150 research outputs found

    Hidden Architectures

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    An immersive performance installation and sensory experience, the work features an original live score composed for dancers, prepared electric guitars, and electronics. Hidden Architectures explores the connections and social knots that we make as humans. Driven by the interconnectivity of sound, movement & materials, it asks, what does it mean to be connected? Do our connections constrain us or liberate us? Are we ever able to act independently of one another? Hidden Architectures is performed by pairs of people, connected mouth-to-mouth by amplified, near-invisible threads which resonate as the people fall, trace, and carve through space. A weaving of movement, sound, materials, light and environment, in conversation with and transforming each other. The work is inspired by and includes excerpts from the writings of Tim Ingold: “To live, every being must put out a line, and in life these lines tangle with one another.” Tim Ingold, The Life of Line

    The maladaptive personality traits of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) in relation to the HEXACO personality factors and Schizotypy/Dissociation

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    The Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5), a new measure of maladaptive personality traits, has recently been developed by the DSM-5 Personality and Personality Disorders Workgroup. The PID-5 variables were examined within the seven-factor space defined by the six HEXACO factors and the Schizotypy/Dissociation factor (Ashton & Lee, 2012) using participant samples from Canada (N = 378) and the Netherlands (N = 476). Extension analyses showed that several PID-5 facet-level scales represented each of the Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and Schizotypy/Dissociation factors. In contrast, only one PID-5 scale loaded strongly on HEXACO Agreeableness, and no PID-5 scales loaded strongly on Openness to Experience. In addition, a joint factor analysis involving the PID-5 variables and facets of the Five-Factor Model was conducted in the Canadian sample and recovered a set of seven factors corresponding rather closely to the HEXACO factors plus Schizotypy/Dissociation. The authors discuss implications for the assessment and structure of normal and abnormal personality. © 2012 The Guilford Press

    Capillary rarefaction during bed rest is proportionally less than fibre atrophy and loss of oxidative capacity

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    Background: Muscle disuse from bed rest or spaceflight results in losses in muscle mass, strength and oxidative capacity. Capillary rarefaction may contribute to muscle atrophy and the reduction in oxidative capacity during bed rest. Artificial gravity may attenuate the negative effects of long-term space missions or bed rest. The aim of the present study was to assess (1) the effects of bed rest on muscle fibre size, fibre type composition, capillarization and oxidative capacity in the vastus lateralis and soleus muscles after 6 and 55 days of bed rest and (2) the effectiveness of artificial gravity in mitigating bed-rest-induced detriments to these parameters. Methods: Nineteen participants were assigned to a control group (control, n = 6) or an intervention group undergoing 30 min of centrifugation (n = 13). All underwent 55 days of head-down tilt bed rest. Vastus lateralis and soleus biopsies were taken at baseline and after 6 and 55 days of bed rest. Fibre type composition, fibre cross-sectional area, capillarization indices and oxidative capacity were determined. Results: After just 6 days of bed rest, fibre atrophy (−23.2 ± 12.4%, P < 0.001) and reductions in capillary-to-fibre ratio (C:F; 1.97 ± 0.57 vs. 1.56 ± 0.41, P < 0.001) were proportional in both muscles as reflected by a maintained capillary density. Fibre atrophy proceeded at a much slower rate between 6 and 55 days of bed rest (−11.6 ± 12.1% of 6 days, P = 0.032) and was accompanied by a 19.1% reduction in succinate dehydrogenase stain optical density (P < 0.001), without any further significant decrements in C:F (1.56 ± 0.41 vs. 1.49 ± 0.37, P = 0.459). Consequently, after 55 days of bed rest, the capillary supply–oxidative capacity ratio of a fibre had increased by 41.9% (P < 0.001), indicating a capillarization in relative excess of oxidative capacity. Even though the heterogeneity of capillary spacing (LogRSD) was increased after 55 days by 12.7% (P = 0.004), tissue oxygenation at maximal oxygen consumption of the fibres was improved after 55 days bed rest. Daily centrifugation failed to blunt the bed-rest-induced reductions in fibre size and oxidative capacity and capillary rarefaction. Conclusions: The relationship between fibre size and oxidative capacity with the capillary supply of a fibre is uncoupled during prolonged bed rest as reflected by a rapid loss of muscle mass and capillaries, followed at later stages by a more than proportional loss of mitochondria without further capillary loss. The resulting excessive capillary supply of the muscle after prolonged bed rest is advantageous for the delivery of substrates needed for subsequent muscle recovery

    Endurance training-induced increase in muscle oxidative capacity without loss of muscle mass in younger and older resistance-trained men

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    While concurrent training is regularly used in older populations, the inverse relationship between fibre size and oxidative capacity suggests that endurance training in resistance-trained individuals may result in some loss of resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass, which may be more pronounced in older people. We investigated the impact of superimposed endurance training in younger (28.5 ± 4.8 years; n = 8) and older (67.5 ± 5.5 years; n = 7) highly resistance-trained men. Participants underwent a 10-week endurance cycling training programme consisting of five 6-min intervals at 75% max heart rate (HRmax) separated by 4-min intervals at 90% HRmax. The anatomical cross-sectional area (ACSA) of the thigh muscles, as determined with MRI, was 24% smaller in older compared to younger participants (p < 0.001). Although maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) was also lower in the older group (p < 0.001), VO2max per kg body mass did not differ significantly between younger and older participants. Histological analyses of biopsies of the m. vastus lateralis showed that endurance training induced an increase in succinate dehydrogenase activity in both younger and older participants (p ≀ 0.043), and an increase in the number of capillaries around type I fibres (p = 0.017). The superimposed endurance training did not induce a significant decrease in thigh ACSA, fibre cross-sectional area, or knee extensor maximum voluntary isometric force. These observations indicate that adding endurance training to resistance training can lead to positive endurance-related adaptations without negative consequences for muscle size and strength in older and younger resistance-trained people

    The association between malnutrition and the incidence of malaria among young HIV-infected and -uninfected Ugandan children: a prospective study

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    BACKGROUND: In sub-Saharan Africa, malnutrition and malaria remain major causes of morbidity and mortality in young children. There are conflicting data as to whether malnutrition is associated with an increased or decreased risk of malaria. In addition, data are limited on the potential interaction between HIV infection and the association between malnutrition and the risk of malaria. METHODS: A cohort of 100 HIV-unexposed, 203 HIV-exposed (HIV negative children born to HIV-infected mothers) and 48 HIV-infected children aged 6 weeks to 1 year were recruited from an area of high malaria transmission intensity in rural Uganda and followed until the age of 2.5 years. All children were provided with insecticide-treated bed nets at enrolment and daily trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole prophylaxis (TS) was prescribed for HIV-exposed breastfeeding and HIV-infected children. Monthly routine assessments, including measurement of height and weight, were conducted at the study clinic. Nutritional outcomes including stunting (low height-for-age) and underweight (low weight-for-age), classified as mild (mean z-scores between -1 and -2 during follow-up) and moderate-severe (mean z-scores < -2 during follow-up) were considered. Malaria was diagnosed when a child presented with fever and a positive blood smear. The incidence of malaria was compared using negative binomial regression controlling for potential confounders with measures of association expressed as an incidence rate ratio (IRR). RESULTS: The overall incidence of malaria was 3.64 cases per person year. Mild stunting (IRR = 1.24, 95% CI 1.06-1.46, p = 0.008) and moderate-severe stunting (IRR = 1.24, 95% CI 1.03-1.48, p = 0.02) were associated with a similarly increased incidence of malaria compared to non-stunted children. Being mildly underweight (IRR = 1.09, 95% CI 0.95-1.25, p = 0.24) and moderate-severe underweight (IRR = 1.12, 95% CI 0.86-1.46, p = 0.39) were not associated with a significant difference in the incidence of malaria compared to children who were not underweight. There were no significant interactions between HIV-infected, HIV-exposed children taking TS and the associations between malnutrition and the incidence of malaria. CONCLUSIONS: Stunting, indicative of chronic malnutrition, was associated with an increased incidence of malaria among a cohort of HIV-infected and -uninfected young children living in an area of high malaria transmission intensity. However, caution should be made when making causal inferences given the observational study design and inability to disentangle the temporal relationship between malnutrition and the incidence of malaria. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00527800

    Exploring the relationship between chronic undernutrition and asymptomatic malaria in Ghanaian children

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A moderate association has been found between asymptomatic parasitaemia and undernutrition. However, additional investigation using the gold standard for asymptomatic parasitaemia confirmation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), is needed to validate this association. Anthropometric measurements and blood samples from children less than five years of age in a rural Ghanaian community were used to determine if an association exists between chronic undernutrition and PCR-confirmed cases of asymptomatic malaria.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a descriptive cross-sectional study of 214 children less than five years of age from a community near Kumasi, Ghana. Blood samples and anthropometric measurements from these children were collected during physical examinations conducted in January 2007 by partners of the Barekuma Collaborative Community Development Programme.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Findings from the logistic model predicting the odds of asymptomatic malaria indicate that children who experienced mild, moderate or severe stunting were not more likely to have asymptomatic malaria than children who were not stunted. Children experiencing anaemia had an increased likelihood (OR = 4.15; 95% CI: 1.92, 8.98) of asymptomatic malaria. Similarly, increased spleen size, which was measured by ultrasound, was also associated with asymptomatic malaria (OR = 2.17; 95% CI: 1.44, 3.28). Fast breathing, sex of the child, and age of the child were not significantly associated with the asymptomatic malaria.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>No significant association between chronic undernutrition and presence of asymptomatic malaria was found. Children who experience anaemia and children who have splenomegaly are more likely to present asymptomatic malaria. Programmes aimed at addressing malaria should continue to include nutritional components, especially components that address anaemia.</p

    The impact of bed rest on human skeletal muscle metabolism

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    Insulin sensitivity and metabolic flexibility decrease in response to bed rest, but the temporal and causal adaptations in human skeletal muscle metabolism are not fully defined. Here, we use an integrative approach to assess human skeletal muscle metabolism during bed rest and provide a multi-system analysis of how skeletal muscle and the circulatory system adapt to short- and long-term bed rest (German Clinical Trials: DRKS00015677). We uncover that intracellular glycogen accumulation after short-term bed rest accompanies a rapid reduction in systemic insulin sensitivity and less GLUT4 localization at the muscle cell membrane, preventing further intracellular glycogen deposition after long-term bed rest. We provide evidence of a temporal link between the accumulation of intracellular triglycerides, lipotoxic ceramides, and sphingomyelins and an altered skeletal muscle mitochondrial structure and function after long-term bed rest. An intracellular nutrient overload therefore represents a crucial determinant for rapid skeletal muscle insulin insensitivity and mitochondrial alterations after prolonged bed rest

    Management of severe paediatric malaria in resource-limited settings

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