164 research outputs found

    Regularisation, renormalisation and anomalies in quantum mechanics

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    Quantify and account for field reference errors in forest remote sensing studies

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    Field inventoried data are often used as references (ground truth) in forest remote sensing studies. However, the reference values are affected by various kinds of errors, which tend to make the reported accuracies of the remote sensing-based predictions worse than they are. The more accurate the remote sensing techniques are becoming, the more pronounced this problem will be. This paper addresses the impact of uncertainties in field reference data due to measurement errors, model errors, and position errors when evaluating the accuracy of biomass predictions from airborne laser scanning at plot level. We present novel theoretical analysis methods that take the interactions of the error sources into account. Further, an error characterization model (ECM) is used to describe the error structure of the remote sensing-based predictions, and we show how the parameters of the ECM can be adjusted when field references contain errors. We also show how root mean square error (RMSE) estimates can be adjusted. Based on data from Scandinavian forests, we conclude that the field reference errors have an impact on the remote sensing-based predictions. By accounting for these errors the RMSE of the remote sensing-based predictions was reduced by 6-18%. The most influential sources of error in the field references were found to be the residual errors of the allometric biomass model and the field plot position errors. Together, these two sources accounted for 97% of the variance while measurement errors and biomass model parameter uncertainties were negligible in our study

    Här lades grunden till den arabiska våren

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    Mohamed Bouazizi lit himself on fire in December 2010 in Tunisia. That was the starting point for what would then be known as the Arabic Spring where public mass protests managed to oust the leaders of countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Protests arose in virtually all arabic states during the following months. In this essay it will not be the revolution itself in focus. Instead it will focus on how the civil society in Tunisia re-emerged after being heavily crippled by President Ben Ali and was politicized once again and made the revolution possible

    Vattenlogistik vid stubbehandling i slutavverkning

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    Water logistics has long been a problem in order to effectively carry out stump treatment in both thinning and final felling. It is important that the stump treatment‐ equipment is configured as well as a sufficient amount of water is carried out on the harvester to get a cost‐ effective treatment. The flow control of the equipment has improved and water can be dispensed more efficient, but still the amount of water on the machine is a crucial factor in the total cost estimate. The knowledge of the tools available to bring water as well as the internal logistics of loading and transport to the felling site is deficient. Increased focus on "smart" solutions to manage water cost is of great importance in order to combat Hetrobasidion spp in both thinning and final felling. The purpose of the study is to describe and summarize different solutions of water logistics at stump treatment in final felling. Holmen Skog's goal is to find good ways and a possible equipment to get a cost‐ effective solution of water logistics. The two contractors Thörnwalls and MJN have developed their own ways to get an effective water logistics and their solutions will be studied in more detail. The results of the study show that the duration of Thörnwalls water logistics requires about 50 minutes per working day. The water Logistics of MJN requires about 20 minutes per working day. Both contractors have developed a water logistics with a few and effective moments. Thörnwalls has managed to develop a way to work that is free from physical handling of water, MJN have the same goal. To get an efficient water logistics requires primarily an approach based on procedures and division of responsibility. The equipment must be properly adjusted and all the physical lifting moments with water should be avoided to make logistics easy and efficient

    Both deterioration and improvement in activities of daily living are related to falls: a 6-year follow-up of the general elderly population study Good Aging in Skåne.

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    To determine the relationship between long-term change in activities of daily living (ADL) and falls in the elderly and to identify characteristics of groups at risk for falls

    Vitryssland och Litauen - tro och tvivel i två forna sovjetstater

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    1991 blev både Litauen och Vitryssland självständiga från Sovjetunionen. Därefter har ländernas demokratiska utveckling sett ut på diametralt olika sätt. I denna uppsats utreder vi hur det kunnat ske och vi gör det med ett fokus på civilsamhället i de olika länderna. Det litauiska civilsamhället byggdes upp redan under sovjettiden och strävade efter demokrati och självständighet medan någon sådan strävan knappt existerade i Vitryssland. Istället fick man i Vitrysland sin självständighet motvilligt till skänks och det fanns inget civilsamhälle redo att förvalta den och utveckla Vitryssland demokratiskt. Konsekvenserna av vad som skedde med länderna och deras respektive civilsamhällen före-, under- och efter sin självständighet ser vi 2015 då Litauen är med i såväl Nato, som EU och eurosamarbetet medan Vitrysslands president Lukasjenko omnämns som Europas siste diktator

    Comparing TanDEM-X InSAR Forest Stand Volume Prediction Models Trained Using Field and ALS Data

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    Remote sensing (RS) techniques have been used for mapping forest variables, such as stem volume (important for forest management activities associated with timber production), over large areas which can be updated more frequently than with field inventory (FI) data. In this study, wall-to-wall TanDEM-X synthetic aperture radar images were used as auxiliary RS data for model-based prediction of stand-level volumes for two models, trained using volumes computed from FI (A) and airborne laser scanning estimations (B), respectively. The models were validated with harvester data available for independent stands. It was observed that the performance of model B was slightly better compared to model A based on adjusted R 2 and root mean squared error values. Therefore, it can be concluded that a completely RS based approach for prediction and mapping of stand volumes would be as promising as a method based on FI data along with being cost- and labour-efficient

    Perceived home is associated with psychological well-being in a cohort aged 67–70 years

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    Research on very old people has shown that perceived aspects of home are important for health, but research on such associations in younger cohorts of older people is lacking. The aim of this study was to investigate whether perceived aspects of home were associated with psychological well-being among community-living people aged 67–70. Interview data were collected with 371 individuals living in ordinary housing in southern Sweden. Statistical analyses revealed that depression was less common among participants who reported cognitive-emotional and social bonding to the home, and among those who felt that they had control over their housing situation. The behavioral, social and physical aspects of meaning of home as well as external control beliefs were associated with psychological well-being. Showing that perceived aspects of home are relevant for psychological well-being among people aged 67–70, this study adds to the knowledge on home and health dynamics during the ageing process

    Why ecosystem characteristics predicted from remotely sensed data are unbiased and biased at the same time – And how this affects applications

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    Remotely sensed data are frequently used for predicting and mapping ecosystem characteristics, and spatially explicit wall-to-wall information is sometimes proposed as the best possible source of information for decisionmaking. However, wall-to-wall information typically relies on model-based prediction, and several features of model-based prediction should be understood before extensively relying on this type of information. One such feature is that model-based predictors can be considered both unbiased and biased at the same time, which has important implications in several areas of application. In this discussion paper, we first describe the conventional model-unbiasedness paradigm that underpins most prediction techniques using remotely sensed (or other) auxiliary data. From this point of view, model-based predictors are typically unbiased. Secondly, we show that for specific domains, identified based on their true values, the same model-based predictors can be considered biased, and sometimes severely so. We suggest distinguishing between conventional model-bias, defined in the statistical literature as the difference between the expected value of a predictor and the expected value of the quantity being predicted, and design-bias of model-based estimators, defined as the difference between the expected value of a model-based estimator and the true value of the quantity being predicted. We show that model-based estimators (or predictors) are typically design-biased, and that there is a trend in the design-bias from overestimating small true values to underestimating large true values. Further, we give examples of applications where this is important to acknowledge and to potentially make adjustments to correct for the design-bias trend. We argue that relying entirely on conventional model-unbiasedness may lead to mistakes in several areas of application that use predictions from remotely sensed data

    Исследование влияния состава материала на основе эпоксиполиэфирной смолы на его свойства

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    Материалы XX Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Гомель, 23–24 апр. 2020 г