267 research outputs found

    Comparisons of energy sources for autonomous in-car wireless tags for asset tracking and parking applications

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    AbstractThis study compares the energy available on the car dashboard for powering in-car wireless tags for asset tracking and parking applications. Three energy sources available on the dashboard of a vehicle were investigated, i.e. vibration energy, thermal energy and light energy. The area available for the energy harvester is the same as a credit card (85×54mm2). Simulations were carried out to estimate the potential electrical power that can be generated from the three energy sources. It was found that a vibration harvester can generate tens of μW under all weather conditions. The other two types of energy harvesters can generate tens of mW on a sunny day. However, the output power of a thermogenerator drops to 0 while the power density of a solar cell drops by up to 40% on an overcast or rainy day

    La construction des groupes professionnels : les restaurateurs d'oeuvres d'art en France et aux Etats-Unis

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    En comparant les chemins de professionnalisation empruntés à partir des années 60 par les restaurateurs d’œuvres d’art en France et aux États-Unis, cet article étudie les acteurs et les processus intervenant dans la construction des groupes professionnels. Les institutions, comme l’État et les associations professionnelles, contribuent certes à déterminer les contours possibles des dynamiques professionnelles – établissement d’un monopole sur le marché des musées pour les diplômés des nouvelles formations spécialisées en France, absence de règlementation et développement du salariat côté américain. Cependant, les luttes interprofessionnelles et les négociations intra-organisationnelles alimentent aussi ces dynamiques, en particulier celles qui touchent à la place des restaurateurs dans la division du travail par rapport aux conservateurs de musées.Comparing the paths of professionalization followed since the 1960s by restorers of art works in France and the United States, this article examines the players and processes involved in the construction of professional organizations. Institutions such as government and professional associations certainly contribute to shaping the contours of professional dynamics. In France, for example, there is a monopoly in the museum market for graduates from new, specialized training programmes, whereas in the United States, there is strictly no regulatory framework and the profession has seen the development of salaried employment. Inter-professional struggles and inter-organizational negotiations, however, fuel these dynamics, particularly the changing role of restorers in relation to museum curators in the division of labour

    Polymères et vieilles dentelles:La restauration et la conservation dans un musée de costumes

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    À partir du cas d'un musée de costumes parisien, cet article traite de la manière dont un musée fait face aux changements que connaît le domaine de la restauration des oeuvres d'art depuis les années 1970 en France. Ces changements sont culturels et technologiques, mais aussi internes au groupe des restaurateurs: un nouveau profil professionnel apparaît, rassemblant des personnes ayant suivi une formation universitaire et non une formation artisanale, t'élude du lien entre changement du contenu du travail et transformations de la division du travail au sein de l'institution, montre que les restauratrices issues des nouvelles formations qui entrent au musée prennent appui sur le changement de l'activité pour revaloriser leur position par rapport aux anciennes restauratrices et aux conservatrices.This paper accounts for the way a French costumes museum has faced change in the restoration of art works since the 1970’s. These changes concern the cultural and technological aspects of work as well as the composition of the group of restorers: a new occupational profile appears which gathers individuals that have had university rather than on-the-job training. By studying the link between change in the nature of work and change in the division of labor within the institution, the paper shows that, when recruited in a museum, the newly trained restorers take advantage of the changes in the nature of work to enhance their positions towards older restorers or curators

    Tsirelson's bound and Landauer's principle in a single-system game

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    We introduce a simple single-system game inspired by the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) game. For qubit systems subjected to unitary gates and projective measurements, we prove that any strategy in our game can be mapped to a strategy in the CHSH game, which implies that Tsirelson's bound also holds in our setting. More generally, we show that the optimal success probability depends on the reversible or irreversible character of the gates, the quantum or classical nature of the system and the system dimension. We analyse the bounds obtained in light of Landauer's principle, showing the entropic costs of the erasure associated with the game. This shows a connection between the reversibility in fundamental operations embodied by Landauer's principle and Tsirelson's bound, that arises from the restricted physics of a unitarily-evolving single-qubit system.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, typos correcte

    Differential Scanning Calorimetry contribution to a better understanding of the aging of gelled waxy crude oils

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    International audienceBelow Wax Appearance Temperature (WAT), waxy crystals appear within the crude oil and make it viscous with yield stress and shear thinning properties. Particular attention has been paid during the past works on different parameters such as temperature, pressure, shear history, etc. Another important parameter is the holding time of the sample once it has gelled and left at rest under isothermal conditions. Actually, the network of waxy crystals is known to change with time. This phenomenon has been particularly observed in the case of deposit that is expected to harden. The set of rheological tests and calorimetric analysis that were performed on a real waxy crude oil confirm that a gel formed with waxy crystals may evolve with time and that the extent of this phenomenon depends on the thermo-mechanical past of the sample. Actually, a strengthening of the gel during holding time is observed in the case of fast cooling because the sample gets supersaturated. Aging takes place through isothermal crystallization that lasts a few minutes. The results have also shown that slowly cooled samples do not lead to any aging

    Une ethnographie de la relation d'aide : de la ruse à la fiction, comment concilier protection et autonomie, rapport de recherche pour la MiRe (DREES):Rapport de recherche pour la MiRe (DREES)

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    Ce rapport propose une description et une analyse de l’activité d’aide à domicile. L’enquête a porté sur le réseau des proches, aidants et soignants, intervenant auprès de personnes atteintes de troubles psychiques et cognitifs. Les aides visent à assurer le bien‐être des personnes en apportant soins et assistance. Mais ce souci ne suffit pas à caractériser leur activité : à chaque instant, les aides doivent composer entre des aspirations contradictoires, comme la protection et l’autonomie, et assumer des prises de risque. Nous n’opposons pas leur activité réelle à des principes abstraits, nous faisons au contraire l’hypothèse que ce sont les pratiques des aides qui peu à peu, à partir des situations d’épreuve, donnent un sens concret à de telles notions. En trouvant des façons de les composer, elles montrent que leur mise en oeuvre est possible. Selon une méthode ethnographique, nous avons suivi treize cas, entre six et dix-huit mois, choisis dans trois services d’aide à domicile contrastés, en mettant l’accent sur les moments d’épreuve, qui montrent en permanence ces compromis obligés de l’action en situation : problèmes d’hygiène, de médicaments, de clés, risque de chute, décision de placement, relation à la famille, etc. Le principal rendu de notre recherche est la mise en récit de ces treize expériences collectives. Comment faire faire quelque chose à des personnes qui ne l’ont pas demandé ou n’en voient pas l’intérêt ? À condition d’en restituer aussi la valeur positive, deux notions ambiguës, la ruse et la fiction, aident à mieux comprendre l’expérience du domicile, et les compétences des personnels et des proches. L’aide est installation incertaine d’une relation, d’un espace commun. Instaurer cette fiction partagée fait en partie porter par l’aidant à la place de l’aidé son exigence d’autonomie : traiter en être autonome la personne fragilisée, c’est faire persister ce qui n’est plus tout à fait là. Curieuse autonomie, par procuration, qui doit être supposée et supportée par les autres pour exister. C’est tout l’enjeu éthique, politique et social de la relation d’aide : l’invention d’une autonomie élargie au collectif

    Differential Scanning Calorimetry contribution to a better understanding of the aging of gelled waxy crude oils

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    Below Wax Appearance Temperature (WAT), waxy crystals appear within the crude oil and make it viscous with yield stress and shear thinning properties. Particular attention has been paid during the past works on different parameters such as temperature, pressure, shear history, etc. Another important parameter is the holding time of the sample once it has gelled and left at rest under isothermal conditions. Actually, the network of waxy crystals is known to change with time. This phenomenon has been particularly observed in the case of deposit that is expected to harden. The set of rheological tests and calorimetric analysis that were performed on a real waxy crude oil confirm that a gel formed with waxy crystals may evolve with time and that the extent of this phenomenon depends on the thermo-mechanical past of the sample. Actually, a strengthening of the gel during holding time is observed in the case of fast cooling because the sample gets supersaturated. Aging takes place through isothermal crystallization that lasts a few minutes. The results have also shown that slowly cooled samples do not lead to any aging

    Evaluation of Winter protein pea cultivars in the conditions of Serbia

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    There is a widespread opinion that the development of winter cultivars of protein pea could significantly increase its cultivation area, especially in the temperate regions. A small-plot trial was carried out on a chernozem soil at the Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops at Rimski Šančevi, including six French and three Bulgarian winter protein pea cultivars. The cultivar 5105 had the earliest date of beginning of flowering (April 16) and the earliest date of harvest (June 11). The cultivars Dove and 5105 had the highest winter survival coefficients, with 0.93 each in the year of 2004/05 and 0.92 each in the year of 2005/06. In average, the highest grain yield was in the cultivars 5174 (6567 kg ha-1) and Dove (6453 kg ha-1) while the lowest grain yield was in the cultivar Frilene (1062 kg ha-1)

    Orobothriurus atiquipa, a new bothriurid species (Scorpiones) from Lomas in southern Perú

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    Orobothriurus atiquipa new species (Scorpiones, Bothriuridae) from Lomas formations in the coastal desert of southern Perú is described and illustrated. This species belongs to the alticola species-group, and within the group, it is closely related to O. alticola (Pocock), O. paessleri (Kraepelin) and O. curvidigitus (Kraepelin). The spine formula (4 + 3) on tarsi III–IV is probably an autapomorphy for the new species. Some features of the habitat (the Lomas formation are green isolates in the coastal desert), as well as a distribution map are provided.Fil: Ochoa, José Antonio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Cátedra de Diversidad Animal I; ArgentinaFil: Acosta, Luis Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal; Argentin