36 research outputs found
Penyerapan Merkuri Dalam Limbah Simulasi Menggunakan Zeolit Klinoptilolit
Merkuri adalah sumber polutan yang dapat menurunkan kualitas lingkungan. Penelitian terhadapzeolit Klinoptilolit yang digunakan sebagai bahan penukar ion dan penyaring merkuri dalamlimbah simulasi telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pusat Laboratorium Terpadu BidangAnalisa Lingkungan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui kemampuan zeolit Klinoptilolit dalam menyerap merkuri. Zeolit Klinoptilolit ada yangdibiarkan natural dan ada yang terlebih dahulu diperlakukan menjadi Na-zeolit denganmenggunakan NaCl 1 N dan Ca-zeolit menggunakan CaCl2 0,02 M. Pengaruh ukuran partikelzeolit, perlakuan zeolit dan waktu kontak zeolit terhadap penyerapan diamati dengan menggunakan3 perbedaan ukuran partikel zeolit yaitu 500 μm - >355 μm, 355 μm - >212 μm dan ≤212 μm: 3perbedaan perlakuan zeolit yaitu natural zeolit, Na-zeolit dan Ca-zeolit dan 6 perbedaan waktukontak yaitu ½, 1, 2, 4, 6 dan 8 jam. Persen penyerapan merkuri dan nilai Kapasitas Tukar Kation(KTK) diukur dengan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA). Pengukuran SSA menunjukkanbahwa persen penyerapan merkuri terbaik didapat pada ukuran partikel ≤212 dengan zeolit yangdiperlakukan dengan NaCl dan waktu kontak 8 jam, yaitu sebesar 87,24 %. Nilai Kapasitas TukarKation (KTK) zeolit Klinoptilolit dipengaruhi oleh proses perlakuan dan ukuran partikel zeolityaitu berkisar antara 0,32 meq/g sampai 0,81 meq/g
Kenali Ebola
Tahun 2014 merupakan tahun epidemi terbesar virus Ebola sepanjang sejarah. Pada Februari 2014, ditemukan lebih dari 150 orang terserang virus Ebola di Guinea dan Liberia, Afrika Barat. Kemudian kasus Ebola ditemukan meluas di negara Afrika lain. Angka kematian karena Ebola telah mencapai 90% penderita. Virus Ebola pertama kali ditemukan pada tahun 1976 di Sudan. Virus ini termasuk dalam famili Filoviridae, genus Ebolavirus. Terdapat 5 spesies Ebolavirus, 4 diantaranya menyebabkan penyakit pada manusia yaitu: Zaire ebolavirus, Sudan ebolavirus, Taï Forest ebolavirus, Côte d'Ivoire ebolavirus dan Bundibugyo ebolavirus. Virus jenis kelima adalah virus Ebola yang menyerang primata yaitu Reston ebolavirus. Penyebaran dan penularan virus Ebola pada manusia masih belum diketahui tapi dicurigai merupakan penyakit yang ditularkan oleh hewan yaitu kelelawar. Penularan virus Ebola dari manusia ke manusia mudah terjadi. Menurut para ahli, virus Ebola dapat ditularkan melalui kontak dengan cairan tubuh penderita seperti darah, urin, cairan semen, air liur dan muntahan. Virus dapat masuk ke tubuh manusia melalui kulit atau mukosa yang tidak intak
Recognize and Prevent the Transmission of Virus Zika
Zika virus is currently a highlight topic in the field of global health. Zika virus outbreaks in some countries including in Singapore have been making people worried and causing health official in any country to prevent Zika from becoming entrenched and spreading in population in the world. In 2016, it was reported a few countries in the Americas declared endemic Zika virus such as El Salvador, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Honduras, Mexico and Panama. While countries in Asia, including Indonesia expressed as sporadic areas Zika virus.Zika virus is a virus that is transmitted through the bite of Aedes mosquito genus, the same as the genus of mosquitoes causing dengue fever and chikungunya. The virus can also be transmitted through sexual intercourse with an infected person Zika virus. About 20% of people infected with Zika virus has clinical symptoms such as fever, skin rashes, muscle and joint pains, eadache and conjunctivitis. Zika virus incubation period of about 2-7 days.Zika virus is a virus Flaviridae family that was first discovered the mosquito Aedes africanus in 1947 and allegedly did not attack humans. But later, it was found clinical symptoms in humans in 1953 which were caused by Zika virus in Nigeria. Antibodies in Uganda at that time showed approximately 6% of the population have antibodies to Zika virus. Examination of antibodies against the virus in humans were found positive in many countries today, such as in Egypt, South Africa, India, Malaysia and Indonesia. In Indonesia and another countries in Southeast Asia, the sporadic of Zika virus has been occurring for the last 6 years
Advantage of Antioxidants
In the modern era where almost everything is instantaneous, the incidence of metabolic diseases is increasing. National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES) in America, stated that the prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome had reached 22% of the world population by the year of 2000, and was predicted to increase.1 These metabolic changes has triggered various kinds of organs impairment due to the increase of free radical and oxidative stress. Hence, the consumption of antioxidant is vital to reduce the amount of free radicals in human body. Antioxidant is a substance that can react and stabilize free radicals by combining two free electrons, consequently free radicals could not interact with cells. Antioxidants are found in a lot of fruits and vegetables.2 Human body actually produces antioxidant compounds; for instance superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione reductase (GR). In metabolic disorders, the amount of these antioxidants are not able to compensate the amount of free radicals, therefore supplementary antioxidants from food are needed.3 Antioxidants from vegetables, such as carotenoids, vitamins, phenols, flavonoids, and glutathione, has been widely researched and proven able to prevent free radical oxidations. Vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and carotenoids (vitamin A) are known as potential antioxidants.4 In nature, vitamin A are found in three forms : retinol (vitamin A 1), 3-4 didehydroretinol (vitamin A 2), and 3-hydroxyretinol (vitamin A 3). Foods rich in vitamin A are liver, carrot, milk, egg yolk, and cheese. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid can be found in fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, and fish. Vitamin E or alpha-tocopherol can be found in nuts, wheats, corn, mango, and broccoli.5 Consumption of foods rich in antioxidants increase the capacity of antioxidants in human body. Recent research showed that antioxidant can inhibit tumor growth and inflammation, enhance immune system, manage energy, and delay aging proccess. Currently, aging is considered as a preventable disease because its proccess results from the buildup of free radicals which shortens the life of cells.6 Metabolic diseases affect human productivity and its therapy consume a lot of resoursces and time. It can be a socio-economical burden to, not only an individual, but also a country. Hence, the increase in incidence of metabolic diseases should be prevented by utilizing the presence of antioxidants in the food around us. REFFERENCES 1. Executive summary of the third report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). JAMA 2001;285:2486-2497 2. Birben E, Sahiner UM, Sackesen C, Erzurum S, Kalayci O. Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defense. WAO Journal 2012; 5:9–19. 3. Mandal S, Yadav S, Yadav S, Nema RK. Antioxidants: A Review. J Chem Pharm Res, 2009; 1(1):102-4. 4. Demmig-Adams B, Adams WW. “Antioxidants in photosynthesis and human nutrition. Sci J 2002; 298(5601): 2149–53. 5. Hamid AA, Aiyelaagbe OO, Usman LA, Ameen OM and Lawal A. Antioxidants: Its medicinal and pharmacological applications. Afr J Pure Appl Chem 2010; 4(8): 142-51. 6. Wahlqvist ML. Antioxidant relevance to human health. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr; 2013;22(2):171-6
Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-related Factor 2 (Nrf2) as a Therapeutical Target in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus: a Review
BACKGROUND: Increasing free radicals and oxidative stress due to chronic hyperglycemia in type-2 diabetes mellitus (DM) promotes the activity of endogenic antioxidative genes. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) expression and activity are important to regulate the production of endogenic antioxidative enzymes.CONTENT: Normally, Nrf2 is bound by protein Kelchlike ECH-associated protein-1 (Keap1) in the cytosol. Stimulation from oxidative stress causes the release of Nrf2 from Keap1. When activated, Nrf2 enters the nucleus and activates the antioxidant response element (ARE). This will further increase the production of antioxidative enzymes, such as catalase, nitrite oxydase and heme oxygenase-1. The discovery of oxidative stress, as the cause of complications in DM, gives rise to the idea of developing a treatment which can increase the expression and activity of Nrf2, one of which is a flavonoid antioxidant.SUMMARY: Currently, nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 is an important target in the therapy of DM
Pengaruh Penambahan Magnesium Stearat Dan Jenis Protein Pada Pembuatan Biodegradable Foam Dengan Metode Baking Process
Biodegradable foam with cassava starch, protein and chitosan as the basic ingredients can be produced by using baking process method. Variation on magnesium stearate amount and protein types gave different effect on the biodegradable foam quality. The amount of magnesium stearate was varied as 1; 1.6; 2.2; 2.8; 3.4 and 4 % w/w and the sources of protein used in this research were taken from soy bean, peanut and egg white. The foam produced in this research was then tested for its mechanical properties, water resistance and biodegradability. It was found that addition of magnesium stearate as much as 4% w/w reduced water adsorption and biodegradability of foam. Magnesium stearate affected the ability of absorption of water and foam degradation, but did not influence on tensile strength. Different types of protein also gave influence on water absorption, biodegradability and tensile strength. The best improvement of tensile strenght among the compounds tested was shown by soy bean based foam
Pengaruh Iklim Komunikasi terhadap Engagement Karyawan
. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa bagaimana iklim komunikasi mempengaruhi engagement karyawan.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh dimensi iklim komunikasi terhadap engagement karyawan.Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori iklim komunikasi dari Redding, 1972 (dalam Ruliana, 2016: 171), terdiri dari supportiveness, participative decision making, truth-confidence-credibility, openness and candor, dan high performance goals.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei eksplanatori pada populasi karyawan kantor pusat pada Juni 2018, dengan teknik total sampling. Dari jumlah populasi sebanyak 262 orang yang merespon sebanyak 226 responden. Untuk menguji validitas instrumen digunakan 30 responden dengan menggunakan rumus statistik Pearson Product Moment dan reliabilitas menggunakan koefisien Alpha Cronbach. Data sejumlah 226 dianalisis secara kuantitatif melalui uji regresi linear sederhana.Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi lapangan, penyebaran kuesioner, wawancara, dokumentasi, studi kepustakaan serta melalui internet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh iklim komunikasi terhadap engagement karyawan. Dengan demikian teori yang digunakan mendukung penelitian ini
COI1-dependent jasmonate signalling affects growth, metabolites production and cell wall protein composition in Arabidopsis
Background and Aims:
Cultured cell suspensions have been the preferred model to study the apoplast as well as to monitor metabolic and cell cycle-related changes. Previous work showed that methyl jasmonate (MeJA) inhibits leaf growth in a CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 (COI1)-dependent manner, with COI1 being the jasmonate (JA) receptor. Here, the effect of COI1 overexpression on the growth of stably transformed arabidopsis cell cultures is described.
Time-course experiments were carried out to analyse gene expression, and protein and metabolite levels.
Key Results:
Both MeJA treatment and the overexpression of COI1 modify growth, by altering cell proliferation and expansion. DNA content as well as transcript patterns of cell cycle and cell wall remodelling markers were altered. COI1 overexpression also increases the protein levels of OLIGOGALACTURONIDE OXIDASE 1, BETA-GLUCOSIDASE/ENDOGLUCANASES and POLYGALACTURONASE INHIBITING PROTEIN2, reinforcing the role of COI1 in mediating defence responses and highlighting a link between cell wall loosening and growth regulation. Moreover, changes in the levels of the primary metabolites alanine, serine and succinic acid of MeJA-treated Arabidopsis cell cultures were observed. In addition, COI1 overexpression positively affects the availability of metabolites such as β-alanine, threonic acid, putrescine, glucose and myo-inositol, thereby providing a connection between JA-inhibited growth and stress responses.
This study contributes to the understanding of the regulation of growth and the production of metabolic resources by JAs and COI1. This will have important implications in dissecting the complex relationships between hormonal and cell wall signalling in plants. The work also provides tools to uncover novel mechanisms co-ordinating cell division and post-mitotic cell expansion in the absence of organ developmental control