59 research outputs found

    Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction Among Part-Time and Full-Time Faculty Members : A Comparative Study in School of Business And Management Institut Teknologi Bandung

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    Abstract. Employee engagement towards an organization is one of the most important aspects to look after. It is one of the many factors that contributes to the overall performance of an organization considering how almost everything inside an organization is run by human resource (which includes part time faculty members). This research aims to define part-time and full-time faculty members’ job satisfaction level and condition, thereafter employee engagement. This paper is limited to only comparing and evaluating the satisfaction level of full-time and part-time faculty members of the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, and focusing the analysis primarily towards factors that truly contribute to Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire’s job satisfaction and Gallup Q12, which will later determine overall employee engagement. The research participant is 40 people consisting of 29 part-time faculty members and 11 full-time faculty members and is conducted based on both primary and secondary data: primary being results based on circulating a 5-point Likert-scale questionnaire, and secondary being relevant information from online articles, websites, and offline references. This research will use Statistical Software for its analysis; T-Test to compare satisfaction and engagement between part-time and full-time faculty members, and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient to find correlation between the two variables. The results indicates that there is a strong, positive correlation between Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement level as where increases or decreases in satisfaction level were significantly related with increases or decreases in engagement level. Also, socio-demographic differences appeared to not have a significant impact on Faculty Members’ Job Satisfaction level, thereafter their Employee Engagement. The finding of this research is expected to help enhancing SBM ITB knowledge about their faculty members’ job satisfaction level, and be able to increase their engagement level. Key Words: Employee Engagement, Employee Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction, Part-Time, Faculty Member, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, Gallup Q12, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, T-Test, SPSS, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandun


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    One of the biggest FMCG companies in the country is Unilever Indonesia, which has already operated in Indonesia for more than 80 years. They have established their leadership in the Indonesian market since they have huge penetration even in the rural areas, and they have designed logistical and supply chain systems, especially in general and traditional trade and markets. However, since the 2010s, Unilever has faced huge competition, especially from local competitors in particular the home care, beauty, and personal care business categories. In the span of 10 years, their market share declined by almost 3.5%, while other small local manufacturers increased it by almost 7%. The study aims to identify the current product communication and claim regulatory and compliance review discussion called Local Claim Forum (LCF) flaws and loopholes, including the improvement area, propose the improvement plan for the LCF process, and propose the implementation timeline for the LCF process. The data analysis method(s) used are qualitative data analysis using thematic analysis. The study found that 1) effective communication is the main part to be improved in the socialization framework. 2) Knowledge and information documentation are the main concerns that need to be addressed in the externalization framework. 3) IT utilization and digital cloud storage are the main action plans for improving the Combination Framework. 4) LCF guidelines and additional training are needed to improve the internalization framework of the process


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    Recruiting can have the biggest impact on revenue in expanding organizations. Optimus Consulting is a local based start-up company in human resource offers executive search, recruitment process outsourcing, end-to-end mass hiring such as Management Trainee hiring program, and digital recruitment platform that helps recruiter to manage and monitor hiring process. The goal of the research is to develop a successful approach for recruiting and selecting the sales team in order to boost sales revenue. Throught a qualitative data analysis, the study found that sales team recruitment process are essential and will impact directly to the performance and the achievement of the particular sales. To address with the opportunities, Optimus should focus on improving the current recruitment process into new recruitment process with some new steps are adding into it. Some of the steps are technical assessment, simulation (case study and role play), background checking and medical check up. By addressing these opportunities, Optimus can effectively find the right sales talent to strengthen the sales team in order to increase the sales revenue and achieve its yearly targe

    Strengthening Human Capital Department Roles through Building Collaboration with External Stakeholders

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    Human capital department is found to have important roles in supporting the business objectives of a company. High competition in the customer goods industry makes the company strengthen its human capital department role because the human capital department becomes a strategic business partner. Most companies enhance their human capital departments internally, but internal resources have limitations in developing human capital department roles. The human capital department needs to look further to external resources that could support their roles. To strengthen human capital department roles through collaboration with external stakeholders needs further examination. This paper aimed to explore the external stakeholders in strengthening human capital department roles in consumer goods companies. Based on qualitative, semi-structured interviews of human capital leaders from five consumer goods companies in Indonesia, we identify six stakeholders based on the human capital department activities leading to human capital department roles. The external factors include outsourcing, vendors, government, business and professional associations, community, and university. Collaboration with these stakeholders strengthen the human capital department roles of consumer goods company

    The Effectiveness of “PLANS (Personality Fit Business)” Training on Choosing Business Categories

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    Many entrepreneur students run their businesses which are not congruent with their personality and it will affect the effectiveness of business performance. According to Holland (1985), congruency between personality and occupation can create personal satisfaction, increase productivity and successful career. The research aims to assess the effectiveness of “PLANS (Personality fit Business)” Training to increase congruency between the chosen business category and personality using Holland theory among entrepreneurship student candidates batch 2018 (N = 85). All of them got the "PLANS" Training which was divided into four sessions: (i) Self Exploration, (ii) Business Insights, (iii) Business Fields Exploration, and (iv) Exploration of Business Potential and Planning. The research was conducted quasi-experimental using pre-test and post-test without a control group. The measurements were based on personality SDS (Self Directed Search) Holland test and newly designed business category questionnaire based on the Standard Classification of Business Field in Indonesia 2015. Data were analyzed using Paired t-test with significance level α = 0.05. The result showed a significant difference of congruency between personality and chose business category before and after the training (t = 4.544, p = 0.00 (< 0.05)), (SD) pre-test = 34.71(29.857) and (SD) post-test = 51.71 (32.383). It means “PLANS” Training is effective in increasing congruency between personality and chosen business category among entrepreneurship college student candidates. Therefore, this research suggests the training to be integrated into entrepreneurship and other business school's curriculum like the School of Business and Management ITB as a guideline before starting their study. Research paper Keywords: Training Effectiveness, Holland Theory, Business Category, Entrepreneurship Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Ginting, H., Mustari, F. F. & Fitria, A. (2018). The Effectiveness of “PLANS (Personality Fit Business)” Training on Choosing Business Categories, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 6(2), 45–70

    The Effectiveness of “PLANS (Personality Fit Business)” Training on Choosing Business Categories

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    Many entrepreneur students run their businesses which are not congruent with their personality and it will affect the effectiveness of business performance. According to Holland (1985), congruency between personality and occupation can create personal satisfaction, increase productivity and successful career. The research aims to assess the effectiveness of “PLANS (Personality fit Business)” Training to increase congruency between the chosen business category and personality using Holland theory among entrepreneurship student candidates batch 2018 (N = 85). All of them got the "PLANS" Training which was divided into four sessions: (i) Self Exploration, (ii) Business Insights, (iii) Business Fields Exploration, and (iv) Exploration of Business Potential and Planning. The research was conducted quasi-experimental using pre-test and post-test without a control group. The measurements were based on personality SDS (Self Directed Search) Holland test and newly designed business category questionnaire based on the Standard Classification of Business Field in Indonesia 2015. Data were analyzed using Paired t-test with significance level α = 0.05. The result showed a significant difference of congruency between personality and chose business category before and after the training (t = 4.544, p = 0.00 (< 0.05)), (SD) pre-test = 34.71(29.857) and (SD) post-test = 51.71 (32.383). It means “PLANS” Training is effective in increasing congruency between personality and chosen business category among entrepreneurship college student candidates. Therefore, this research suggests the training to be integrated into entrepreneurship and other business school's curriculum like the School of Business and Management ITB as a guideline before starting their study. Research paper Keywords: Training Effectiveness, Holland Theory, Business Category, Entrepreneurship Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Ginting, H., Mustari, F. F. & Fitria, A. (2018). The Effectiveness of “PLANS (Personality Fit Business)” Training on Choosing Business Categories, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, 6(2), 45–70

    It is Fear, Not Disgust, That Enhances Memory: Experimental Study on Students in Bandung

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    A number of research findings have found the impact of emotion on memory. Some researchers stated that disgust has more impact on memory, however according to the current study the effect of fear cannot be ignored. Both disgust and fear are examples of negative emotion that may have a significant influence on behavior, such as in the attempt of creating a healthy lifestyle. The current study involved an experiment where participants were asked to memorize and recall four randomly displayed picture categories that elicit emotions of disgust, fear, joy, and neutral emotion. They also filled out a DS-R (Disgust Scale-Revised) questionnaire and a supporting questionnaire about healthy lifestyle. Analysis of the results showed that disgust did not show an effect on memory, but fear instead did. This is related to the fact that most participants showed a low degree of disgust, and so it was not considered a significant emotion that affected memory compared to fear. In addition, physiologically fear and disgust are managed by different parts of the brain and thus it was assumed that they will have a different impact on memory. The findings implied that, in campaigning for a healthier lifestyle, fear emotion need to be instilled in people

    Changing maladaptive beliefs among individuals with coronary heart disease using video information

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    Many individuals with coronary heart disease (CHD) have erroneous beliefs about the condition, which in turn increases anxiety and depression. Providing information and facts about CHD through video may be able to correct the wrong conceptions of individuals about their disease. A total of 150 individuals with CHD at Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia (male = 65%, female = 35%) were divided into a control group and two experimental groups, with a quasi-experimental before-after design. The participants completed the York Cardiac Beliefs questionnaire at the start of the measurement, immediately after watching the video (time 1), and again after watching the video six times over a two week period (time 2). Beck Anxiety Inventory and Beck Depression Inventory-II questionnaires were also completed by participants at the beginning of the experiment and at time 2. The repeated measures ANOVA analysis showed a significant decrease in both experimental groups in terms of wrong beliefs about CHD (t=8.68 8.69, p .01), anxiety (p .01), and depression (t=8.17 7.76, p .01). Watching videos giving facts and information about CHD can therefore correct erroneous beliefs about CHD, and reduce levels of anxiety and depression in individuals suffering from the disease
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