1,101 research outputs found

    Feasibility of surveying pesticide coverage with airborne fluorometer

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    Response of a Fraunhofer line discriminator (FLD) to varying distributions of granulated corncobs stained with varying concentrations of Rhodamine WT dye was tested on the ground and from an H-19 helicopter. The granules are used as a vehicle for airborne emplacement of poison to control fire ants in the eastern and southeastern United States. Test results showed that the granules are detectable by FLD but that the concentration must be too great to be practical with the present apparatus. Possible methods for enhancement of response may include: (1) increasing dye concentration; (2) incorporating with the poisoned granules a second material to carry the dye alone; (3) use of a more strongly fluorescent substance (at 5890 A); (4) modifying the time interval after dyeing, or modifying the method of dyeing; (5) modifying the FLD for greater efficiency, increased field of view or larger optics; or (6) experimenting with laser-stimulated fluorescence

    Test of airborne fluorometer over land surfaces and geologic materials

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    Response of an experimental Fraunhofer line discriminator to a wide range of surficial deposits common in deserts and semideserts was tested in the laboratory and from an H-19 helicopter. No signals attributable to fluorescence were recorded during 540 miles of aerial traverses over southeastern California and west-central Arizona. It was concluded that exposed surfaces of target materials throughout the traverses were either nonluminescent at 5890 A or not sufficiently so to be detectable. It cannot be ruled out that the lack of fluorescence is partly attributable to surficial coatings of nonluminescent weathered material. The principal route surveyed from the air was from Needles, California to Furnace Creek Ranch, Death Valley and return, via the Amargosa River valley, Silurian Lake (dry), Silver Lake (dry), and Soda Lake (dry). Principal targets traversed were unconsolidated clastic sediments ranging from silty clay to cobbles, and a wide range of evaporite deposits

    NcGRA2 as a molecular target to assess the parasiticidal activity of toltrazuril against Neospora caninum

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    The treatment of Neospora caninum infection in the bovine host is still at an experimental stage. In contrast to the in vivo situation, a wide range of compounds have been intensively investigated in cell-culture-based assays. Tools to demonstrate efficacy of treatment have remained conventional including morphological and cell biological criteria. In this work, we present a molecular assay that allows the distinction between live and dead parasites. Live parasites can be detected by measuring the mRNA level of specific genes, making use of the specific mRNA available in live cells. The NcGra2 gene of N. caninum, which is known to be expressed in both tachyzoites and bradyzoites, was used to establish a quantitative real-time RT-PCR, for monitoring parasite viability. Validation of the system in vitro was achieved using Neospora-infected cells that had been treated for 2-20 days with 30μg/ml toltrazuril. NcGRA2-RT-real time PCR demonstrated that a 10-day toltrazuril-treatment exerted parasitostatic activity, as assessed by the presence of NcGRA2-transcripts, whereas after a 14-day treatment period no NcGRA2-transcripts were detected, showing that the parasites were no longer viable. Concurrently, extended culture for a period of 4 weeks in the absence of the drug following the 14-day toltrazuril treatment did not lead to further parasite proliferation, confirming the parasiticidal effect of the treatment. This assay has the potential to be widely used in the development of novel drugs against N. caninum, with a view to distinguishing between parasiticidal and parasitostatic efficacy of given compound

    Identification and characterization of two repetitive non-variable antigens from African trypanosomes which are recognized early during infection

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    The present paper describes two repetitive proteins representing common antigens of African trypanosomes which are non-variant and which are recognized early in infection by the host immune system. These antigens were identified by their ability to immunoreact with bovine serum taken during the early phase of a cyclic trypanosomal infection. Screening of a cDNA library from T. b. gambiense with such early infection serum identified a protein which contains a repetitive motif consisting of 68 amino acid repeat units (GM6). Immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy revealed that GM6 is located on fibres which connect the microtubules of the membrane skeleton with the flagellum. A second repetitive antigen detected by this serum is MARP1 (microtubule-associated repetitive protein 1), a protein previously characterized in this laboratory as a high-molecular weight component of the membrane skeleton, which consists of more than 50 tandemly repeated, near-identical 38 amino acid repeat units. Beta-galactosidase fusion products of both proteins demonstrated a strong immunoreactivity with sera from T. b. brucei and T. congolense-infected cattle. The result from this preliminary immunological evaluation indicates a high immunodiagnostic sensititivy (90%) of the two recombinant antigens which make them interesting candidates for immunodiagnosis of trypanosomiasis in cattl

    Toltrazuril treatment of congenitally acquired Neospora caninum infection in newborn mice

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    C57BL/6 mice were infected with Neospora caninum tachyzoites during pregnancy, yielding a transplacental infection of developing fetuses. Subsequently, congenitally infected newborn mice were treated either once or three times with toltrazuril (or placebo) at a concentration of 31.25mg compound per kg body weight. Both toltrazuril and placebo treatment had no negative effect on newborns, as noninfected treated pups developed normally without differences in mortality and morbidity to matching nontreated control animals. Already one application of toltrazuril was significantly (p < 0.01) able to delay the outbreak of neosporosis in newborn mice, when compared to placebo-treated infected controls. We found significantly higher proportion of surviving newborns in one-time-toltrazuril-treated and three-time-toltrazuril-treated groups (34% and 54%, respectively) when compared to one-time-placebo-treated and three-time-placebo-treated groups (14% and 30%, respectively). There was no significant difference (p = 0.2) in the proportion of surviving pups between one-time-toltrazuril and three-time-toltrazuril treatment. However, the number of diseased and Neospora-positive pups (46% and 47%, respectively) was markedly reduced after three-time-toltrazuril treatment compared to all other groups. Three-time-treatment also resulted in the highest antibody (IgG, IgG2a) response. Pharmacokinetic analyses using individual serum samples revealed that, although toltrazuril was absorbed and metabolized to toltrazuril sulfone by newborn mice, medicated animals exhibited an unexpected rapid turn-over (half-life time) of the compound. Toltrazuril and the metabolite were also found in brain tissues, indicating that passage of the blood-brain barrier occurred. In conclusion, we could show that three times treatment with toltrazuril had a high impact on the course of infection in congenitally N. caninum-infected newborn mic

    Identification and characterization of two repetitive non-variable antigens from African trypanosomes which are recognized early during infection

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    The present paper describes two repetitive proteins representing common antigens of African trypanosomes which are non-variant and which are recognized early in infection by the host immune system. These antigens were identified by their ability to immunoreact with bovine serum taken during the early phase of a cyclic trypanosomal infection. Screening of a cDNA library from T. b. gambiense with such early infection serum identified a protein which contains a repetitive motif consisting of 68 amino acid repeat units (GM6). Immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy revealed that GM6 is located on fibres which connect the microtubules of the membrane skeleton with the flagellum. A second repetitive antigen detected by this serum is MARP1 (microtubule-associated repetitive protein 1), a protein previously characterized in this laboratory as a high-molecular weight component of the membrane skeleton, which consists of more than 50 tandemly repeated, near-identical 38 amino acid repeat units. Beta-galactosidase fusion products of both proteins demonstrated a strong immunoreactivity with sera from T. b. brucei and T. congolense-infected cattle. The result from this preliminary immunological evaluation indicates a high immunodiagnostic sensititivy (90%) of the two recombinant antigens which make them interesting candidates for immunodiagnosis of trypanosomiasis in cattle

    Decomposition of Optically Active Diazo Compounds

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    In 1921, Levene and Mikeska, and in 1922, Noyes and Chiles prepared optically active esters in which the only possible asymmetric carbon was that doubly bound to diazo nitrogen. Due to this double bond being semipolar the nitrogen loses an electron to the carbon. The asymmetry of the carbon atom would result from the localization of this electron much the same as the localization of the ordinary bond is considered to cause asymmetry

    Cyclotron resonant scattering feature simulations. I. Thermally averaged cyclotron scattering cross sections, mean free photon-path tables, and electron momentum sampling

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    Electron cyclotron resonant scattering features (CRSFs) are observed as absorption-like lines in the spectra of X-ray pulsars. A significant fraction of the computing time for Monte Carlo simulations of these quantum mechanical features is spent on the calculation of the mean free path for each individual photon before scattering, since it involves a complex numerical integration over the scattering cross section and the (thermal) velocity distribution of the scattering electrons. We aim to numerically calculate interpolation tables which can be used in CRSF simulations to sample the mean free path of the scattering photon and the momentum of the scattering electron. The tables also contain all the information required for sampling the scattering electron's final spin. The tables were calculated using an adaptive Simpson integration scheme. The energy and angle grids were refined until a prescribed accuracy is reached. The tables are used by our simulation code to produce artificial CRSF spectra. The electron momenta sampled during these simulations were analyzed and justified using theoretically determined boundaries. We present a complete set of tables suited for mean free path calculations of Monte Carlo simulations of the cyclotron scattering process for conditions expected in typical X-ray pulsar accretion columns (0.01<B/B_{crit}<=0.12, where B_{crit}=4.413x10^{13} G and 3keV<=kT<15keV). The sampling of the tables is chosen such that the results have an estimated relative error of at most 1/15 for all points in the grid. The tables are available online at http://www.sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de/research/cyclo.Comment: A&A, in pres

    A first-principles study of oxygen vacancy pinning of domain walls in PbTiO3

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    We have investigated the interaction of oxygen vacancies and 180-degree domain walls in tetragonal PbTiO3 using density-functional theory. Our calculations indicate that the vacancies do have a lower formation energy in the domain wall than in the bulk, thereby confirming the tendency of these defects to migrate to, and pin, the domain walls. The pinning energies are reported for each of the three possible orientations of the original Ti-O-Ti bonds, and attempts to model the results with simple continuum models are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, with 3 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/lh_dw/index.htm