3,063 research outputs found

    Rescuing over-activated microglia by acetominophen treatment restoers cognitive performance in the Dp(16) mouse model of Down Syndrome

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    Microglia are the resident immune cells of the brain and have been implicated in mechanisms essential for cognitive functions. Down syndrome (DS), the most frequent cause of genetic intellectual disability, is caused by the presence of a supernumerary chromosome 21, which contains genes essential for the function of the immune system. Here, we investigated the presence of microglial alterations and their implication for cognitive impairment in the Dp(16) mouse model of DS. In the hippocampus of Dp(16) mice and individuals with DS, we found microglial morphology indicative of an activated state. Accordingly, we found increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and a phagocytosis marker in Dp(16) mice. In addition, Dp(16) mice showed decreased dendritic spine density and cognitive deficits. Remarkably, depletion of defective microglia by PLX3397 treatment or rescue of the microglia activated state by the commonly used anti-inflammatory drug acetaminophen fully rescued dendritic-spine density and cognitive deficits in Dp(16) mice. Our data suggest an involvement of microglia in the cognitive impairment of DS animals and identify a new therapeutic approach for the potential rescue of cognitive disabilities in individuals with DS

    Mathematics and the world of work: a historical relationship

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    In this work, we weave strings of memories of the Escola Técnica Federal do Espírito Santo, in the 1960s, to highlight the important and complex relationship between mathematics and vocational education. Our goal is to show that the development of mathematics and its teaching, throughout history, walked side by side with the scientific and technological development, which made possible for people to create techniques and technologies to solve problem situations of their reality. Thus, in the context of the mid-twentieth century, mathematics teaching has become a very important element in the school curriculum and in vocational education, shedding light on the historicity and contradiction of the relationship between work and education. Thus, we conclude that the presence of mathematics in the curriculum of vocational education illuminates human existence, evidenced in the experiences that configure the conceptions of education, work and human kind

    Understanding money and its use: the functional and structural reasons behind the use of money

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    Project / JEL Classification: E51, E58The objective of the current essay is to understand the functional and structural reasons behind people’s use of money. Within this perspective, it explores the origins of money, the evolution of its concept and functionalities since early civilizations, its role within society, and lastly how is it created and controlled and the consequences of the current monetary system to the modern society. This research explains how people use money not only as a consequence of the historical functionalities that it has been fulfilling, but also as consequence of the current structure of the financial and monetary system that generates a dependency and addiction of the modern economy and its populations on this resource. A collateral conclusion of the current essay is the privileged position that commercial banks face in the modern economic system, that not only benefit from a constant transfer of wealth and accumulation of purchasing power from the rest of the economy to the banking sector, but also gives commercial banks a tremendous power to influence and shape most economy. The understanding of the concepts and research explored within the current essay, is fundamental to comprehend and properly lead with the root causes of some of the biggest problems of modern civilizations.O objetivo do presente ensaio é compreender as razões funcionais e estruturais que explicam a necessidade do uso do dinheiro. Dentro desta perspetiva, o presente texto explora as razões por de trás das origens deste objeto, a evolução do seu conceito e funcionalidades ao longo da história, bem como o seu processo de criação, controlo e as eventuais consequências do presente sistema monetário na sociedade moderna. Esta pesquisa explica que a população não só usa dinheiro devido às funcionalidades históricas que este têm vindo a desempenhar, mas também como uma consequência do atual método através do qual este utensilio é criado, que é responsável pela dependência das economias modernas e sua população ao papel desempenhado por este. Um resultado colateral do presente ensaio é a evidência duma posição privilegiada desempenhada pelos bancos comercias, que não só beneficiam duma constante transferência de riqueza e acumulação de poder de compra do resto da economia para o sector bancário, mas que também detêm um enorme poder para influenciar o funcionamento e estrutura da restante economia. A compreensão de alguns destes e outros conceitos explorados na presente tese é fundamental para uma abordagem mais eficaz à eliminação das causas de alguns dos maiores problemas da sociedade moderna

    Computer Music and Digital Media Art Through a Web-Based Collaborative Interface

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    A dissertação apresentada é resultado de uma investigação em interfaces colaborativas usando tecnologias web, feita no contexto do Braga Media Arts. Como resultado é apresentado um ambiente audiovisual em rede como desenvolvimento prático, o Akson. O Akson foi inicialmente concebido como uma exploração do que poderia ser construído aproveitando a infraestrutura global da Internet, bem como a reprodução musical e visual em vários dispositivos. Este sistema foi feito pensando em seu uso em performance ao vivo e é capaz de interagir com os dispositivos do público.The dissertation presented is the result of an investigation into collaborative interfaces using web technologies, done in the context of Braga Media Arts. As a result an audiovisual environment is presented as a practical development, Akson. Akson was initially conceived of as an exploration into what could be built by leveraging global internet infrastructure as well as musical and visual playback across multiple devices. This system was done thinking about its use in live performance and is able to interact with the devices of the public

    Bernardo Beiguelman (1932-2010)

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    Coral Unila (Todocanto)

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    VII Seminário de Extensão Universitária da UNILA (SEUNI); VIII Encontro de Iniciação Científica e IV Encontro de Iniciação em Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação (EICTI 2019) e Seminário de Atividades Formativas da UNILA (SAFOR)El objetivo del resumen expandido es realizar una breve contextualización del coro de la UNILA. Tratándose de una agrupación vocal con fines de integración social y creación de nuevos focos de difusión cultural dentro de la ciudad, el coro se presenta desde su creación en diversos encuentros internacionales de coros, congresos científicos y actividades culturales. El coro reúne estudiantes y técnicos de la UNILA, además de miembros de la comunidad en general. Se realizan prácticas generales y grupales con cada naipe, con el objetivo de enseñar de la forma más didáctica posible el dominio de diversas técnicas y texturas vocales, aplicadas a un repertorio creciente de piezas eruditas y populares. De esta forma, la música vocal se usa como factor fundamental de socialización, pedagogía y difusión culturalAgradezco a la Universidad Federal de la Integración Latinoamericana (UNILA), responsable por otorgarme la beca de bolsista en el Coro. Ese incentivo financiero me permite crecer y mejorar no sólo como intérprete vocal, en lo cual se basa mi formación, sino también como pedagoga y profesional de la vo

    Distributed architecture to enhance systems protection against unauthorized activity via USB devices

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    Cyberattacks exploiting Universal Serial Bus (USB) interfaces may have a high impact on individual and corporate systems. The BadUSB is an attack where a USB device’s firmware is spoofed and, once mounted, allows attackers to execute a set of malicious actions in a target system. The countermeasures against this type of attack can be grouped into two strategies: phyiscal blocking of USB ports and software blocking. This paper proposes a distributed architecture that uses software blocking to enhance system protection against BadUSB attacks. This architecture is composed of multiple agents and external databases, and it is designed for personal or corporate computers using Microsoft Windows Operating System. When a USB device is connected, the agent inspects the device, provides filtered information about its functionality and presents a threat assessment to the user, based on all previous user choices stored in external databases. By providing valuable information to the user, and also threat assessments from multiple users, the proposed distributed architecture improves system protection