2,323 research outputs found

    The Li isotope response to mountain uplift

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    Silicate weathering is a key process by which CO2 is removed from the atmosphere. It has been proposed that mountain uplift caused an increase in silicate weathering, and led to the long-term Cenozoic cooling trend, although this hypothesis remains controversial. Lithium isotopes are tracers of silicate weathering processes, and may allow this hypothesis to be tested. Recent studies have demonstrated that the Li isotope ratio in seawater increased during the period of Himalayan uplift (starting ca. 45 Ma), but the relationship between uplift and the Li isotope ratio of river waters has not been tested. Here we examine Li isotope ratios in rivers draining catchments with variable uplift rates from South Island, New Zealand. A negative trend between δ7Li and uplift shows that areas of rapid uplift have low δ7Li, whereas flatter floodplain areas have high δ7Li. Combined with U activity ratios, the data suggest that primary silicates are transported to floodplains, where δ7Li and (234U/238U) are driven to high values due to preferential uptake of 6Li by secondary minerals and long fluid-mineral contact times that enrich waters in 234U. In contrast, in mountainous areas, fresh primary mineral surfaces are continuously provided, driving δ7Li and (234U/238U) low. This trend is opposite to that expected if the increase in Cenozoic δ7Li in the oceans is driven directly by mountain uplift. These data suggest that the increase in seawater δ7Li reflects the formation of floodplains and the increased formation of secondary minerals, rather than weathering of mountain belts

    Rare earth elements (REEs) in the tropical South Atlantic and quantitative deconvolution of their non-conservative behavior

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    This study presents new concentration measurements of dissolved REEs (dREEs) along a full-depth east-west section across the tropical South Atlantic (~12°S), and uses these data to investigate the oceanic cycling of the REEs. Enrichment of dREEs, associated with the redox cycling of Fe-Mn oxides, is observed in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) off the African shelf. For deeper-waters, a multi-parameter mixing model was developed to deconvolve the relative importance of physical transport (i.e. water mass mixing) from biogeochemical controls on the dREE distribution in the deep Atlantic. This approach enables chemical processes involved in REE cycling, not apparent from the measurements alone, to be distinguished and quantified. Results show that the measured dREE concentrations below ~1000 m are dominantly controlled (>75%) by preformed REE concentrations resulting from water mass mixing. This result indicates that the linear correlation between dREEs and dissolved Si observed in Atlantic deep waters results from the dominantly conservative behaviour of these tracers, rather than from similar chemical processes influencing both dREEs and Si. Minor addition of dREEs (~10% of dNd and ~5% of dYb) is observed in the deep (>~4000 m) Brazil Basin, resulting from either remineralization of particles in-situ or along the flow path. Greater addition of dREEs (up to 25% for dNd and 20% for dYb) is found at ~1500 m and below ~4000 m in the Angola Basin near the African continental margin. Cerium anomalies suggest that different sources are responsible for these dREE addition plumes. The 1500 m excess is most likely attributed to dREE release from Fe oxides, whereas the 4000 m excess may be due to remineralization of calcite. Higher particulate fluxes and a more sluggish ocean circulation in the Angola Basin may explain why the dREE excesses in this basin are significantly higher than that observed in the Brazil Basin. Hydrothermal venting over the mid-Atlantic ridge acts as a regional net sink for light REEs, but has little influence on the net budget of heavy REEs. The combination of dense REE measurements with water mass deconvolution is shown to provide quantitative assessment of the relative roles of physical and biogeochemical processes in the oceanic cycling of REEs.X.-Y. Zheng was supported by the Clarendon Scholarship, the Exeter College Mandarin Scholarship from University of Oxford, the Chinese Student Awards from the Great Britain–China Educational Trust (GBCET) and W Wing Yip and Brothers bursaries.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2016.01.01

    Barium isotopes in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent fluids: A source of isotopically heavy Ba to the ocean

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    Mid-ocean ridge (MOR) hydrothermal vent fluids are enriched with dissolved barium, but due to barite (BaSO4) precipitation during mixing between Ba-bearing vent fluids and SO4-bearing seawater, the magnitude of hydrothermal Ba input to the ocean remains uncertain. Deep-ocean Ba isotopes show evidence for non-conservative behavior, which might be explained by input of isotopically heavy hydrothermal Ba. In this study we present the first Ba isotope data in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent fluids and particles from systems on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Rainbow 36oN and TAG 26oN), the East Pacific Rise (EPR9-10oN and 13oN) and the Juan de Fuca Ridge (MEF and ASHES). The vent fluids display a wide range of dissolved Ba concentrations from 0.43 to 97.9 μmol/kg and δ138/134Ba values from -0.26 to +0.91 ‰, but are modified relative to initial composition due to precipitation of barite. Calculated endmember vent fluid δ138/134Ba values, prior to barite precipitation, are between -0.17 and +0.09 ‰, consistent with the values observed in oceanic basalts and pelagic sediments. Water-rock interaction inside the hydrothermal system appears to occur without isotope fractionation. During subsequent venting and mixing with seawater, barite precipitation preferentially removes isotopically light Ba from vent fluids with a fractionation factor of Δ138/134Bahyd-barite-fluid = -0.35 ± 0.10 ‰ (2SE, n=2). Based on knowledge of barite saturation and isotope fractionation during precipitation, the effective hydrothermal Ba component that mixes with seawater after all barite precipitation has taken place can be calculated: δ138/134Bahyd = +1.7 ± 0.7 ‰ (2SD). This value is isotopically heavier than deep ocean waters and may explain the observed non-conservative of Ba isotopes. These new constraints on hydrothermal Ba compositions enable the hydrothermal input of Ba to Atlantic deep waters to be assessed at ≈ 3 – 9 % of the observed Ba. Barium isotopes might be used as a tracer to reconstruct the history of hydrothermal Ba inputs and seawater SO4 concentrations in the past.US NSF grants: 0549547, 0751771, 0813861, 0961188 and 173667

    The Th1 cell regulatory circuitry is largely conserved between human and mouse

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    Gene expression programs controlled by lineage-determining transcription factors are often conserved between species. However, infectious diseases have exerted profound evolutionary pressure, and therefore the genes regulated by immune-specific transcription factors might be expected to exhibit greater divergence. T-bet (Tbx21) is the immune-specific, lineage-specifying transcription factor for T helper type I (Th1) immunity, which is fundamental for the immune response to intracellular pathogens but also underlies inflammatory diseases. We compared T-bet genomic targets between mouse and human CD4+ T cells and correlated T-bet binding patterns with species-specific gene expression. Remarkably, we found that the majority of T-bet target genes are conserved between mouse and human, either via preservation of binding sites or via alternative binding sites associated with transposon-linked insertion. Species-specific T-bet binding was associated with differences in transcription factor–binding motifs and species-specific expression of associated genes. These results provide a genome-wide cross-species comparison of Th1 gene regulation that will enable more accurate translation of genetic targets and therapeutics from pre-clinical models of inflammatory and infectious diseases and cancer into human clinical trials

    Genetic variants alter T-bet binding and gene expression in mucosal inflammatory disease

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    The polarization of CD4+ T cells into distinct T helper cell lineages is essential for protective immunity against infection, but aberrant T cell polarization can cause autoimmunity. The transcription factor T-bet (TBX21) specifies the Th1 lineage and represses alternative T cell fates. Genome-wide association studies have identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that may be causative for autoimmune diseases. The majority of these polymorphisms are located within non-coding distal regulatory elements. It is considered that these genetic variants contribute to disease by altering the binding of regulatory proteins and thus gene expression, but whether these variants alter the binding of lineage-specifying transcription factors has not been determined. Here, we show that SNPs associated with the mucosal inflammatory diseases Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis (UC) and celiac disease, but not rheumatoid arthritis or psoriasis, are enriched at T-bet binding sites. Furthermore, we identify disease-associated variants that alter T-bet binding in vitro and in vivo. ChIP-seq for T-bet in individuals heterozygous for the celiac disease-associated SNPs rs1465321 and rs2058622 and the IBD-associated SNPs rs1551398 and rs1551399, reveals decreased binding to the minor disease-associated alleles. Furthermore, we show that rs1465321 is an expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) for the neighboring gene IL18RAP, with decreased T-bet binding associated with decreased expression of this gene. These results suggest that genetic polymorphisms may predispose individuals to mucosal autoimmune disease through alterations in T-bet binding. Other disease-associated variants may similarly act by modulating the binding of lineage-specifying transcription factors in a tissue-selective and disease-specific manner

    Quantum correlations and synchronization measures

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    The phenomenon of spontaneous synchronization is universal and only recently advances have been made in the quantum domain. Being synchronization a kind of temporal correlation among systems, it is interesting to understand its connection with other measures of quantum correlations. We review here what is known in the field, putting emphasis on measures and indicators of synchronization which have been proposed in the literature, and comparing their validity for different dynamical systems, highlighting when they give similar insights and when they seem to fail.Comment: book chapter, 18 pages, 7 figures, Fanchini F., Soares Pinto D., Adesso G. (eds) Lectures on General Quantum Correlations and their Applications. Quantum Science and Technology. Springer (2017

    Controls on the cadmium isotope composition of modern marine sediments

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    Continental margin sediments have been identified as the dominant sink in the marine budget of cadmium (Cd). The isotopic composition of this important output flux is, however, unknown. Here we present, with measurements on the Argentine continental margin, the first observational constraints on the isotopic composition of Cd in modern marine oxic and sub-oxic sediments. We identify two main removal mechanisms of Cd; in organic material, and by sulfide formation. Surface margin sediments (0–0.5 cm), with dissolved O2 below detection from ∼0.5 cm, are isotopically lighter than overlying oxygenated waters. A mass balance for these surface sediments indicates that Cd is present dominantly as organically-bound particulate Cd. In sub-surface sediments, Cd concentrations increase in the zone of nitrate reduction, and attain similar isotopic compositions as the water that overlies the sediment (i.e. ∼0.35‰ in deep waters). These observations are consistent with a downward diffusive flux of seawater Cd and redox-driven quantitative removal of that Cd during sulfide precipitation. In combination, these two routes of Cd removal lead to burial of isotopically light organic Cd in margin sub-oxic sediments that enables the global isotopic Cd budget to be balanced

    Illness Schema Activation and the Effects of Illness Seasonality on Accessibility of Implicit Illness-Related Information

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    The Common-Sense Model (CSM) of illness self-regulation is a leading theoretical framework describing the process by which an individual recognizes that he or she is physically ill and subsequently attempts to manage that illness state. The CSM proposes that people possess schematically organized implicit cognitive representations of health threats comprising information about illness such as symptoms, causes, label, duration, consequences, and procedures for managing threat [1, 2, 3, 4]. The proposed function of these stored knowledge structures is to activate a self-regulation process that might protect or restore a state of well-being [5]. The CSM proposes that the schematic representation is centrally activated by detection of deviations from the normal functioning self (i.e., experienced symptoms). The identification of illness and the initiation of self-management attempts follow from the search for illness-relevant cognitive structures and the matching of the content of illness schema to the symptomatic experience. For example, a headache (a symptomatic deviation from normal somatic experience) might activate illness schemata containing the cognitive representation of “headache” such as “hangover,” “dehydration,” or “flu.” The matching of the symptom to a particular illness schema will follow from the search and match to other aspects of plausible illness representations, such as its probable cause or duration (timeline).Full Tex

    Radium-228-derived ocean mixing and trace element inputs in the South Atlantic

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    Trace elements (TEs) play important roles as micronutrients in modulating marine productivity in the global ocean. The South Atlantic around 40◦S is a prominent region of high productivity and a transition zone between the nitrate-depleted subtropical gyre and the iron-limited Southern Ocean. However, the sources and fluxes of trace elements to this region remain unclear. In this study, the distribution of the naturally occurring radioisotope 228Ra in the water column of the South Atlantic (Cape Basin and Argentine Basin) has been investigated along a 40◦S zonal transect to estimate ocean mixing and trace element supply to the surface ocean. Ra-228 profiles have been used to determine the horizontal and vertical mixing rates in the near-surface open ocean. In the Argentine Basin, horizontal mixingfromthecontinentalshelftotheopenoceanshowsan eddy diffusion of Kx =1.8±1.4 (106 cm2 s−1) and an integrated advection velocity w=0.6±0.3cms−1. In the Cape Basin, horizontal mixing is Kx =2.7±0.8 (107 cm2 s−1) andverticalmixing Kz=1.0–1.7cm2 s−1 intheupper600m layer. Three different approaches (228Ra diffusion, 228Ra advection, and 228Ra/TE ratio) have been applied to estimate the dissolved trace element fluxes from the shelf to the open ocean. These approaches bracket the possible range of off-shelf fluxes from the Argentine Basin margin to be 4–21 (×103)nmolCom−2 d−1, 8–19 (×104)nmolFem−2 d−1 and 2.7–6.3 (×104)nmolZnm−2 d−1. Off-shelf fluxes from the Cape Basin margin are 4.3–6.2 (×103)nmolCom−2 d−1, 1.2–3.1 (×104)nmolFem−2 d−1, and 0.9–1.2 (×104)nmolZnm−2 d−1. On average, at 40◦S in the Atlantic, vertical mixing supplies 0.1– 1.2nmolCom−2 d−1, 6–9nmolFem−2 d−1, and 5– 7nmolZnm−2 d−1 to the euphotic zone. Compared with atmospheric dust and continental shelf inputs, vertical mixing is a more important source for supplying dissolved trace elements to the surface 40◦S Atlantic transect. It is insufficient, however, to provide the trace elements removed by biological uptake, particularly for Fe. Other inputs (e.g. particulate or from winter deep mixing) are required to balance the trace element budgets in this region