405 research outputs found

    Antonio Santa Croce and Giovanni Battista Pallotta – Cooperation between the Warsaw and Vienna Nunciatures in 1629. A Contribution to the Study of Horizontal Communication within the Structures of the Papal Diplomatic Service

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    The article deals with communication and interaction between papal diplomatic missions in the early modern era. Mainly due to a lack of extant source materials, it remains the white spot in the research into the history of Polish and foreign nuncios. However, thanks to materials from Archivio di Stato di Roma, namely the section of Archivio Santa Croce containing the originals of letters received by Nuncio Antonio Santa Croce in 1629, it is possible to attempt at least a partial reconstruction of the collaboration between the papal diplomat residing at the Court of Warsaw and his counterpart at the Court of Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg in Vienna, Giovanni Battista Pallotta. The correspondence analysis allows us to conclude that the contacts between the papal diplomats residing in Warsaw and Vienna in 1629, and probably earlier and later, were regular and intensive. We can assume that the routine products of the information and analytical work carried out for the Secretariat of State by both papal missions were shared in the correspondence, and the Nunciatures of Vienna and Warsaw were thus well informed about the course of affairs related to the pan-European conflict in several theatres of war. However, they also communicated and cooperated on strictly ecclesiastical matters, such as the ongoing reform of religious congregations in the 1620s

    Transport elektronowy wymuszony gradientem temperatury w wybranych spinelach chromowych

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    The problems of the electronic transport forced by the temperature gradient in the selected chromium spinels: ZnCr2 – xNixSe4, Zn1 – xCuxCr2Se4, ZnxCuyCrzSe4, CuxGayCrzSe4, CdCr2 – xSbxSe4, and Hg1 – xCuxCr2Se4 in the frames of the theories of Mott, Debye and Bloch have been discussed in this work. The analysis carried on of the temperature dependencies of thermopower showed that its resultant value consists of the following components: diffuse component, phonon drag, magnon drag and the impurity component. It was observed in all the systems under study that the diffuse component is the dominant component of the thermopower. In the temperature range under study its value does not exceed 100 μV/K and it is greater of one order of magnitude as compared with the classical metals. As it follows from the studies, a close correlation exists between the magnetic interactions realized by the mechanism of the double exchange and the appearance of the component of the thermopower related to the spin wave excitations. The RKKY interactions seem to be the factor which supports the effect of the coherent transfer of magnon momenta to the current carriers. It was observed that the defectiveness of spinel structure makes a factor which also substantially influences the value of the intensity of the magnetic component of the thermopower. In the systems, where a large defectiveness occurs, one observes the decrease of the value of the thermopower and the shift of its maximum in the direction of the lower temperatures. The second factor, which causes the substantial increase of the value of the thermopower, is the effect related to the phonon drag. The obtained results suggest that the nonstoichiometry of the system neither affects very much the value of the phonon component, nor the position of its temperature maximum. The analysis of thermopower revealed also that in the systems, in which the double exchange mechanism dominates, one has to deal with the electronic transfer in the mixed valence band of the chromium ions. Moreover the lack of this mechanism confirmed by the XANES and EXAFS studies reveals the electronic transport related either to the carrier hopping in the forbidden gap or to the distorsion of the tetrahedral and octahedral positions caused by the polarons. The studies presented by the author prove that the kind of the magnetic structure, the nonstoichiometry as well as the defectiveness of the crystal lattice strongly influence the electronic transport forced by the temperature gradient in the materials with the spinel structure

    Modelling bid-ask spread conditional distributions using hierarchical correlation reconstruction

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    While we would like to predict exact values, the information available, being incomplete, is rarely sufficient - usually allowing only conditional probability distributions to be predicted. This article discusses hierarchical correlation reconstruction (HCR) methodology for such a prediction using the example of bid-ask spreads (usually unavailable), but here predicted from more accessible data like closing price, volume, high/low price and returns. Using HCR methodology, as in copula theory, we first normalized marginal distributions so that they were nearly uniform. Then we modelled joint densities as linear combinations of orthonormal polynomials, obtaining their decomposition into mixed moments. Then we modelled each moment of the predicted variable separately as a linear combination of mixed moments of known variables using least squares linear regression. By combining these predicted moments, we obtained the predicted density as a polynomial, for which we can e.g. calculate the expected value, but also the variance to determine the uncertainty of the prediction, or we can use the entire distribution for, e.g. more accurate further calculations or generating random values. 10-fold cross-validation log-likelihood tests were conducted for 22 DAX companies, leading to very accurate predictions, especially when individual models were used for each company, as significant differences were found between their behaviours. An additional advantage of using this methodology is that it is computationally inexpensive; estimating and evaluating a model with hundreds of parameters and thousands of data points by means of this methodology takes only a second on a computer

    Professor Laboriosus! Dziewięćdziesiąte urodziny prof. dra hab. Zenona Leszczyńskiego

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    [email protected] Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła IIJęzyk a chrześcijaństwo, 1993, red. I. Bajerowa, M. Leszczyński, Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.Gałecki Z., Karolczuk A., 2001–2002, Bibliografia prac Zenona Leszczyńskiego opublikowanych w latach 1954–2002, „Roczniki Humanistyczne”, t. XLIX–L, nr 6, s. 9–22.Giel, K., 2013, Eufemistični frazemi kao izraz jezičnog tabua (na primjeru frazema značenjskog polja’smrt’u hrvatskom i poljskom jeziku), „Strani Jezici”, t. 42, s. 85–116.Karwatowska M., Siwiec A., 2018, Gender, queer i edukacja. O przełamywaniu tabu w kulturze, „Prace Językoznawcze”, t. 18, nr 1, s. 77–92.Klyus J., 2013, Тут сам чёрт ногу сломит. Фразеологизмы с инвективами, относящимися к мифологической сфере. Сравнительный анализ употребления в польском и русском языках [Tut sam cziort nogu slomit. Frazeologizmy s invektivami, otnosiaszczimisia k mifologiczeskoĭ sfere. Sravnitel’nyĭ analiz upotrebleniĭa v pol’skom i russkom ĭazykach], [w:] Pražská rusistika 2013. Recenzovaný sborník příspěvků z konference konané dne 18. dubna 2013 v Praze, red. J. Konečný, Praha: Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky Pedagogické fakuty UK v Praze, s. 80–7.Kreja B., 2001, Kurykuł mojego życia, [w:] W świecie słów i znaczeń. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Profesorowi Bogusławowi Krei, red. J. Maćkiewicz, E. Rogowska, Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, s. 9–52.Rzetelnej pracy: księga ku czci Profesora Tadeusza Brajerskiego, 1982–1983, red. M. Kucała, Z. Leszczyński, M. Łesiów, Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL (= „Roczniki Humanistyczne”, t. 30–31, z. 6).Leszczyński Z., 1954a, Najstarszy przykład przejścia -ch ≥ -k, „Język Polski”, t. 34, s. 363–364.Leszczyński Z., 1954b, Rozważania o pochodzeniu pierwszego pisarza Biblii królowej Zofii, „Prace Sekcji Językoznawczej”, t. I, s. 27–36.Leszczyński Z., 1964, Wszyscy (i wszystko) w gwarach polskich, „Język Polski”, t. 44, s. 95–106.Leszczyński Z., 1967a, Fonologiczna wartość dźwięku j we współczesnej polszczyźnie kulturalnej i w gwarach, „Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego”, t. 25, s. 217–226.Leszczyński Z., 1967b, O polskich gwarowych formach typu póńdzie, zańść i pódzie, zaść, „Rocznik Slawistyczny”, t. 28, cz. 1, s. 79–92.Leszczyński Z., 1968, Bibliografia prac Profesora Witolda Taszyckiego za lata 1922–1968, [w:] W. Taszycki, Rozprawy i studia polonistyczne, IV: Onomastyka i historia języka polskiego, Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków: Ossolineum, s. 330-54.Leszczyński Z., 1969, Studia nad polskimi grupami spółgłoskowymi. 1. Gwarowe grupy z j na tle polszczyzny ogólnej, Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich (Prace Językoznawcze / Komitet Językoznawczy Polskiej Akademii Nauk, nr 54).Leszczyński Z., 1970, Leksykalne zbieżności gwar Białorusi i Polski, „Rocznik Slawistyczny”, t. 30, cz. 1, s. 27–38.Leszczyński Z., 1978a, Kierunki zmian w grupach spółgłoskowych typu Sr oraz rS w świetle geografii językowej, Wrocław: Ossolineum (Prace Komisji Językoznawstwa / Polska Akademia Nauk. Oddział w Krakowie, nr 49).Leszczyński Z., 1978b, W sprawie datowania pożyczek leksykalnych, [w:] Z polskich studiów slawistycznych, seria V, Językoznawstwo, Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, s. 263–269.Leszczyński Z., 1980, Geografia językowa i jej skuteczność w badaniach diachronicznych, „Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego”, t. 37, s. 89-98.Leszczyński Z., 1982, Die Tendenz zur Flexionsigkeit der Familiennamen in heutigem Polnisch, [w:] Proceedings of 13th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, t. 2, s. 21–27.Leszczyński Z., 1982–1983, Echa makaronizowania, „Roczniki Humanistyczne”, t. 30–31, z. 6, s. 97–104.Leszczyński Z., 1986, Czy tępić ilość?, „Język Polski”, t. 66, s. 231–42.Leszczyński Z., 1988a, Przekład utworu literackiego jako pomocnicze źródło informacji o właściwościach języka oryginału, [w:] Język osobniczy jako przedmiot badań lingwistycznych, red. J. Brzeziński, Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Zielonej Górze, s. 231–47.Leszczyński Z., 1988b, Szkice o tabu językowym, Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL.Leszczyński Z., 1989, Dopełniaczowy okolicznik czasu, „Język Polski”, t. 69, s. 53–61.Leszczyński Z., 1990, Szesnastowieczny tekst kresowy w dzisiejszym odbiorze, „Acta Universitatis Lodzensis. Folia Linguistica”, t. 23, s. 83–94.Leszczyński Z., 1991, Rażąca religijność Krasnoludków, [w:] Prace językoznawcze, t. 19: Studia polonistyczne, red. A. Kowalska, A. Wilkoń, Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice, s. 122–129.Leszczyński Z., 1992a, Rodzaje polszczyzny. Cz. II: Transkrypcja tekstu, Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.Leszczyński Z., 1992b, Wtórna postać dopełniaczowego okolicznika czasu, „Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Humanistycznego UG. Slawistyka”, t. 6, s. 179–184.Leszczyński Z., 1993, Uwagi o nazwach własnych u Wiecha, „Roczniki Humanistyczne”, t. 41, nr 6, s. 53–68.Leszczyński Z., 1994, Doświadczenie tekstów sakralnych odbite w obiegowych porównaniach, „Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne”, t. 3, s. 151–163Leszczyński Z., 1997, Orge, ячмень [ ĭaczmień], barley, Gerste, cebada, orzo, [w:] Atlas Linguarum Europae. Volume I cinquieme fascicule. /Roma/ 1997. Carte I. 47 /Q 1: 071/. Commentaire XXXII, s. 35–43Leszczyński Z., 1997–1998, Pożegnania, „Roczniki Humanistyczne”, t. 45–46, nr 6, s. 5–10.Leszczyński Z., 2012, O Tadeuszu Brajerskim historyku języka, [w:] Nasi Mistrzowie. Z dziejów językoznawstwa polonistycznego w Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim, red. Z. Gałecki, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, s. 47–58.Leszczyński Z., 2014, Prof. Tadeusz Brajerski, „Gazeta Wyborcza” 5 IV 2014 („Gazeta Stołeczna”, s. 12). Internet: https://classic.wyborcza.pl/archiwumGW/7867323/Prof--Tadeusz-Brajerski (we współpracy z Ireną Winkler-Leszczyńską).Leszczyński Z., 2016, Uwagi o zmianach w „Słowniku poprawnej polszczyzny” Stanisława Szobera, [w:] Dawne z nowym łącząc...: in memoriam Mariani Kucała, red. J. Klimek-Grądzka, M. Nowak, Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, s. 229–240.Leszczyński Z., 2020, Polonistyka kulowska w latach 1949–1954 w oczach ówczesnego studenta. Początki Sekcji Językoznawczej Koła Polonistów Studentów KUL, [w:] Koło Polonistów S. K.U.L 1919–2019. Szkice, wspomnienia, materiały, red. A. Fitas, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, s. 55–61.Nitsch K., 1960, Wybór polskich tekstów gwarowych, wyd. 2. zm. przez autora, Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.Okoniowa J., 2012, Profesor Kazimierz Nitsch i jego uczniowie, czyli „szkoły” dialektologiczne widziane dzisiaj, „Poradnik Językowy”, nr 8, s. 29–40.Popowska-Taborska H., Siatkowski J., 2013, Specyfika polskich językoznawczych slawistycznych badań diachronicznych ostatniego sześćdziesięciolecia, „Rocznik Slawistyczny”, t. LXII, s. 11–37.2119921

    Properties of solid dispersions of selected magnesium salts and the absorption process of Mg2+ ions in vitro

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    The paper presents an application of phosphatidylcholine 45% (PC 45) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in formulations of magnesium salts such as Mg(VitB6) and Mg(VitB6Arg) prepared by solid dispersion (SD) techniques. The evaluation of influence of the selected carriers on some physicochemical properties of solid dispersions and on the absorption process of Mg +2 ions in vitro were made. An infrared (IR) spectra study suggested creation of a hydrogen bond between the carriers and the examined magnesium salts. The results of the following thermal analysis: differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetry (TG), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that application of PVP into SD lower the temperature of the decomposition process. However, in the case of PC 45 into SD the characteristic thermal effects of higher temperatures were observed. Moreover, values of the enthalpy SD of decomposition process were decreased. The results of these studies on absorption process of Mg2+ ions in vitro showed the positive influence of the applied carriers on the partition coefficient values (log P) in the examined formulation

    Semiotyczne ograniczenia zakresu modernizacji dawnych przekładów biblijnych

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    The most important translations of the Bible into Polish, i.e. the Catholic Jakub Wujek Bible (1599) and the Protestant Gdańsk Bible (1632) were written at the end of the reformation period and were renewed and used in catholic churches and protestant communities until the first half of the 20th century. The reprints were systematically updated. In the 20th century the need to translate again the Holy Scripture into Polish was recognized. There were a few attempts at that in the second half of the previous century. They were always accompanied by heated debates which referred to the need of new translations as well the ways translators adopted to render in Polish selected books, sentences or even words. A religious text functions in a specific system of a higher level, i.e. religion. Religion is understood here as a culture text according to the Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School. Owing to this interpretation, religion has its own language built onto natural language. Text in natural language constitutes only a fragment of a bigger sign entity. To put it most simply, since a natural text is a subcomponent of a semiotic religious text, any change introduced in the former disrupts the coherence of cultural meaning on a higher level. Because of “a secondary modeling system” (a term coined by Yuri M. Lotman) the language of religious texts is always a bit archaic. This very modeling system prevents the propellers of modernization from a more thorough linguistic update of old biblical translations in Poland and, more often than not, does not let translators depart too far from the translation tradition.Translated by Agnieszka Bryła-CruzThe most important translations of the Bible into Polish, i.e. the Catholic Jakub Wujek Bible (1599) and the Protestant Gdańsk Bible (1632) were written at the end of the reformation period and were renewed and used in catholic churches and protestant communities until the first half of the 20th century. The reprints were systematically updated. In the 20th century the need to translate again the Holy Scripture into Polish was recognized. There were a few attempts at that in the second half of the previous century. They were always accompanied by heated debates which referred to the need of new translations as well the ways translators adopted to render in Polish selected books, sentences or even words. A religious text functions in a specific system of a higher level, i.e. religion. Religion is understood here as a culture text according to the Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School. Owing to this interpretation, religion has its own language built onto natural language. Text in natural language constitutes only a fragment of a bigger sign entity. To put it most simply, since a natural text is a subcomponent of a semiotic religious text, any change introduced in the former disrupts the coherence of cultural meaning on a higher level. Because of “a secondary modeling system” (a term coined by Yuri M. Lotman) the language of religious texts is always a bit archaic. This very modeling system prevents the propellers of modernization from a more thorough linguistic update of old biblical translations in Poland and, more often than not, does not let translators depart too far from the translation tradition.    Translated by Agnieszka Bryła-Cru

    The use of PMU data for detecting and monitoring selected electromagnetic disturbances

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    Power quality (PQ) monitoring is important for both the utilities and also the users of electric power. The most widespread measurement instrument used for PQ monitoring is the PQM (Power Quality Monitor) or PQA (Power Quality Analyzer). In this paper we propose the usage of PMU data for PQ parameters monitoring. We present a new methodology of PQ parameters monitoring and classification based on PMU data. The proposed methodology is tested with real measurements performed in distribution system using dedicated PMU system

    Paramagnetism of Cu3RE2W4O18 semiconductors (RE = Gd, Dy-Er)

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    Cu3RE2W4O18 tungstates (RE = Gd, Dy Er) are paramagnets in the temperature range 4.2 300 K visible also in the absence of the energy losses in the curve of the imaginary part of magnetic susceptibility, 00. The negative values of the paramagnetic Curie Weiss temperature, , may suggest the weak antiferromagnetic coupling below 4.2 K. The temperature independent component of magnetic susceptibility has a positive value indicating a domination of the Van Vleck contribution. Calculations of the e ective number of the Bohr magnetons revealed that the orbital contribution to the magnetic moment comes mainly from the RE3+ ions