quantum Pumps

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    We review Floquet formalism of quantum electron pumps. In the Floquet formalism the quantum pump is regarded as a time dependent scattering system, which allows us to go beyond the adiabatic limit. It can be shown that the well-known adiabatic formula given by Brouwer can be derived from the adiabatic limit of Floquet formalism. We compare various physical properties of the quantum pump both in the adiabatic and in the non-adiabatic regime using the Floquet theory.Comment: Latex2e 16 pages, 6 figures. A review paper to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Alleviating poverty through Islamic microfinance: factors and measures of financial performance, and roles of Islamic values and financial policies

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    Indonesia has a strong presence of microfinance sector with the number of Islamic Microfinance Institutions (IMFIs) estimated to be around 5,000 currently. Microfinance is an effective tool in alleviating poverty in Indonesia due to the limited access to financial services by the poor who accounted for approximately 96 million Indonesians (or 37% of the total population), living on less than USD 1.90 a day. In the absence of collateral and steady income, the poor are considered too risky to be given credit facilities by the formal financial services providers and living in remote areas has also limited their access to formal financial services. This study aims to examine the poverty alleviation efforts from the perspective of the IMFIs in view of their direct involvement in the process and having rich information about financial issues facing the borrowers. The managers also understand about financial inclusion agenda as well as financial guidelines and regulations issued by the relevant authorities. A total of 34 managers of Baitulmaal Wa Tamwil (BMTs), which registered under the Sharia Cooperative Centre (INKOPSYAH) are taken as respondents from the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (JABODETABEK) areas. The first instrument was a survey questionnaire, and the second one was an in-depth interview to outline data related to the model design. The findings of this research are expected to contribute to better decision-making for the BMTs to further enhance its role in alleviating poverty. The findings also elaborate several dimensions to improving financial inclusion among the poor including providing financial services, implementing Islamic principles, significant policies, community-based framework concept and training financial education. This research highlights the need for a variety of strategies to warrant success of poverty alleviation efforts by BMT

    Investigating the uses of corporate reputation and its effects on brand segmentation, brand differentiation and brand positioning: evidence from the Taiwanese pharmaceutical industry

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    This study advances current knowledge on building a brand strategy that includes corporate reputation. It employs three theories – value creation, strategic resources and corporate communication – to study the uses of corporate reputation and its effect on brand segmentation, brand differentiation and brand positioning. In the context of the Taiwanese pharmaceutical industry, a sequential mixed method approach is applied and data are analyzed using PLS SEM. Findings demonstrate the relative impacts of three uses of corporate reputation (value creation, strategic resources and corporate communication) on brand image strategy (brand segmentation, brand differentiation and brand positioning) and the implications are evaluated. This study discovers that the inclusion of medicine prices is necessary and that it negatively moderates the impact of the overall uses of corporate reputation on overall brand image strategy. This research contributes empirically as one of the few that tests reputation-and-branding-building models outside the USA and Europe

    Relationship between freight accessibility and logistics employment in US counties

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    This paper analyzes the relationship between freight accessibility and logistics employment in the US. It develops an accessibility measure relevant for logistics companies based on a gravity model. This allows for an analysis of the accessibility of US counties focusing on four different modes of transportation: road, rail, air, and maritime. Using a Partial Least Squares model, these four different freight accessibility measures are combined into two constructs, continental and intercontinental freight accessibility, and related to logistics employment. Results show that highly accessible counties attract more logistics employment than other counties. The analyses show that it is very important to control for the effect of the county population on both freight accessibility and logistics employment. While county population explains the most variation in the logistics employment per county, there is a significant relationship between freight accessibility and logistics employment, when controlling for this effect
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