11 research outputs found

    Parental Income and Child Health in Germany

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    Disability, Pension Reform and Early Retirement in Germany

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    The aim of this paper is to describe for (West) Germany the historical relationship between health and disability on the one hand and old-age labor force participation or early retirement on the other hand. We explore how both are linked with various pension reforms. To put the historical developments into context, the paper first describes the most salient features and reforms of the pension system since the 1960s. Then we show how mortality, health and labor force participation of the elderly have changed since the 1970. While mortality (as our main measure of health) has continuously decreased and population health improved, labor force participation has also decreased, which is counterintuitive. We then look at a number of specific pension reforms in the 1970s and 1980s and show that increasing or decreasing the generosity of the pension system has had the expected large effects on old-age labor force participation. Finally, we explore the possible link between early childhood environment and early retirement by analyzing the retirement behavior of cohorts born during World War I, a period of harsh living conditions among the civilian population in Germany. Our data show higher early retirement rates among those cohorts, presumably because those cohorts still suffer from worse health on average many decades after their birth.

    Does compulsory schooling affect health? Evidence from ambulatory claims data

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    Using claims data on more than 23 million statutorily insured, we investigate the causal effect of schooling on health in the largest and most comprehensive analysis for Germany to date. In a regression discontinuity approach, we exploit changes in compulsory schooling in West Germany to estimate the reduced form effect of the reforms on health, measured by doctor diagnoses in ICD-10 format covering physical as well as mental health conditions. To mitigate the problem that empirical results depend on subjective decisions made by the researcher, we perform specification curve analyses to assess the robustness of findings across various model specifications. We find that the reforms have, at best, very small impacts on the examined doctor diagnoses. In most of the specifications we estimate insignificant effects that are close to zero and often of the 'wrong' sign. Therefore, our study questions the presence of the large positive effects of education on health that are found in the previous literature

    The effects of audits and fines on upcoding in neonatology

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    Upcoding is a common type of fraud in healthcare. However, how audit policies need to be designed to cope with upcoding is not well understood. We provide causal evidence on the effect of random audits with different probabilities and financial consequences. Using a controlled laboratory experiment, we mimic the decision situation of obstetrics staff members to report birth weights of neonatal infants. Subjects' payments in the experiment depend on their reported birth weights and follow the German non-linear diagnosis-related group remuneration for neonatal care. Our results show that audits with low detection probabilities only reduce fraudulent birth-weight reporting, when they are coupled with fines for fraudulent reporting. For audit policies with fines, increasing the probability of an audit only effectively enhances honest reporting, when switching from detectable to less gainful undetectable upcoding is not feasible. Implications for audit policies are discussed

    The Consortium on Health and Ageing: Network of Cohorts in Europe and the United States (CHANCES) project-design, population and data harmonization of a large-scale, international study

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    There is a public health demand to prevent health conditions which lead to increased morbidity and mortality among the rapidly-increasing elderly population. Data for the incidence of such conditions exist in cohort studies worldwide, which, however, differ in various aspects. The Consortium on Health and Ageing: Network of Cohorts in Europe and the United States (CHANCES) project aims at harmonizing data from existing major longitudinal studies for the elderly whilst focussing on cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, cancer, fractures and cognitive impairment in order to estimate their prevalence, incidence and cause-specific mortality, and identify lifestyle, socioeconomic, and genetic determinants and biomarkers for the incidence of and mortality from these conditions. A survey instrument assessing ageing-related conditions of the elderly will be also developed. Fourteen cohort studies participate in CHANCES with 683,228 elderly (and 150,210 deaths), from 23 European and three non-European countries. So far, 287 variables on health conditions and a variety of exposures, including biomarkers and genetic data have been harmonized. Different research hypotheses are investigated with meta-analyses. The results which will be produced can help international organizations, governments and policy-makers to better understand the broader implications and consequences of ageing and thus make informed decisions