20 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan suatu aplikasi yang dapat menunjukan
keserupaan antara dua file atau web yang dibangun dalam XML. Tahapan
pengembangannya adalah diawali dengan perancangan program dengan
menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML), penulisan program dengan
menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan XML serta Wamp sebagai server,
tahap akhir dari pengembangan adalah uji coba aplikasi pada beberapa web.
Aplikasi keserupaan XML menggunakan parameter berupa nilai edit distance dan
keserupaan XML. Semakin besar nilai edit distance makan semakin jauh
keserupaan web dan sebaliknya semakin kecil nilai edit distance maka semakin
dekat keserupaannya. Sedangkan pada nilai keserupaan XML semakin besar nilai
keserupaan XML maka semakin dekat keseruapaanya dan sebaliknya jika nilai
keserupaan XML semakin kecil semakin jauh keserupaannya
Technology is a community need, knowing that the internet can help people in many ways such as connectivity and a very wide range, reducing communication costs, interaction, flexibility, and being able to spread knowledge quickly and easily for online transactions. The theory used in this research is Online Customer Reviews, Advertising and Purchase Intention. The variables in this study are divided into two types, namely the independent variable and the dependent variable. The independent variables in this study are Online Customer Reviews and Advertising, while the dependent variable in this study is Purchase Interest. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 112 respondents in the sample of TikTok consumers in DKI Jakarta. Sampling was done by purposive sampling. The analytical methods used include Validity Test, Reliability Test, Normality Test, Multicollinearity Test, Heteroscedasticity Test, Multiple Regression Analysis Test, T Test and F Test. The test was carried out using the help of SPSS 26. The conclusion of this study is that the results of the data show that there is an effect of online customer reviews on Purchase Intention while advertising is not affected by Purchase Intention
Penerapan Iptek Pada Kambing Perah di Desa Jati Emas Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat
Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah agar peserta pelatihan yang merupakan peternak kambing perah yang terdapat di desa Jati Emas dapat menerapkan manajemen pemeliharaan kambing perah yang baik, dapat membuat pakan komplit dan melakukan seleksi pejantan. Agar tujuan pemeliharaan kambing perah berupa penghasil susu dapat tercapai seiring dengan kebijakan pemerintah daerah yang akan menjadikan desa Jati Emas sebagai sentra penghasil susu kambing. Metode pelaksanaan berupa pendekatan partisipatif dengan melibatkan peternak yang tergabung dalam kelompok tani Makmur dan Suka Maju, perangkat desa Jati Emas dan dinas Ketahanan Pangan kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini terdiri dari tiga tahap,yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan melihat hasil evaluasi terhadap kehadiran dan keaktifan peserta pelatihan dalam diskusi maupun dalam penerapan Iptek. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini adalah terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan peserta pelatihan terhadap manajemen pemeliharan kambing perah yang baik, mampu membuat pakan komplit untuk kambing perah dan dapat melakukan seleksi pejantan. Peningkatan pengetahuan ini diiringi dengan penerapannya pada usaha ternak kambing yang mereka jalani. Selanjutnya masih perlu dilakukan program pendampingan dalam upaya mewujudkan desa Jati Emas sebagai sentra penghasil susu kambing di kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat khususnya dan propinsi Jambi pada umumnya
Analysis of the Use of Social Media as a Promotional Tool to Attract Tourists in the Village of Belitar Seberang
The study aims to analyze the use of social media as a promotional tool to attract tourists to visit Belitar Seberang Village, Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu. Researchers use a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques of interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Informants were selected through purposive sampling techniques with informant criteria, namely Seberang Village tourism managers, tourism village social media managers, and Seberang Village tour visitors. The data was analyzed using the Miles and Huberman technique. Then the results of the study were analyzed using Herbert Blumer Symbolic Interactionism Theory. The results showed that promotions were carried out on several social media platforms such as Instagram with the account name @desawisatabelitarseberang whose number of followers was 4,065 with several posts 216. Then Facebook Desa Wisata Belitar Seberang which has 835 followers, YouTube channel Desa Wisata Belitar Seberang with 223 subscribers, and Twitter @belirang which only has 4 followers. When viewed from the content uploaded, the number of posts per month is 4 to 5 content and with the number of likes that are also more than other platforms, reaching more than 25 likes per content. All data is taken as of October 16, 2023. Based on these data, it can be seen that Instagram is the platform with the most followers or followers. This means that Instagram is the most effective platform for promoting Sabrang Village tourism to attract tourists
Bacterial indicators reveal water quality status of Rangkui River, Bangka Island, Indonesia
Rangkui River flows across Pangkal Pinang City, the capital of Bangka Belitung Province. Land uses vary and can inevitably be pollution hot-spots for this river. This study aimed to investigate the current status of Rangkui River based on bacterial indicators in association with other water quality parameters. The sample collection was completed in March 2017 within 6 stations. Water quality parameters observed were temperature, TSS, turbidity, pH, DO, salinity, BOD, COD, Nitrate and Phosphate. The results of faecal coliform observation indicated that the stations closer to upstream (station 1, 2, 3) showed lower faecal coliform concentration (530-940 MPN/100 ml) as compared to those closer to downstream (station 4, 5, 6) which had the amount of ~11,000 MPN/100 ml. Phylogenetic study emphasized that isolates of interest were more similar to Escherichia group. The water from Rangkui River could be classified from Class I to Class IV according to Indonesia Government Regulation No.82/2001. PCA revealed Station 3 and 6 obviously separated from other stations so that more concerns should be given to improving water quality in these areas
Penyelesaian Tindak Pidana Ilegal Fishing: Asas Manfaat Diwilayah Hukum Pengadilan Perikanan Tanjungpinang
The status of fish evidence resulting from the crime of illegal fishing in the last three years At the Tanjungpinang District Court, it was destroyed during the investigation stage. The purpose of this research is to find out the obstacles and legal settlement of fish resulting from the criminal act of Illegal Fishing in a review of the principle of benefit. The research method to be carried out is empirical juridical research. Juridical settlement of fish resulting from the criminal act of Illegal Fishing in the review of the principle of benefit at the Tanjungpinang Fisheries Court can actually be carried out through auctions and grants. Barriers to the use of fish resulting from the criminal act of Illegal Fishing at the Tanjungpinang Fisheries Court, namely the caught fish are mostly rotten before the legal case is completed or a court order is issued, The next problem is if the fish are auctioned, most of the fish are not sold, Another obstacle PSDKP Batam does not have a place frozen freezer storage for the fish. Another way to store the caught fish is to rent a place to the private sector, but the price associated with the rental will be of high value and will be detrimental to the State.Status barang bukti ikan hasil tindak pidana Ilegal Fishing tiga tahun terakhir Pada Pengadilan Negeri Tanjungpinang dimusnahkan di tahap penyidikan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui hambatan dan penyelesaian yuridis ikan hasil tindak pidana Ilegal Fishing dalam tinjauan asas manfaat. Metode penelitian yang akan dilakukan adalah penelitian yuridis empiris.Penyelesaian yuridis ikan hasil tindak pidana Ilegal Fishing dalam tinjauan asas manfaat pada Pengadilan Perikanan Tanjungpinang sejatinya dapat dilaksanakan melalui pelelangan dan hibah. Hambatan dalam pemanfaatan ikan hasil tindak pidana Ilegal Fishing pada Pengadilan Perikanan Tanjungpinang yaitu ikan yang ditangkap tersebut kebanyakan busuk sebelum kasus hukumnya selesai atau penetapan pengadilan dikeluarkan, Permasalahan selanjutnya ialah apabila ikan tersebut dilelang, kebanyakan ikan itu tidak laku, Hambatan lainnya PSDKP Batam tidak memiliki tempat penyimpanan freezer beku untuk ikan-ikan tersebut, Cara lain untuk menyimpan ikan-ikan hasil tangkapan tersebut ialah menyewa tempat ke pihak swasta, namun harga terkait penyewaan itu akan bernilai tinggi dan nantinya akan merugikan Negara