100 research outputs found

    Colonialismo e história

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    Assistimos hoje no campo da reflexão histórica mundial à veemência do reaparecimento do fenómeno colonial, que se tem vindo a impor não só pela sua natureza de ‘temática das minorias’ , mas também pelo duplo facto de, por um lado, permitir repensar em termos ‘pós-coloniais’, as identidades nacionais dos colonizadores e dos colonizados, cuja emancipação passou pela recuperação da sua própria história, pela afirmação da sua identidade histórica e pela preservação da sua memória, e por outro, exigir uma maior densidade interrogativa sobre a politização e a ideologização interna da História. Reflectindo sobre a importância da ‘democratização’ introduzida pela história contemporânea no palco da História, Pierre Nora (Rendez-vous de l’Histoire, 2011) sublinha uma evidência: a história mundial, que enraíza no eurocentrismo, se regista o laço apertado entre Europa/Ocidente e História, num movimento semelhante àquele que estabelece a relação profunda entre Nação e História, impõe o estudo do fenómeno colonial, cada vez mais considerado como núcleo estruturante dos processos de construção da História, das histórias nacionais (também) ocidentais. Se a articulação entre História e Ideologia regista o modo como a história do Ocidente ou a história ‘à ocidental’ foi objecto de manipulação do político e do ideológico, mostra também como as histórias das nações europeias se organizaram e se tornaram o eixo central a partir do qual se estratificou o resto da História e do Mundo. Mas o estudo do colonialismo que põe em evidência a natureza hegemónica do Ocidente, dando conta da inevitabilidade da ideologização do fabrico da História, revela hoje a necessidade de proceder à revisão da simples inscrição do colonialismo no grande registo da história nacional, reescrevendo-a à luz do fenómeno colonial. A renovação da historiografia portuguesa, a partir da década de 1840, na esteira das “mais avançadas historiografias europeias da época, fez emergir “um novo protagonista e referente identitário, a nação” (Matos, 2013) que se foi construindo baseado na ideia de uma superioridade racial/física, intelectual e cultural europeia e na organização de projectos e de práticas, que fixaram os ingredientes científico-culturais que permitiram, no século XX, materializar a hierarquização e a dominação do mundo. Escrever hoje sobre a relação entre a historiografia portuguesa e o fenómeno colonial que marcou intensamente a história nacional nos últimos dois séculos, representa uma tarefa complexa onde se cruzam silêncios e incomodidades, manipulações políticas e ideológicas, distorções documentais e fragilidades conceptuais, que exigem um trabalho árduo e crítico de reorganização de um passado marcado por preconceitos múltiplos, cujos sinais permanecem inscritos no Portugal contemporâneo

    Long-lasting multi-surface disinfectant: evaluation of efficiency and durability

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    The present work aimed to study the efficacy and durability of a long-term multi-surface disinfectant. The disinfectant formulation understudy had hydrogen peroxide and ethanol as active substances, among other substances. The antimicrobial activity of the formulation components and their stability on porous, non-porous, and everyday surfaces was evaluated. The stability test result show that the disinfectant still has antimicrobial activity after 2 years of storage, even with the loss of 80% of one of the active substances. The results show that the disinfectant has an impressive antimicrobial activity for porous surfaces and good performance for non-porous surfaces. The analysis of antimicrobial activity on everyday surfaces shows total fungal inhibition and a notable decrease in bacteria colonization after 7 days of disinfectant application.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/ 04469/2020 unit, and by LABBELS – Associate Laboratory in Biotech- nology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechnaical Systems, LA/P/ 0029/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cu oxidation mechanism on Cu-Zr(O)N coatings: Role on functional properties

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    Zirconium oxynitride (Zr(O)N) and Copper-Zirconium oxynitrides (Cu-Zr(O)N) were deposited by a DC reactive magnetron sputtering technique on stainless steel substrates. A duty cycle controller was used to obtain different oxygen contents in the developed films and a chemical activation procedure was carried out to obtain copper oxides. The samples were chemical and structurally characterized by SEM, EDS, XRD and XPS. Additional functional features were evaluated according to colour variation and inhibition halo tests. Zr(O)N and Cu-Zr(O)N surfaces showed a wide colour variation from golden to black tones, progressing through intermediate tones such as purple, blue and bluish grey. An antibacterial effect was only obtained after the chemical activation of Cu-ZrON-DC100, which showed a Zr(O)N matrix incapable of catching more oxygen from deposition. After, with the additional availability of O2- ions, the Cu present in the coating reacted with these ions forming CuO. The antibacterial mechanism was associated with the aforementioned characterizations and ICP-OES spectroscopy. The Cu2+ ions release had no influence on the antibacterial effect although the presence of CuO was decisive in obtaining an antibacterial behaviour. The acquired results demonstrated a potential multifunctionality of Cu-Zr(O)N coatings, joining an aesthetical surface with an antibacterial effect.This research is sponsored by FEDER funds through the COMPETE program - Competitive Factors Operational Program - and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology - under the scope of the strategic funding of co-financed via UIDB/00285/2020 and UIDB/04650/2020 unit and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte, On-SURF (co-financed via FEDER (PT2020) POCI-01-0247-FEDER 546024521; The authors also thank the financial support in the framework of HEALTHYDENT - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030708) and ATRITO-0 (co-financed via FEDER (PT2020) POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-030446.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biodegradation of 2-fluorobenzoate in upflow fixed bed bioreactors operated with different growth support materials

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    Three upflow fixed bed bioreactors treating an aqueous stream containing 2-fluorobenzoate were operated for a period of 7months, during which they were exposed to high organic loading rates and starvation. The reactors contained granular activated carbon (GAC), polyethylene (PE) particles and expanded clay (EC) respectively as growth support for microbial biofilms. The performance of the reactors was compared and the biofilm microbial population was followed by cell counting and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The reactor containing GAC always had 100% removal efficiency owing to the adsorption properties of thematerial combined with biodegradation. The GAC reactor also recovered better after starvation periods in the sense that it showed more stable behaviour than the reactors containing EC and PE. The highest biological elimination capacity was observed for the reactor containing EC, which reached 200mg day−1 L−1 during reactor start-up, but during long-termoperation the reactor containing GAC showed the highest biological elimination capacity, 140mg day−1 L−1. DGGE analysis indicated that starvation periods seemed to be responsible for shifts in the microbial population

    Utilização do treino de pares na promoção da inclusão e socialização de um aluno com perturbação do espetro do autismo

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    O presente estudo decorreu no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Especial e visa a perceção e compreensão da forma como os pares e suas interações poderão ter influência no desenvolvimento de um aluno com Perturbação do Espetro do Autismo (PEA). Nas muitas fases de desenvolvimento de uma criança, as interações com os seus pares assumem um papel primordial. Como se sabe, uma criança com PEA pode apresentar poucas competências de comunicação e relacionamento interpessoal, que dificulta a socialização. É na escola que o saber estar com o(s) outro(s) ao lado do(s) outro(s) atinge o seu potencial, o que não pode passar despercebido aos agentes educativos que deverão procurar dar respostas e identificar estratégias quando esta competência se encontra comprometida. Por outro lado, tal como se pode comprovar através do presente estudo, reconhece-se que os próprios pares preenchem uma lacuna no que à interação com estas crianças diz respeito, mas revelam dificuldades em identificar as formas de o fazer. Sendo assim, o foco de estudo centra-se inevitavelmente não só na criança com PEA, como também nos seus pares. Ou seja, objetiva a mudança de comportamentos em todos os intervenientes do contexto educativo. Nesse sentido, surge a questão que serviu de base à investigação: “ de que forma o treino de pares potencia a socialização, a inclusão e a aprendizagem de alunos com PEA no meio escolar?”. De acordo com as suas características, este estudo assume um cariz qualitativo, de natureza interpretativa e de design de estudo de caso. O programa implementado permitiu aumentar a frequência de interações sociais entre pares

    Impacto da adoção da IFRIC 13 na contabilização de programas de passageiros frequentes

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    Face with accounting’s internalization, its timely to study the influence of those standards at national data. The International Financial Reporting Interpretation 13 (IFRIC 13) deals with accounting regarding customer loyalty programs, widely applied by airlines. Airlines have considerable influence at the economy, but there are few studies that pay attention to the information generated by these companies. Hence, this paper has the purpose of analyzing the impact of IFRIC 13 at annual financial statements of Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo listed companies: Gol and TAM. Thus, it was possible to notice that, as for the measurement of mileage points, both adopted incremental cost before the implementation IFRIC 13. In 2010 there were changes to the accounting-based deferred revenue recorded at fair value, as suggested by the standard. Additionally, we noticed that none of the companies anticipated the adoption of the standard IAS 18. At 2010, with the obligation of the IFRIC 13, both companies presented the consequent adjust of 2009 data. This modification made possible to notice that there was substantial modification at patrimonial composition, bottom line and financial indexes. Nonetheless, impact was stronger at TAM.Tendo em vista a internacionalização da contabilidade, é oportuno estudar a influência dessas normas nas informações nacionais. A International Financial Reporting Interpretation 13 (IFRIC 13) trata da contabilização dos programas de fidelidade de clientes, amplamente utilizado pelo setor de transporte aéreo. As companhias aéreas têm influência considerável na economia, mas são poucos os estudos contábeis que focam os dados por elas gerados. Outrossim, o presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar o impacto da adoção da IFRIC 13 nas demonstrações contábeis das companhias aéreas presentes na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo: Gol e TAM. Para isso foram utilizadas as informações anuais de 2009 e 2010. De tal modo, foi possível observar que, quanto à mensuração dos pontos de milhagem, ambas as empresas utilizavam anteriormente à norma o custo incremental, sendo que em 2010 houve a alteração para a contabilização com base na receita diferida, registrada ao valor justo, como sugerida pela IAS 18. Adicionalmente observou-se que em 2009 não houve antecipação da adoção da referida norma pelas empresas. Em 2010, com a obrigatoriedade de se contabilizar com base na IFRIC 13, as duas companhias apresentaram o consequente ajuste nos dados de 2009. Isso possibilitou concluir que as informações ajustadas destacaram a alteração da composição patrimonial, no resultado e em indicadores financeiros decorrente das novas regras. Não obstante, o impacto foi maior na TAM

    Recycling of marine aquaculture wastewater using a microalgae-bacterial granular sludge system

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    Aquaculture has become the fastest growing animal food-producing sector. In a near future, an intensification of the aquaculture practices is expected to cope with the ever-increasing fish demand. However, for land-based aquaculture farms, this growth implies the capture of higher water volumes from nearby water bodies and, consequently, the discharge of higher volumes of wastewater, containing organic carbon, nutrients, and often recalcitrant pollutants (e.g. pharmaceuticals). The expansion of the land-based aquaculture sector is currently offset due to the lack of space and water supplies, but also due to environmental concerns. Therefore, there is a need for innovative wastewater treatment systems able to reduce energy input, to improve resource use and to reduce the environmental impact. In the present study, microalgae-bacterial granules were developed from a phototrophic microbial consortium autochthonous to the water streams of a marine aquaculture facility. The granular biomass was able to efficiently treat marine aquaculture streams, even when sporadically the antibiotic florfenicol was present, with pollutant reaching levels that allowed water recirculation in fish farms. The ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations in the treated effluents were below the toxicity limits for marine fish and, the dissolved oxygen levels were within the ideal range for water recirculation. The granules microbial community was dynamic and, its structure was susceptible and adaptable to the changing operational reactor conditions such as the presence of the antibiotic florfenicol. The microbial diversity and functional redundancy within the microbial community seemed to be crucial for the adaptability of the system to the stressors presence. Th symbiosis established between microalgae and bacteria within granules allowed for the effective and environmentally sustainable treatment of marine aquaculture wastewater.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bacterial community and system performance of an aerobic granular sludge reactor treating pharmaceutical wastewater

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    Pharmaceuticals often reach wastewater treatment systems where low removal rates are observed. In the present study the potential impact of a mixture of such micro-pollutants on an aerobic granular sludge-sequencing batch reactor (AGS-SBR) was investigated using a lab-scale bioreactor. COD and P- removals were affected due to the load of pharmaceuticals resulting in a decrease of the COD uptake and the P-release during the anaerobic feeding phase, but the discharge limits were not exceeded. Nevertheless, both processes returned to its normal operation after resuming the pharmaceuticals feeding. The nitrification process was also affected but the activity of bacteria responsible for both nitrification steps was able to recover. The exposure to the pharmaceuticals induced alterations in the bacterial community structure

    Bioremediation of coastal aquaculture effluents spiked with florfenicol using microalgae-based granular sludge – a promising solution for recirculating aquaculture systems

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    Aquaculture is a crucial industry in the agri-food sector, but it is linked to serious environmental problems. There is a need for efficient treatment systems that allow water recirculation to mitigate pollution and water scarcity. This work aimed to evaluate the self-granulation process of a microalgae-based consortium and its capacity to bioremediate coastal aquaculture streams that sporadically contain the antibiotic florfenicol (FF). A photo-sequencing batch reactor was inoculated with an autochthonous phototrophic microbial consortium and was fed with wastewater mimicking coastal aquaculture streams. A rapid granulation process occurred within ca. 21 days, accompanied by a substantially increase of extracellular polymeric substances in the biomass. The developed microalgae-based granules exhibited high and stable organic carbon removal (83-100%). Sporadically wastewater contained FF which was partially removed (ca. 5.5-11.4%) from the effluent. In periods of FF load, the ammonium removal slightly decreased (from 100 to ca. 70%), recovering 2 days after FF feeding ceased. A high-chemical quality effluent was obtained, complying with ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations for water recirculation within a coastal aquaculture farm, even during FF feeding periods. Members belonging to the Chloroidium genus were predominant in the reactor inoculum (ca. 99%) but were replaced from day-22 onwards by an unidentified microalga from the phylum Chlorophyta (>61%). A bacterial community proliferated in the granules after reactor inoculation, whose composition varied in response to feeding conditions. Bacteria from the Muricauda and Filomicrobium genera, Rhizobiaceae, Balneolaceae, and Parvularculaceae families, thrived upon FF feeding. This study demonstrates the robustness of microalgae-based granular systems for aquaculture effluent bioremediation, even during periods of FF loading, highlighting their potential as a feasible and compact solution in recirculation aquaculture systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Changes in the bacterial community structure in two-stage constructed wetlands with different plants for industrial wastewater treatment

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    This study focused on the diversity of bacterial communities from two series of two-stage constructed wetlands (CWs) treating tannery wastewater, under different hydraulic conditions. Series were separately planted with Typha latifolia and Phragmites australis in expanded clay aggregates and operated for 31 months. The effect of plant species, hydraulic loading and unit stage on bacterial communities was addressed through bacterial enumeration and denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Diverse and distinct bacterial communities were found in each system unit, which was related in part to the type of plant and stage position (first or second unit in the series). Numerical analysis of DGGE profiles showed high diversity in each unit with an even distribution of species. No clear relation was established between the sample collection time, hydraulic loading applied and the bacterial diversity. Isolates retrieved from plant roots and substrates of CWs were affiliated with c-Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, a-Proteobacteria, Sphingobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Both series were effective in removing organic matter from the inlet wastewater, however, based on batch degradation experiments it seems that biodegradation was limited by the recalcitrant properties of the wastewaterinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio