273 research outputs found

    The energy calibration of LEP in the 1993 scan

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    This report summarizes the procedure for providing the absolute energy calibration of the LEP beams during the energy scan in 1993. The average beam energy around the LEP ring was measured in 25 calibrations with the resonant depolarization technique. The time variation of this average beam energy is well described by a model of the accelerator based on monitored quantities. The absolute calibration of the centre of mass energies of the off-peak points is determined with a precision of 2 parts in 10(5) resulting in a systematic error on the Z-mass of about 1.4 MeV and on the Z-width of about 1.5 MeV

    Using Transcription Modules to Identify Expression Clusters Perturbed in Williams-Beuren Syndrome

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    The genetic dissection of the phenotypes associated with Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) is advancing thanks to the study of individuals carrying typical or atypical structural rearrangements, as well as in vitro and animal studies. However, little is known about the global dysregulations caused by the WBS deletion. We profiled the transcriptomes of skin fibroblasts from WBS patients and compared them to matched controls. We identified 868 differentially expressed genes that were significantly enriched in extracellular matrix genes, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, as well as genes in which the products localize to the postsynaptic membrane. We then used public expression datasets from human fibroblasts to establish transcription modules, sets of genes coexpressed in this cell type. We identified those sets in which the average gene expression was altered in WBS samples. Dysregulated modules are often interconnected and share multiple common genes, suggesting that intricate regulatory networks connected by a few central genes are disturbed in WBS. This modular approach increases the power to identify pathways dysregulated in WBS patients, thus providing a testable set of additional candidates for genes and their interactions that modulate the WBS phenotypes

    Evolution of the capsular gene locus of Streptococcus pneumoniae serogroup 6

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae expressing serogroup 6 capsules frequently causes pneumococcal infections and the evolutionary origins of the serogroup 6 strains have been extensively studied. However, these studies were performed when serogroup 6 had only two known members (serotypes 6A and 6B) and before the two new members (serotypes 6C and 6D) expressing wciNβ were found. We have therefore reinvestigated the evolutionary origins of serogroup 6 by examining the profiles of the capsule gene loci and the multilocus sequence types (MLSTs) of many serogroup 6 isolates from several continents. We confirmed that there are two classes of cps locus sequences for serogroup 6 isolates. In our study, class 2 cps sequences were limited to a few serotype 6B isolates. Neighbour-joining analysis of cps sequence profiles showed a distinct clade for 6C and moderately distinct clades for class 1 6A and 6B sequences. The serotype 6D cps profile was found within the class 1 6B clade, suggesting that it was created by recombination between 6C and 6B cps loci. Interestingly, all 6C isolates also had a unique wzy allele with a 6 bp deletion. This suggests that serotype switching to 6C involves the transfer of a large (>4 kb) gene segment that includes both the wciNβ allele and the ‘short’ wzy allele. The MLST studies of serotype 6C isolates suggest that the 6C cps locus is incorporated into many different pneumococcal genomic backgrounds but that, interestingly, 6C cps may have preferentially entered strains of the same genomic backgrounds as those of serotype 6A

    Phenotypic Consequences of Copy Number Variation: Insights from Smith-Magenis and Potocki-Lupski Syndrome Mouse Models

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    The characterization of mice with different number of copies of the same genomic segment shows that structural changes influence the phenotypic outcome independently of gene dosage

    A Large Expansion of the HSFY Gene Family in Cattle Shows Dispersion across Yq and Testis-Specific Expression

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    Heat shock transcription factor, Y-linked (HSFY) is a member of the heat shock transcriptional factor (HSF) family that is found in multiple copies on the Y chromosome and conserved in a number of species. Its function still remains unknown but in humans it is thought to play a role in spermatogenesis. Through real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses we determined that the HSFY family is largely expanded in cattle (∼70 copies) compared with human (2 functional copies, 4 HSFY-similar copies). Unexpectedly, we found that it does not vary among individual bulls as a copy number variant (CNV). Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) we found that the copies are dispersed along the long arm of the Y chromosome (Yq). HSFY expression in cattle appears restricted to the testis and its mRNA correlates positively with mRNA markers of spermatogonial and spermatocyte cells (UCHL1 and TRPC2, respectively) which suggests that HSFY is expressed (at least in part) in early germ cells

    Widespread modulation of gene expression by copy number variation in skeletal muscle

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    Copy number variation (CNV) is a frequently observed deviation from the diploid state due to duplication or deletion of genomic regions. Although intensively analyzed for association with diseases and production traits, the specific mechanisms and extent by which such variations affect the phenotype are incompletely understood. We present an integrative study on CNV and genome-wide gene expression in Brazilian Bos indicus cattle. We analyzed CNVs inferred from SNP-chip data for effects on gene expression measured with RNA-seq in skeletal muscle samples of 183 steers. Local effects, where expression changes coincided with CNVs in the respective genes, were restricted to immune genes. Distal effects were attributable to several high-impact CNVs that modulated remote expression in an orchestrated and intertwined fashion. These CNVs were located in the vicinity of major skeletal muscle pathway regulators and associated genes were enriched for proteolysis, autophagy, and muscle structure development. From association analysis between CNVs and several meat quality and production traits, we found CNV-associated expression effects to also manifest at the phenotype level. Based on genome sequences of the population founders, we further demonstrate that CNVs with impact on expression and phenotype are passed on from one generation to another

    Calibration of centre-of-mass energies at LEP1 for precise measurements of Z properties

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    The determination of the centre-of-mass energies from the LEP1 data for 1993, 1994 and 1995 is presented. Accurate knowledge of these energies is crucial in the measurement of the Z resonance param eters. The improved understanding of the LEP energy behaviour accumulated during the 1995 energy scan is detailed, while the 1993 and 1994 measurements are revised. For 1993 these supersede the pr eviously published values. Additional instrumentation has allowed the detection of an unexpectedly large energy rise during physics fills. This new effect is accommodated in the modelling of the beam-energy in 1995 and propagated to the 1993 and 1994 energies. New results are reported on the magnet temperature behaviour which constitutes one of the major corrections to the average LEP ene rgy. The 1995 energy scan took place in conditions very different from the previous years. In particular the interaction-point specific corrections to the centre-of-mass energy in 1995 are more complicated than previously: these arise from the modified radiofrequency-system configuration and from opposite-sign vertical dispersion induced by the bunch-train mode of LEP operation. Finall y an improved evaluation of the LEP centre-of-mass energy spread is presented. This significantly improves the precision on the Z width

    Defining motility in the Staphylococci

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    The ability of bacteria to move is critical for their survival in diverse environments and multiple ways have evolved to achieve this. Two forms of motility have recently been described for Staphylococcus aureus, an organism previously considered to be non-motile. One form is called spreading, which is a type of sliding motility and the second form involves comet formation, which has many observable characteristics associated with gliding motility. Darting motility has also been observed in Staphylococcus epidermidis. This review describes how motility is defined and how we distinguish between passive and active motility. We discuss the characteristics of the various forms of Staphylococci motility, the molecular mechanisms involved and the potential future research directions

    Staphylococcus aureus forms spreading dendrites that have characteristics of active motility

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    Staphylococcus aureus is historically regarded as a non-motile organism. More recently it has been shown that S. aureus can passively move across agar surfaces in a process called spreading. We re-analysed spreading motility using a modified assay and fo- cused on observing the formation of dendrites: branching structures that emerge from the central colony. We discovered that S. aureus can spread across the surface of media in struc- tures that we term ‘comets’, which advance outwards and precede the formation of dendrites. We observed comets in a diverse selection of S. aureus isolates and they exhibit the following behaviours: (1) They consist of phenotypically distinct cores of cells that move forward and seed other S. aureus cells behind them forming a comet ‘tail’; (2) they move when other cells in the comet tail have stopped moving; (3) the comet core is held together by a matrix of slime; and (4) the comets etch trails in the agar as they move forwards. Comets are not con- sistent with spreading motility or other forms of passive motility. Comet behaviour does share many similarities with a form of active motility known as gliding. Our observations therefore suggest that S. aureus is actively motile under certain conditions