471 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Daya Hasil Galur Mutan Kacang Tanah melalui Pemupukan Kalsium di Lahan Kering Pulau Lombok

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    Masalah cekaman kekeringan merupakan faktor pembatas utama pada USAhatani kacang tanah di lahan kering. Upaya untuk mengatasi cekaman kekeringan pada USAhatani kacang tanah adalah penggunaan kultivar toleran kekeringan dan penerapan pemupukan kalsium. Penenlitian ini telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupuk kalsium terhadap daya hasil galur mutan kacang tanah di lahan kering. Percobaan diawali dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap di rumah kaca. Percobaan di lapangan dilakukan di lahan kering petani dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok. Perlakuan yang ingin diketahui adalah menguji sumber kalsium dan dosis kalsium di rumah kaca terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman. Perlakuan di lapangan yang ingin diuji adalah pengaruh penggunaaan Gypsum pada galur mutan kacang tanah (G300-II dan G 200-I), dan varietas Singa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian jenis kalsium Gypsum dengan dosis 300 kg per hektar mampu meningkatkan berat polong kering galur G200-I yaitu 1751,5 g/6 m2 atau 2,92 ton/Ha di lahan kering. Pemberian kalsium Gypsum mampu meningkatkan kadar Ca jaringan tanaman.Drought stress is one of problem to peanut cultivation in dry land. Effort to reduce drought stress is using drought tolerant peanut cultivar and application of calsium fertilizer (Gypsum). The experiment had been done to know effect of calsium fertilizer application (Gypsum) to yield potential of peanut mutan line in dry land. The experiment was initiated with using completely randomize design in glass house experiment. Experiment in dry land was done with used block randomize design. The treatments were done to know calsium source and dose of calsium to growth of peanut line in glass house. Treatments in dry land were to know the effect of Gypsum to growth of peanut mutan line (G300-II and G 200-I, and Singa cultivar). Result of experiment showed that using of Gypsum with 300 kg per hectar could increase dry pod weight until 1751.5 g/6 m2 or 2.92 ton/Ha. Application of calsium Gypsum fertilizer could increase tissue calsium content

    Efektifitas Filtrat Kultur yang Dihasilkan Oleh Berbagai Ras Sclerotium Rolfsii Terhadap Pertumbuhan in Vitro Kecambah Kacang Tanah: Effectiveness Of Culture Filtrate Produced By Sclerotium Rolfsii Races Against In Vitro Growth Of Peanut Seedling

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate of culture filtrate effectiveness produced by S. rolfsii races against in vitro growth of peanut seedling. The experiment was inisiated with  characterize and hyphal anastomosis group test of  S. rolfsii isolates. This experiment has been gotten 4 races (race 1, 8, 6, 9). Four races were proliferated for used as culture filtrate selective agents. This culture filtrate will be used as material to be added with MS medium to  peanut seedling growth test. Culture filtrate MS medium (MS+CF) consisted of MS based medium, B5 vitamin, sucrose (30 g/L), agar, and culture filtrate (different concentration 0, 25, 30, 35%). Seeds of peanut (cv. Local Bima, Kelinci, G-250, G-300) were cultivated in different concentration of culture filtrate of MS+CF medium. Results of study showed that culture filtrate from different races affected significantly againts seed germination ability and inhibited growing peanut seedling. Culture filtrate concentration 35% was more inhibited to peanut seedling growing compared with lower culture filtrate concentration or compared control (without culture filtrate)

    Cross reaction and forensic comparison of blood testing done by private and public sector laboratories

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    Evaluation of Somaclones Peanut Plants Regenerated From Repeat Cycles of in Vitro Selection Against Drought Stress

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the response of somaclonal peanut plants regenerated from repeated cycles of in vitro selection on medium containing 15% polyethylene glycol (PEG; w /v, corresponding to - 0.41 Mpa osmotic potential) against drought stress. The R2 generation of peanut plants were used in this experiment with cv "Kelinci" and "Singa" as control cultivars. Drought treatment was the plants irrigated with water to fi eld capacity (optimum condition) while other plants were grown under water deficit. Drought treatment was given at 16 to 85 days old peanut plants; after 85 days old, the plants were treated under optimum condition until plants were ready to harvest. Drought stress was measured using drought sensitivity index value (S) on scored parameters. Results of the experiment showed that peanut lines produced from repeated cycles of in vitro selection in medium containing 15% PEG were more tolerant to water deficit, had a better vegetative growth, a higher dry pod yield, and a lower dry pod yield reduction. This research demonstrated that repeated cycles of in vitro selection method was effective to produce drought tolerant peanut genotypes with a higher proline content than genotypes without in vitro selection

    Transposer de l'animal à l'humain : les modèles pharmacocinétiques physiologiques

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    On utilise souvent la dose administrée aux animaux, ou le niveau environnemental, d'exposition des populations humaines, pour décrire la relation entre dose et risque de survenue d'effets toxiques. Cette dosimétrie suppose que la dose interne, effective, est strictement proportionnelle à l'exposition externe ou à la quantité de produit administré

    The effect of Double Rows Cropping Pattern with Corn on the Quantitative Characters of Some Varieties of Soybean in the Dry Land, Central Lombok, Indonesia

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    A field experiment was conducted in May-August 2021 on land in Central Lombok Regency for research purposes. The study's objectives are 1) to increase the Cropping Index from 2 to 3; 2) to know that soybean and corn varieties are in the tip and suitable for superimposing on dry land; 3) to improve the efficiency of dry land use so that it can be used as a reference for farming technology in Central Lombok Regency.The results of the research showed that: 1) factors of a combination of planting distances in the double planting pattern with the interaction of various soybean varieties superimposed with corn are not significantly different; 2) fundamental differences in the various varieties with the most production yields of Kemuning varieties 1; 3) in the planting distance pattern of 50x20x15 cm with a soybean plant population of 266,608 trees, the production yield is 1.2 tons per hectare, and the corn plant population is 98,224 trees produced 7.3 tons per hectare

    The concept of traditionality for food products

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    Food companies often meet problems when they innovate on traditional products. The apprehension onconsumer‘s perception ofa food product‘s traditional character remains unclear despite the research conducted in marketing. The barriers to innovation for this type of product could be identified through the definition of traditionality perceived by the consumer. The purpose of this research is to define the concept of perceived traditionality one hand and, secondly, to distinguish the traditionality from other concepts such as typicality, authenticity or local produce. From a literature review conducted by systematic research on different databases, we propose a concept of traditionality. This concept of traditionality combines the ritual and the object The concept of traditionality for food products (PDF Download Available). Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/291808708_The_concept_of_tradit... [accessed Mar 12 2018]

    Penampilan Vegetatif Tiga Genotipe Kedelai Berbiji Besar Pada Kondisi Stres Genangan

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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the vegetative appearance of three genotypes of large-seeded soybean under puddle stress. The Experimental method was used and the plastic buckets as the experimental units were arranged using a Split Plot Design. The main plot was the stress factor (S) consisting of normal conditions (S0) and puddle stress (S1), and the subplot was the genotype factor (G) consisting of G1 (KH1), G2 (Argomulyo), and G2 (Grobogan). Each genotype was repeated four times. The observed variables were plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, number of productive branches, specific leaf weight, root/shoot dry weight ratio. The results showed that there were significantly differences in the appearance of the vegetative characters of the three genotypes of large seeded soybean under puddle stress conditions, especially on plant height, leaf area, plant dry weight, and shoot dry weight. Under puddle stress conditions, KH1 showed the highest of the plant height, root dry weight, and shoot dry weight. Argomulyo showed the highest of the leaf area, while Grobogan did not show as a tolerant variety under puddle stress conditions.

    Yield and Tolerance of Several Shallot Varieties in Sunlight Deficit

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    Shallot cultivation is usually carried out on land with a lack of sunlight, so that the selection of shade-adaptive shallot genotypes is very important. This study aimed to know yield potential and tolerance level of  varieties of shallots in sunlight deficit. This study was arranged using a Completely Randomized-Split Plot Design with five replications. The genotypes used were Keta Monca, Lokananta, Bali Karet, Ampenan, Thailan Nganjuka and Super Philip. The sunlight deficit was carried out using a black paranet with 65% sunlight barrier. The experiment results showed that shallot varieties have different yields potential against sunlight deficit stress. Shallot crop under sunlight deficit stress caused a reduction in bulb wet weight, bulb dry weight, leaf wet weight, number of bulbs, root dry weight, and leaf dry weight. The Lokananta variety produced the heaviest wet weight of bulb per clump (33.7 g per clump) with a decrease in bulb wet weight only 4.8% under sunlight deficit conditions, and the sensitivity index value was moderate tolerant to sunlight deficitUsaha tani bawang merah biasa dilakukan pada lahan dengan kondisi kekurangan cahaya matahari, sehingga pemilihan genotipe bawang merah yang adaptif naungan menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya hasil dan toleransi beberapa genotipe bawang merah pada defisit cahaya matahari. Penelitian ini ditata dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap-PetakTerbagi dengan tiga ulangan. Petak utama adalah defisit cahaya matahari dan kontrol (tanpa defisit cahaya matahari). Anak petak yaitu genotipe bawang merah: Keta Monca, Lokananta, Bali Karet, Ampenan, Thailand Nganjuk dan Super Philip. Defisit cahaya matahari dilakukan dengan menggunakan paranet hitam dengan hambatan cahaya matahari 65%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  varietas bawang merah mempunyai daya hasil yang berbeda terhadap cekaman defisit cahaya matahari. Tanaman bawang merah yang mengalami cekaman defisit cahaya matahari menyebabkan pengurangan berat basah umbi, berat kering umbi, berat basah daun, jumlah umbi, berat kering akar, dan berat kering daun.  Varietas Lokananta menghasilkan berat basah umbi per rumpun yang terberat (33,7 g per rumpun) dengan penurunan berat basah umbi hanya 4,8 % pada pada kondisi defisit cahaya matahari, serta nilai indeks sensitifitasnya agak toleran  terhadap defisit cahaya matahari
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