460 research outputs found

    Entropy and Temperature of a Static Granular Assembly

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    Granular matter is comprised of a large number of particles whose collective behavior determines macroscopic properties such as flow and mechanical strength. A comprehensive theory of the properties of granular matter, therefore, requires a statistical framework. In molecular matter, equilibrium statistical mechanics, which is founded on the principle of conservation of energy, provides this framework. Grains, however, are small but macroscopic objects whose interactions are dissipative since energy can be lost through excitations of the internal degrees of freedom. In this work, we construct a statistical framework for static, mechanically stable packings of grains, which parallels that of equilibrium statistical mechanics but with conservation of energy replaced by the conservation of a function related to the mechanical stress tensor. Our analysis demonstrates the existence of a state function that has all the attributes of entropy. In particular, maximizing this state function leads to a well-defined granular temperature for these systems. Predictions of the ensemble are verified against simulated packings of frictionless, deformable disks. Our demonstration that a statistical ensemble can be constructed through the identification of conserved quantities other than energy is a new approach that is expected to open up avenues for statistical descriptions of other non-equilibrium systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Maternal inheritance on reproductive traits in Brangus-Ibagé cattle.

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    A influência da herança citoplasmática sobre características reprodutivas foi investigada em bovinos Brangus-Ibagé (3/8 Nelore x 5/8 Aberdeen Angus). Os efeitos genéticos aditivos foram responsáveis por 12% ± 11% da variação fenotípica observada no primeiro intervalo entre partos, mas esta contribuição decresceu para zero quando todos os intervalos entre partos (IEP) foram considerados. A herdabilidade da idade para o primeiro parto (IPP, em dias) foi estimada em 0,19 ± 0,09. A linhagem mitocondrial teve um efeito negligenciável na variância fenotípica do intervalo entre partos (0,0 ± 0,02), peso do terneiro ao nascer (0,0 ± 0,01) e peso da vaca ao parto (0,0 ± 0,01). No entanto, para a idade ao primeiro parto, a linhagem mitocondrial contribuiu com 0,15 ± 0,07 da variação total. O peso da vaca ao parto teve efeito linear significante em IEP e IPP. Três mutações na região D-loop do mtDNA afetaram significantemente o IEP (T C nos sítios 16.113 e 16.119) ou o peso do terneiro ao nascer (T C no sítio 16.113). As variantes C diminuíram o intervalo entre partos (29 e 32 dias, respectivamente) e aumentaram o peso do terneiro (0,6kg). Embora os efeitos sejam pequenos, a seleção de fêmeas portadoras dessas mutações poderia melhorar o desempenho reprodutivo e o desenvolvimento deste rebanho

    Energy-stable discretization of the one-dimensional two-fluid model

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    In this paper we present a complete framework for the energy-stable simulation of stratified incompressible flow in channels, using the one-dimensional two-fluid model. Building on earlier energy-conserving work on the basic two-fluid model, our new framework includes diffusion, friction, and surface tension. We show that surface tension can be added in an energy-conserving manner, and that diffusion and friction have a strictly dissipative effect on the energy. We then propose spatial discretizations for these terms such that a semi-discrete model is obtained that has the same conservation properties as the continuous model. Additionally, we propose a new energy-stable advective flux scheme that is energy-conserving in smooth regions of the flow and strictly dissipative where sharp gradients appear. This is obtained by combining, using flux limiters, a previously developed energy-conserving advective flux with a novel first-order upwind scheme that is shown to be strictly dissipative. The complete framework, with diffusion, surface tension, and a bounded energy, is linearly stable to short wavelength perturbations, and exhibits nonlinear damping near shocks. The model yields smoothly converging numerical solutions, even under conditions for which the basic two-fluid model is ill-posed. With our explicit expressions for the dissipation rates, we are able to attribute the nonlinear damping to the different dissipation mechanisms, and compare their effects

    Dense active matter model of motion patterns in confluent cell monolayers

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    Epithelial cell monolayers show remarkable displacement and velocity correlations over distances of ten or more cell sizes that are reminiscent of supercooled liquids and active nematics. We show that many observed features can be described within the framework of dense active matter, and argue that persistent uncoordinated cell motility coupled to the collective elastic modes of the cell sheet is sufficient to produce swirl-like correlations. We obtain this result using both continuum active linear elasticity and a normal modes formalism, and validate analytical predictions with numerical simulations of two agent-based cell models, soft elastic particles and the self-propelled Voronoi model together with in-vitro experiments of confluent corneal epithelial cell sheets. Simulations and normal mode analysis perfectly match when tissue-level reorganisation occurs on times longer than the persistence time of cell motility. Our analytical model quantitatively matches measured velocity correlation functions over more than a decade with a single fitting parameter.Comment: updated version accepted for publication in Nat. Com

    Active Tension Network model suggests an exotic mechanical state realized in epithelial tissues.

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    Mechanical interactions play a crucial role in epithelial morphogenesis, yet understanding the complex mechanisms through which stress and deformation affect cell behavior remains an open problem. Here we formulate and analyze the Active Tension Network (ATN) model, which assumes that the mechanical balance of cells within a tissue is dominated by cortical tension and introduces tension-dependent active remodeling of the cortex. We find that ATNs exhibit unusual mechanical properties. Specifically, an ATN behaves as a fluid at short times, but at long times supports external tension like a solid. Furthermore, an ATN has an extensively degenerate equilibrium mechanical state associated with a discrete conformal - "isogonal" - deformation of cells. The ATN model predicts a constraint on equilibrium cell geometries, which we demonstrate to approximately hold in certain epithelial tissues. We further show that isogonal modes are observed in the fruit y embryo, accounting for the striking variability of apical areas of ventral cells and helping understand the early phase of gastrulation. Living matter realizes new and exotic mechanical states, the study of which helps to understand biological phenomena

    From crystal to amorphopus: a novel route towards unjamming in soft disk packings

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    It is presented a numerical study on the unjamming packing fraction of bi- and polydisperse disk packings, which are generated through compression of a monodisperse crystal. In bidisperse systems, a fraction f_+ = 40% up to 80% of the total number of particles have their radii increased by \Delta R, while the rest has their radii decreased by the same amount. Polydisperse packings are prepared by changing all particle radii according to a uniform distribution in the range [-\Delta R,\Delta R]. The results indicate that the critical packing fraction is never larger than the value for the initial monodisperse crystal, \phi = \pi/12, and that the lowest value achieved is approximately the one for random close packing. These results are seen as a consequence of the interplay between the increase in small-small particle contacts and the local crystalline order provided by the large-large particle contacts.Comment: two columns, 14 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.